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Posts posted by (PSN)chaoscontrol71

  1.  While playing Iota Temple to complete the Nightwave Elite Weekly task, I used the Tactical Menu to teleport to my Crewmate and repel the boarders, fix the ship, etc. only to find that my screen went completely black and didn't return to the mission. I could hear all of the actions I was trying to do but after abandoning mission since my pause menus still worked, the loading screen displayed the warp overlay from Omni-teleport.


  2. https://twitter.com/chaoscontrol71/status/1180644845616074756?s=09

    After trading in my dojo, I returned to my Orbiter and found that my Warframe was standing on the right of the targeting reticle instead of the left. After playing 1600+ hours on my account, it presented a bit of a challenge running through a Tridolon Bounty on Cetus, however, my time in previous games gave me the adaptability to make in through without an issue. While I am, without a doubt, able to adapt and overcome, I would rather like to return to my intended orientation sooner rather than later.

  3. Wukong's Iron Vault augment + Arca Triton

    So I just built the new Hammer, Arca Triton, and discovered it likes Slam Attacks. Then, bc Immortal Monkey King is my frame of choice, I decided to explore the idea. Normally I'd couple Wukong with Sancti Magistar to make him even harder to kill, next to impossible in fact. But with Healing Return hitting the table, it still provides a more sustained heal, able to out-heal level 108 enemies in the Rathuum arena. 

    With all of this, any thoughts on Building a Vault-Slam based Wukong?

    Wukong: Steel Charge, Toxic Flight, Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, Narrow Minded, Vitality, Steel Fiber, Streamline, Iron Vault.

    Arca Triton: Primed Pressure Point, Primed Reach, Primed Heavy Trauma, Primed Fury, Berserker, Organ Shatter, True Steel, Voltaic Strike.

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