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Posts posted by ashyrae

  1. 15 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    I think that image is Photoshopped, to be honest.

    Don't think so. What's happened in the past is the name strings from previous relics are copied and pasted with new drop tables - since this is an accidental leak on DE's part like with Banshee Prime, it's not farfetched.

  2. It's Oberon Prime. If you fool around with the URL of the glyph images you can find out what he looks like, too. But yeah, leaks have already shown that it's Oberon Prime, with Sybaris Prime and Silva & Aegis Prime. Hell, the relics with Sybaris Prime parts were accidentally released on consoles briefly.

  3. This isn't a bug. If a Sentient or Shadow Stalker is afflicted by two status procs simultaneously before each HP gate for resistances, the moment the gate is reached, he will become resistant to both. It makes it a pain, but using weapons with multiple damage types is your best bet - e.g. a Tigris modded for Corrosive or Gas, then a Lex/Lex Prime with Radiation, and a melee with whatever else is remaining.

    Because weapon damage is influenced cumulatively, not additively, by IPS - throwing immunity to Puncture and Slash will decrease the amount of Impact damage done. It's always been this way.

  4. With the power of Nekros Prime, I hereby revive this thread!

    Using Loki, it is possible to get past the door (note where I am on the minimap):


    Facing the other side of the door:


    Did you know - there's a Somatic Link that's constantly got the explosion FX below the drop-off?


    Last but not least, if you were wondering where the Queens' pedestal-platform ascends and descends from... it just goes straight into the ceiling.



    These screenshots have been provided purely as a reminder to DE that there are still geometry bugs in TWW that need to be fixed. But getting to run on top / below the map is immensely fun!


  5. I finished Vauban Prime's grind during midterms this school year. Quit whining and wait for Nitain alerts, or try and get lucky with Lua Exterminate caches. Besides, be thankful the grind isn't 14k Oxium like it was at his release.

  6. 1 minute ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    One thing just to point out from tonight's PT...

    Top of Reddit right now + us hiding things in forums that are going to be seeds for disappointment and speculation:

    Umbra isn't ready to discuss, people did some illicit things and we're dealing with it. 

    Thank you for understanding!

    If someone has detailed information as to how these illicit things were accomplished, who should they contact?

  7. Obligatory "inb4 merge w/ megathread" comment.

    As far as we know, Umbra is not at all tied to the Sentients (outside of a coincidental in-game model for the Stalker). A better set of questions to ask would be "How can Hunhow and the Stalker coexist in that fashion? Does the Stalker use void energy for powers as the Tenno do, or is it something else? Is the Stalker a true Warframe if he does not use void energy?". Stalker had a loincloth prior to his meeting with Hunhow, by the way. The only things added to him during the Second Dream trailer were the Pakal Armor and War.

    If the Gauvan Umbra Sekhara is anything to go by, Excalibur Umbra is connected to a "shadowy order of Tenno", and the description "From the shadow of the long night emerges a new Excalibur." may also play a role. Or both of these descriptions are flashy placeholders, designed to trip up dataminers and translators of Chinaframe / Star Armor.

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