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Posts posted by (NSW)The_Madrigal

  1. 1 set for 135 120 plat, place orders here or PM me!

    Set includes:

    Scorch (Pistol)

    Scattering Inferno (Rifle)

    Thermite Rounds (Shotgun)

    Volcanic Edge (Melee)


    All mods grant +status chance and fire damage to respective weapons



  2. I wouldn't recommend putting status mods when you only have a 5% chance of proc. In PVP, I'd go all out on damage. Players are extremely fast, more so than AI, especially those with experience in parkour maps, so if I only had one shot, I'd want to make that shot count. Other than that, looks great

  3. 1 set for 120 100 plat, place orders here or PM me!

    Set includes:

    Scorch (Pistol)

    Scattering Inferno (Rifle)

    Thermite Rounds (Shotgun)

    Volcanic Edge (Melee)


    All mods grant +status chance and fire damage to respective weapons


    1 set sold!

  4. It was talked about not long ago on a devstream. Scott said there will be tiered mods (specifically Serration) that can be ranked up easier by newer players without having to sink 500 R5s into it.

    If I understand this correctly, that means a player can merely send say, a Serration to a low Mastery rank alt, perhaps with a few rare cores. That alt can then fuse the max rank with barely any problem, and send it back to the main for profit

  5. I should have multi-quoted but oh well.  I believe there is a misunderstanding, Warbros is the only clan that I have ever seen to claim that they are superior to everyone else on many occasions.  Loving your clan is great, but claiming superiority over others because you love your clan is, in my opinion rude and disrespectful.  But hey having an opinion is a death sentence around these parts.

    Well, as you've pointed out, having an opinion is a death sentence, so we had better keep mum about such things lest we get shot down as jealous heretics (hardly anyone can tell the difference). But Warbros have earned it. Least we could do is congratulate them on winning glory and a few pixels. While we're at it, I'd also like to congratulate the other clans who managed to make it to the top and won honor and respect

  6. Frankly this doesn't really bother me as I'm nowhere near the top of the leaderboards. HOWEVER I do feel indignant for the players who made.it to the top through sheer effort (read grinding), and it is on their account that I do feel outraged. I'm going to say this blatantly: any complaint against these exploiters will have little effect on them. Remember that they are hidden behind a wall of anonymity. What WILL have an effect is these exploiters be....taken to task. And put bluntly, that's all we're asking for.


    You probably were misinformed. Look at the screenshot I showed from the quote you took. The player had 30 platinum ADDED TO THEIR ACCOUNT. It's even written that if they wanted more, it was the time because that login reward comes with a 50% discount as well.


    There's also a comment on the wiki that confirms what I'm saying:

    "Darthmufin, no, it isn't a bonus. I got it on the first day I restarted playing Warframe on the same account I had a year ago. 30 plat was added to my account free of charge.

    So, there IS a way to get plat through LRs."


     In that case, someone should really change this footnote:


    The bonus platinum awarded in newer rewards (eg. 50% off platinum plus 30 free platinum) can only be awarded when you make a purchase of platinum on the store. Meaning, you do not get free platinum simply by claiming the reward, and simply get that as a bonus tacked on to your platinum purchase amount.

  8. Understandable.




    Gift from the Lotus = 2 days. Token from the Lotus = 1 day. The blue ones are different.

    You can look at the quoted post below.



    It's also in the wiki, listed in the 7+ days section as "Platinum 30 with 50% two-day discount", and someone posted another screenshot showing exactly what's written on that blue platinum reward, but I can't find the link anymore.

    The 30 plat is not free per se. This bonus is tagged onto your account for the next purchase of platinum from said account. Meaning that should you buy the 75 plat bundle, you will instead receive 105 plat. This is from the wiki, if I have been misinformed, apologies

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