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Posts posted by Merlinhawk

  1. @ Merlinhawk - yes nobody is forcing any of us to play this game. So feel free to stop playing it. What did you expect her to say? She said what was on her mind just like most people do here on the forums. I actually appreciate her straight forwardness instead of trying to be politically correct. Like you said in your own post, you're not forced to play this game, you don't like any elements about it or what anybody is saying, don't play it.


    Theres a saying in Sales - "Customers who offer critique dont want to go.. but want to be heard, those who want go, just vanish".


    If a DE Representative effectively tell you to bugger off if you dont like their systems, instead of offering critique, wich might make the game better... its not very healthy for the game, and might point out that they rather get new players who spend a bit, than retaining customer satisfaction. Especially if satisfaction here would be easy to achive.


    What i do expect? Surely not a spitful retort. but a constructive solution, especially to the Pay plat EVERY FRIGGING TIME or 3h wait to use.. and the 75K cost to keep the Dog healthy.


    I dont see many Kubrows in my games anymore and the feel the while game system isnt worth it gets often mirrored here. So i expect that those in charge think about how they can make their pet doggies into something that has either the use for its cost.. or adjust the cost to usefulness.


    As it stands right now, maintainance cost, in Credits, plat and emotional response are just not worth it, compared to Sentinels.

  2. No one also forces us to use kubrows...  Really Rebekka i would not have thought to hear such a spiteful answer from you.


    But look at your statistics and wonder why about no one uses Kubrows anymore.. They cant get hurt in stasis.


    A friend of mine left the game cause her Kurbrow died in the month she could not log cause she moved in RL, and the provider took their time to restore her connection in the new flat. 


    And Ordis kicks it out of the Airlock formaed & whatnot instead of emergency-freezing it, before  death.


    I have 4 of each, one of each type.. so my collectors needs are satisfied. 


    I dont play Warframe every day. It is not WORTH to unstasis them, then wait 3 hours (or pay RL money, to haste recovery) then play with them (worse than a Senrinel) and put them in the Icebox again.


    They stay in the Iceboxes - dont degenerate (weird, my RL dog dosnt need Meds to not "dna degenerate/die"), cant get hurt, no emotional abuse by the game when they die...and.. are utterly USELESS to have been implemented at all.


    A sad day for a developer to tell him, that a system they made is useless in ist current form, hampered by greed.. But that is what Kubrow are, right now.

  3. A couple of 'coming soon' things here:


    - We're experimenting with giving Kubrows their own Sanctuary mod - if things go well it'll happen sooner rather than later.

    - Daily DNA Detox limits will be removed (no more 'you've reached your daily limit of DNA Detoxifiers'). This means you can catch up faster on healing them if you've missed a couple days or more instead of relogging in the next day just to heal, and so forth.


    Ongoing topics of discussion:

    - Stasis Sickness.


    A brief update from the desk of Kubrow.

    - Daily DNA Detox should be removed


    Fixed that for you.


    I find it cruel that the poor "thing" is so unstable genetically that it cant survive without it medication...

  4. How about fixing the PERVERSE Repgrind?



    I play "casual", that is 2-5 missions an evening, im not in haste, i play for fun... In rank 14 anyway, and Founder.

    I even did once 100 missions a weekend, for one or two of your specials, that was.. ok. I like the lore, so factions could provide.. sure, good idea.


    I have exactly 1 syndicate on rank1 - and seeing what Rep i need for a pack of 5 lously consumables: "Shieldsdrone Specters" led me to exactly one conclusion:



    "Screw this repgrind, its not worth it AT ALL".



    I surely wear that Suda logo, but i dont care about syndicates anymore. Not at all.  They seem colorless...weird, unfitting alliances for the sake of same-sidedness, 1 Allied, 1 Unfriendly, 1 Enemy.  But you cant tell me Loka (wannabe-druids) and Red Veil (Kill them all fanatic terrorists) are allies... anyway.


    Honestly.. there are many players more dedicated with more time than me, and thats ok. And i honestly can understand them, for "inventing/finding" the fitting "weapon" to combat this monster "Reprgrind". Players who feel forced to do, do...Thank for nerfing 2 Frames i liked to use. How about not killing the symptomes.. but the problem?

    Stop making Frames useless. make the unuseful ones viable.


    This grind is worth of an Asia Grinder,.. right Sumpo Food?



    An irritated player starting to loose faith in Warframe

  5. ...for Kubrows.


    In a defense with bodies piled up everywhere its really hard to see wich one is my just bleeding out dog.

    I instantly get the note of teammate fall, 3 rooms apart...with a fitting onscreen range indicator...but not my dog, beside me. I cant have an eye on its Healthcounter all the time. 


    Also it would be nice to see his position with a symbol on the minimap.


    Please add, thanks.




  6. Ordis: Talk frenquency is fine he needs more lines... but worse is the "Police Radio"..


    UI: Is ok. i just dont like the new Planet/Navigation map at all.

    a) No clear progresson though the system anymore, i really liked the connected nodes/molecule tree though a planetary system.

    b) misses the note how many teams are active in a given node, it really helped to see it it makes sense to que for a given mission.


    Silva/Aegis: Both: More important more damage-it just need to be competitive, wich it sadly isnt.. very sad, as the weapon is genuely cool.. (hope we get more Sword&Board weapons in the future)... but parrying with a shield should be a lot easier then with a blade.. so it should cost a lot less stamina, to parry.

  7. Wait how do you know this? As far as I know I was impossible to say until Saturday as it takes a week to degrade that far and kubrows haven't been a thing long enough yet to know.

    Someone dug up sound files, or program code entries of the Lotus: "Your Kubrow is malnourished" "Your Kubrow died of malnourishment".

  8. Now any time DE makes a decision I don't agree with I'm going to bring up PWE. Kappa.


    Is it really too much to put them in stasis? Keep it up and we might even get a whole rework. 


    It feels PWE`ish, yes. Is it? probably not. But those cute pets definitely are more drain to resources than anything else.


    Surely its ok to put them in.. but reviving needs 3 HOURS.. more than i play Warframe per day. and i surely wont rush reviving every say i want to play with that damn dog.. so. keeping it out means. 100K Creds for the fish...


    Sorry  but, they need to rework that.


    *pats his Sents* See, those are reliable... Wait till they put in Sentinel fuel.. and Sentinel change costs


  9. Amazingly angry right now (Mirage quest, another line crossed, another post to be made elsewhere), but fortunately it's helped thoughts crystallize into little slivers of hate-fueled philosophy. Let's talk ethics and animals, shall we?

    Did you know that animals can't give consent? Did you also know that breeding animals that you know will turn out with health problems and painful, debilitating, or lethal genetic defects is illegal in several countries, states, and provinces? Did you know that such actions are pretty much recognized as animal abuse the world over, and that the only people who don't think that way are people who run puppy mills and unregulated purebreeding outfits? Y'know, monsters.

    Guess what the game has turned us into?

    Now, I'm not here argue that the Tenno are supposed to be some pure, unsullied warrior monks. The entire premise of gameplay is that you kill people for money (and not much money, either...), use that (paltry amount of) money to make or buy things to kill more people, and become a blood-drenched avatar of murder and violence. I recognize that, I respect that, I am amused by that whenever Lotus talks to me about some 'balance' that I don't care about because I'm too busy painting my warframe just the loveliest shades of dark, greasy red. But that's all to do with people, or things that used to be people. It's to do with volition, and choice, and fate, and poor schlubs being in the wrong place at the wrong time, fighting the wrong gosh darned Tenno who is laughing though has no mouth. That is about me killing things that through their choices or instinct (yes, I'm including the feral Kubrows in this) are in my way and must be removed.

    But now I've done something that I don't think I can be okay with. I've brought a life into this world who, every single day, will get sicker and sicker until her death, unless I intervene. Who, through instinct, will kill with me, yet is smart enough to know that I am not to be trusted if I get them grievously wounded. I've commited animal abuse against something that, unless I was specifically targeting her, would never have entered her life and condemned her to an inevitable, and undoubtedly miserable, obviously painful death of neglect and cruel isolation, and a life of pain and fear. There is no volition! There were no choices! Her instincts have not put her before my blade! I've become a goddamned monster, and it isn't right! IT! ISN'T! RIGHT!

    The Kubrow system, as it is now, is not a battle companion... it's a goddamn animal abuse simulator!


    Good words.. i mean.. release in the wild and this life-incable abomination dies within a few days, it genetics screwed up in little balls of suck. Those arnt proud pets.. those are genically engineered mutants incable of life. I have 2.. and both stay in their Iceboxes.


    Carrier is more useful anyway. And dosnt need exensive treatment to not die.

  10. there is 'stasis' for a reason....


    anyways, if your having troubles with credits, sechura pluto is a great place if you're not bothered to to the void.


    You might have noted it takes 3h or plat to get then active again, dont you?

  11. Kubrow Quest: Last Mission "Defend your Kubrow".


    You fail the mission.

    You restart it.


    Bug 1) The Kubrow with you is a generic lean gray one, not yours.

    Bug 2) No Grineer  turn up, no wave starts. The 2 Nests are there though.



    Log out, log in again. allows 1 more try, with the right Kubrow & waves of Grineer,

    Afte this both bugs again till next logout/in.



  12. DE, just give it a buff to its base damage, it's all we're really asking for here, I think.


    I second this. it feels awesome to use.. but...a bit like slapping around with wet noodles.

  13. Hallo liebe deutsche Community, 


    Ihr habt vielleicht etwas über die Geschäftsentwicklungen von Digital Extremes gelesen und dies hat euch gegebenenfalls verunsichert. Aus rechtlichen Gründen, können wir keine Details veröffentlichen, aber die Kontrolle über das Design von Warframe bleibt in den Händen von Digital Extremes. Jegliche andere Angaben sind aktuell reine Spekulation und wir sind nicht in der Lage, diese weiter zu kommentieren oder Fragen diesbezüglich zu beantworten.


    Alle ergänzenden Neuigkeiten oder Updates werden wir hier in unserem Forum (Steves Statement) und auf unserer Webseite veröffentlichen.




    Deine Übersetzung ist nicht ganz richtig.


    "we are intent on having Warframe's design remain in the hands of Digital Extremes"


    "We are intent" - wir haben die Absicht.... also: "wir würden gern..."


    - das ist keine Bestätigung, das sagt genaugenommen nix aus, ausser das sie das gern wünschen - Was man ihnen bei einer Übernahme gewähren kann, oder auch nicht. Mal ganz wertungsfrei.

  14. I am a grand master and I have bought nearly 20k platinum in my Warframe lifetime. I support this game because I believe in the developers and DE's intentions and genuinely enjoy Warframe.


    However, if PWE turns this into pay to play or pay to win with their S#&$ty rentals, mystery boxes and the like, I will stop supporting this game and go elsewhere.


    I heartily approve this message. Wont log in till this is solved. Even MW:O feels better to play right now.

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