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Posts posted by Qynchou

  1. Hype will be the end of you


    Expect the worst. Expect nothing you're hoping for, then be pleasantly surprised when it turns out alright


    I'm trying to help you here



    Not to sound like a debbie downer but they hyped up U17 the same way and it came out to be VERY mediocre.


    Imo were getting sorties, some new weapons, new frame, tileset and quest line. Thats it. Not THAT much.

  2. some stuff should never be allowed to hide... like HP/shield energy and weapon stuff. (we are considering the normal mission experience - not no UI screenshots)

    You can already hide health/weapon in the options. My suggestion would allow for better filming experience.

  3. Reconsider your views towards the community. Youre incredibly delusional if you actually think people who are trying to make a profit keep the market alive.


    You dont, at all, youre actually killing it by discouraging players from trading.


    The community keeps the market alive. People will always need something and others will always have something they dont and want to sell. One thing that the community doesnt actually need is you driving the prices up and scamming people out of their plat.

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