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Posts posted by IIJetfireII

  1. Actually it is. If RNG really is RNG, then we have 0 influence on it. So there IS no tricks. Just mindless farming untill we give up or are satisfied.


    *drops mic* *walks away*

    I am guessing you have given up, have you? well glad i took break for 3-4 wks, or else i would have end up with same thoughts like you.

  2. Alright, then I'll do the same old stupid answer that everybody hates, but everybody knows is true: It's all RNG! Get it in your head. Do invasions until they spawn, that's it...

    Sure, but if you try to calm down, ya can still beat RNG, ya just need to find certain tricks to apply against him, which is why i came here to ask, not ask how RNG is doing with g3 or blah blah. So yeah, it isn't " that's it ".

  3. Alright, keep doing crap against Grineer. Upon getting the mark. Always, do grineer planets. They won't spawn on other planets. Best bring Rhino to bring take yer time. No joke. Maybe grineer planets on Nightmare mode. Pray that it's not energy vampire.

    never did nightmare mode for months actually, well thanks, will do :)

  4. Everything you know, please post it here, because i have just returned to re-farm a bit of g3, and get brakk farm done for once and for all, if possible. So i need all tips, info's and whatever possible to spawn g3 fast, it's been long enough, even after the previous event has passed, my mark hasn't got used up, which is ridiculous, but no matter, i still have to try, if i want to get brakk. Thanks in advance.




    To april fool joke posters: Don't bother this thread, if that's all your mind is for today. Pls go to GD or off-topic where these jokes are discussed.

  5. idc, forma'd sounds better. Its obvious what it would mean.


    Polarised is for the polarities, that only applies when your specifying which polarities you have applied on weps and frames.


    When your saying forma'd, its 'bout how many times you have applied forma's to your wep or frames. 


    there's no probs with engrish here.

  6. if de really wanted money they would offer a subscription model along with the f2p model


    many people would suscribe for 10$ a month if the perks were there

    Don't remind me more p2w stuffs. Also, DE has no intention to do that in place. They know what's better f2p, than a mixed of " f2p and p2w " games.

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