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Posts posted by AlchemistMute

  1. Of course you do, you made the thread....


    Customisation in warframe is fine. The current "issue" here is mandatory mods. Which are essentially serration, multishot, and punchthrough. However DE thinks it is best to nerf these mods, and are likely testing the waters by talking about reworking multishot. IMO the best solution is to move these mods to an area where they do not restrict choice but aren't removed altogether as well, as a lot of these mods are necessary for gameplay and progression.

    I agree that making the mods non-restrictive but keeping them is the best solution, but I don't agree that those mods should be necessary for progression. The modding system should be purely for making your gun the way you like it. If the mods needed for progression are reworked to be optional, then they stop being necessary for progression. Right now, though, modding lacks much choice, and it's used more as a way to make a gun more powerful.


    If enemies are toned down to the level of the mods I've suggested, then the overall power drop of the mods I'm suggesting will have no impact. But the whole topic of enemy scaling is not related to this thread.

  2. That makes no sense though. If they produce the same damage then they there is no reason to mod at all. This sort of change would not only kill the modding system in warframe, it would also likely kill the game itself.

    They don't produce the same damage -- they are both the same strength, but each one works differently. Try reading the list, I think some of the changes make mods a lot more customizable.


    If a Tenno wants their gun to have longer range, harder hitting power and more powerful critical hits, hit. would equip crit. chance, crit. damage, base damage and zoom. The trade-offs is that the gun will fire more slowly, and the gun won't crit on weak spots. This kind of build rewards accuracy and range, but isn't as effective close-up. If a Tenno wants the same gun to be better in close range, he would equip fire rate, multishot and status. The trade-offs would be low ammo efficiency and less damage per hit.


    These are just ideas. If the disadvantages make the mod too weak, please tell me.

  3. This thread will be addressing a very controversial topic as of late. As of Devstream 59, the multishot mechanic is being changed to consume as much ammunition as the gun fires. As a result, ammo efficiency will drop in exchange for greater burst damage. On any gun with adequate or horrible ammo efficiency, the gun will become very hard to use without ammo restores or ammo mutation mods, and many guns will drastically lose DPS and become unusable late-game. The topic of enemy scaling is for another thread. This thread is concerned about mods. Let's get to the meat of the matter:


    The modding system is clearly made to allow a player to tailor a game to their liking. A player should be able to put on whatever mods he wishes to have (even none), and that gun should be just as powerful as another gun of its kind with a different mod layout. Modding is for customization, but the way the modding system works now is as an upgrade system. As long as mods with clear upsides and no downsides exist, players are forced to put these mods on if they wish to play effectively, and there is little to no room for customization.


    So, I've gone through every single mod in the game that lacks a downside and gave one to all of them, assuming they're at max rank:



    Multishot: Every pull of the trigger will fire two shots at once, and use twice the ammo.


    Damage Type: All damage is converted to the mod's damage type. In the case of multiple damage type mods, the amount of conversion is split equally between each one.


    Expel Faction: Increases damage dealt to all units of a particular faction, and equally decreases damage to all other units.


    Damage & Status: Converts some damage to the mod's damage and prevents any other damage type from inflicting status. In the case of multiple damage-and-status mods, each mod's damage type can also inflict status.


    Zoom: Allows zoom to be adjusted with the scroll wheel beyond normal zoom.


    Base Damage: Increases base damage but equally decreases fire rate.


    Projectile Speed: Projectile speed is increased, but damage decreases.


    Status Duration: Increases status duration, but decreases the effect of the status.


    Ammo Mutation: Converts any unused ammo type to the mod's respective type, but slightly increases reload time.


    Critical Hit Chance: Increases critical hit chance on weak spots.


    Magazine Size: Magazine size and reload time increases.


    Reload Time: Reduces reload time, and momentarily increases recoil/spread right after reload.


    Beam Range: Increases the range of continuous fire weapons, but reduces width.


    Bullet Penetration: Shots now penetrate, but penetrating shots travel slower or deal less damage.


    Recoil: Reduces recoil and weapon switch speed.


    Noise: Reduces weapon volume, but reduces damage on non-weak spots..


    Status Chance: Increases status chance but reduces damage.


    Critical Hit Damage: Increases critical hit damage, but critical hits only land on weak spots.


    Max Ammo: Increases maximum ammo capacity but makes ammo drops weaker.


    Blast Radius: Increases radius of AoE weapons, but reduces status chance.


    Stunning Speed: Increases status chance and reduces reload time, but decreases accuracy.


    Ice Storm: Converts some damage to Cold damage and increases magazine size, but increases reload time.


    Lethal Torrent: Every pull of the trigger fires two shots at once, and uses twice the ammo. Fire rate increases.


    Blaze: Converts some damage to Fire damage and increases damage against burning targets.


    Charged Chamber: Increases damage of first shot after reload, but only on weak spots.


    Hammer Shot: Increases status chance and critical hit damage, but statuses and critical hits only land on weak spots.


    Thunderbolt: Arrows explode on hit, but arrow trajectory becomes steeper.



    Berserker: Temporarily increases attack speed on critical hits, but decreases critical hit chance.


    Killing Blow: Increases channeled damage but reduces channeling efficiency.


    Enduring Strike: Increases status chance but causes screen shake.

    Energy Channel: The first strike after using an ability deals more damage, but ability efficiency decreases.


    Finishing Touch: Finishers always kill, but take longer to execute.


    Focus Energy: Converts some damage to Electricity damage and increases channeling efficiency, but decreases attack speed.


    Fury: Increases attack speed and damage taken while using a melee attack.


    True Steel: Increases critical hit chance but reduces damage on non-critical hits.


    Organ Shatter: Critical hits deal more damage and have screen shake.


    Melee Prowess: Increases status chance but reduces damage.


    Parry: If a melee attack is blocked right as it hits, the attacker becomes a ragdoll.


    Power Throw: Thrown weapons now penetrate, but lose bounces per penetration.


    Pressure Point: Increases base damage but decreases attack speed.


    Reach: Melee attacks have increased range, but damage is reduced beyond default range.


    Reflex Coil: Increases channeling efficiency but decreases attack speed.


    Whirlwind: Increases projectile speed but decreases damage.



    Elemental Resistance: Adds resistance to the mod's damage type, but adds vulnerability to physical damage.


    Constitution: Increases knockdown recovery speed and power duration, but Frame is heavier after recovery.


    Continuity: Increases power duration but reduces power range.


    Equilibrium: Energy orbs are converted to health orbs, while health orbs are converted to energy orbs.


    Fast Deflection: Shields recharge even whilst taking damage, but max shield is decreased.


    Streamline: Increases power efficiency but reduces power duration.


    Flow: Increases max energy but decreases cast speed.


    Fortitude: Adds chance to resist knockdown. When knockdown is resisted, shields recharge much faster. Otherwise, less recharge rate.


    Intensify: Increases power strength but decreases power efficiency.


    Natural Talent: Increases cast speed when alternating abilities. Decreases cast speed when same ability is used repeatedly.


    Rapid Resilience: Status duration on self is reduced, but statuses have greater effect.


    Redirection: Max shield is increased, but recharge rate is decreased.


    Steel Fiber: Increases armor but decreases movement speed.


    Stretch: Increases power range but reduces power strength.


    Sure Footed: Adds chance to resist knockdown but reduces jump height.


    Vitality: Increases max health but reduces healing power.


    Warm Coat: Equips Frame with a soft, warm coat, but reduces movement speed and frame rate.


    Numbers were not listed for simplicity's sake, but base damage changes are generally low. Feel free to criticize and suggest changes to some of these mod effects, especially if you're an avid user of that particular mod. I don't use every type of weapon, so some of these downsides might be too extreme.


    Thanks for reading.

  4. My point is DE want us to use QoL mods, but the value on mod doesn't match: 30% is like saying "Nope. Nope. Nope". Even with +200% it is in no way comparable with those damage mod.

    That's why I want Scaling 2.0: rework all mod and enemy scaling system. In the current state, if removing damage mod, people will still make rainbow build (all element damage build), and they quickly become mandatory.

    Element mods are still damage mods. Elemental mods can be made to convert damage to their element rather than add elemental damage, and those will be optional instead of mandatory. When I said solid damage mods need to be removed, I basically meant that flat advantage mods need to be removed or given a disadvantage.

  5. I'd like to see Scaling 2.0, which DE completely overhaul all mods (not mod system) and enemy scaling. Either one happen first will break the game.


    And instead of nerf-ing Damage mod, why don't you buff those QoL mod like reload Magazine, Reload? 30% is just noncompetitive, while damage can go up to 165%.

    No matter how much bigger the magazine is, or how much faster a gun can reload, it will never be as good as the same gun with a solid 165% more damage mod. IMO, the only way to make a flat damage mod balanced is to have it come with a downside. A mod that adds damage on its own is mandatory, but a mod that adds damage and removes fire rate is an option because a player may not want to lose fire rate.


    Solid damage mods need to be removed or changed for modding to be customization as opposed to the upgrading that it is now, and there's no way around it.



    THAT would be power creep.

    Primed mods. They are exactly what you're describing.

  7. That is a common conclusion. The issue I see coming is that all those weapons that were polarized with multishot as part of the build are now geared toward having what may be a detrimental mod and now must be repolarized. The more weapons you have, the more that need to be redone.


    The people hurt most are the people like me, who would use forma to bring mediocre weapons up and may end up with a collection of things to fix rather than improved.


    But this is what happens when they tear up the foundation over and over instead of getting around to building the house.

    One way to fix this would be to invent the legendary core of Forma. All mod loadouts could be unequipped and all added polarities could be removed. For every Forma you lost, you get a Legendary Forma that can be used at any level and does not reset the weapon's level. Bam. Instead of polarizing and leveling your weapons all over again, you'll only spend maybe an hour instantly polarizing all of your weapons.


    Obviously, this Forma can't be traded or crafted.

  8. Releasing something that will pretty much break all guns before coming with a solution is kinda like starving everyone when you know you can make food, but you don't know what to make.  It doesn't work.  

    Also, the ammo part of this is pretty much covered by Ammo 2.0 that will possibly be coming out soon anyways.  The main issue here is reloading, as that will cost way too many lives.  So, that's why I recommended the utility mod spot for weapons, as we're all gonna need to put Fast hands on our guns to make them worthwhile, if this Multishot thing does happen.

    You also have the option to equip a non-multishot mod. Bam, guns have less DPS but are now easier to handle.

  9. Kubrows are closer to hunting dogs or police canines than mounts, so it wouldn't look very right to use them as mounts. Maybe MOAs or Chargers would be more suitable. In general, though, this game really isn't made for mounts. All maps have entrances too small for that, and Frames are already agile enough that they wouldn't need the extra mobility of a mount.


    It would be pretty cool, though.

  10. The attack rate number is relative to other weapons with the same animations. If a dagger has 0.833 attack rate, that means its animations aren't completed at standard speed for a dagger. The standard speed for daggers is much faster than hammers, though. Aside from that, I agree. Daggers should have two uses; quick-melee or stealth, but not jumping into a crowd and slashing enemies up. You'd equip them with long-range weapons so you can quickly murder the stray enemy you didn't snipe at distance.


    Let's do this Sobek style:


    32-shot clip with Ammo Stock.

    Damage greater than a Latron Prime shot. 1-2 shots per enemy.

    Fires fast enough to get kills but not so fast it runs out of ammo.

    Accuracy and range of the Hek.

    Looks cool.

    Named after the the god of agriculture and military prowess.


    Sobek is the most awesome shotgun. It needs to have a better augment, and should get plenty of love when they give shotguns love.

  12. This is a nifty chart I made for deciding whether something is P2W or free. In the case of Warframe, anything can be purchased, money can be spent to level it up quickly, and assuming the goal is to have powerful weapons, the game is very much a pay-to-win/rush game. If the goal is to complete every mission, scan every enemy, do a hundred waves of defense, etc., then the game is pay-for-convenience.



  13. As we all know, Psychic Bolts sucks. When using a Nyx, no one uses Psychic Bolts. It is costly and does nothing but 1200 damage divided into the amount of enemies it hits. So, here's my proposal to make Psychic Bolts a good ability.

    Psychic Bolts must be cast on a target. When cast on an enemy, the bolts will fly towards the enemy, knock them down, deal a little bit of damage, and bounce towards another target. When cast on or hitting an ally, the next attack from that ally will be more powerful. The bolts can bounce up to ten times at max rank, and their damage/damage boost increases as it levels up. Ultimately, Psychic Bolts would not be much of a damage ability. It would be a support ability, boosting the damage of whatever ally it hits, and a crowd control ability, knocking down any enemy it hits. These are the stats and how mods affect them:


    - Power Strength affects the damage, (about 50 at max rank), the damage bonus, and the speed of the projectiles. Unranked, the projectiles move as fast as Bolto bolts, and at max rank, they move at the speed of Seer shots. The bonus would be 200% of damage at max rank.

    - Range affects projectile size. About 3 meters would be the range at max rank.

    - Efficiency makes the ability cheaper. It will cost 35 energy to use.

    - Casting time would be about 2 seconds at max rank, and does not interrupt movement or weapon reloads.

    - Duration affects the amount of times the projectile can bounce. At max rank, it can bounce 10 times. Projectiles are permanent until they bounce enough times, so duration does not directly affect projectile time. It also affects the amount of time a rapid fire weapon has a damage boost.

    - Projectile count will always be five and cannot be modified.

    - Automatic, rapid fire weapons will have a lower damage boost of 150% but last for 2 seconds at max rank.


    In regards to Pacifying Bolts, that augment will be changed to Piercing Bolts. Bolts will only be able to bounce off of walls, instead punching through whatever living targets they hit without having the bounce number drop. Another augment suggestion would be Homing Bolts, causing the projectiles to bounce towards another target rather than in a random direction.


    TL;DR: The bolts bounce when hitting a surface, giving an ally a damage boost or knocking down an enemy, dealing a small amount of damage. The bolts will be made much faster so they can reliably hit targets or prevent an enemy from entering a corridor.


    Please leave feedback. I'm sure something is wrong with this change, so I need it to be pointed out so changes can be made. All of the numbers are just suggestions; they are not set in stone. Thank you for reading.

  14. Sometimes the easier and faster way isn't the best solution. In this case if the Marelok gets nerfed to Grinlok level, a lot of people will be &!$$ed and the Grinlok will still be crap and we'll just end up with 2 sub-par guns. Buff the Grinlok and both sides will be happy.

    The Marelok wouldn't be subpar if given an accuracy nerf. Sure, it wouldn't be good at long range, but it would still be complete destruction of anything within 10-20 meters. If used with the Grinlok to take out enemies far way, it would be a good set. It's like equipping a Lanka with the Despair, or a shotgun pistol. One for short-range, one for long-range.

  15. Why on earth does people ask for nerfs instead of buffs?

    So, to achieve balance we have two options:


    A) Buff every weapon to be in line with the overpowered weapon.

    2) Nerf a single weapon to put it line with the rest of the weapons.


    Which one seems faster and easier to you? The Marelok should definitely be more powerful than the Grinlok, but also hard to aim. Right now, it's more powerful and just as accurate as the Grinlok. If the Marelok is given spread or an accuracy nerf, it will be the close-range sidearm to the Grinlok like it should be.

  16. words words words

    The Tenno definitely contain Technocyte. Every Warframe has a part that is made with Plastids, and quite a lot. Whether the Plastids control a Frame or the Frame controls the Plastids is where no one is sure.


    In my eyes, they don't necessarily use the vibrations themselves to weaken/turn technology. Rather, the vibrations are data being received by the technology and act as a computer virus that changes how the technology acts. Assuming all Sol System tech has computers in it, this would explain why improving technology was dangerous. Meanwhile, weapons like the Paris or the Tipedo couldn't be turned because they were safe. I'm probably missing something, so please respond.

  17. They're called designated marksman rifles. They're not quite as accurate or as powerful as snipers, but they can be deployed at both short and long range and they can shoot at weak points relatively fast. DMRs are an in-between of automatic rifles and snipers, and they're one of the more versatile weapons in the game. Honestly, if I had to choose between a sniper and a DMR, I'm going with the DMR. They're capable of firing at every range that the game has to offer while still dealing plenty of damage.


    For snipers to become viable, headshot-focused mods, long-range enemies, bigger tilesets, and high-HP/single weak-point enemies need to be added. Imagine if the Hellions flew 700 meters above the ground. A sniper would be more useful than a DMR because it would be able to zoom in very well. Or, imagine if sniper enemies always stayed 300 meters away from Frames. Since nothing like that is currently in the game, snipers are unfortunately not as useful as DMRs.

  18. I dont really want another damage dealer female frame, we are lacking on frames focused on CC and support so maybe a good idea is to create a frame focused on CC and support (i.e energy, heal etc) in one package? it would be a interesting concept if done properly.

    What about Banshee? All of her skills are CC except Sonar, which is a buff.

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