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Posts posted by Seasonsofclarity

  1. Obex built with a focus on crit (True Steel, Organ Shatter, Berserker) can wipe the floor with a good stance (I use Brutal Tide).  I've yet to notice the animation bug.


    Once I proc a crit, Berserker kicks in and I move so fast that I'm flying across rooms.  I can take out a lvl 30 Napalm before he can fire three shots after a crit doing just the quick melee, not even the stance combos.

  2. DE has no legal requirement to refund money to anyone who purchased stat helmets even if they remove the stats from them.


    Why?  Cause there's no price difference between a stat helm and a non-stat helm.  Check the market.  They have no way of guaranteeing that someone purchased a stat helm for the stats or for the cosmetic effect.


    People get as butthurt as they want about it.  The effect will be minor in the long run.

  3. Only Frost ability that needs work still is Freeze.


    Avalanche could use the longer CC again, perhaps.  But I mainly use it for straight damage, to great effect.


    Ice Wave tears through enemies.


    Snowglobe works just fine even when I'm running a 16s length build on it (efficiency build).


    Really don't know what people are complaining about.

  4.  Lucky for you there is a website that offers this information. http://deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html


    Hopefully this helps you.

    I'm more stating that if a third party can access this information, why doesn't DE put it anywhere?  Even more than that, how does a third party have access to that much information, when half the time the game itself seems to be in the dark about it?


    please... if zero Alliances offered battlepay effective right now there would still be people playing the sectors. take your wannabe merc self elsewhere, and no it isnt what the tenno have always been.


    stop watching movies

    Kid, seriously, just shut up and let the adults talk.  You're no longer talking anything about game issues, you're talking personal preferences and choosing to focus solely on attacking them.  There's a name for that logical fallacy, you know.  I'll let you google it.

  5. And I guess you were too busy being annoying to consider that blocking with a primary/secondary could be given other properties? For example, no ability to deflect bullets but keeping the ability to block those annoying hits that knock you down?

    That would be just as broken if not worse so.  Knockdown is an equalizer that you must learn to counter and deal with in other ways.

  6. No.


    Blocking should not come back for use while holding a Primary/Secondary weapon, because it is extremely broken.  Specters prove it: I've watched them sit there blocking an entire clip of Amprex fire without receiving a single digit of damage because they had enough stamina.  We can do the same thing.


    So no.  Make your choice: ranged combat, or the ability to block.  There's no little Mexican girl here to offer you both.

  7. Misinformed.


    An Alliance sets x number of battle pay over the course of x runs, which is specific and cannot be changed. When that x number of runs is reached, the Alliance then chooses a different amount of battle pay and number of runs if they so choose.

    Didn't know (don't own or participate in an Alliance with my clan), but it doesn't change the issue.


    If there are multiple battlepays listed in a line of settings, we should be able to see all of them so we know what we may get.  This is still a major issue because it's a slap in the face to everyone who starts the mission thinking they'll get the higher pay.  If the second line of pay is lower than the battlepay of the opposing Alliance, that's who most of the people would've supported then instead of wasting their time.

  8. 1) Saryn is a Toxic frame, not a Gas frame.  All her abilities are related to Toxic damage.

    2) Hoarding exists no matter what.  Either people hoard to sell, or they hoard for transmute/fusion fodder.  You can't change this.

    3) Stats should never have existed on the helmets, this was a huge mistake by DE.  They would've been better off fixing the balance issues the stat helms tried to address.  Instead, now they will use the Focus System to do so in the future, and all stats on all helms should be yanked as soon as Focus is released.  No ifs-ands-or-buts.  They won't owe you a refund or S#&$.

    4) Power creep exists in any continuous game.  What's more, you can still take a Braton to Uranus with smart building.  Hell, you can still take a Mk-1 Braton into Void if you're smart.


    Tl;dr: most of these complaints are ignorant and invalid.

  9. Let's preface this with saying I can understand getting 0 credits when an Alliance's funds run out while I'm still in the mission.  S#&$ happens.


    But when the Alliance is allowed to change their battlepay to a far, far lower amount midway through the mission just because they can, there's a problem.


    Tenno are contract workers, in essence.  We fight because we accepted a contract to do so.  When the other side breaches the contract, there should be repercussions for them.


    Battlepays should be locked in for those mid-mission.  Unchangeable except when they run out.  And if they run out?


    Penalize, at least in some small way.


    This will prevent troll Alliances from scamming high battlepay that they can't afford.

  10. The Grineer traps, first the "broken lights" and now these electro-tards, are a classic example of poor design because they simply don't serve that purpose.  Rather, they are items from a bygone era, the one in which we'd step on crap like this then proceed to re-load our saved game, learn where a few more are, reload, etc, until we'd memorized their location to wipe them all out, then proceed to the next arbitrary annoyance.  There is a reason that era is gone.

    Or, ya know, they aren't of that era.


    Cause they're @(*()$ easy to avoid and destroy even with low shield/health frames.


    "Oh there's a shock arc, better step back a few steps and look for the source. Wait, there it is, right in plain view." *shoot* "Okay we're good."

  11. Discovered by accident that if you initiate a Stealth Kill on an enemy that's positioned just right, your body during the attack will be clipped through the wall.  And if this happens, you will fall straight through to death in empty nothingness.


    Which is a pretty big issue considering the times when the game decides that the enemy you've been fighting (who is aware of you) suddenly loses awareness and now you're Stealthing.

  12. Yeah but tail wind would kick even more butt if it dealt zero damage, but had cost of 10 energy

    Just my personal opinion.

    No, it wouldn't


    Why? Cause that would leave Zephyr with only the ultimate for damage dealing abilities (Dive Bomb is fairly weak compared).  As it stands, Tail Wind is extremely useful for escaping situations where you're surrounded thanks to knockdown AoE.

  13. Wrong. Never referred to understanding the technical side. However, no, we understand quite a lot.

    I'm afraid you state, and I quote:

    aspects which are both relevant and important

    The technical side is more relevant than anything unless you want a bloated, flaw-riddled, slow processing, and bug infested game that crashes anytime two functions try to make calls that weren't planned for.


    Warframe doesn't even come close to some of the software and betas I've seen in those negative terms (because I know some moron will claim it already is).

  14. I keep saying this and I'll continue to do so; DE may 'develop' the game but we play much more than they do it and therefore understand it more than they ever will when it comes to aspects which are both relevant and important. Half of their developments are built upon our gameplay. Prime Time barely covers the time most of us have spent with this game.

    This is a fundamentally flawed outlook.


    We only understand one aspect of the game.  We do not know the code, we do not know the synergy of functions within the game, we do not know the limits of timers and counters amidst what they already have created.


    In short: we don't understand jack @(*()$ crap.  And as a software developer myself I know this to be fact.

  15. Overall  Frost is far from fine. Too slow for anything other than def and Avalanche got completely ruined, almost no one is playing Frost any more. 

    And yet, when I don't feel like playing my Zephyr, I play Frost almost exclusively, on all content.


    And I'm never the last person in the line, or the lowest kill count.


    The people who can't play Frost now just haven't figured out how to play him.

  16. So now 50% is reasonable?

    To me?  Yes.  I don't lose any credits.  I've done missions with less credit rewards than I would get even after the 50% cut.


    Resources?  Might be overkill, but the only resource I even care about anymore that might come from a Dark Sector is Orokin Cells.


    The problem is that the dumbass alliances are trying to attack and take Dark Sectors and realizing they don't have the ability to hold them without huge taxes.  The bigger alliances have the dumping power to drop their own resources into construction and upkeep without as much of a dent on their own.


    That's just how it's going to be.

  17. As the title says.  I am constantly unable to access Dark Sector nodes from the starchart, but I can select and play any other node as normal.


    Often, after trying and failing to select a Dark Sector node, the game locks up and refuses to let me back out of the planet screen without logging out.

  18. I continue to use Frost with effectiveness equal to any other frame on the team.


    Ice Wave tears through hallways.


    Snowglobe dies to time, not damage.


    Avalanche is powerful and very fast (I also use Natural Talent to speed Ice Wave's launch).


    Freeze is the only ability I find useless still.


    To note, I do a full melee efficiency build with Intensify to add power.

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