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Posts posted by soshootso

  1. 1 hour ago, korndolorous said:

    sicarus 150 - 350

    kohm 400 - 1300

    twin krohkur 200 - 450

    cernos 200 - 900

    sweeper 100 - 250

    fusilai 150 - 450

    stradavar 150 - 400

    dread 250 - 600

    duak heat 200 - 500

    aklex 80 - 150

    sybaris 300 - 500

    sonicor 200 - 400

    sicarus <-- Best would be MS, DMG and toxin / CC / CD with a negative ofc, however, sicarus rivens are pretty pricy. 500-1.5k (because of -faction and unwanted heat)

    kohm <-- with ~120% status a riven sells between 2k-4k, with DMG, MS and a utility, even without negative, it sells for at least 1k. I got multiple kohm rivens.

    twin krohkur <-- you listed the dual heat higher than twin krokhur, shows how flawed your judgement on this particular subject is.

    cernos  <-- I got offered 1k-1.5k.

    dual heat <-- wrong estimate, its a god riven, but the weapon is absolute trash. worth less for experienced buyers.

    aklex <-- aklex market is picky, i would personally sell it for ~500-700, but i realisticly understand why you listed it low.


    i understand this is based on your own experience, just saying i do disagree with some of your judgements.



    For everyone reading this; if you dont have any experience in trading rivens, or not enough, price check your riven at wftrader . com (its like warframe . market, but for rivens). Its not 100% reliable (just like asking for the opinion of experienced riven traders), but you can compare them with your own.

  2. because of your circumstances, here are two i recommend investing into:

    1. Braton Prime MR0 (full auto)

    2. Kohm MR2 /w Tainted Shell & Riven (full auto, if you want a assault rifle as class for sorties, skip this one. otherwise, tainted shell will convert this shotgun to a monster assault rifle. Needs a lot of forma. And ammo case / shotgun ammo mutation or both.)


    3. Soma Prime MR6 (full auto)

    4. Tenora MR10 (full auto, its about the same as soma prime, but needs more forma. Can be a lot better than soma prime with a good riven, due disposition is better than soma prime.)

    5. Sybaris Prime MR12 (3 burst rifle, put it lowest because you dont like burst / semi. though this one is really nice)





  3. Mine shoots like 12 arrows a time with 6 forma i think.

    Its very fun, but it lacks damage. The damage is divided by the amount of arrows, so you will need to land all arrows on the target to deal maximum damage, which isnt that great, even with this riven i got: 


    Would be nice if cernos prime got buffed in some way...

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dark5eiD said:

    thought u meant how many we have used since we started playing until now

    No, I dont expect people to keep count of their deleted forma'd gear. So just your current total.

  5. Just now, S0V3REiGN said:

    I have to check again but a year and a half ago and t was like 850. Must be over 1000 now. I for a everything...

    I knew there was this one guy with 5 formas for every weapon, every warframe in the game xD


    do you also have like a weapon / warframe with an unneccesary absurd amount of formas?

  6. 1 minute ago, Dhrekr said:

    The decision did not come from the playerbase nor from the forum posters. This decision lies squarely and completely with DE, and ultimately with DE Scott. There was no vote, "we" didn't decide a thing.


    However, to your question, no. You bought her knowing that she could be changed any day, and you get to keep her. DE warned you that this could happen and that they would not refund. End of story.

    yes. EULA, i get it.

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