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Posts posted by Cebian

  1. 6 minutes ago, Shockness said:

    Yes I do fully understand that my vision of this game isn't everyone's vision, but wouldn't the game be more fun and interactive if you'd have to think whilst fighting instead of think before the fight what mods would destroy the enemies you're facing? I think it would bore less people this way as every fight would be interesting and unique instead of your regular 'stun and dps everything'.

    That is the usual, however remember you can change it up to suit how you play, i personally prefer using a stealth approach because it makes me have to keep an eye on my surroundings as well as listen to get a bead on enemy placement, so you could still get your wish in a sense, just not as fully as you may like

  2. Bear in mind This isn't the same game like those, Just because you are not fond of  how DE employs their method of enemy scaling in terms of higher health and more damage absorption(sucky execution though it is)  does not mean it does not work. some folks enjoy having a level 60 butcher or heavy gunner not dying in 2 strokes the same way you would carve through a level 10 version of them. To get by, you mod proper and use your frame's abilities, which is where knowledge of enemy elemental weaknesses and resistances come, if they always stayed the same no matter the level, then you would have no need to use elemental setups on your weapons then

  3. Then that would take away the point of scaling if enemies do not get tougher. The "elite"  Prefix in their names signifies that they aren't the trash mods you meet on mercury and earth, hence the "increase" in damage and toughness, DE's view of endgame is sortie 3 levels and all weapons currently can kill enemies at that level provided you have a proper clue about modding, although some do the job quicker than others.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Shockness said:

    I didn't say they should have the same health and armor as they do now, they would obviously be balanced so you won't just one shot a level 100 too.

    Instead of the enemy level increasing the damage and their survivability, it should increase their perception(accuracy) and parcour(the way he uses the battlefield). So a level  1 grin eer lancer is unexperienced, and will miss almost every shot that he is trying to hit on you and will run straight in the open with no cover, but a level 80-100 lancer is skilled, and will hit almost all his shots on you and will use a lot of cover to try and not get hit. All lancers will herefor have the same health and damage, as their level will not affect those stats anymore.
    In your first suggestion. If your gonna have a discussion, at least remember what you wrote mate, makes it sound like your lying or not sure what your trying to say


  5. you know even low level enemies take cover right?
    With your suggestion, i can take a max rank serration only on my primary and kill a level 1 in one shot and also kill a level 100 which is not smart scaling there dude. What DE needs to do is fix the wonky armor scaling calculations they employ so instead of a level 50 suddenly doubling in armor at level 55 or 60, it would scale at a reasonable rate so that 4xCP teams won't be needed if you plan to stay in a mission long

  6. 4 hours ago, AetosPrime said:

    Eventhough I definetly agree with you, there is still a different matter you have to consider: You play Nightmare missions to get the nightmare mods and if you own all of them you'll most likely never touch the Nightmare missions again. Kuva Siphons however are meant to be played regularly as they are key to the riven system, which is for some players, who've done everything else already, some sort of endgame.

    True, but there are also people who also don't touch kuva missions, either because they see no point to it or already bought rivens for weapons they need and have no need to reroll.

  7. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)AJay-_22 said:

    I would like to report this site know as Warframe Market. It shows price that are way lower then the should be and even states that it's not supported by you guys at DE yet players on PC, Xbox one and PS4 seem to use it and then tie in these price in game and us that know the prices you guy have set for the items get either ripped off or get no sales at all cause of this site https://warframe.market/
    In all honesty it makes me and many others not even want to bother with trade chat. I think that you guys should put out a site that is supported by you and set prices cause if not this site will continue to ruin Trade Chat and I'll just use my platinum that I do get for In-game stuff and will not use it to buy Prime Warframes, weaponry or mods that others farm or earn from sorties (revins) or any other things that can be offered.

    Did i seriously just read this... dude..... this made no sense whatever, it is better you do some research before making biased complaints and then get upset when people point out the faults in your claims, you can either accept the fact that the market is where most players go to get items quickly instead of sitting looking at trade chat . or stop trying to sell your items are a price people are not going to buy it for.

  8. 9 hours ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

    We just don't see things the same way. For me there are two reasons I don't think stats should change. 

    1) Investment. It's not just about the plat that people have spent on rivens; there are plenty of players that spent their TIME on rivens. Getting the riven, earning the kuva, rolling the riven and then earning more kuva because RNG is a fickle mistress. It's not a true "balance" in my opinion, because it's just based of popularity. DE gave certain weapons a five disposition because no one used them and it worked. People started getting rivens and started using those guns. Then what, are you going to tell me it's a good idea to lower the disposition and make the weapon unpopular again? Sounds like a stupid plan to me.

    2) I personally like the idea of some things in a game like this to be exclusive. It's like limited collectors edition items in a way. For the players that bought or rolled a great lanka riven they get to keep that. The lanka will always be a good gun for them. If you didn't get a lanka riven, oh well. You'll have a chance at the next best riven when the dispositions change. Then trading would be so much fun. If I was lucky enough to get a god roll lanka but not a good roll "whatever gun" then I can trade. And yes, prices would be crazy, but so what. Just becasue you can't afford them or don't want to pay for them, that doesn't mean anything to the people who do. 

    I'd also like to add that Im relatively new to warframe. When the 50% off plat hit, I bought a ton of plat becasue its what I wanted to do. I never saw or heard any warning about riven stats changing. It's because prices were so high, it never even crossed my mind that rivens could change. I'm willing to bet almost 100% of new players buying rivens don't know either and I think that's a problem.

    You said it, You are new to Warframe, i suggest watching and understanding a bit more before you start theory crafting, DE wants their game fun, if you believe that spending time getting strong riven rolls and languishing in trade chat for hours on end is fun, then good for you, however a lot of casual players who aren't aiming to be Pros, try-hards or min-maxers would just want when they enter a Pub match, to just play the mission and not be bothered by aiming for most damage or most kills like some players do, Balance passes happen because DE doesn't want one guy  in a mission killing everything without making much effort while the rest of the team sits around twiddling their fingers. Its the reason Synoid simulor and telos boltace got hit with the nerf hammer, those who paid a ton of plat for rivens for simulor cried, but nothing could be done, same would apply here, if you have a so called "God Tier" riven for a weapon and DE notices that the weapon polularity has spiked because of the high numbers you can get, they will change it whenever the balance pass happens, and whether you like it or not, your riven is gonna get some of its stats cut. But suggesting   because your riven existed before the balance pass and shouldn't be touched, only those after is foolish. By your logic, only letting an item have its stats affect it after the change happens only if a new one is made would mean the those who had ember before her rework shouldn't have had theirs touched either, only players who craft a new ember, same with oberon before his rework, and puddle pirate also. 


    1 hour ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

    I hear a lot of talk about an eventual disposition change with weapons. Has there ever been one? What happens to riven stats, do they go down if a disposition goes down?

    If so I really don't think that's how it should be handled. I think the rivens that are already out there should remain unchanged and it should just be that stats change on any riven rolls from there on out. 

    People spend tons of plat on some of these rivens. It would be different if there was an OFFICIAL disclaimer that riven disposition was subject to change, but I've never seen such a post....

    How is this fixing the problem? if a balance pass on riven disposition happens and some weapons get a lower disposition than they they before. Your solution is only making things worse, people who have rivens for say Rubico, which is currently 4 dot, and it changes to a 2 dot weapon, with your suggestion, they are keeping their 4 dot stats while anyone else who gets a riven for Rubico after will end up with 2 dot stats.that will only make the untouched riven prices skyrocket and PLEASE tell me, where would the supposed "balance" the change was supposed to bring be then?

  10. While not plains related, there's an issue with Hydroid's undertow and allies. Deactivating undertow while an enemy is inside and allies are shooting into the puddle WILL kill you upon coming out. I've had it happen to me twice with a friend while we were messing around in a mission and it surprised me that damage to enemies done in puddle form counts as damage done to you because the arrow icon that shows up when you receive damage shows up while in puddle form, albeit grayed out. If possible resolve this while you can before more tenno come across the same problem, Thank you

  11. I'm all for new weapons and such, but in reality, making new and effective weapons while ignoring to buff older weapons to compensate for the power creep is not very smart in my opinion. And no, rivens aren't the answer to making  and poorly performing weapons great again

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