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Posts posted by Celestics

  1. Welcome, and glad to have you around


    Really nice "thing" you have there on your arm, what did you do to make it work with Warframe?


    Reminds me of the time I tried to get my hacked x360 kinect to work with battlefield and other games using Faast. Worked well for a short time, but the software got updated and I can't seem to get it working any longer, it just works as my stream cam now. I will make it work one day...


    Anyways, hope to see ya in the field! Don't become too much of a speedrunner, people get &!$$ed at those things (including myself sometimes, but if you do it solo, I don't have a problem with it)

    Thank you :) The armband is called a Myo, and it can recognize hand gestures and arm orientation through the electrical signals in your muscles! I just mapped the data to mouse movements to control the camera and shooting, but it's still in an early state (you can probably tell by the video lol).


    Ah don't worry about the rushing ordeal, I only speedrun solo or with my friends. Otherwise, I'll usually be playing a utility Warframe in public games :D


    Yeah, Like I said, there are hundreds of other things to do past just speedrunning a segment. You could run from the start of the game to the end if you so desired.


    I'll go back and make sure that its listed better. Basically, when Accept is pressed, and the mission starts counting down, start the timer. Stop it when the screen fades to black at the final mission.



    But yeah, you can swap gear, or do what ever you want between missions. Loadouts would most likely be really helpful for speedrunning in general, shame I didn't know too much about them back when I first did that run a month ago.




    To be honest, I'd be running anything without coptering. Such a stupid mechanic. But I could see abusing Volt from the start to finish, then swapping to Rhino for the boss being something popular, but that can be cracked down, later on down the road, when there is more then just me running.




    I normally stop as soon as you see Mission Complete (you lose control of your Warframe there - isn't that how SRL usually times their runs?).

    But I like coptering... :P Maybe a no coptering% is in order (basically this means no melee D:).

  3. So... the goal is to start at the listed node for planet of my choice, and work my way to the (target)? Time starts when, in sync with the first node's mission countdown timer? Equipment can be freely swapped out during the run? Specters and restores can be used?

    I've always sync'd the LiveSplit timers to when you click "Accept" to begin the countdown, and given this is Solo-based, it's a pretty consistent starting point (so I agree with that). For multiplayer... something else may need to be devised.


    I've always told myself "don't allow build swaps" just because it makes tailoring builds to each map way too simple (and since succeeding at Warframe is really easy with the right equipment, a better challenge is in order :P). I would consider swapless a separate category.


    Same idea applies with items. The hardcore boss rush link posted earlier talks about "deathless", "swapless", and "itemless" as challenge categories, which I think are reasonable enough. The problem is just making sure that we don't create too many separate categories to run (e.g. I honestly think death should be grounds for an automatic run-killer). And for items... imho restores making rushing though levels too easy, which makes speedrunning under such a category based on map RNG and how well you can copter... what do you think?

  4. +1 For seeing that others speedrun Warframe! I do boss rushes mainly (not necessarily full planets, although I am looking into that in the future). Unfortunately there's a misconception between "speedrunners" and "rushers", so at first glance we're probably going to get negative looks... :P


    One of the problems is going to be dealing with the constant updates that DE will be pushing (i.e. changes in tile sets, bosses, enemy balancing, etc.), but I'm pretty sure we can find a way around this. Hopefully this can become more popular! As for rulesets, I'm https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/286566-challenge-hardcore-boss-rush/'>linking a post that has already tried to bring up this before, but is still relevant.


    Shameless self-advertising (I kinda made an introduction on the forums already and it links to my Twitch so probably better than full-on copying here).

  5. Make a rules post for speed running with the types that already exist current records Please ;) 


    so we cans compare times

    Records probably aren't needed at this point haha (not a lot of people speedrun the bosses, so yeah :P). As for a rules post... it's pretty free-form right now. The most relevant I could find was in this post a while back: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/286566-challenge-hardcore-boss-rush/


    Warframe doesn't have real bosses.

    (Salad V must be feeling a bit sad right now... :o) True, the bosses are quite easy with the right equipment, but slap item/speed restrictions and the energy/conclave rating problem becomes way more interesting :)

  6. Welcome


    How big is the speed running scene for warframe? 

    Not that big to be honest. In fact, I feel like I'm one of the only ones that regularly does this :| That being said, similar challenges were proposed before (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/286566-challenge-hardcore-boss-rush/)!


    speedrunners should be fed massive amounts of exlax and tied to the railroad tracks with a train coming....other than that, howdy.

    Ouch lol :P Yeah I can see where you're coming from, but imo most of them are really nice! That is, until you find out some of them take your favorite games and pretty much pummel them in the face while they're on the railroad tracks (not me though hopefully!) :o

  7. I haven't done this yet, better now than never! :)


    Hey all, I'm a veteran of Warframe (U7 I think?) and it's time for me to say hi here! I've posted a couple of times in the forums, but never really made an introduction yet. So... who am I?


    [1] I am a speedrunner of Warframe -- wait, huh?

    "LOL, how does one speedrun warframe?!" - A lot of common reactions I get haha.

    And the answer to this question is on my Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/celestics/profile'>channel, which I stream to occasionally.

    I speedrun bosses.

    ...I do it because it's fun.

    ...And because I like going >9000 fasts/hour.

    ...Aaaand because bananas. Well, not like I eat them or anything... :p (No really :o)


    [2] I also develop stuff! I am a CS student right now in college, and at the moment I'm trying to get the Myo working with Warframe as a side-project for fun! http://www.twitch.tv/celestics/c/5267660'>Check it out! Even if I derp more with it than anything xD


    [3] I love food. :X


    So come on by and give a hello when I'm streaming! I'll make sure to give you a warm and fuzzy welcome *_*


    Any questions? Ask away (especially fooood)! I'll try to answer when I can... >:]


    Relevant Forum Post

  8. Hey everyone,


        First off, I have to say, the addition of the gardens to the Dojo is great. I feel that adding these places really adds to the atmosphere of the Dojo and makes it more of a serene/relaxing place to hang out. Of course, this brings out even more possibilities... (bolded numbers are ones that I think are significant)


    1) Why are there no Gongs yet? If anything, you'd expect there to be a Gong as a decoration in this type of environment...

    2) Also, although I may have missed this, why can't we add trees yet either? :P

    3) I feel that these garden rooms should be larger. Having such a confined space for every garden room does not feel as relaxing as having a single, large, and overarching room that links to many smaller ones (maybe this room could have a wooden Dueling Arena as opposed to the Orokin-style ones that we have now, or even a larger shrine honoring Lotus). Rooms such as these need varying sizes, because having each room have a similar size introduces monotony and ruins the ever-changing theme of nature (at least, if this is what is to be expected).

    4) On the note of the alternative Dueling Room, could we have Dojo "Styles"? Right now we have Zen and Orokin. Could we see the addition of other styles for certain rooms (e.g. Underwater, Open Space, etc.)?

    5) Just as a room idea, I would like to see the addition of one of those garden rooms where you just run around in a maze created by cut bushes (could be another room that has a minigame, much like the Obstacle Course). This would be fun to have.

    6) Just thought of this as well... If such a set of Dojo Styles is created, can we have matching music to fit the rooms we are in? If this is a problem (at least for patches of rooms that switch between different styles), why not an audio system that can play different music from a given list as you choose?


    TL;DR: Can we see an addition of different styles for Dojo rooms? Can and should garden rooms have varying sizes?


    Post comments and feedback below. Thanks for reading!

  9. I actually agree with this. In fact, this could be something really interesting. We could have the rate at which these orbs drop based on level and stage difficulty, which would reward affinity on a difficulty curve. Of course, 1.25 multiplicative seems a bit too much (this should be balanced). White orbs really lose their significance at later levels and ranks, and I'd love to see this happen to change how they are perceived.


    The major issue is with what affinity really does besides ranks for warframes and weapons. I'd want to see something new being used with affinity such that this idea would be really beneficial. Other than that, really nice idea.

  10. I REALLY love this idea. Nothing much else to say. Of course, the problem is making all of the combinations and balancing them (along with the mods, there are a LOT of mod slots!). But this will definitely add a new dimension of customizability to weapon mod configurations.


    EDIT: I just thought of something... A new mod that slightly enhances the effectiveness of mods around it. It does nothing else. Using this mod wastes a mod slot, but gives a small buff to everything around it.


    Ok, I'm jumping on the bandwagon here... Some ideas...


    -- Charged Chamber + Bane of <Faction> -- More bonus damage dealt towards the faction specified on a first round in a clip.

    -- Thunderbolt + <Elemental Damage Mod> -- Explosions leave behind an elemental field, dealing damage over time and weakening enemy resistance to that element.

    -- <Zoom Mod> + <Fire Rate Mod> -- Largely increases fire rate while zooming.

    -- Melee Channel + Smite <Faction> -- Doubles the bonus of the damage gained from Melee Channel when attacking the given faction.

    -- Diamond Skin + Redirection -- Corpus Laser attacks have a small chance to reflect back to enemies.

    -- <Elemental Resistance> + Shock Absorbers -- Greatly reduces elemental damage on knockdown.

    -- Master Thief + Equilibrium -- Energy orbs (25) now have a chance to drop from lockers.

    -- Retribution + Heavy Impact -- Electrical shock range increased and has a chance to stun enemies around you briefly.

    -- Fast Deflection + Steel Fiber -- Shield damage is now reduced by a percentage amount.

    -- Warm Coat + <Mods Affecting Warframe Abilities> -- Your warframe now gains a larger bonus from the connected mods while affected by ice.

    -- Staggering Force + True Steel -- Stunned enemies hit with a melee weapon from you now automatically take critical hits.

    -- Staggering Force + <Elemental Damage Mod> -- Stunned enemies hit with a melee weapon from you now take bonus elemental damage.

    -- Sanctuary + Guardian -- Time needed to revive you is now shorter. When reviving, your shields regenerate at moderate speed.


    So many more to think about *___* This is a great idea. DE please consider this!

  11. First off, congrats DEMegan! Also, just as a question (because I might have to change my submission if it can't be of this type...). Reserving this spot for my submission later.


    Any format you wish!


    Just referring to this post if anything in my submission doesn't work (I want it to be a pre-login animation video - it is in a different direction, but I would like to know if this is possible). If it is not allowed, I'll change it up!

  12. If I am understanding the idea correctly, I think this would be nice on paper but not necessarily in application. I'll see if I can comment on each example below.


    Ex. 1) I don't think I understand what you mean by splitting. I will assume that you mean taking dual weapons and making two single weapons from the split. I personally would not mind this, but I think it would be unnecessary anyways because dual weapons should be preferred over the singular counterparts. As for some questions... How would you deal with ranks in dual weapons? Would they be split or reset to 0?


    Ex. 2) I disagree with being able to retain all "non-base" parts. If anything, I would keep the amount of resources recovered to a minimum, because this would just be a major problem for the active resource "economy" in Warframe (economy referring to the number of resources coming in and going out). If resources are fully recycled, they effectively become useless in the long term and the economy just fills up with them. There needs to be a way to remove them from the active pool of resources that are in circulation.


    Ex. 3) As much as I would LOVE this, I have to go against it. DE needs the money earned from Platinum to develop the game and keep in running, and giving players a way to renew Forma, Catalysts, and Reactors (especially with credits!) would be problematic for this method of income. Keep in mind that trading may be a possible feature in the future, so taking this and selling it in the trading zone would also harm DE's ability to rely on these items as being Platinum-accessible.


    Overall, I am ok for the first method (Splitting), but I would be wary of the second and third methods. It is important to note that DE needs to benefit from this as well :] Other than that, +1 for a thought out post.

  13. Vor does not really get stuck or leaves the level permanently. He actually teleports back a few tiles (at least while I was playing the map). Try moving back a few rooms. I don't know why this is the case, but it apparently just happens.

  14. First set of questions, will add more if needed :P

    I'd like to ask questions that try to deviate from the topics that are already being largely addressed.


    ---With the new tile set being released, I have noticed that, so far, non-Void maps consist mostly of rooms where you kill enemies to get to an objective. I feel this is restricting the potential of Warframe's map generation and gameplay mechanics. With this in mind...


    1) Can we expect rooms leading to an objective that do not solely focus on killing enemies? For instance, if we are on a Rescue mission, could we see a trap room right before the holding cells, or maybe rooms that limit skill usage? It would make sense that the Corpus and Grineer would create these rooms as an added layer of security.


    ---I love the ability to color and customize our weapons. However...


    1)  Are there any plans to add to weapon and warframe customization aside from color palettes and helmets? (Related Thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89678-weapon-customizability-suggestion-aesthetics/).


    ---I feel that the UI in Warframe is not really working out as well right now, especially with mod organization and layout.


    1) In terms of the mod menus, are there any plans to change this? Will we see stacking of mod cards or possibly a revamp of the system?


    2) Any other major changes for the UI?


    ---There seems to be a problem with rewards vs. difficulty scaling and how Nightmare mode works. More specifically...


    1) For Nightmare missions, I feel that the random mod at the end of the mission just isn't enough. Sure, I like the difficulty and unique situations we are put in, but such situations just don't feel right in the scope of the entire mission. They just feel like random restrictions that are tacked on to a mission I have already done a ton of times. Are there any potential changes with the Nightmare system, such as being notified of the Nightmare restrictions beforehand, or making a gauntlet of Nightmare missions consisting of stages?


    2) Can we have small team missions in defense levels or in general? I like the small objectives that each individual player has to finish when starting a stage (i.e. Looter, Hacker, etc.), but besides the main objectives in each map, teams don't really have anything else that bonds them together or unifies them to do something different.


    ---I like the idea of the secondary helmets taking away from a stat and buffing another. This brings up so many possibilities...


    1) Could we see this type of setup on mods? For instance, will we see a mod that buffs one elemental damage type but reduces reload speed, or one that greatly increases multishot rate but decreases damage?


    2) Could we see a mod/helmet/etc. customization item that randomizes a buff and nerf on every match? I think this would be fun to play with.




    1) When will the Founders program end? Just want to know this as a reminder :P


    2) Will we be possibly seeing any more friendly DE competitions in the future (i.e. the Defense or Dueling battles)? These are fun to watch (dat invincible Nyx).


    I will add more as I think of them. I am very impressed with Warframe so far; I would like to see what comes up in this Livestream!

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