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Posts posted by Leafcoin

  1. I spent 200 of my precious plats for two Domestik Drones and regretted it.

    Unless you have enough plat to make a spectacular display of luxury, I would recommend not buying it.

    It's a real disappointment when I return from a mission to find the one or two drones in some corner of the ship instead of a giant army of drones.

    I should've spent 200 on a deluxe skin or something that I actually get to see when running missions.

    Don't buy into the hype Tenno. Don't buy into it.


  2. I would say Hydroid, Khora, Loki and Rhino

    Loki to disarm so they all run to you, Rhino so enemies die quicker. Khora+Hydroid for loot if those two still works together

    If not I would say just Hydroid and Rhino, Loki and Nova. 2 Buff so you kill more in exchange for less avg loot per kill.

    However the best IMO on a coordinated squad is Hydroid+Ivara+Loki+fourth frame (Buff, 2nd Ivara, Nova).

    Found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SchfvxDtx6c, there's a guide in the description, however Ivara is running two Arcane Energize in the build b/c she has high duration and range for very quick loot steal, so your mileage may vary. The guide seems to be using pull mechanics (Zenurik Pull/Magus Anomaly to concentrate enemies), and a bait frame standing in the open to get melee and disarmed enemies to run to the bait consistently. Loki could attract enemies with his Decoy, or the fourth frame would have to be tanky to bait enemies, which in the video is a 100% range Nekros.




  3. There's a field of view option but that's all I have. It's at the place where you change graphics setting. Push it to max.

    While in a mission Volt's 2 will push the camera back even further, but that's not really a fix...

  4. At least let me do the one hour stuff solo. I've done 1-hour survivals before, only because:

    1- I've decided to do it on my own, not because of Nightwave

    2- It's solo so I can pause without losing a revive/failing the mission

    I have a week to do one, one-hour mission because of Nightwave. I wouldn't mind doing it because of Nightwave, but at least give me the ability to take breaks.

    Thanks DE.

  5. 6 hours ago, Raskolnikow said:


    Ye, throw her Amp, stand in it and just shoot. No need for that stupid self dmg crap, eidolon is pretty noisy so its at max strength all the time. Its not even minmaxed and still works perfect. You could try to improve it with another arcane avanger, more strength less efficiency and dead eye (didnt want to change polarity tho cause of other builds)

    you can also try her metronome for that additional MS but i found it hard to perform and there wasnt rly need for it

    You can get a beam secondary and spam fire for that multishot

    Bind firing to a keyboard press if you don't want to destroy your mouse. (I have bad mouse)

    I usually get 40k at least with Equinox + Orthos P, no booster, in Adaro Sedna. I think I had a greater lens on the Orthos. 

    E: sometimes I get less than 40k if it's a messy run. Watch out for bombards.


  6. I think one way to decide on any features related to the WF economy is to just guess what happens when a feature is in the game, look at the result it has on the game and see if you like it or not.

    Trash rivens will probably receive a bump in their value b/c it's probably cheaper to buy trash and reroll and you eventually get stats for locking.

    High-ends might get a decrease in their value since lots will just choose to endure the grind b/c they know they'll get something good.

    Medium-end rivens will probably increase in price. Same reason as trash rivens, but you just have to work on one stat.

    Either way there is going to be more OP rivens, which might make rivens system as a whole more accessible, but you run into the problem of players just running over current contents in Warframe.

    Feel free to post your thoughts below. Thanks for reading! 

    Edit: off topic but i just want to make a smiley face like : and then >, why does it have to turn into an open mouth closing eyes emoji -_-, stop making me an outrovert stupid forum!!

    Edit 2: I've been reading other threads and the cost for locking will probably affect some of the things stated above.

  7. A reason is each Focus school is meant to do a specific role. You either dash and get energy with Zenurik or restore health with Vazarin.

    Being able to dash and regain health and energy at the same time is pretty cool though, if I can use 2 schools at the same time.

    Or I can throw out fireballs and lightning at the same time with Void Blast

    This is actually a really nice idea wth..

    It's just a wording problem at this point.

  8. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Can't you choose instances like in Cetus?

    I choose not-busy instances in Cetus most of the time and whenever I return from the Plains I always get put into an instance filled with people. Annoying.

    Or maybe the low pop instances just fill up really quickly and that's what I'm seeing all this time.

  9. Just Filter for what you want. Filter for WTB so you only see WTB which will eliminate most of the WTS rivens. Or if you are trying to sell something like your Braton Prime filter for Braton/Braton P/Braton Prime so you see WTS and WTB Braton Prime. Then you only get the occasional riven sellers.

    OR! or you can just type WTS [Braton Prime] XXX pl into a notepad, copy it and paste on the trade chat. People who use the Filter system will see your message.

    It's a temp fix however I would agree on the need for a Riven trade chat.

  10. 15 minutes ago, TheRealShade said:

    I tried it out myself, it keeps enemies in an alerted state thus making them run to you instead of walking so you kill them faster, therefore speeding up spawns as well since they need to "resupply" enemy count.

    But enemies are always in an alert state during Survival mission? You run in already guns blazing so they'll always be alerted and run straight to the position where the gunfire event originated.

    I'll admit I like having enemy radar during survivals because I can see where the enemy is coming from and prepare and preaim. Results in quicker clears especially when they run in a long line and you bring punch-through weapons.


  11. 11 hours ago, faker1237 said:

    Then range will be good?  So u can keep the duration? 

    Uh yes? Range is good on Guandao, so you can keep the duration. Try it out to see if you like it.


    10 hours ago, hooperinius said:

    You get 3 seconds automatically and then another 10 from drifting contact or 12 from body count, so then your minus 5 means you will have 8 or 10 seconds total depending on which mod you use. 

    I didn't know the three sec gets added with the mod, thanks. Learned something new.

  12. 17 minutes ago, faker1237 said:

    Is it working just fine with guandao if u have -5s combo duration??  

    Body count gives 12s, if you have -5s combo duration then it's 7s combo duration. It means combo counter will run out faster.

    If you have Naramon Power Spike focus then it will stop combo counter from going to 0 after 7 second, however it is -20 combo every 7s at 0 rank,

    to -5 combo every 7s at max rank.

    Works ok for me, however you need to find enemy to hit faster if you don't want to lose crit from Blood Rush. Some people might not like that.



  13. On 2018-10-21 at 11:55 AM, EDM774 said:

    P.S. Also to anyone posting steam hours: steam tracks your AFK time on the orbiter and relays, the ingame timer is more acurate cuz it only tracks time spent in missions.

    Hell I think Steam even tracks your Warframe time when you have the launcher open. Before you even click play.

  14. Managed to get 668 in a team of 4, had a squad mate with Rejuvenation aura for health regen (although all 4 should have if you want more survivability)

    Although if you have 4 Limbo then maybe 4 Corrosive Projection for no Pumpkernaut armor?

    BTW even if you manage to beat the Pumpkernaut before 666, the timer still runs down so head straight to extraction as soon as possible!!

    I had a Volt, was thinking of using his Static Discharge passive to hit the thing when it shows the weakspot...not sure if helped.

    Limbo's a good pick too.


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