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Posts posted by (PSN)FunkyTown_76

  1. Well, I had the thought that maybe it wouldn't be OP or anything but a nice unique boost if Garuda's Talons could have an arcane equipped as opposed to something like a riven or an augment.

    If that were under consideration, whynot experiment and add a little flavor with it. We could have maybe either legacy, zaw or kitgun arcanes unlock as an option for garuda depending on her choice of color scheme or aura or something. Maybe even stance choice. Similar things exsist. But if not even just access to melee arcanes would give her claws the tiny boost they feel like they need.

    No idea if DE would be willing to do something like that though.

    May have to deny her access to the arcane that tosses your weapon though...lol

  2. I'd much rather have the option of another set of good fun claws. We have an exalted set, venkas, ripkas, and garuda's.

    They are by no means bad weapons either. Do venka out perform them, sure, so? They're more heavy attack/slam/status focused than venka are, look, sound, and are better than ripkas...

    Then there's an exalted pair, which like G Talons, has no access to rivens. which is fine.

    That makes 2 frame specific sets and 2 universal sets. Whynot tweak Ripka's and look at the augment as well

    Why have such an awesome weapon that's an equally awesome asthetic be a bugged mess, it's nothing more than a melee weapon, why must it have a special slot and a buggy reputation? Make it a real melee, give it a unique touch and bam! another awesome weapon for all to enjoy, on Garuda....lol.

    I mean, her prime is years off, there's a deluxe for her about to drop. Why not fix em now, if it's that simple? If not w/e... worth asking though right?

  3.   Just wanted to drop in and maybe toss a lil inspiration for a Graxx Garuda if and when she works her way into the graxx line. 

    A Graxx Garuda Manic could be kinda neat. She looks and feels like a manic during play most times, with her face pouncing followed up by the drum roll of death.

    I also figured you have a nice collection of graxx helmets you could use for a back piece. Just a thought I had recently and figured it might help inspire a graxx garuda down the line. 

     Love your work, graxx is p2w

  4. With Garuda's deluxe coming soon there's an oppurtunity to fix her talons. 

    Some of the well known major issues with her talons :

    • Disappearing during railjack missions
    • Mods becoming ignored when host migrated in some missions
    • Obstructing aim with some weapons
    • Nothing unique 

    Suggestions :

    Would it be possible to make them a full on melee weapon, occupying the actual melee weapon slot. 

    • Seems like this may solve any issues other melee weapons do not suffer from. Her Talon's could be made only available to her.

     Obstructing player view.

    • Possibly assign them to the auxilary attachement slot in appearance so players can choose wether or not to equip the asthetic.


    • Maybe give them the ability to equip an arcane, or even cycle the arcanes avaiable to her based on her aura or power color or something? I'm suggesting something like this because any form of an augment could very easily be deemed useless or not worth the slot, over time and any changes to the larger game. Havng arcanes to choose from feels like it would have a better lasting viability, and would give the Talons the slight buff they're in need of, and also the uniqueness they're lacking atm.


      I have no idea how possible or technically challenging any of this would be. From an outside perspective, hopefully this may be one of the easier ways to achieve the goal of fixing her talons.

  5. Completely baffled by this community most times. You're asking, again!, for a CC frame to be given damage.

    I think most the people complaining about CC frames needing damage in their kits should probably stick to damage dealing frames. instead of trying to force damage onto something that was never meant for damage to begin with...lol.

    As always it comes down to personal playstyles, etc. But insisting CC frames have damage for them to be worth anything is just F'n silly. Maybe learn how to use the CC frames? Or just stick to damage dealers... sheesh.

    Nyx was damn near destroyed by this very same mentality, thankfully they gave her spammable bolts back. Although in a much worse state than the orginal.

    If you're frustrated that you choose to play a CC frame and the abilities don't do damage, well maybe try something else. Cause obviously you don't enjoy the CC that many others do? 

    I'm happy as hell Nyx didn't get the wukong/vauban treatment. I don't care much for Wukong and Vauban was one of my favorites for a long time. Now he just feels like another " spam a ton of particles in your teams face because, fun for 'me!' " While noone else can really do much unless they have a frame with bigger and stronger AoE. It's maddening. 

    Warframe feels like it's moving further and further from anything co-op, and everything has to be capable of soloing everything in the game with little to no thought about anything other than how much time it'll take to grind out all these pointless multi-layered tier systems.

    • Like 2
  6. This change to glaive weapons, combined with other changes in the game over the past year or more have seem to all combined indirectly to send glaives into the realm of negative damage.

    I love glaives and always have. The best part about thrown weapons has always been the huge damage you can achieve with a perfect charge since dual wielding has been a thing. They now feel like throwing a dry towel at the enemy. Seems like an odd decision to reverse direction on a weapons' core feature.

    I'm not sure if this future "rage" mechanic will bring back some damage potential for glaives or not, but they feel really bad atm. Especially if you have spent time with them in the past.

     Beyond any changes to damage calculations the inability to use a heavy attack while dual wileding, or use a charged throw while in melee mode, both feel incredibly off/ unintuitive.

    Appreciate the effort in what you guys are trying to achieve, many of the melee changes feel amazing, but please don't destroy glaives.  :)

    • Like 2
  7. For those arguing against natural talent in the exilus slot. Thought you may find a few counters to your own arguments on this list.


    If you look at this list and read the descriptions of what these mods actually do, I think you'll find atleast 50% do actually enhance performance of abilities and mechanics. How can you use the argument of performance enhancing, or buffing or anything of the sort against this? These mods do "enhance performance" and they are QoL, which NT is both of these. Why would you honestly be against something like NT being available as an exilus mod? Has NT offended you in some way? Or is this disagreement for the sake of disagreement?

  8. There are tons of aweosme melee frames, it depends more on your own personal tastes and preferences. When you consider the frames abilities, mods, arcanes, weapons, companions, plus all the other craziness in this game. You're only limited by your own creativity and access to the gear.

    I'll just echo what Bird had to say about it. Experiment with many things, you'll surprise yourself.

    I also can't believe noone's mentioned Garuda either. She's highly mobile, insane sustain/ tankiness and extremely strong. Just another option to experiment with. 


  9. Just wanted to drop in and say awesome job on Wisp DE. She's gotta be the best frame on release I've witnessed. Great kit, fun and fluid to play. Glad to see the game going in this direction frame wise. Now let's get some content (as in challenge in the game play, not boring puzzles) that requires us to be good in our teams and punished for being selfish. Optional ofc........ 

    For those trying to get her buffed......please stop, you'll get her nerfed. She's either not a playstyle for you or you need to learn how she plays.

  10. I agree, Nat Talent should be capable of equipping in the exilus slot, or even change it to an arcane, or remove it and buff cast speed on the slow cast frames. There's too many frames that feel way too clunky without it. Or, not so clunky but too slow for the action when it gets heavy. Mag and Garuda both come to mind instantly in that regard. There's plenty others over the years I've felt the same about as well. 

    I'm not the type of player looking to slot damage in that space, I need more room for all these utility mods DE keeps releasing,lol. Set mods out the wazoo lately and there's really no room for the full set of anything because of how cluttered our mod space already. 

    It's not that it was a bad idea or anything based on what WF was when NT was released. WF is a much different beast these days, and all this excessive modding and need to invest so much time into building a basic level inventory is getting really long in the tooth. Seems like the older WF gets the less new players stick around. There needs to be some massive streamlining with the whole progression and modding system going forward. 

    I have a newphew I've been helping through the game recently. The grind he faces gathering and leveling just the mod aspect of his account is going to take a long long time. He's 12 years old. I really doubt he'll have the patience. How can you have bite sized content with this massive amalgamation of a game that requires so many hours for all these sub systems strung out across the game.

    Love the hell out of WF and DE, but things like modding and leveling mods needs huge attention soon. 

  11. I feel it's rewarding enough as is for general locker/container opening. It's a very easy way to boost your resources to very high levels in a very short amount of time. What I feel to be lacking is a meaningful reason to seek out the countless hidden areas in the game. More often than not when rare containers/sculptures do spawn in a tile set, they are not in those hidden areas. Seems like they use to be though.

    Back when I began WF, I played with a group of people that would all tag team the entire tileset looking for the rare spawns. We would all run scavenger on our pets + atleast a thief's witt. Back then the only other option was loot radar, which sometimes we would also equip. Being in a sqaud of even 2 people cooperating on this makes it extremely fast with a tiny bit of practice. Over time with the addition of more loot finding tools this has become less and less common. People now want to play and explore less and less. 

    It's worth resource farming these things for awhile but falls off after a certain point. Things that make it worth it : fully built forma, boosters, ship parts, sculptures, rare resources and tons of credits.  The spawn rates on these things drops off massively after a certain point. I haven't been able to figure out if it's MR based or if DE has actually reduced these spawn rates. Although I can say I do find more of these things when partied with low MR/ newer players.

    I feel like DE should draw some attention to these hidden areas a little more. Maybe updating drop tables and spawn rates is part of that. Something in general to inspire some cooperation across the player base to seek out these hidden areas would be positive.

    I use to search for any guides or videos on these hidden areas. They just don't exist. There's no list or achievements or anything tied to these areas so you can guage how many you've discovered. I've noticed they do tend to add more to some areas over time. All the newest tilesets also have hidden areas, although I've not found any in Orb Vallis that seem hidden. Would be nice to see a little more of these types of things with real incentive for searching them out.

  12. You make some interesting points about the whole neural interactions. Makes sense to me in that regard. 

    I would suggest just running a different build for Mag vs Infested. Her augment for her fourth is really nice against infested, then if you have room you can combine it with her pull or magnetize augment, or not. Either way fracturing crush will hold them in place sort of like you were suggesting with her polarize, and it also scales with duration. So you may be able to use the same build just swapping augments, or a different build. 

    Ever since her rework and additional energy, she's pretty amazing against all enemies in the game. glhf 

  13. Hildryn looks fun and has already been stated as being partially inspired by Iron Man.

    As for Zephyr not being able to fly........... I dunno wth you guys are doing to not fly with her. With only a streamline for efficiency, I can stay airborne........ flying, around the Profit Taker in any direction I like at the press of a button combined with aim gliding. Soloing the Orb with no help I can achieve all the flight I need for an entire shield stage only landing for archgun stuff. Maybe I'm swimming and don't realize it? idk

  14. I suppose it's more of a subjective play style mindset. But for the sake of discussion I'll mention the ones I generally make use of.

    Void Stalker and Void Hunter are both very useful with melee tactics and strategies.

    • Banshee makes exceptional use of both of these combined with her silence and the whole popping in and out of void mode. This can also be taken adavantage of with other frames in various ways.

    Void Chrysalis and Void Shadow are both very useful for stealth shenanigans and also support/protection focused play in a team. Void Regen and Void Aegis also applies well to many of the same situations.

    • Helping with revives, protecting teammates, pets, allies and yourself from large AoE attacks. Or any hairy situation in general.

    Void Static and Void Singularity both have many synergies across many frames, weapons and arcanes.

    • Great set up for many close ranged skills, ground finishers and AoE weapons.

    We have the option to make many roles more varied or even stronger in their main objective mixing these focus schools into our play styles.

    It's more or less a matter of how creative you'd like to get with this stuff. Yes, I'd agree that some of these things are not very useful in all situations. But that's ok, we have options if we'd like to pursue them. I think having options is much better than not. 

    Even though there are useful options for many underrated things, it isn't forced on anyone to max them out or make use of them if they chose not to, That's a sign of some very good game design when we have useful, meaningful options that aren't very obvious until they're explored.

  15. Many of these skills do have uses beyond what an operator can take advantage of. The blind from void radiance is very useful in dangerous situations and also synergizes quite well with many frames and weapons. It has enough of a duration that it can be taken advantage of in many ways. The energy cost of it is the only way to add any sort of balance to it. Our operators, as already mentioned in this thread, are extremely powerful combined with experience and other game play knowledge.

     Any arguements can be made about how some specific weapon, frame or w/e accomplish said effect better is fine. Although these sorts of things, such as void radiance, seem to be more about options and build diversity than it is about power and efficiency.

    This idea that everything has to be top tier damage with top tier efficiency only leads to very boring farming simulator game play.

  16. Yeah it would be nice for glaives to have the same amount of, and better, target tracking across all glaive weapons. 

    Good gunblade ideas also.

    It aslo seems like Empowered Blades should apply to these weapon classes as well.

  17. I'd suggest Zenith if you like more gun play options. Zenistar if you want an easy extra ally spreading a little damage and some extra CC in a small area defensively. Both good in their own right,  I prefer having a nice melee I enjoy using myself, I haven't hardly used zenistar beyond the first few weeks I owned it.  Zenistar is nice for long endurance stuff if you're squad is weak on CC or has issues with nullifiers. Outside that Zenith all the way.

  18. Also try using darker colors for Gara's energy color. This helps a ton on many frames and weapons. When I suggest darker I mean the darkest options you have of your desired color. Try some from different palettes as well.  I usually go test a variety of options in the simulacrum when encountering something like this. 

  19. This is a video game built on art, any visuals are rooted in art. In nature females are visually more curvy, sexy, and appealing than men. This is nothing new, sexist or even remotely controversial. Why be offended at a fictional character, with no feet, that sways as she floats through the air.  This is silly af.

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