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Posts posted by Yinkuji

  1. The Whispers in the Wall Update made Undercroft missions significantly harder. This is particularly noticeable in excavation and defense Undercroft missions. Upon further investigation, it appears the enemies are using the logic of the new faction.

    • Enemies spawn behind you when your back is turned. This isn't new to Whispers in the Wall. However, the game is now spawning enemies who seem to be already in firing range of objectives that need to be protected. Because there seems to be no constraints on where enemies can spawn anymore, enemies are now also spawning on top of buildings and firing at players and objectives from high ground. The latter doesn't sound like a big deal, but when you combine it with the numerous enemies that the game already spawns around you, it becomes nearly impossible as a solo player to kill the enemies fast enough to give the shields of your objective(s) time to recharge.
    • The enemies appear to be more aggressive and accurate. This can be observed in all mission types. I'm using the same parkour strategies that I've always used yet I'm taking significantly more damage. I use to have an issue with getting enemies to shoot my Guardian Shell shield ability to strengthen it. Not anymore.
    • The enemies are spamming grenades. As soon as one grenade explodes, another enemy is already throwing another another grenade out. There is always a grenade on the field. It also doesn't help that the hitbox of grenades appears to be tiny making it very difficult to shoot them with some weapons in the heat of battle.

    When you combine all of this together, it results in a significantly harder experience than pre Whispers in the Wall gameplay especially when playing solo. All of the above changes weren't listed in the patch notes so I'm assuming this is a bug and not intended. Some of these changes make the enemies more engaging as seen in the new zone. However, it seems they may have been unintentionally blanketed applied to Undercroft enemies as well. Before the update, I could do Undercroft SP excavation/defense missions as a solo player without much issue. Now, it's a life or death struggle if I'm not running a defense frame or someone or something that can blow up half the screen at the press of a button.

    To recreate, simply log in and play a Undercroft excavation or defense mission in Duviri.

    EDIT: It appears this is a blanket change to the A.I in all game modes. Again, this change is undocumented so I'm going to assume it is a bug. With the new aggressive spawning system and how aggressive enemies now are in general, playing excavation and defense missions solo is a frustrating experience. I can kill all enemies to the north side of the objective, move 30m in 2 seconds, and when I turn around there are already enemies firing at the objective from the north side as if I was never there.

    Also, as someone that also only plays caster frames, I'll note that there seems to be a slight nerf in the amount of energy orbs dropped from enemies and loot containers as well. In a 17 minute mission where I would normally use about 100energy/min, I killed 250+ enemies, and looted 25+ containers, Despite this, I spent nearly half of the mission out of energy. This was a thrall controlled excavation mission on Everest(Earth).


  2. After successfully completing a stage in the Duviri Circuit, you are given an option to leave or continue. If you vote to continue and the host also continues, everyone is awarded a decree before being transferred to the next stage. However, if the host votes to leave, a host migration occurs and you are not awarded a decree, I can't say for certain if it always happens and if the mission type plays a factor. However, it always happens to me when I am the only one who votes to continue and I'm not the host..

    To reproduce:

    Join a party for the Circuit. Have the host vote to leave upon stage completion. Host migration screen. Proceed to load into the next stage without the awarded decree.

  3. It's counter intuitive for Mass Vitrify to scale with armor. She's a squishy caster that has low base armor and depends on Splinter Storm and Mass Vitrify to survive. Despite this, DE thought it would be a great idea for Mass Vitrify to scale with armor. As usual, it's like DE doesn't even play their own game.

    RIP Gara 2017-2017. I'm sure DE will take a second look at her again 6+ months later. See Limbo, Oberon, etc. DE is always quick to nerf, but slow to buff when something is clearly underpowered.


  4. I have played Warframe for nearly 1000 hours and came back after having not played for 4 or 5 months. This principle challenge room thing or whatever requirement is such BS for such an essential part of the story. I've done Second Dream and I have the Sedna planet unlocked. Why do I still have to deal with this RNG junction  grind BS?

    I just ran the damn place about 6 times and I have no idea what the hell I am looking for. I know 6-7 runs isn't much in Warframe but with all this hype about the story and trying to get players to come back, you would think DE would at least try to mask the grind and RNG a bit better. For something so critical to the progression of the story, I shouldn't have to go to the @(*()$ wiki to find out what it is. "Oh, I hope you notice these random things lighting up as you're running through the map at 1000MPH." The challenges aren't even guaranteed spawns and the randomness of the tile sets don't help at all. You have to search every inch of the tileset using the terrible map on your screen.

    Oh, you found a challenge? Hope you brought the proper frame or good luck getting through some of them. I've seen the Endurance one 3 times now and each time my party failed because either we didn't know how to do it correctly or we had squishy frames and failed to do it properly. I just got done watching an ally fail the agility test with the fairy frame for 10-15mins. The new quest isn't worth all this trouble.

    I had planned on buying 2000 plat or so, completing the new quest, and farming for Vauban Prime, but never mind. I guess I'll go back to Overwatch and Battlefield  until DE makes some changes. I didn't expect to meet the RNG/Grind brick wall as soon as I returned.  2 hours played today, 0 challenges completed. GG

  5. DE doesn't understand that it wasn't about the damage. When I played Mirage, I felt like a one-man woman army raining hails of bullets down on enemies. That feeling is gone now and she isn't the same anymore.

    You see that? That is extremely satisfying to watch. Even if only 2 clones would do damage now, they need to bring back the projectiles for the other clones and allow the user of the ability to be the only one to see the excess projectiles.

    You can't substitute fun with damage.

  6. Except there is no need in multi role. Multi role would be useful if your mission objectives would have been unknown so you might have need different roles on the same mission.


    I can give example from Dota 2. There are heroes that are good in early game, heroes that are good late game and heroes that are average through out the game. Such heroes are useful as you can use them in a back up plan if the game goes late.


    In Warframe you can completely fulfill all roles in 4 warframes. Since the mission objectives are always predetermined there is never a situation when you need suddenly to change a role. All multi-role is kind of a waste and not worth weaker abilities.

    Great logic. Might as well only keep the top 4 frames in the game and delete the rest. /sarcasm


    The warframe community never ceases to amaze me.

  7. Bug 1:



    Syandana alignment is wrong on both Kyroptera and Ormolu Kyroptera.


    Bug 2:


    Who Equinox

    What Weapon Turns Invisible when set to holstered.

    Where Anywhere




    REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

     1.Go into arsenal and set weapon to hide when holstered.

     2. Start a mission.

     3. Swap to secondary.

     4. Swap to primary.

     5. Your primary weapon should now be invisible.

  8. Yup, Peacemaker is terrible and is textbook example of poor gameplay design.


    You can't tell the warframe community that though because: "IT'S OKAY BECAUSE ITS BAD AGAINST HIGH LEVELS. GIT GUD NOOB. XD XD XD"


    The skill is so overbearingly broken that as Mesa, players almost expect you to just sit in 4 the whole time. It's similar to the Nekros issue where 1 ability accounts for 90% of your power usage. That's obviously not fine and DE had to go and buff Nekro's other abilities. In Mesa's case, they need to tone down Peacemaker because in about 70-80% of the game's star chart, she one shots everything that appears on screen destroying any meaningful interactions with her teammates. When Mesa enters your squad, you go from playing the game to watching somebody else play the game.


    DE also did a similar thing to Nova when Molecular Prime was stupidly broken. They managed to make Molecular Prime not as overbearing in the majority of the star chart and even increased it's usefulness.


    Also, I never understood why Peacemaker has a flat 50m range. It should be lowered to 10 or 15m and scale with power range mods.

  9. I've put 2 Forma into Equinox so far. 


    Day frame alone is a B rank frame.


    Night frame alone is a D rank frame. 


    Together, Equinox is an A rank frame.


    I'm not going to go into detail on each of her abilities as all of them have their strengths and weaknesses. However, I do have a problem with Mend. It just feels lackluster as an ultimate. 


    In general, I feel her Night form is far too supportive or rather, she isn't supportive enough. There are plenty of ways to buff allies. Maybe have one of her abilities add movement speed, or maybe armor, etc. There are tons of ways to improve her Night form while still keeping the support theme.


    And yes, Day form's ultimate is effected by her 3 ability. 


    Also, Pacify against infested = bad idea. lol RIP energy.


    I just hope DE addresses these issues with balance changes and not try to fix Night's problems with ability augments. But then again, ability augments would have to benefit both forms so Day form would still end up being more useful.

  10. I personally dislike how favored dual-wielding is when it comes to secondaries in general. And i'm not a fan of the Twin Grakata that's for sure.

    This. I like to play as a marksmen and use single weapons but there is really no positive to doing so. You would think that dual wielding would mean less accuracy, higher recoil, etc. Nope, not in Warframe. The guy dual wielding not only has higher DPS than you, but his accuracy is just as good, he reloads faster,  and in some cases the dual wielded weapon has less recoil than the single version(Wtf?).


    But hey, at least they buffed the Lex Prime.

  11. Mesa's ult has the same problem as old M.Prime. It took DE a while but they eventually nerfed M.Prime and made it balanced. Hopefully they are working on doing the same for Peacemaker.


    Personally, I haven't played her since they changed her Peacemaker animation. Previously she looked so elegant when switching targets in Peacemaker. Now she looks robotic.

  12. A quick Tier List:


    God Mode frames trivialize 95% of the game's content and make many frames obsolete. They can single-handily carry groups by themselves and do so effortlessly.


    High Tier frames are frames that have strengths that trivializes some content. They have weaknesses but they are usually overshadowed by their strengths. Also capable of easily carrying groups and excel at most mission types.


    Mid Tier frames are frames that are actually balanced with distinct strengths and weaknesses. Many of them can be a valuable asset to a team depending on the mission/faction type.


    Low Tier: Needs buffs.


    Gimmick Tier: Needs to go back into development.


    God Mode: Loki

    High Tier: Nova, Nyx, Trinity, Mirage, Mesa, Frost, Saryn, Rhino

    Mid Tier: Valkyr, Vauban, Mag, Zephyr, Volt, Hydroid, Ash, Excalibur, Banshee, Oberon, Nekros

    Low Tier: Ember

    Gimmick Tier: Limbo (Come at me Limbo players)


    Since perfect balance is unobtainable, good balance would mean that all frames are either Mid Tier or borderline High Tier.

  13. Then why do we even have melee? Why abilities like Slash Dash that are clearly not going to be of much help? Why frames like Ember with the same problem? Is endgame just Boltor Prime, Synoid, and CC/perma-invisibility? Because there's too much in this game for that to be the case.

    Welcome to Warframe.


    Logged on to update my Stratos Emblem and won't be back until the next major update. TA or no TA, Warframe's balance has always been horrible and DE shows no sign of improving. I thought DE would take the feedback from the last TA and improve upon their idea of "challenging" but what we got was another half-assed attempt at creating challenging content that makes the majority of the frames in the game irrelevant.


    Oh, well.

  14. Mesa spamming 4 is the same as any other frame spamming 4? lol?


    She has a 50m range and basically autokills anything that steps into range. As an ally, there is literally nothing you can do for the first 15 waves or so. Sure she becomes useless later, but who cares. So do most other powers as well and the majority of the player base is going to leave around wave 15 anyway.


    And sorry, Nova spamming 4 doesn't instantly kill everything on screen, and most Rhinos I encounter don't use any powers at all let alone Rhino Stomp. 


    The problem is there is no way to interact with her 4 as an ally. When Nova uses Molecular Prime it slows/speeds up enemies and your allies deal more damage to them. When Loki is spamming 4, the enemies are disarmed allowing your allies to mow them down without much resistance.


    What can you do when Mesa presses 4? Nothing. All you can do is watch.


    It doesn't really matter to me though. If she wants to be a defense hero and carry the mission, go ahead. I'll just afk and do something else until the mission fails/succeeds.

  15. It's poor design. 


    You know all those great weapons and frames you invested and put so much time into? 90% of them all useless here because DE is incapable of designing challenging content without disabling your OP gear because the game's balance is horrible.



    I like challenging content but this is just lazy by DE.

  16. Please don't mention Zephyr as outshined, outcasted, or w/e. She is fine and probably one of the more balanced frames in the game. 



    She's one of the few frames where I feel I can bring her to any mission without being a burden to my team and probably the only frame where all her abilities are useful.


    If anyone is outcasted, it's Nyx. Use to be my favorite frame but ever since ability augment mods, Loki the God has completely taken over her niche.

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