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Posts posted by Space0ddity

  1. 17 hours ago, Draginfli said:

    I like the debuff abilities, but I believe his passive makes him the best choice of warframes by default. His stats would automatically be too overpowered, given 10 extra levels and an extra mod slot (assuming they need the same experience on the same leveling scale to attain them). That's roughly 30% more leveled than all the other warframes, PLUS the extra mod. 

    If you can rework the passive, this might prove an interesting concept!

    no that wouldn’t. you clearly know nothing about picking your warframes then. he would not have the EHP to compete with even mirage.

  2. 3 minutes ago, BloodyEy3 said:

    Good that comment then xd


    1. its not supposed to change limbo, he does the exact same he does now, the same way, the same combo, for easy gameplay (besides going afk part)

    2. You dont even play Limbo, so why even comment

    because i do have experience with limbo, both before and after his rework, and when timestop was global and after it changed. i know what i’m talking about when i say a rework like this does nothing and would be underappreciated. i would hardly call it a rework, mostly a patch really.

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  3. 6 hours ago, LascarCapable said:

    It is a percentage. Percentage value can still be tweaked of course. Either way, reduced evade radius while attacking is still better than, well, no evade at all.

    Reducing by 80 degrees straight wouldn't be a good drawback at all since you would still be able to evade everything appearing on your screen (and a bit more behind) with 200% power range. Attacking must make you more vulnerable, but not utterly vunerable. I can lower the percentage of radius lost from 80% to 70% though. It would probably be fair. 36° does feel quite low with no power range.

    I'm probably encouraging more to build for range like this : it's intended, though I don't think it would be absolutely mandatory to build like that for a 360° Elude if you can manage your positioning. If anything, it reinforces an interesting dynamic : do you want a safer 200% range build that allows you to dodge more stuff with Elude and cover more ground with Lull at cost of hitting less hard with Serene Storm (overextended), or do you want to play more risky and favor power strength more by not having a 200% power range build ?

    Being forced out of your 4 if you reach full restraint is normal. It's planned. I want the player to pay attention to their restraint a bit and spare it when needed. It's up to the player to use Serene Storm at the right moment and keep in mind how long they can go before having to reload it (which shouldn't take that long in the right situation). Considering that Serene Storm can be used for no energy cost, I think it's perfectly fine to not be able to sustain it forever and have to make small breaks between two uses.

    Equiniox's Pacify does not provide DR and sleep, but lowers enemy damage instead. It also seem to create an aura around you instead of generating a static sigil on the ground. Did you mean Rest/Rage perhaps ? Rest is a ranged ability if I follow the wiki : you generate a 5m AoE to up to 50m. Hence, I don't think Lull steps on Equinox's territory at all.

    Sorry you don't like the suggested redesign. I don't think it would be that complicated in game though. It's just that I went a bit deep into details. Perhaps you would prefer a more summarized and straightforward formulation ?

    Desolate Hands : throw a dagger that knocks down and disarm enemies and their auras (eximus/ancients) in a small AoE. Erodes restraint per enemy hit, up to a cap.

    Evade : enemy attacks that aren't AoEs phase through Baruuk in a wide angle. Attacking will however reduce that angle. Erode restraint for each enemy killed while the ability is active.

    Lull : generates a persistent sigil on the floor that slows down enemies depending of how close from the center they are. Being too close from the center puts enemies to sleep. Grants damage reduction as long as you remain on the sigil. Erodes restraint everytime an enemy is affected.

    Serene Storm : now gets increased damage and provides more damage reduction while active. Also restores energy while you restore your restraint. Makes your other abilities trade defense for sheer offense.

    • Desolate Hands now strips armor and shields but cannot disarm.
    • Elude had reduced angle but boosts your movement speed drastically.
    • Lull has lowered slow effect and no sleep but improves your damage.

    This describes what each abiities would do without entering into details. I hope this was convincing : it's not as complicated as it looks, though I'm definitely adding some depth and complexity to Baruuk here, which is something that I think is welcome.

    As for the disarming prowess and Loki supposedly outshining Baruuk (probably not what you meant to say though), I think several things have to be kept in mind : 

    • The ability cost is not the same : Loki might have a massive disarm, the cost of his ability is 4 times superior to what Baruuk's reworked desolate hands would be.
    • Invisibility does not mean invincibility, especially when you're playing with other players. Stray bullets and collateral damage are extremely dangerous for Loki. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time is fatal. This makes Invisibility not as reliable for your survival compared to having a massive amount of DR. Add to this the fact that Loki has to constantly recast his invisibility, while Baruuk will probably have to spend much less energy to avoid damage, both in the reworked and in the current version.
      •  I'd take DR over invisibility in high level missions anytime by the way. DR is way too reliable and convenient for me to pass. Even if it means "no stealth damage".

    i like the simplified description a lot more, feels much less difficult to follow and easier to see his true potential, but simplifying like this clearly exposes a few glaring flaws in his rework kit that are harder to see when gouged out with stats and text:

    1. desolate hands in this state is just as bad a disarming tool as it always was, and now his DR and survivability have gone down quite a lot. for a pacifist frame, he arguably should be smothering the battlefield in disarms and sleeps, yet this makes it harder. it’s also less flashy than say, summoning 30 daggers with a powerstrength build, and can’t be cast on allies anymore, which is a shame.

    2. making lul only sleep enemies in the center makes it kind of like an ivara sleep but you cant shoot it at anything besides yourself, why would i use it now? the slow is less than useless for me, this isn’t dota where slowing down my lane opponent is the difference between life or death, this is a game where slows don’t do much to make enemies less threatening.

    the elude buff is aight, and the buff to his melee would be appreciated, but now he’s lost a ton of survivability and is arguably even more useless. you say loki’s abilities cost more, but if i were to project the costs of these theoretical abilities they have a value barely breaking 25 each, unless their range is much more ridiculous than i imagine, which creates another saryn/equinox. loki’s disarm is absolutely worth every 100 energy, and is weak simply because it’s hard to build properly (irradiating disarm is really, really good, don’t forget it.)

    invisibility IS invincibility to a solo frame, this is why loki is preferred for that role. baruuk, with his massive cc, and damage ult that is regulated by a restraint bar is directly competing with other solo frames. if he really wants to be one, it should be harder to lose dr from his desolate hands, not having all of his survivability stripped out and moved to elude, a very unreliable looking toggle ability.

    all in all this creates a frame that has to spend 200 energy to cast a watered down disarm, an invincibility button that stops working when he fires his gun, and an exalted blade that works *sometimes*

  4. 6 hours ago, BloodyEy3 said:

    Not equinox night toggle. You still gain energy/sec from focus school and rift and everything else, it just drains flat per enemy in range. And in gerneral its supposed to be a nerf (which u can reduce by actually playing (killing foes) aswell as useing rift surge instead of stasis (buff/debuff) thing


    no its not, its a cone its only radial on riftsurge (upon leaving rift)

    how and where ? it tunes out the cataclysm downside since people on edge will evnetually leave rift, which performs its radial banish. The banish combo is not realyl practically (look comment above)

    Also look at any new Warframes. All have semi invunerbility, semi Aoe nuke, and a strong buff or debuff

    it is since people use it with min range/ max duration for defense or max range/max Duration for survival (grineer+infested), but upon changing riftsurge the shrinking cataclysm and as such continously entering and leaving rift interaction makes its difficult to actually kill enemies. And as already stated the shrinking mechanics kinda renders its Augment which otherwise would be great useless

    1. i dont care even the least about equinox’s existence or about her toggle, and it’ll certainly break the flow of limbo if it stops being flat

    2. i dont want even a single one of these tiny baby changes, this changes literally NOTHING about limbo.

  5. On 2019-12-19 at 11:57 AM, (PS4)TeynKu said:

    Ive always wanted a wolf themed frame based on Fenrir from Norse mythology. He'd have digigrade legs, a pointed helmet with "ear points" and an operable maw. He'd even come with an auxiliary piece putting wild fur on his back and shoulders. Hed have a unique sprint animation having him run on all four limbs. His body would be able to bulk up with his passive and 4th ability. He'd come with two Exalted weapons, one being a Two Headed Helimith Charger named Hadi & Skol, and his claws and maw.


    Health:150/400 Armor: 650 Shield: 50/150 Sprint speed: 1.75 Energy: 120/180

    Passive: Unchained Rage: Armor health and ability strength increase by 5% for a max of 25% with each ability cast.

    Hadi and Skol: Summon a two headed Helimith charger: each rank is a new command like Vinari, new command heal, Hadi and Skol will pounce and maul enemies gaining healing sending a portion back to Fenrir. Hadi and Skol benefit from Seething rage.

    Ravage: Fenrir pounced on a target mawling them healing for 15% of the damage. 10/25/75/100

    Seething Rage Howl that stuns enemies and buffs allies damage by 25% for 3 seconds. Hadi and Skol will also howl adding to the stun range.

    Ragnorok: Fenrir bares his claws and his muscles expanding in size, Fenrir gains up to double armor and damage, switches to exalted sparing claw weapon. 50 energy to activate with 5 energy per second of use.

    1. mary sue tier stats, there are no chinks in his armor and therefore boring

    2. lol 25% health and shields is just sad compared to inaros’s 99% armor increase

    3. 25% healtharmor on an ai controlled unit. 

    4. 15% of 100 damage is 15 hp max AHAHAHAAHA *WHEEEEZE* for *WHEEZE* 75 energy! AHAHAHHAHHAHAA

    5. why do that when i have rhino and excalibur??

    6. boneless valkyr


    this frame truly is horrifying, an actual frankenstein of random abilities from other frames that do it better and would be literal mr fodder as a frame. not to mention a theme that is well satisfied by inaros, valkyr, and chroma.


  6. toggles fook up energy regen, and have an antisynergy with void energy regen, making it a nerf

    banish is already radial

    riftsurge is already overtuned and does too much, take that league of legends tier balancing out of here

    cataclysm is totally fine as it is


    limbo is the strongest cc frame in the game, and if not the strongest certainly the most reliable. he does not need another rework or another buff, and since he relies on his weapons to kill effectively, he’s infinitely more balanced than he was after his rework (press 4 to win) or the days where he ruined the days of terrible players (lol enjoy your gun NOW dummy)

    all this “rework” adds is more text to his abilities. go home.

    • Like 1
  7. sounds like complicated synergy spam to me, i dont like heavily overtuned abilities and this stinks of that

    heres my suggestion

    health/armor unchanged

    elude angles improved so that he naturally gets 60% coverage instead of whatever he has now

    desolate hands now sleeps enemies in a large aoe along with disarming them

    lull now disarms along with proccing sleep, similar to loki’s disarm

    serene storm gets 350 damage from 250, but becomes nonfatal, instead rocketing an enemy into space, a wall, or out of bounds whenever they are hit, and relinquishing loot and exp right away.

    has a ‘fear’ effect which makes enemies run for the nearest unloaded tile and despawn


    i dont like ability changes that cant be summed up in a few sentences. they are complicated and boring most of the time and change nothing about a frame’s playstyle or identity. the best reworks involved something crazy like, “limbo can stop time now”


    if baruuk is truly a pacifist too, he shouldnt be outcompeted in disarming prowess by loki, since at least loki has invis, but baruuk just has some DR

  8. you’ve got a point that making him drop from profit taker still won’t make him easier to get, but the point of my suggestion was that he is less complicated to get. an average player would be much happier making the conclusion that once theyve finished solaris united grind, they can at least get baruuk quickly without wasting their own time. i didn’t make my suggestion with only new players in mind, just average players between mr 6 and 11, who would be the only ones in the first place capable of grinding out a syndicate

    as it is right now, baruuk is a sort of drop from profit taker due to you needing to fight pt to get his blueprints. its complicated, and messy.

  9. i barely know a thing about his kit, because i’ve never seen him and arguably never will


    baruuk suffers from being extremely hard to get, and i think he’s the most unattainable frame in the game right now. it’s not necessarily that he takes a lot of grind, although he does, but it’s extremely complicated to get him. he’s basically atlas’s farm all over again

    grind standing>grind more standing>fight spider>get bp, sounds really similar to atlas’s grind which is grind archwing mods>rough it through quest>grind boss>get bp

    he’s an underwhelming frame, not nearly as attractive as ivara, harrow, mesa, etc. he really should have his drops moved to the profit taker itself, because it is extraordinarily painful to get this guy. why else would nobody play him, when they hear of an excal sidegrade that takes around a month to get no matter what?


    and anyways, considering that his exalted weapon doesnt cover a big area, he can be given as much damage as he wants and still remain balanced IMO. he’s not a bad design, just unattractive

  10. 5 hours ago, Ekhael said:

    Having teams is nice and all but when you face an insufferable teammate in public squad and you just can't stand how he's ruining your mission, you really just want to kick them out, but you can't. Why

    try and be nice then

    if they’re intentionally being an A****** just be mature and don’t let it bother you, the moment their presence creates a kick button, theyve won, theyve salted the earth and nothing can grow in it again.

  11. 1 hour ago, ItsJoYWTF said:

    How can someone think to fight with creatures that only want feed themselves with flesh and just want to kill and kill and kill and only kill.. casue they only kill and eat. watch walking dead eisodes u will understand ..casue the creatures in the walking dead have kind of same behavior. 

    yeah but do they take hostages and prisoners, operate radio towers, show strategy and have the capability to hijack computer ai? you clearly don’t understand the infested then

  12. fortnite is a zoomer game that appeals to a new generation of gamers that prefer eye damage and getting kicked out of the server every time you die. you could write a manifesto about how it appeals to cowards and wannabe marksmen and the like, but i’m not gonna talk about that.

    battle pass, open world mechanics, rng is an odd thing for a pve game to base itself off, considering fortnite is pvp and therefore has infinite playability. that didn’t stop quotes like ‘battle pass is healthy’, ‘BR mode is good for warframe’, or ‘warframe 2 will be a good idea just like in fortnite’


    they’re two different games with extremely different progression loops, why do you guys think it’s worth learning from or emulating? nightwave introduced a huge player decrease, and the bigger open worlds get the more unpopular they become as they age (profit taker ring a bell?)

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