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Posts posted by (PSN)ApoX95

  1. would love to see any type of extra treatment for grimoires, I mean they are literally spellbooks - it would be kinda dissapointing if they just have 2 different attacks in total.

    don't know if lvl 100 would be a litle too overkill though, but making it one of those lvl 40 weapons (or maybe the first lvl 50 weapon) would suffice for sure.

    having the book transform into basically your 'most used weapon type' would be a neat feature cause it somewhat adds personality to the grimoire itself. but I would definitely also love some more fully-spell-related attacks.

    I always wanted a caster-frame in the truest sense, but having a weapon type that would fullfill this role entirely would allow for ANY frame to become this kind of 'spellcaster-frame'. 

    I don't know how easy it would be to implement multiple attacks (that, ideally, would be accessible in mission) though.

    a skill-web like concept would fit very well for this for sure! it would at least allow for customizability between missions, even to a degree that would completely change the weapon itself so to speak.

    there should be enough options though when I look at past weapons. we could have a attack for the regular shoot button, one for scoped shooting, one on the alternate shooting button and holding or tapping both buttons opens options depending on skill-web choices as well.

    in terms of riven though, I don't know if there needs to be some kind of extra treatment - I think a regular 'Grimoire Riven' with the typical stats would suffice :D

    i'm almost certain though that it will be your generic pistol slot weapon in the end but it would be amazing if they further upgrade this weapon specifically -  it IS the Void-Spell Book after all :D

  2. yeah I also think Soma's fine in it's current state and not weak at all!

    still though, OP brings up an important point - as far as I know "Hata-satya" is still bugged with Soma's incarnon form. so if they 'unbug' this issue then the crit chance of Soma's Incarnon form should be amazing, even for Hunter Munitions

  3. as someone who mains Limbo and has a total Limbo usage of 16,5% (Prime/Non-Prime) I can tell you that eximus are definitely no issue for him. 

    he might deserve some modernizing of his kit when I look at frames like Xaku that have multiple abilities on one key (which is a concept that would fit very well with limbo's kit, his 3 at least could have an alternative use on hold even if it would be the same alternative use that his 1 shares) but it's not like he struggles at all in high level content. actually if you know what you do, Limbo can trivialize pretty much any high level content, especially the typical endless missions.



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  4. this kinda reminds me of a moderately similar issue I encountered recently - I still had a double ressource booster active for 42 mins but I decided to stack another 3 day booster on top early - when I bought the booster it snapped to exactly 3 days even though it should've been added on top (ergo, 3 days and 42 minutes).

    I wonder if they changed something that makes timers false in general and if those 2 things might be connected somehow. regardless though, just fyi - I would be careful if you decide to stack boosters since this might not work at the moment.

  5. Am 31.10.2023 um 21:29 schrieb ferretmcs:

    Not gonna lie, this actually made me laugh from how ridiculous it is.

    just wow. I came across this forum post and I thought to myself what kind of devastating bug this is. even if the Devs suggest a different route, I would've also opened a support ticket since this bug took away from you what was originally yours.

    now I see that not only they didn't refund you your standing, no, they also don't lift your suspension which (apparently obviously) was also because of this weird bug?

    definitely unfair af. sorry, tenno. I can understand the technical difficulties regarding the modification of syndicate standing but regarding the suspension? makes me afraid of farming for long sessions because I might experience some weird, similar bug and then I'll get suspended even if I did absolutely nothing wrong it seems like

    • Like 1
  6. vor 2 Stunden schrieb BiancaRoughfin:

    Ooh poor you... Do you have your family chew your food for you too?


    no need to be spiteful about it, they're voicing a legitimate, illogical issue that is not clear from the get go for everyone. sometimes it feels like not everyone is aware of how not every tenno is watching every dev stream and is up to date on everything and the game doesn't explain a lot in any meaningful way. 

    tenet and kuva weapons are linked to liches and sisters so of course one would expect that they drop from those.

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  7. the issue seems to worsen with every update as well. it's sad to see that tenno have been reporting those issues but DE seems to do nothing. I tried to play duviri yesterday and the day before with my cousin as well (because he still needs stuff from there) and the amount of lag, bugs and crashes we had were unholy. 

    I also don't think that this is an hardware issue. literally my PC which has lower stats runs Warframe more smoothly with shorter loading times. even my switch account has lower loading times than PS4 (although switch obviously also has their fair share of issues unfortunately.)

    if only they wouldn't just straight up ignore reports like this. give us graphical options, something, ANYTHING to combat this issue. the low spawns are also an absolutely horrible issue. you cannot even host a mission because if you do, the squad will leave very quickly because they notice the low spawns. the game clearly isn't optimized at all for those consoles because again: weaker hardware (but PC hardware) is handling the game just fine.

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  8. an option I would prefer much more would be to make the Story Quests Co-op compatible. having a friend that still needs to catch up on a lot of content wouldn't be so frustrating if we could literally help them in mission - it would also allow us to dive back into the nostalgia of past quests we haven't touched for a while.

    while I do understand the pay-to-skip option I would definitely prefer co-op compatibility. both options would be perfect. but if I had to choose? it would be co-op compatibility.

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  9. I think the most fair way to handle this is to just keep the ressource buffs in charm and remove everything else (like with crit chance for example, there's literally another type that is based around crit - so why does smeeta have ressource buffs AND crit? AND infinity energy buffs? AND I believe even a magazine type of buff?)

    having a kavat (or companion in general for that matter) who buffs ressources like smeeta currently does is an option we should keep for sure. but all the additional buffs are just overkill imo. 

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  10. same, I'm waiting for those since forever as well. when they were available I was priotizing other things because I did not have a custom clan logo at that moment but now that I do, I became quite frustrated when I noticed that there wasn't even an optional way to buy them for plat. please bring them back.

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  11. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Syrethyst:

    I think OP is saying it used to be in English, but DE changed it to Chinese recently

    which is completely clear in OP's post obviously. the other tenno seemingly just didn't pay attention and didn't read the post properly (to phrase it in words that are relatively neutral lmao).


    and to OP, that really sounds like a needless bummer, especially for tenno that got used to the original names for such a long time. it's like Onko suddenly be called Tristha or something. 

  12. vor 4 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan:

    Do none of you know what FOMO means?  Fear of Missing Out. 

    of course I do, that is why I said that literally it is, sure. 

    vor 4 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan:

    For context, I'm LR3 

    and just for context, so am I.  just to put in perspective how players of the same 'category' can have vastly different perspectives. It's not like I disagree with you like I said, there IS this aspect to this game. but then again, there is no denying for me when it comes to the fun this game provides to me through it's gameplay.

    like I said - I also had certain moments where I just didn't want to play anymore and then I took a break for a week or two, maybe even until the next bigger update. but my point is: I always come back and I do enjoy my time, even if those timed systems exist. 

    In all honesty, especially now that this game has reached 10 years, I just don't know how long this game would've lasted if they wouldn't do stuff like this. it is a Free to play game after all. that's why I also mentioned perspective. it's that I can understand why they probably HAVE to do this, otherwise they couldn't keep pumping out update after another, even after 10 years. and I did have times where I was annoyed that I couldn't get X or Y as fast as I can because of those systems. but on the other hand I am also grateful that warframe did for me what no other game was able to do: the fact, that I literally can always come back to it and never grow bored of it, even IF annoyance appears occasionally when I realize that there might be a certain restriction to new content in the game.


    and I also used the word fomo to respond to other tenno on here, and to mention why I think warframe doesn't really fit this describtion like maybe other games.

    one example: I was playing Destiny every now an then in the past, I payed for the original game full price even though it became free to play in the end. over the years, I bought 2 different expansions for the game.

    both of those expansions essentially don't exist anymore in the game. over there, they change content/maps/possible gameplay so much sometimes, that they literally remove the whole thing or almost the entire thing from the game, replacing it with new, forced expansion packs  they sell. so I essentially payed around/over 100 bucks for this game which, in the end, was all for nothing. 

    Warframe however, no matter what money I might invest, I will always keep that (expect boosters for obvious reasons but that's not really of importance here, those are from another category)

    and the most amazing thing is that for the vast majority of all the content? I don't even have to pay a dime if I know what I do. "Ninjas play free" after all.

    just my 2 cents tho


    all I wanted to do is maybe change up your perspective a bit. if you're also LR3 then you're obviously also had your hundreds of hours of fun with this game like I did and I want you to continue enjoy this unique game. while I do agree with you in a lot of things, I just want you to ask yourself if you think if we could even complain about such issues in their forums, 10 years after release.

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  13. same issue, had to forma my Drive to add another mod I wanted to try but everytime I try to level the K-Drive I gain standing but no affinity, instead it says 'Expired' on the affinity bar of the K-Drive.

  14. yeah I was quite disappointed myself when I read that they disabled endless SP fissures. especially because I bought a double ressource booster for my cousin and me planning to farm enough SE with him so he can buy the Umbra forma. so essentially 80 plat wasted because it was meant for Steel Essence. only after I bought the booster I was reading the forum post.

    they should at least give us those active boosters again the moment the issue is fixed so people are not forced to buy double the booster to profit from it once or feel like they are wasting half of their time.

  15. i'm not sure if you genuinely have been blocked though because I experience some issues myself since yesterday for some reason and the site doesn't load properly. ofc I don't know if you actually saw a message like "youre account has been blocked" or something but I just think WF market is having some server issues

  16. I wouldn't consider Cosmetics as FOMO regardless of how many feel that way - it doesn't give you any advantage, it's literally just fashion. sure in a literal way it is, but since it doesn't give any advantage you might as well compare it to the cosmetic fomo of literally every other F2P game there is. Warframe is doing things decently fair imo and heirloom was meant as a supporter pack in the first place. this one revolves around money just like founder packs did back then.

    regarding the other things though, I definitely get where OP is coming from but it's a perspective thing.

    with most things, it's not like you really miss anything - there will always be opportunities to collect the things again (rotations etc) so if you enjoy the gameplay then that's the most important part. 

    you don't *have* to get everything immediately while it's available, you can get it or with most stuff, you *can start farming for it and continue later* (except for example Incarnon adapters, true, if you don't finish the 5 or 10 levels in that week then the progression is reset on the next rotation).

    I agree that with some systems that it really feels like you're pushed to invest time at specific moments instead of a time of your choosing but it's not actually the case - it's one forcing themselves to do those things because they want to earn them fast. I still am far from having every Eidolon Arcane on max for example but there's also no rush. I enjoy when I casually decide to farm some eidolons again when I notice that it's currently night and see how I get arcanes that I still needed or something. and this system exists since I believe 2018. so it's been 5 years and I still haven't "maxed that content" but there is also no need to, hence why I was calling it a 'perspective-thing'.

    like for me, I can always come back to the game and farm some relics or new content but when I don't wanna play anymore then I won't play anymore. sometimes I took a break for 1-2 years and had so many relics of vaulted stuff that I effectively had a goldmine which required a little grind but afterwards, I was able to make enough plat to comfortably buy stuff that I didn't like the grind of or time-limited cosmetics (like with the Halloween/Narberus stuff at the moment for example although this will probably return every year at that time).

    Baro is another thing though, I agree that this system is still kinda clunky and unfair and probably comes closest to FOMO even though with primed mods, you also always have the alternative to buy them with plat from other players (and this goes both ways obviously, you can also stack up on a certain primed mod that you know is popular to make some plat yourself to skip grinds yourself or 'fomo' that you missed in that sense.

    it's a slippery slope, especially because we're still talking about a F2P game here - there needs to be SOME incentive to spend money or to play the game, keep playing the game, of course. but still in the end? it's not like the game won't be playable if you miss X or Y. it's really dependend on perspective. I also had times where I felt forced to play the game so I took a break but then the next time I played I just changed my mindset. all of the sudden I don't care to take 'the most meta frame for any given mission', all of the sudden it was just 'what frame do I like to pick today? what frame would I like to play today? it was all about fun now without forcing me to do certain things. at most, I thought about how I could combine certain grinds with the 'fun I decided to have in that moment dependend on specific weapons or frames or even mission types'.

    if you wanna make the most out of this game then you would probably run Nekros or another lootframe 24/7 with all boosters active and never change up the frame but are we really playing the game solely for the grind and the items? I don't think so.

    We play the game because the gameplay is insanely fun. No other game has such an amazing movement system, wide variety of weapons and characters, warframe is just so unique. when I stopped caring about 'maximum efficiency' I had so much more fun with the game as well. 

    the game shouldn't have more actual fomo though but I don't think that's really the case. Kullervo is another rotation thing, true, but citrine isn't, voruna isn't, Dagath isn't, Gyre isn't, lots of new content is accessible at all times. and if you don't like to pay attention to the rotation? just play when it randomly is one of the fitting Kullervo rotations. sure, it might take longer though but you will still arrive at the same goal. so again, no actual 'fomo'.


    so I partially agree but when it comes down to it I think that actual 'fomo' doesn't really exist in the game. there are just more efficient means at certain times but when you know how to 'farm plat' you basically have all the doors open at all times. then it's just dependent on when you spend some time selling stuff.

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  17. vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PSN)willitical:

    The title of the post was all squad timers, you totally misunderstood the post. Im mainly talking about sorties and archon hunts, i have different loadouts already set up for different mission types. So we get back to the ship and they immediately start a timer, no ty. You rush i leave.

    I agree and archon hunts are a great example.

    usually I'm still in the loading screen while the squad already selects the second mission for example (playing on PS4) and the moment I walk towards the arsenal I see someone already forcing the timer and in that scenario it's usually 5 seconds you have remaining. it's impossible to switch from the squishy frame you maybe used right now to power through the defense to your main frame you maybe use on the hunt itself.

    and because circuit has been mentioned - similar, unfair situation: 

    you just joined a squad that picked all of their stuff really quickly and one of them leaves. you fill the new, 4th slot but you are (again, PS4 as an example) still forced to play on older hardware so the moment you arrive at the cave, the timer has maybe already started or what also happens commonly is that you get just forced into the circuit itself with a random loadout because the squad didn't bother to wait for you loading in.

    I understand that people have no patience sometimes in this fast paced game but you should still have some perspective about those that just cannot go any faster. with a 60 seconds timer, 'rushers' can still start the countdown the moment they are done selecting stuff but then at least you give those in the squad who have not even loaded in a chance to select something of their choosing as well.

    and if all select the accept button (which is Square on Playstation for example), the timer can immediately jump to 5 seconds again from whatever number it currently had.

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