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Posts posted by Dimcreaper

  1. Greeting fellow Tenno!

    I created a weapon concept some time ago via Photoshop painting, but lack the 3D modeling skills to make it truly come to life. After some time of continued support of the weapon concept I have decided to ask the community if there is any 3D artists willing to aid me in making this weapon come to life. With the success of TennoGen there is no short supply of extremely talented artists and I would love to get in contact with some of you and discuss the design. If your interested please contact me at ElijahnFenter@gmail.com or shoot me a message on my DeviantArt: http://dimcreaper.deviantart.com/ 

    Weapon concept image:

    Warframe Weapon Concept: The Sydao

     If you aren't interested in taking the project I would still love to hear your thoughts on the weapon, my aim is to get this thing in game. Thank you all for the support and thank you for reading.

  2. Is there, or will there be plans to expand syndicates to make them feel more like a working piece of the Warframe world? (Rather than an amorphous growth on its side that you poke now and again for cool weapons) I.E. syndicate based tile sets/missions that you can carry out missions both for and against other syndicate styled enemies. Like running an invasion mission in support of the Steel meridian where you run through a gineer galleon refurbished with all kinds of gathered junk and rebel banner while fending off the plant loving New loka soldier.

    In addition are there any plans to add Syndicate weapons? (Steal Meridian Jatt Kittag, Arbiters of Hexis Galentine or maybe a New Loka Destreza)

  3. Actually it would be really nice if this fired either a physical type or another combination element. The best part about combination elements is that they allow for sextuple element combinations, like explosive, radiation, viral, or magnetic, explosive, corrosive.


    Come to think of it, this weapon reminds me of the sybaris. If it had similar properties that would be great. (You know, as a melee weapon. F*** having a 10-shot magazine, 2-round burst, lever-action rifle. Sorry quietshy, but your taste in guns is appalling.)


    It was in fact themed after the Sybaris, the name itself comes from a hybrid between Sybaris and the Chinese long sword the Dao

  4. It should simply come with a different stance in another polarity, more suited to longer-range gunblading than High Noon's up close and personal style.

    I do like the design, though. Statwise... no damage falloff and faster attack speed, but less damaging per charge attack due to not having pellets. What element would the shot damage be, though? Slash? Puncture? I'd go for cold, if it were elemental. Cold base is so rare.

    I actually stated what the base damage type would be in the last peice of text on the page. I was thinking it would be a slash based crit weapon. Those stats suit its visual the best in my opinion but I'm sure there are better combinations you could do in the long run.

  5. I let DE do what DE wants to do.

    I have complete trust in them that they won't let other companies get in the way of the creative freedom of the game.


    As Steve said, Warframe is their baby. They won't let some stranger take away the baby and make it theirs.

    I'm worried that they might not have a choice to give Warframe up or not when it comes to that deciding moment if this goes the same way all games PWE has been involved in. There is a possibility PWE can influence r become "freinds with" DE and eventually make further agreements to get more common shares, eventually PWE could have the power to vote the DE head honchos out of power and essentially buy the game rights from them and they would have no choice but to give up their baby to a stranger.

  6. I only have one thing to say, and it may be a bit early to call this out but...What ever you do DE do not sell Warframe rites to PWE, or they will kill it once it stops making money for them.


    Harsh opinion I know but I haven't seen anything good come to games that PWE picked up.

  7. i agree on the decoration limit, especially for the temple of honor. but the colour palate is a little to much. i can imagine the sheer eye hurting schemes people would come up with.

    heh yeah that was one thing I was thinking about when I was working of the idea, the first thing that came to mind was some one useing the brightest colors they could to make a rainbow palace.

  8.      So I am the designated decorator in my clan, today I was messing about with placing some nice looking benches down in a few resting coves in the trophy room when I relised that the room had no more capacity, and I wasn't any where near done decorating. I looked through the rooms and decoration options and found that nothing there could raise the capacity of a room, then I stumbled onto the little Tenno crate prop that looks like a little pillar and thought to my self "This is perfect!". I was thinking that if instead of taking up 3 capacity slots that the crate could add 5 or 6 more capacity slots. I know its and odd idea but as of right now the capacity for all dojo rooms is very low and its rally quite hard to give each room its own character or feel upon entry. also having each crate pay for two more decorations it would cut down on the number required in a room if you really want it to look good.


    My second idea for Dojo decoration is some kind of color palate that you can use for each room or prop, even if it is as simple as the warframe and weapon color palates where you have your five colors Primary, secondary, Tint 1 and Tint 2 and then energy. This would allow for a dojo to have a very unique feel between clans.


    Thank you for your time and feel free to give me your feed back, if there is any questions or things that are unclear dont hesitate to ask me either. 

  9. I was messing about with the Vauban and found that his "grenades" he throws are really boring looking, now I know most of the time your not going to notice how they look because your to busy moving about and killing stuff, but I thought it would be interesting if they look abit better. I found something in the orokin maps that was a good example.

    it was a massive glowing sphere with 5 rings rotating around it it different directions. I would put up a picture of it but I can find out how. 
    (If some one could tell me that would be awesome XD)
    I was thinking the center glowing sphere could change with warframe energy color. just this one little change would be cool, not at all beneficiary but it would add just a little more fun detail.


    %7Boption%7D http://postimg.org/image/pp0izn889/ %7Boption%7D

    (Meh close enough no other way will work for me)

  10. Think you could draw this up?

    -Argolis: A warframe discovered in the oceanic depths during Grineer mining operations. The Argolis's appearance would be in similar style to the Grineer (Round and dirty metal with exposed mechanics) much like how the Valkyr is somewhat corpus themed and the Saryn is infested themed. It would be a male frame with good shields and moderate armor and health. it would be a mediocre frame much like the Excalibur. However the frame would have a low energy pool.

    Droplet: #1 ability costing 25 energy. Argolis throws a sphere or water at a single target dealing initial damage and knocking back nearby foes. It the target isn't killed it clings to him doing a slow damage over time.
    Flash flood: #2 ability costing 50 energy. Throws a cone of water along the ground knocking down and back the effected targets.
    Geyser: #3 ability costing 75 energy. Argolis summons up a column of water blasting any one in the affected area up, this included Tenno an their enemies. It also does high impact damage and  is effected by ability duration mods.
    Typhoon: #4 ability costing 100 energy. Argolis calls up a huge area of water over himself in a sphere (can be enlarged by power range mods) enemies in the affected area or that enter it are picked up and floated around in the sphere taking slow DOT. Typhoon will be able to be placed like snow globe staying there while the creator moves on. The sphere will be able to be fired through however may slow down both enemies and Tenno's projectiles. once placed (IF swimming is added) Players will be able to swim about in the Typhoon water sphere, allowing for utility and combat capability.

  11. -DISSCLAIMER- I decided to write up a small back story for my Excalibur character, just for fun really. I was playing about with personality and character for him and I got to thinking about what I am always doing, running survival missions and just in general ruining the Grineer’s day. I tried to put that into a character context and the only reason I could find to kill thousands upon thousands of Grineer was just for fun. What added to my final product was the Excalibur’s text entry in the codex. It made the Tenno sound as if they had some kind of defect that was caused from going to the void, perhaps a mental illness or something. Now what you are going to read is quite graphic and brutal but you must know a Tenno’s work isn’t clean.

    “I often wondered…what makes a Grineer tick. Such curiosities are sated simple enough, but I make it my job to drag on such ideas as long, and as painfully as possible.”

    The Excalibur warframe slowly pulled his Kama out of the armored neck of a Grineer lancer, as he did so he straightened looking about. His eyes fell upon a most pleasant sight, red rock canyon walls and flowing dirt and sand all rising around him in great beauty. Though every perfect thing has to have a blemish, set into the canyon walls where great metal structures and bulbous machines all manufactured by the now lifeless bodies lying around his feet. Their blood staining the sand and dripping from the walls of their own handy work.

    The Excalibur flicked the blood off his Kamas taking one last look at the scene, and if he was not hidden behind a helmet one might have seen a smile of pure pleasure and fulfillment. Turning around he faced the cliff face leaping at it and driving his Kamas into the rock. Slowly but steadily he climbed soon the clouds of dust blowing at the higher levels completely hid him from view.

    “Some might ask, why I am here? And tell themselves, he is a Tenno he is on a mission they always are. However that’s not the case.”

    “My name is Dantivano and this is my escape.”

    -Many years earlier-

    two pods approached the desert planet of Phobos, their occupants cold and dutiful but light hearted. The pods slowed entering the atmosphere. The persistent and heavy cover of smoke and blowing sand hid them from any unwanted attention. The two pods came to a stop hovering a few yards from the top of a large rock formation, their bellies opened up and a figure dropped from each one. Then the pods disappeared again into the dust.

    There stood a Rhino and Excalibur warframe each gathering their surroundings. Knowing what needed to be done they gave each other nods of understanding and headed off.

    “The mission was simple enough get in get the data units and get out. I had done such things a thousand time same as any Tenno. I requested my counterpart come with me to, if all else failed, make sure that the data gets the Lotus”

    Making their way through caves and over sand flats the duet finally fell upon what they had been looking for. Before them lay a vast Grineer water drilling complex, the columns of black smoke and hanging smog could be seen from miles away.

    On the way into the facility few patrols where spotted but the ones that were, were dispatched as fast and quietly as possible. Navigating through the hallways of the base felt like an eternity before the Tenno found their prize, the first data terminal. The Excalibur set to hacking the data base as the Rhino stood guard at the entrance, not a single Grineer was spotted. The data unit is extract finally and gathered up. As the Excalibur stands holding the data unit a bellowing alarm goes off both Rhino and Excalibur flinch internally. They still need to get one more data unit and there is going to be an army on top of them within seconds.

    Without a seconds delay the Tenno start toward the next target. Taking point the Rhino barrels through the door, driving a rib shattering shoulder into a Grineer lancer. Data unit in one hand Brakk pistol in the other the Excalibur stays behind his unstoppable friend picking off any easy targets. As the two run down the hall, both bullets and cries of dyeing Grineer pound down on the Tenno.

    Such chaos continues, the blood of the Grineer plastering the walls and boiling on the hot pipes that fill the halls. Soon the team finds the last data terminal, the Excalibur launching himself over the Rhinos head and fires a rain of pellets down on a Lancer that took refuge behind a supply crate. Recovering with expert speed he begins to hack the console. Around him bullets drive holes into the metal walls, behind him the Rhino warframe shines with hardened armor, his heavy rifle reporting loudly against the tacking fire of the Grineer Grakata.

    “I live for such moments, the drive of time, the looming possibility of death, the pounding of relentless waves of power and energy.”

    With both data units the Tenno pushed their way to extraction. As they run, Rhino in front Excalibur covering the flank, they drove further on, the Grineer onslaught never slacking, never relenting. Pushing the last yard with a charge the Rhino smashes through a line of Grineer and slides through the last door between them and extraction. At that very second the alarms sounded again and the door begins to close, a lock down. With no more energy left to dash through the doors the Excalibur heaves the data units through the door and comes to a halt just as they closed. The data units disappear behind the doors and so does the Rhino. Turning the Excalibur replaced his Brakk on his hip and reaches for death its self.

    The stream of fire burst from the Ignis’s barrel, the orange light dancing over the Excalibur’s face as he walks forward. The weapon in his hand flares and burns everything in its path, Grineer cooked alive in their armor. Their bodies thrash and screamed against the closed door
    uselessly trying to escape. Despite their screams their comrades remain indifferent, leaving them to die in the super-heated room. The Ignis sputters and dies, flaming drips of fuel fall from the end of its red hot barrel and spatter on the ground, the last of the Grineer sputters and lays still.

    Simply standing there, weapon at his side the Excalibur looks over the bodies. How powerless they are before the Tenno. Their bodies lay indistinguishable from the burnt ground they lay on.

    “I never left Phobos with my companion, I never wanted to. Why return to being Lotus’s puppet when I have a playground of beauty and death at my very finger tips.”

    “My name is Dontivano and this is my escape”

  12. The water tileset could be set on Europe, as it is an ice shell convering an ocean supposedly 90km deep. I like the idea :) but the necessary work on physics would be tremendous (for instance, how would it combine with powers?) if Tenno have water above their knees.

    For the Volcano, Io would be perfect, it's volcanic activity is so intense it can be seen from Earth. As I said on another topic (talking about the starmap there https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/140731-some-ideas-about-the-star-map-and-passagethis-mission-type-would-favor-stealth-and-blitzkrieg-tactics/#entry1671946 ), Io would not require much new assets: taking Phobos rocky things, replace Grineer stuff by Corpus Ones, putting a night sky with a giant Io volcano on the background and Jupiter in the distance. 


    And, even though I am not a realism fanatic (this is a game about space ninjas with near magic powers after all), I'd like the light of the Sun a little more scaled: from Ceres and Jupiter, the Sun makes no day; it's nighty. On Europe, the biggest thing visible should be Jupiter in a night sky. 

    From Sedna, Pluto and Eris, there is no day and the sun is barely visible amongst all the other stars. 

    I admit, I would very much like to see a group of Tenno walking on the barren surface of a forsaken asteroid to the entrance of a Grineer outpost, with nothing on their heads but the endless night of space.



    Floating mountains could be set on Venus: fortresses standing above the toxic clouds and poisonous atmosphere, giving the impression they are floatting on a sea of clouds. 

    Floating islands could be a group of space stations, like a Corpus Fortress or a space shipyard. To give a beautiful landscape, they could be on a Saturn Satellite, or just above Saturn, Uranus or Neptune's surface. 

    Those could only require a work on the landscape, maybe a little outdoor thing like on Jupiter.

    As for the City Blocks... As I would much like to see what the civilian populations look like in the Warframe universe, I don't think any tileset based on civilian populated area is a good idea... for now. Before even considering it, it would require much work on the lore of the universe: who are the civilian, how do they live, what is the impact of the war on them, and so on.

    It could be done in an event where, for instance, Corpus raids a Grineer City or vice versa, or the Infested come to join the dance, and the Tenno are to protect civilian population as much as they could. But frankly, the huge amount of work it would require is, imho, not worth what we would get out of it. In my opinion, at least. 

    For floating mountains/islands (If they where literal mountains and islands) I am curios as to WHY they are floating. However your could perhaps make them a group of asteroid stations in the rings of Saturn or another planet with rings.

  13. they are also talking about rain forests and jungle tilesets, with abandoned grineer outposts, with weather and posibly new wildlife, im looking forward to the jungle tileset above anything

    Oh? where is it you find the info on this stuff? I am getting very intrested

  14. Awsome ideas. They sound really like something that might be actually added. If they would make new physics and animations for water, I'd make the typhoon skill make a huge globe of water, they start swimming(and drowning=slow dot) in there and their weapons wouldn't be as effective(if working at all) and even the players start swimming there.. It might add some new moving capabilities, use it under the end of a roof and you could swim over the roof(would need a nice range mod tho). As everyone would be affected by it and made useless/nerfed, it could be put around the pod at defenses and then people could go outside the globe to shoot the enemies like fish in a barrel.

    Once I posted it I did think about the Player swiming about and thought it was an amazing idea thanks for the feed back as well

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