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Posts posted by Cebian

  1. 1 hour ago, Xyhon said:

    Dude, frames usually are allowed to keep the distance and move. Not lay in a puddle hoping they can escape before oneshot. Puddle camera is too low to be useful in many environments.  And yes, I meant chore. Simulacrum results are non relevant, because they do not show you actual positioning and movement of units that is happening on any tileset. So what you can now drown them, when you actually do need to be stationary and have some luck not engaging anything like nulls/ancients/eximus. This counters his whole "active frame" design, where you are obliged to lay down, grab foes, throw corrosive barrage, do it again and again.

    I understand what you mean there, personally i think simulacrum is only good for testing builds on strong enemies because the conditions you can get there like having 20 lv 145 heavy gunners or ancient healers in one spot aren't always available in actual missions, well. what could fix that puddle thing would be to let him move a tad faster than how he moves now and let him be like titania where even if the pet you have is disabled, you can still move over items to collect them. And i think your supposed to target the eximus ,bombard or nullie by popping out and shooting them then running back inside your puddle, but thats too risky because the time it takes for you to kill one, your basically dead three times over by the guys backing up the high priority target

  2. Just now, DeathQrizzly said:

    My boy Hydroid getting the attention he needs. :D

    He still has a ways to go before he's finished, that % max health damage increase might get nerfed after a while since limbo had it before in his rework for like a week and we all know DE won't let something that strong be with a frame for long 

  3. 2 minutes ago, GA-Bulletproof said:

    Yep, he is useless in endless Corpus missions. Nullifiers slap him upside the head like an angry parent saying "Get out of the damn puddle boy"

    Dude nullies slap all frames upside the head. my question is that have you tried him on grineer or infested and if you did, did he work as well as it looks on paper or is it really lacking?

  4. 16 hours ago, Xyhon said:

    That is all fine and dandy, until you get yourself few Ancients in your range. Also, killing anything still takes forever. Impact is resisted by all, really, makes working with that a choir.

    i think you mean chore lol. But impact has no modifiers against health types, except for a -25% on both flesh and cloned flesh, so its going to suffer against grineer and corpus which are the main faction most players go up against. But i believe thanks to the scaling damage from undertow that can be worked around, however i'm going to have to test him against ancient healers, disruptors   and some eximi units to see how well he fares against them

  5. 14 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:



    Look again at the damage change to Undertow. They changed its damage type to Impact. So, yes, they made it scaling in terms of its base numbers, while changing it away from being finisher damage, the kind of damage which innately bypasses armour scaling anyway.


    Unless they've made the scaling % damage have a huge ratio, this is actually a nerf to Hydroid's damage output, see?

    i thought it was only his ult that did finishing damage, well then that's not so good. But on the other hand, even though its now impact damage, it now scales based on max health of the enemies as well as the total amount of them in the pool, so its seems pretty effective still


  6. True, but give it time, so far they've been tweaking his rework for the better (slow though it is) but after a few more tweaks, lets hope the end result is something that would make Hydroid more than just that frame you carry for a polymer farm along with nekros because that seems to be all he's good for,

  7. JV bug fix.... lets hope the bug where you can't go out through the last room back to the beginning has been dealt with, its rather annoying after you open the side and unlock all the doors, you have to fly back out that way to get the spore to knock it in for someone inside to use to remove the infested mass.... and quick thinking works?? for real this time? maybe i might start favoring it over vitality now

  8. Please work on some of the bugs in JV. while running it earlier, the main door where you push the spore in to clear the infested mass so that you can enter into Jordas is bugged. So it prevents you from entering or exiting through it, leaving you to take the sidepath in order to go back outside to collect the spore, and at times when a vaporizer falls below full and moderate performance shows, refilling the vaporizer and having them all filled still shows that the performance is at moderate, DE why you hate JV so much?

  9. So far so good i must say, Though DE is known for letting a lot of bugs and glitches go under the radar for long periods of time, we know they work hard at getting the game more appealing to new players, sure the long time players don't exactly have MUCH to do in terms of end game content, but in time i hope we can get that as well.


  10. Another half baked incentive to go play conclave, is conclave really worth hyping over DE? when players are ready to play it they will, put some more effort in to making conclave a bit balanced with regards to the conclave weapons and warframe hitboxes and then we might be tempted to go play it


  11. I have only one question, when are we going to be able to get riven mods from another source other than sortie rewards, it seems rather hard that we have to hit sorties day after day when out of the MANY riven mods available, we only get one random one. T

    hese things are supposed to be common drops in sorties yet I get more uncommon rewards than them -.-

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