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Posts posted by (PSN)FatMacBrbn

  1. I quit playing. Got half way through attempting to build the Railjack, then noped out in November. Ain't been back since, won't be back till I can participate in the main story without having to deal with RJ. If that's never, I'm satisfied with that too. 4 years, 1000 of hours, and hundreds spent, but if I'm not having fun, I'm not playing. Not a single flight simulator has been owned on any console I've owned in my 30 years of gaming. It's not a genre I enjoy. Warframe ain't changing that.

    • Like 3
  2. Raises the question of operators collecting warframes like pokemon. Is that canonical or is it just a feature for the sake of gameplay? Or does the lore have it where operators have one main frame that they stick too?

    Also, I thought it was that the frames were the essence, or whatever, of past elite soldiers. That they had their own story and such. Delivering a gender counterpart to any frame should be given the same care in some way. Otherwise it's just shoehorning gender politics in. That never works out well. 

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  3. Railjack seems like it's own separate game of a genre I never wanted to play in the first place. It's possible other players have similiar views and why the numbers have dipped. 

    I don't enjoy flight simulators like this, so for it to be such an integral part of Warframe  now is an issue for me. Being a "space ninja" is why I stayed, this whole pilot/crew member thing could be why I leave. The grind of it all has been nothing but frustrating as everything I build requires something else to be built. Then the waiting and acquiring resources. And apparently I have to repeat those steps another 4 times just to get the ship built. All of that just to join others players in slogging through what appears to be an even worst grind experience when the ship is done. 

    I wasn't participating in RailJack cause it was fun, I just didn't want to give up on what I'd already invested in Warframe. But the nail in the coffin for me was learning that there was some story content walled behind this game mode. As much as I like the game, there's a lot about it I've accepted to do without because of ridiculous rng or plain disinterest. The main story and majority of the game was still accessible at the least. But if future important content is going to walled behind Railjack I've no reason to keep playing. My hope is that Railjack becomes something optional at the least.

    • Like 3
  4. Great suggestions. 

    I'm not opposed to something that still allows us to view and appreciate our ships, but the look of the load screen needs an upgrade. Destiny 1 and 2 load screens were very nice for their ships. And Apex has game art as part of theirs, another cool feature.

    Just some examples, cause it feels like something is needed in this area. 

  5. Trying to build up my portfolio as I pursue a career in character design and illustration. Warframe has been my primary game for the past 4 years, so it's a good place to start as I'm quite familiar with it. Not sure if I'll be updating here after this. I want to start creating more designs that aren't just Warframe, but if there's an idea I just have to get out...eh, I'll see. In the meantime I'll be be working on stuff that isn't Warframe related to get some diversity going. If you're curious visit the links to learn some of my approach to each design. Probably boring stuff to most, but it's there if that's your thing. Comments and critiques are welcomed.


    Atlas "Horgormu" Alternate Helmet https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OyPGJk




    Baruuk "Shuchou-kn" Skin https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oO9yJz







    Ivara "Apexia" Skin https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YaE5Kb




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  6. Update after update, year after year, the game changes. It's made significant strides since it's initial release in every aspect, except the load screen.

    We need something that doesn't look like our lisets are dangling on strings against a cardboard drawing in a live action muppets show.

    It's outdated and a bad representation of the high quality DE has shown they are capable of. Dare I say it even looks lazy and just neglected at this point.

    Maybe a new loading cinematic? Or maybe a slideshow of warframe art? How about implementing some kind of restoration for the old ready up load screen? 

    Feel free to add more suggestions? 


  7. The melee system is fine for me and far less clunky than it use to be. It fits my playstyle and I too am often a melee main. I also re-configured my controls like the second day I ever played Warframe, making it closer to what the COD, Destiny, and Apex games control schemes are. It's a very fluid system that reduces much of the inconvenience in the previous iteration of melee.

    My concern now is all the other stuff they're looking to implement later. I'd be satisfied if they just left it as it is now.

  8. On 2019-05-12 at 3:24 PM, (PS4)Entropy512 said:

    Some of the issues you raise are due to the fact that queuing up for a thermia fracture event puts you in the same exact pool as people going straight to the Orb for any non-bounty event.

    Or another way of saying it - there is no way to queue up for thermia fractures.  You can only queue up for the Orb and hope that everyone else who is in your squad also wants to do the same thing you did.

    Rather than your perimeter suggestion, there's a simpler approach:

    Orb encounters have bounties

    Eidolon encounters have bounties

    Ghoul encounters in the Plains (the closest Plains equivalent to the thermia fractures) have bounties

    There are no bounties for thermia fractures and this is a major problem.  Simply adding a bounty for these, even with minimal rewards for the purposes of dedicated activity queueing, would fix most if not all of the issues.

    I'm still at 36/100 points for thermia fractures and it's the third round now, and I suspect I'll be still at 36/100 at the end of this two week event.  Why?  Because in addition to thermia sealing being rather boring and unpleasant in general, finding a squad to do it is a major PITA because so many people just aren't motivated to do it/actively avoid doing it because it's no fun.

    Given how many other activities in the open world have associated activities, why don't thermia fractures?

    If DE added a way to queue up for thermia fractures specifically, it would be MUCH easier to get them done.

    Now that makes a lot more sense. And with that being the case it does sound like bad design on DE's part then. 

  9. I just attempted to do the Thermia Fractures event. I queued up 10 times, but was only able to complete 3 runs. This also isn't the first time I've experienced this.

    Now, I can't say that this is an issue on DE. From what I can tell this seems to be a growing problem, or rather a risk, that occurs when matchmaking with randoms.

    I honestly don't know why so many players are leaving before even grabbing a canister. Then there are the low MR players that are attempting to take on content they should know they can't handle. Then we have the bane of all our open world maps, the players that ignore missions and just mine/fish instead. All of this contributes to issues of host migration at some point.  

    Yes, all of this can be solved by joining a clan or finding dedicated players in chat. But at the same time I believe there are ways to correct this that might improve the QOL when playing with randoms. One suggestion I have is that Thermia Fraction events, and other events like it, have a perimeter players must stay in. If they are outside that perimeter then they do not receive the rewards of that mission. Or they are simply booted from the squad after X amount of time, which could allow another player that wants to participate to join in. Or some other reasonable punishment that happens to players that are not fully participating as they should.

    With low MR's in places they shouldn't be, maybe it just isn't clear enough that they are dealing with content that will be more difficult for them. Perhaps information about enemy levels and such should be displayed as well with these events. This also reminds me of the surge in players, usually low MR, taking on relic missions with no relics. It may be time to not allow players that don't have relics to participate in Fissure missions.

  10. I'm now beginning to think NW's back fired. It sped up the burnout for many players. They found it unsatisfying as the grind stretched it out unnecessarily and then were told they would have to do the same all thing over again. Indefinitely by the looks of things. 10 weeks to move forward just with the story and then all the grinding in between just doesn't seem productive in the long run.

    Perhaps a better approach would of been to let NW be similar to how Syndicates are. No more Wolf Credits. The challenges players complete award standing that can be used to purchase Daily Rewards as they progress or stack their standing to unlock the next Rank/Episode of NW. Players also then earn a lore appropriate reward from Nora, similar to how players get a free reward with other factions. Once at max rank players could unlock a node that's an Assassination Mission with the Wolf. In post gameplay players would then have the ability to do challenges at their leisure. A mix of challenges awarding high or low standing then determine what/how many Daily Rewards a player can purchase that day.The daily standing cap could also be applied here.

    The theory here is that this method of NW could keep the player engaged with the gameplay they like, invested in story that delivers as they progress, and provides incentive for the time they spend as they rank up. Doing all of this within a more comfortable time frame so that fatigue and "rushing to get them all" doesn't compromise the experience. The story portion would all be with the initial climb up to max rank, then lets the pursuit of Daily Rewards take a far more passive role once players have achieved max level and the NW arc is completed.

    However, for this idea I would also suggest getting rid of some current rank up rewards and only keeping the ones relevant to NW's lore. I don't think it would hurt to allow Nora's awards to continue to rotate and change, though.

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  11. I question this as an "end game" reward for players.

    Most of us have already found ways to work around re-polarizing our frames as needed. Most of us already have the build(s) we feel is best for our frames. Most of us have learned how to min-max to compensate our builds before this new forma came around. This appears to only grant us a one time convenience as it will be consumed once used and the grind has to be repeated.

    Very useful new addition to the game, but I think "end game" players will be able to polarize a frame faster than it takes for this to drop and craft. Or maybe make it a reusable blueprint instead of a one time consumable.

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  12. Life Support did seem to slow down at a point, but like the person before me said "didn't kill fast enough". 

    The enemies appear to spike after a point and maybe people over estimate (or don't really know) how much they can challenge. Understandable, but..... 



    ... I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel some way after seeing this. It's a challenge that can definitely test your sportsmanship for the game.

  13. 7 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

    It fixes the exact problem it was meant to, it fixes randomness of events, so you don't miss out on an alert. E.G. took me 8 months of play time to see a CP alert. You even go far enough to explain away the reason why this system was implemented as it's bad side.

    Old alerts also offered nothing to anyone who's passed the chart. The "Grind" is at most 3 hrs a week. I didn't have a single friend, but found one in a minute. All but the Hydro, Bounty and Sortie challenges can be completed in under 10 minutes.

    We are dealing with a difference in experiences then. I've never had a problem with the randomness of alerts and nothing in the alert system took me 8 months to get. It's the reason why old alerts were not that appealing, I had everything I wanted. Or I knew that the alert I needed would eventually rotate back and it usually did at some point. I also appreciated the in/out nature of old alerts as well, which they have totally done away with. Making something that was fast and easy, now slower and more tedious is not what I would call a step towards improvement off hand. I'm only in it for the tier rewards and as a player with the time to invest this new systems rolls off my back. But I'm still skeptical about if it'll be better in the long run.

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  14. Thing is, this new system doesn't appear to solve the problem the old alerts presented. It only appears to add more grind. Significantly more grinding for items that usually wouldn't take 10 minutes to get when the mission was available. People might have missed those missions, but they missed them many times. So now those people that didn't have time to make alerts have to ask if they've got time to grind these challenges for the offerings they want. Or can they even complete enough of them? The Hydrolist and Play with Friends/Clan challenges are already walling off people (as they should if you haven't gotten that far). So folks in that situation will need to hope it balances out in the end. It hasn't even been a day yet, so we'll see I guess.


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  15. I believe DE doesn't owe rewards to players that CHOOSE to play a mission longer than what that mission was designed for, especially if it's to a breaking point for the game. Players that do endurance runs are doing so at their own risk in my opinion.  I'd prefer a system where we get our Lvl 60+ enemies the moment the mission loads. I'd rather not have to wait 30 minutes or an hour with the game beginning to break along the way. BUT if DE does make content like that, intended to be played at great length, then yes players most definitely deserve an award that's on par with such game play. 

    As for the relic system, I'd prefer a system that's more in line with the rest of the games resource economy. Simply put they could treat relics like they treat standing, since it seems to be a system the game favors. Something where instead of fissure missions opening a relic, they solely reward void traces with each reactant. These void traces then accumulate so you can fill a relic pool of X amount. Each prime part requires a certain amount of void traces to unlock the relic and once unlocked it consumes the relic, rewarding one prime part you SELECT. Or you could spend X amount of plat to unlock the relic skipping all that grind. Or get it off trade chat as presently available.

    This can allow players to stay in fissures missions for as long as they can while collecting reactant. Thus bringing back that void key feel in a way. Add mission modifiers currently shown with nightmare missions and sorties, to make this challenging and rewarding along the way. Maybe at intervals. I think this is a method that can satisfy almost every ones desire. "Farminators" have their farming, endurance players get their challenge, casuals waste less time with a streamlined goal, players also have a reason to buy plat, and traders still have a market.

  16. The default aim down sights appears to be obstructed with certain syandanas and attachments. The shoulder pads that came with Revenant and the energy wings syandana, arcturus) are two off the top of my head. But I mention that mainly because I think ADS needs to widened over all. I often have issues seeing the reticule over my frame. Also it would be nice to be able to switch shoulder views while aiming, currently we can only aim from the right shoulder.

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