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Posts posted by DarkXenocide

  1. Just now, NightBlitz said:

    are you guys really going to disagree over something like this? just accept that de is probably following their home country's format and leave it at that. besides, if it'd be push into the weekend they'd  probably decide to push it into next week anyways, despite what they've stated.

    I wish they don't but considering their track record with release date it might happen. Although this time they went and hyped (way too much if you ask me) the update and release every day multiple time a day so it would look quite bad.

  2. If we are talking about the Metric system yes it is all but 3 countries. 

    If we are talking about the week from sunday to saturday it's only 3 countries actually although it has the states and Canada. Nobody really work that way because of the weekend concept but that's the accepted rule, especially if you work at the government level. 

  3. Might not have been done on purpose as this information can be found incomplete on the net.

    I do hope that this does not go all the way to the weekend for the release as I am off tomorrow and friday. I work on 10 days shift and have very little time to play otherwise.

  4. 6 minutes ago, HallowedFlux said:

    Actually, even better:
    "According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week."

    You have omitted the rest of the information my friend.. on purpose or the information you found was lacking perhaps?

    "but in the US, Canada, and Japan it's counted as the second day of the week"

    While DE is Canadian it would work but yes I agree with you all that most likely they meant Sunday as the last day. Just hope they aren't so we get it sooner :p.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Laogaeth said:

    Either case, until sunday 23:59 it still counts as this week. Still hoping for a late release today, but still rather early to call it out of schedule if we are going by this week deadline

    Conrtrary to popular belief a week isn't from Monday to Sunday but  from Sunday to Saturday so Sunday is actually next week. Saturday at 23:59 is the deadline

  6. If you have been playing Warframe for a few years you know DE's very soon mean nothing. Nothing against them they are quite the good developer but they tend to be terrible with promised release date. They have never released an update at the time they said they would and big updates such as this are usually considerably late.

    I would just rather DE tell us the update is gonna come out when it's ready and not give us a date at all.

  7. Yeah we talked 'bout that subject a lot recently but I was wondering if I was the only one who thought that.  Is the ridiculous requirement for the research of the Hema due to Perfect World?

    Let's think about this.  DE is usually much more reasonable than this for research, the whole of Mutagen required for EVERYTHING else in the lab is about 50 or so I think (ghost clan). Also they are defending this a lot with how easy it is to far but no it's not that easy, they aren't that common of a drop. Also the whole clan participating, sadly not everyone in a clan participate and donate but that's another thing completely. 

    So I'm thinking that this was not a developer decision but Perfect World meddling and sadly DE has to defend the stance that was taken. If that is the case, can we just see resources farming get even worst from this point on?

  8. I used to like Archwing a lot actually. Might have been on of the few players who did considering the amount of Archwing hate I was seeing on forum and the chat.

    However, the new system of control? I HATE.  Control are impossible. Missions I used to be able to complete alone or with a friend I am impossible or borderline incapable of completing them with a full crew. It is impossible to keep it on level and after doing a mission twice (for a Nitain alert) I started having an headache with all the spinning.

    Melee also has no weight/impact behind it now. The camera is so close when you melee you have no freaking idea what is going on and there seem to be a knockback on our own frame everytime we hit making melee relatively useless compared to before.

    I have no idea why people at DE thought this would be a good idea but the new Archwings system is the worst part of Warframe. and by FAR now. Unless I need to for a quest I will never run an Archwing mission again and that is sad because I used to really like it.

  9. Figured it would be fun if we had a random button for the loadout (frame and weapons). For when you don't know what to play, just press random and run with what you got. 


    Could actually become a kind of challenge in game. You enter a level without knowing what you are equipped with.

  10. Responding to your statements

    1) yes ts unfortunate

    2)that's entirely subjective

    3)Players should react how they want to the current situation at hand you cant control everyone's emotions

    4)Its not bashing the devs if its true 

    5)It changes my  desire to give them money

    6)If I keep getting disappointed i will take my money elsewhere 

    It's ok. It's your point of view of the thing.


     Like I said if you cannot tolerate this from DE then just stop playing Warframe. Staying on and keeping on complaining seems conterproductive to me. You seem to understand that as you said you might eventually take your money elsewhere.


     Of course, if they never change this and never address the problem I might eventually fall in the same camp as yours and that would be sad because I do enjoy playing Warframe.  

  11. Is DE missing the deadline another time a sad thing? YES

    Is DE missing the deadline the worst thing in the world? NO


    What should be done? Either DE should stop giving fixed deadline for their update and finish the update 100% then give the deadline or hire more people.


    How should players react? Not whining because it changes NOTHING just like bashing the dev changes NOTHING. Giving solution is the best way of going about it. If you are truly incapable of supporting a company the miss their deadline (often sadly) then STOP PLAYING and find another game that wouldn't do this. 

  12. DE doesnt sell Prime Access as a way of supporting them. Sure it supports them in the sense that it gives them large sums of cash, but thats not what those are intended for. You are mistaking them with the Founder's Packs.


     They do use this to support themselves. Founder's Packs was base money to help create the game and put it on it's leg.  Part (yes obviously not the whole thing) of Prime Access are used to pay the employee and tools (like that new setup for capture motion) to improve the game. So yes, Prime Access are a way of supporting them AS WELL as a way of just making plain profit.

  13. While I would come to the defense of DE with the fact that this is a Free to Play game and they don't owe anyone anything because no one pay to have access to the game or the update.


    They did however set December 2 as the official release date and not a ETA. The time of release at 18:00 EST was the ETA.  I have to admit DE has the bad habit of giving release date and rarely meeting them. They should just give a week or a goal.

  14. Since this a thread to keep us updated, would it be possible to make it so? Thread was posted over 2 hours ago and then silence. Just tell us if you are encountering problems and have to delay for a few more hours or tomorrow or whatever. It s far better to tell us than to stay silent.

    Also for people who said they wasted a dat waiting for it, seriously? Dont you have other stuff you could be doing? Go out, play another game, read a book, whatever. Just check for updates from time to time on yur phone.

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