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Posts posted by nameomnz

  1. True that he is an "Engineer" However, More context is needed.

    Vauban is specialize in fortification and siege craft.

    So to stay true to his theme, We have to draw him as "Tactician" first then "Engineer" second.

    As he is the mind rather than the hand.

    But let's take a look.


    Minelayer: Bounce or Trip Laser have to be removed and replace one of them with tesla, Combine shred and concuss then add in turret.

    • Feel kind of underwhelming. Without any suggestion on improvement the mine itself, I don't see that much use of them just like the current one.
    • Turret could be ok but If it deal damage on it's own without mod to provide it's firepower then it would be as good as using a specter.

    Bastille: Moved to 2 and limit its usage.

    • Also feel underwhelming. More of a quality of life change rather than faithful rework.

    Emp grid: Basically mag's [Counter Pulse] except it boost the damage but doesn't strip armor.

    • Bastille will going to CC them all anyways so this ability only provide damage boost.
    • I would say this is not something that goes with vauban's original theme, He is not a hacker, dammit.

    Vortex: Remain the same only with a burst of damage at the end of the duration.


    Overall, This concept is not going to impact the meta in anyway. 

    He could once again become the king of CC but now the CC empire is not anymore a super power.

  2. 5 hours ago, FoxFX said:


    Originally, I wanted the Vauban passive to act similar to Rage but for Shield. I worried that it would be a bit too much though. I'll adjust it accordingly.

    My only worry with the way Tesla is now is how the game has enemies swarm us all around us and also to keep some "grenade/mine" theme for Vauban's Sapper Role. I feel the idea of a continuous Tesla Field could work as a special Augment.

    Time Bomb works in a way Vauban can attach it to enemies or place it anywhere he wants. As for the range, I was thinking a bit bigger and the damage to be something like Nova's 2nd but slightly less. From the way I see it, even Nova has weaker defense stats but she offsets her low survivability with incredible CC and debilitation effects with her 4th, translocation with her 3rd, and burst damage with her 2nd. Vauban's stats have stats even lower than Nova (which I find silly at this point), so I wanted to give Vauban a similar route with his Sapper tactics. Showing the range and damage counter was always something I feel should definitely be with Time Bomb. I'll remove holding to add charges to Timebomb and instead have tapping the ability add charges but increases the damage + range Timebomb does for each charge.

    +rate on the Vortex idea.

    I was thinking of making Bastille grow overtime, but that would have some slight nerf to Bastille's floating CC effect. Doing this could really make for an interesting CC ability for Vauban especially since we are trying to bring back unlimited floating Bastille.

    Understand that my philosophy weights vauban into more of a defensive role. So expect me to counter the momentum of your direction.

    I do believe we could use different formula, Instead of directly convert damage to energy like (300dmg=75e), Make it (50%dmg=75e) In that way to gain the most of energy from his passive the shield have to be completely depleted. This would greatly benefit vauban player that don't use [Redirection] and also eliminate the requirement of it.

    You have a good point that warframe could turns into horde at any time, But I'm still concern about one time usage. If we could make it has lightning chain effect or constantly burst electro magnetic wave overtime until it run out of charges then it would deal with the horde and one time use problem easily.

    I like that you picking a good alternative direction, Though It remind me the nostalgia Maplestory's Meso explosion where in warframe you invest a lot of your energy on one bomb and detonate them all at once with a loads of damage. I'll further suggest that each charge provide percentage of damage rather than flat number to further boosts the damage that the Vortex store(The UI should show something like 3x[damage_store]), And if the Vortex do pick the Time Bomb up then the Time Bomb will explode together with the Vortex.

    I'm not sure what kind of nerf are you refering to but if I get to pull all of Bastille's victim to cluster in one spot then it would be great.

  3. Interesting, Though vauban is base on french military engineer who specialized in designing fortification as well as breaking through them, The keyword here is "Design" He is the mind not the hand. So giving him turret is more in line with his theme. Here is my concept


    But I will give this a look.


    Passive: Emergency Guard

    This passive could potentially be amazing, But It's not clear on how its work. If each damage to his 50%shield grants him 10 energy, Then he basically have infinite energy at low level content. But at the high level where enemies deal more than 2000 damage will put his shield down and only provide 10 energy.

    Suggestion: Make it work like [Rage] to convert percentage of shield damage received to energy,

    • It will combo really well with [Quick Thinking] as a second safety nest grants him massive survivability.
    • But even with this, Vauban still need invincibility duration when his shield is depleted to prevent getting one shotted by high level enemies.This also make him able to get away with every self-damage weapons, Which is both good and a bad, Be careful with this consideration.


    Reworked Tesla

    Having CC in an instance is great comparing to old Tesla of RNG base CC, However I personally prefer the Tesla should remain in lightning arc form as I'm not very good at aiming his grenade and the trajectory doesn't go very far nor bouncing. Other than that it also has the one time usage problem like current Minelayer's shred/concuss.


    Time Bomb

    A straight up damaging ability and if the bomb itself doesn't get nullified then It would be extremely useful against nullifier, But I don't know how much damage/range it has but it better quickly ramp up to 2000 damage and 15m range because I don't think people going to hold it for more than 10 second, Not because they are too lazy but there are a lot of task that vauban have to do, We PC players only have 5 fingers to work on keyboard and all of them are dedicate to movement most of the time.

    Suggestion: Take out the requirement to hold the ability and maybe rework it to Plant and Detonate instead.

    • Show the radius of the explosion like Lenz.
    • Show damage counter.
    • The only problem right now is how to make enemy stand on it, So it would be great if the bomb itself can pull the enemy like [Tether Grenades]  


    Reworked Vortex

    I have nothing to criticize your reworked Vortex, It's perfect. I don't know I'm too nitpicking or I do think that (facing direction of vauban =/= player camera) But one thing that I'm not sure is the explosion damage, I don't know do you intend for this ability to be DMG+CC. But will still I suggest that.

    Suggestion: The health of an enemy killed in vortex will add to the explosion damage of the 2nd Ability just like [Acid Shell] and other health damage scaling augment mods

    • For augment: The longer the distant the Vortex travel the more range it gain, Including the range of the (Vortex)explosion radius.


    Reworked Bastille

    While I would love to have unlimited captured enemies, I don't like that vauban could only hold 1 Bastille, It would be outclassed by Khora's Strangledome in CC potential. She can hold limited enemies for sure but having 2 dome mean she gets to cover more distance also the dome has the pull mechanic which also damage an enemies allow her to exceed in low level farming/speed run. I find the synergy for Tesla to be quite pointless honestly.

    Suggestion: Make the bastille 1.5 or 2x bigger.

    • Synergy: Vortex will pull all of the enemies that has been caught by Bastille reguardless of distance and obstacle, Door can still block them however.
    • For augment: Every enemy caught in Bastille will provide vauban with damage reduction.


    I have spend my whole day on this.

    Here is all I can say about your rework concept, Thank you for reading.

  4. 9 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

    No, but it'd be cool if all the Focus trees had an energy thing. Zenurik would be the only one with 5/s, some would have 4/s, and maybe one would have only 3/s.

    You have sparked an idea.

    What if other Focus trees give you energy for doing certain activity?


    Naramon grants you 2 energy for melee kill? / Unairu converts damage to energy / Vazarin grants you 50 energy for reviving.

  5. I hate too see the new balance pass come up with a Hybrid-CritStatusfest, It is not creative way to balance the weapon, People going to keep using [Hunter Munition] and viral proc build as a result of that.

    The most straight forward way to balance them is fix the armor scaling or damage 3.0

    And as a man of a cult, We don't want people to use a brain dead tactic of "Shoot at the foot and everyone dies"


  6. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    Zarr to damage teralyst , gauntylist , hydrolist? Lol.

    Zarr in pub extermination , capture regular mission ? Lol try getting a pub to revive you and by that time you are far behind and a wasted squad slot

    Defense or mobile defense ? Lol zarr by the 3rd can i get a revive you are annoying the squad.

    Get a shotgun or rifle or beam weapon since a self damage weapon just wastes the squads time reviveing you.

    I.E. After the 3rd revive petition i post in squad chat to stop wasteing my time making the mission longer.

    Zarr doesn't kill you as long as you are not an idiot that shoot everything in point blank with Cannon mode, Plus there is a safety trigger called Barrage mode if you feel like your finger going to accidentally click itself.


    Also context?

    Why would you bring tigris prime to fight eidolon? When we can have a sniper rifles to deal with them.

    Why would you bring dread to heiracon? When we have ignis which generally more useful for infested.

    Why would you bring pox to capture? When we have a weapon that can oneshots the target.

    And the quote goes on.

    It's not to say that you cant use them on those type of mission, But every weapon has their own mission type just like warframe.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

    Lets start off with what do you plan to transform Zenurik into? The 5energy/sec is already more than enough for the majority of situations you find yourself in that having it stack with current Zenurik is unnecessary.

    On the more cynical side, why not suggest just removing energy requirements entirely? There is a lot of ways to get energy and ability spam is already treading a dangerous line. At the very least putting the regen on Zenurik means that the player isn't just further boosting themselves with the other schools. Many frames don't even need Zenurik now to begin with.

    I meant to remove energy regen on zenurik and put it on warframe instead. That way we don't have to go into operator everytime.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    To OP i have an alternate suggestion: 

    How about instead of passive regen we would gain energy squadwise for performing actions?

    0.5 energy for performing any advanced movement (from double jump to wall running all movement) and 5 energy for every kill?

    This would fit the game and would also need that you have to work for the energy.

    So it would be like everyone is harrow?

    But I can see the flaw, Mainly the frame that channelling their abilities.

    For something like Oberon is fine but for Mesa would be broken.

  9. Maybe or maybe not.

    When I saw the latest devstream, That air attack will not sent the user forward.

    It just put :( face on my limbo, As I'm begin to digging the grave for this mechanic.

    For those who don't know, Limbo's dash sent him on/off rift plain, Having to BulletJump>>DoubleJump>>Dash as a limbo is annoying, So I use my melee's AirAttack for compensation.

    I covers less distance for sure but It actually provide me with more control over momentum, And I'm getting quite good at it when I use it much more often.

    But yeah, I and my limbo will attend the funeral.


    I have tested with some weapon from stand still, they ranges from 2-4m with polearms covers the most distance, But I prefer to use rapier/nikana(2m) just for the style lol.

  10. People said tonkor is dead because self-damage, That's just because they cant play with the explosive.

    Crit nerf? But why don't just use[Hunter Munition]? Not to say that I'm not salty about it, It really do need damage buff.

    And yes, I'm one of those who rebels against the removal of self-damage.


    Asking for immunity to self-damage when playing solo is like asking police to not arrest you for setting your house on fire.(Yes, It's illegal)

  11. Since my thread has fallen into irrelevancy, I only wish to keep one thing.

    Pleas take this into consideration.


    Suggestion on Passive:


    "Vauban's Exalted Sentinal" Inspired by Tower droid.

    -It may doesnt possessed any Health/Shield/Armor being undestructable until player die.

    -Or able to reconstruct itself once destoryed(If we feel like the one above is overpowered)

    -The sentinel itself doesn't have weapon, But will use the holstering weapon of the player. Switch between primary and secondary to switch its weapon. For example, If player have their primary out then Neufrishac will use the secondary, If player switch from primary/secondary to melee then Neufrishac will use the player's previous weapon.

    -Cannot use exclusive mods from other sentinels.

    -Vauban can still have a normal sentinel/pet while having his exalted sentinel like Khora.

    -Method of its attack.

    Which would you like?

    Mark:Only attack the enemy that player is attacking or shooting at.

    -Player have to be actively in combat for it to fight along side.

    FOV:Only attack the enemies in the line of sight of player.

    -More camper friendly, But still have to look around.

    Automatic:Attack all of the enemies around the players.

    -Just like other sentinels, But it use the player's weapons, Making him AFK friendly. But if they can do it with with Excalibur Umbra/Equinox then Why not?


  12. Problems with Minelayer:

    1. Trip Laser isn't useful enough.

    2. Concuss and Shred are one time use.

    3. Bounce should have been removed since parkour 2.0


    My Solution:

    1. Turns all of their deploying animation into Bastille like.

    2. Remove Bounce and replace it with Dispenser.



    Concuss: Work like Zenistar's disc, But instead of dealing damage it proc Radiation on enemies overtime.

    Shred: Spread Acid spore around the area and instantly removes any enemies' armor that come into radius, Base arrmor reduction is 80% which scale with power strength.

    Trip Laser: Give it Orokin's Death Orb treatment make it spin faster, Knockdown and proc Magnetic on enemies.

    Dispenser: Make all of the deployed Minelayer have an infinite duration until Dispenser itself ran out of duration or Reset all of the deployed Minelayer's duration once the dispenser is deployed, Replenish Health/Ammunition/Shield/Energy of Vauban and his team overtime.


    Suggestion on Passive:


    "Vauban's Exalted Sentinal" Inspired by Tower droid.

    -It may doesnt possessed any Health/Shield/Armor being undestructable until player die.

    -Or able to reconstruct itself once destoryed(If we feel like the one above is overpowered)

    -The sentinel itself doesn't have weapon, But will use the holstering weapon of the player. Switch between primary and secondary to switch its weapon. For example, If player have their primary out then Neufrishac will use the secondary, If player switch from primary/secondary to melee then Neufrishac will use the player's previous weapon.

    -Cannot use exclusive mods from other sentinels.

    -Vauban can still have a normal sentinel/pet while having his exalted sentinel like Khora.

    -Method of its attack.

    Which would you like?

    Mark:Only attack the enemy that player is attacking or shooting at.

    -Player have to be actively in combat for it to fight along side.

    FOV:Only attack the enemies in the line of sight of player.

    -More camper friendly, But still have to look around.

    Automatic:Attack all of the enemies around the players.

    -Just like other sentinels, But it use the player's weapons, Making him AFK friendly. But if they can do it with with Excalibur Umbra/Equinox then Why not?


    What do you think fellow vauban players?

  13. Edit: My Sobek have riven with multishot and toxin and I can get it to 100% with only corrosive elemental, 

    Tho If you want to put the sobek into full potential you have to use it with ash / oberon or any warframe that can removes armor on multiple enemies then mod it with viral without having riven or 100%.

    I would like to show my sobek build without riven but Warframe builder isn't really function for me atm.


  14. 2 minutes ago, MickThejaguar said:

    Not even remotely the same thing. Nidus isn't unkillable. Maintaining stacks isn't so easy in high levels of content where the enemies start out at high enough levels to be able to kill you quickly. 

    As I said, that I can gain stack so quick that I can get another undying to active before the time ran out.

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