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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. 1 hour ago, Zelmen said:

    What happens if you try to demo the barracks to lower the tier? If its like party invites it should just void the invite.

    I've already demolished the barracks, but the barracks alone don't lower the clan tier, you need a leader to do it from the menu.

    1 hour ago, IrishBearCub said:

    Go to the pending section in Clan and right click on the persons name. 
    Expel from clan, cancels the invite and removes the person. 

    I did try that, unfortunately it says I can't expel them because they're not in the clan :I

    I hope it's not an oversight.

  2. I'm not sure what, if anything, is in the works for Trinity's future, I haven't heard any discussions about her recently. While her abilities (mostly) work, they still feel very dated and clunky, and I do strongly believe she needs a revision eventually. I had a suggestion for her kit, for each power.

    1: Well of Life. The absolute useless ability by any means. No matter what way you slice it, this ability needs to be redone or replaced in the future. I suggest the ability hold the targeted enemy in stasis as it does now, except it channels an AOE regen effect to those around it by draining the enemy health. I know you're thinking, hey that's just what Garuda does! Well Trinity was here first, dammit, and I really think that's something that she should have instead.

    2: Energy vampire. The biggest outlier on her kit. One thing that bothered me is that this skill is the deciding factor for Trinity builds: either you build for maximum duration, or you build for minimum duration, and I don't like how EV is penalized for more duration. My suggestion: Energy Vampire extracts a stationary ball of energy from the target, inflicting damage and knockdown. This ball then becomes the source of energy pulses for nearby allies. It pulses energy at set intervals, over the ability's duration; therefore, it benefits from ability duration, as there will be more energy pulses over the orb's lifespan (rather than having a static amount of pulse intervals spaced over the ability's duration). For the impatient, the ability key can be held down to extinguish the existing orb to give off the remaining energy that would be dispensed by the orb, up to a limit of 3x the pulse value. Trinity can also touch the orb to "collect" it and have it float above her to become a mobile energy dispenser for the duration. EV should also be castable on bosses like the Eidolons.

    3: Link. I think this works fairly well as is, it could possibly use some synergies to it.

    4: Blessing. Again, I think this works well enough as it is. This ability has gone through several revisions on its own in the past. Possible idea: While under blessing, allies can be resurrected 2x as quickly.

    Synergies: Well of Life can be cast on the Energy Vampire orb. If Energy Vampire is cast on an enemy under the influence of Well of Life, it will "extract" the WoL cast onto the EV orb.

    Link will link up with a nearby Energy Vampire orb. Any damage redirected to the orb is instantly converted to energy for allies within its radius.


  3. I'm not sure if it's an intended feature or not, but the active area of magus repair will restore health to downed allies and cause them to revive. This only occurs with ally players (warframes) and not pets or escorts. Listing it as a bug though.

    This is a nice feature and I hope you leave it in though. If there was ever a bug report to ignore, it would be this one.

  4. I noticed that with the melee update, sometimes whenever you pick up an object (data mass, kuva catalyst etc.) switching between gun and melee will sometimes cause the object to drop out of your hands, as if you had switched weapons in the previous versions. It seems to happen if you pick up an object with your melee weapon out, then doing something as simple as aim-gliding will cause you to drop the object, and have to pick it up again. However, if I pick up an object with my gun out, I can switch between melee and my secondary without dropping it.

  5. Anyone know a good way to efficiently level up amps? Good spots and methods. Also lets assume that the amp completely sucks, like the mote amp.

    So far I've tried the usual Hydron. On top of pelting enemies with the squirtgun of an amp, I've also tried things like AoE warframe damage, saryn and oberon, in the hopes that the affinity will go into my amp while I'm transferred out of my warframe, which doesn't seem to be the case. 

    Any help or techniques for amp affinity grinding would be appreciated.

  6. While messing around with the heavy weapons, I notice the stats being just plain crazy. It's most easy to notice when looking at the critical chance for the weapon. 

    Here I am looking at the normal arch gun stats on the loadout 


    And then I take a look at the mods


    It gets even worse when I look at my Imperetor Vandal under the "heavy weapon" section!


    As you can see I haven't changed any mods at all in the loadout. But look at that damage and crit chance!

    I'm not sure what's going on here, but my guess is that it's maybe the mods from primary weapon being added to the arch-gun mods. Or maybe being added multiple times. Either way, it just doesn't add up, and it's highly confusing.

  7. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Eh, basically just makes Nidus scale his damage without working for it.

    I sorta disagree with that. I mean, what is "work"? You're capturing the enemies still with your blob. Enemies are stunned, either you're going to kill them or your teammates are going to kill them.

    Although to be honest I don't feel this is a huge issue myself. I never thought of it as killstealing, rather than assisting. It doesn't bother me.

  8. Just as it says, my Helios sentinel has not scanned any new enemies in Orb Vallis yet. For the record: the Investigator precept is installed, I'm using non-primed Helios, and I'm using (infinite)synthesis scanners in my inventory. Of course, this has never been a problem before, with this same setup, but there's all the info.

  9. Certain spots in the map don't seem to be solid in respect to weapon projectiles. For these icy rocks, my Ogris rockets were flying right through them, while I was trying to hit nearby enemies with the blast damage. It's hard to get a picture of this in action, but I tried to get a few screenshots, as well as the location on the map where this was happening


    zTKf5MU.jpgYou can kinda see my rocket flying through the rocks and exploding behind it.

    dPbWlMY.jpgMap location.

  10. Yeah I've noticed this a while back, in PoE, and even in other missions such as certain Uranus tilesets. I think it has to do with any mission type that has archwing or something as a secondary mode, but for whatever reason, finisher attacks won't work. I've made several forum reports already, but it seems to be low priority to fix since no one else seems to care.

  11. 6 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:


    Well other people need to get those frames and mods so DE isn’t going to remove them from the drop table for your own benefit.

    Yes, other people need to get those parts.

    ONCE. One time.

    So putting us in a situation where we can repeatedly get rewards that are only usable once, is the problem, do you see what I'm saying?

  12. 7 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    2. Recently release relics, 2 Warframes, some very good mods, lens blueprints, Wisps and some basic stuff. IDK how you have a problem with these. 

    I love getting relics, lenses, hell I even appreciate getting kuva, anything consumable. But you must have missed the part where I said that warframe parts and mods that you already have are pretty much useless. I already have all pieces of revenant and gara at this point, as well as every mod except for a couple of the rare ones (that I'm still busting my ass trying to get). SO yeah, it isn't something that I love.

  13. With the upcoming Fortuna area around the corner, I feel certain things getting on my nerves. While I hit the Plains of Eidolon hard when they first came out, as soon as I gathered up the majority of the stuff I wanted from the place, I left and stayed away for as much as I could. The area overall was not fun for me. I rarely bypass farming in this game with platinum, but I found myself buying the fish I needed from other players because of how much I hated fishing (as well as other types of gathering). Bottom line is, I find myself at odds with the game mode that is the plains, and I feel like the frustration will be back when we're forced to visit the open-world of Venus. I say "forced" because there are certain things that you can only acquire from the plains, as we all know.

    I tried to break it down and find out the things that really put me off about the open-world game type, so here's what I've come up with.

    1) The long distances to travel.

    The part I find myself most bored by is the long distances between each objective, which is unavoidable for such a huge area. It feels like the majority of the time is made of of trekking from point to point. Just bullet jumping, or calling down your archwing (in limited supply, of course), I don't know how you expected new players to agree with the plains, since they have neither the luxury of archwing, nor the calibrated maneuvers that veterans have. I always feel bad when I get grouped up with a low MR-player that looks like they're a few weeks into the game or less. Especially aggravating is getting a bounty that is on the complete opposite side of the map from the one you just did. You know the ones I'm talking about, southeast coast bounties, immediately followed by a west-coast bounty, a good 1800 meters away.

    2) Bounty rewards.

    It goes without saying that bounties are really a grind. Most things find some kind of use, consumables like relics or focus lenses, but a deluge of useless rewards frustrates me. Common resources, blueprints, and mods, that you don't need after the first one. I guess this really isn't a plains-specific complaint, but it sure makes farming for those rare bounty mods really frustrating.

    3) Bugs.

    Again, not specific to the PoE area, but there are no end of bugs going on in this game. Though DE is fixing everything they can, it's frustrating to have a mission cut short because an enemy you need to kill is hidden somewhere deep under the map for some reason. There's also something wrong with melee finishers on the plains, it's been there forever and I've made several threads about it already.

    4) The Eidolon fights

    I just really don't like them. Fighting them maybe once a week would be enough for me, but since they're the only ones that drop arcanes, it's unreal how many times we're expected to slog through these frustrating fights. There's not much I have to say on difficulty, surprisingly enough, but the one thing that really, REALLY boils my piss is having to babysit the damn lures. An already taxing fight, and all for vain if a lure happens to get exploded at the last second. Seriously, just get rid of the "lure capture" category and I would be like, 100% happier with farming these meatheads. Have you forgotten the golden rule of gaming? "Though shalt not force thy players to babysit useless objects"?

    Another sub point to finish up, the operator's void dash gets caught on intangible things, like bushes and grass, which is really annoying too, just wasting all your energy dashing against a bush that might as well be a brick wall for some reason. It would be nice to get rid of that collision, to make desperate fights go smoother.

    So there's my laundry list of complaints. I haven't really been keeping up with livestreams for a few reasons, so I'm not really sure at all what the next open-world holds for us, but I would like to see the impact of these issues lessened.

  14. 22 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    I get the feeling that the devs underwent a bit of a mood shift regarding Syndicates. When Red Veil were first introduced (before the other five) they were a happy resistance force and perfectly good. Then when the other five were introduced they were made much more ambiguous. At this point they were all kinds ambiguous. Veil were borderline terrorists, Steel Merid were Cressa's private army, Suda would send you out on mysterious missions of destruction for no known reason, Loka were racial supremacists, Perrin were willing to fight for their bottom dollar, and Hexis... we still have no idea what Hexis is about, but they want to rule.

    Over the last few years though, they were all turned into heroes. Steel Merid want to redeem the Grineer race, Perrin are not-for-profit philanthropists, Veil are holy knights guarding a young boy, Suda is a musical archivist, Loka are well-meaning idiots (like, COMPLETE idiots), and Hexis... still haven't done anything. The last time the syndicates did anything dark was Operation Rathuum, and even then there was an open possibility that the prisoners might not be executed

    Yeah I'd have to agree with that, it makes sense. When the syndicates were first released in their entirety (after the Red Veil event) they were mostly pretty mysterious and ambiguous due to poor lore explanation, and ultimately, I found myself not liking any of them very much. I only supported my syndicates based strictly on rewards offered.

    DE might have been aware of this, and did do well in fleshing out (somewhat) the syndicates more through the questlines and such, which made them more relatable and easier to like. But, the basic syndicate functions have never changed since the beginning, and we still get those callously threatening messages from the syndicates we don't support, like old recordings on an answering machine.

  15. Syndicates make sense within the world of Warframe. However, something that really does break my immersion is the assassination attempts by syndicates you oppose. By supporting one group of factions, you gain the absolute hatred of the group on the other side of the fence. 

    Let's break it down. The Tenno are the most revered warrior race in the system, the stuff of legends. A syndicate would have some serious balls to openly declare attacks on Tenno that don't support their cause, that simply sounds catastrophic and suicidal. Put that into a modern perspective. Minor political simile incoming - please do not make this into a topic of discussion: That's like, imagine that, if you voted for Hillary Clinton in this last US presidential election, and suddenly Donald Trump's assassins were coming at you while you're at work/school. Not only is that ridiculous, but it's a sure way to destroy the image of the things you stand for. I get that in Warframe's age of anarchy, there is a lot more to answer with bullets instead of words, but declaring open attacks on the Tenno is just moronic. If these guys are at each other's throats so badly outside of the relays, then to me they seem to be little more than extremist terrorists, fighting for their strange principals, and damn anyone that doesn't agree with them.

    One thing I could probably accept is that the hit squads are NOT sanctioned by the faction leaders themselves, and are instead smaller groups of angry extremists that take it upon themselves to go that extra mile for their cause; that would make a lot more sense. Of course, this goes out the window because before every attack, you get the big syndicate boss directly telling you that you suck and should die.

    This is also especially jarring with the syndicate quests and events, especially the current Pyrus Project. Steel Meridian hates me enough to attempt murder. Why would we be standing and exchanging peaceful pleasantries, working together to build that relay? Even if we both share a common goal, it makes little sense to suddenly forget that these people want you dead, and will continue attacking you once you're finished your business together. If possible, I'd openly fight these opposing syndicates whenever I could, show 'em what you get by wrangling with a one-woman army. By creating so many enemies, one sabotages their efforts to get anything accomplished.

    That being said, I do understand the need to have some risks to your rewards, I guess. From a gameplay perspective, the squads are little more than minor annoyances, and provide you with free blueprints. It's a double edged sword, by taking rewards from one side, you receive challenges from the other side. But the lore that goes behind it simply does not work for this game.


  16. It's been a bug for a while, simply put, your sentinel's Vacuum ability seems to stop working for the rest of the mission if you receive a radiation proc during a mission. This can easily be seen during radiation hazard sorties. I'm not sure if there are any other conditions to this at the current time.

    While radiation procs are not common for players outside of that sortie, it can be annoying when you're doing a long survival in the Void and get zapped by a trap laser, disabling your vacuum for the rest of the mission.

  17. It seems that in all mission types that allow archwings, that is Uranus tilesets, the Plains of Eidolon, and Kuva fortress, melee finishers always use the nikana animation, regardless of what weapon you're actually using, and this sometimes simply causes no damage to be dealt. It took me a while before I realized it had to do with levels that allowed archwing. I hope that DE isn't waiting for melee 3.0 to fix this.

    Edit: Upon further examination, melee finishers are "fixed" randomly throughout the mission. I think by certain events, possibly from performing certain animations, or getting into archwing mode. I really have no idea at this moment, but I believe it's tied to certain animations.

  18. What's the deal with the Kuva missions not displaying whether they're a flood or just a normal mission properly? I keep going into kuva missions thinking they're normal, and they turn out to be floods, and then when I pick a kuva flood mission, it's just a normal kuva mission. Quite the waste of time for us.

  19. I'm not entirely sure how adjusting melee weapon holster positions is saved in the game, but it is clear that different warframes have slightly different holstering coordinates. What vexes me is that, when adjusting some weapon holster positions on a warframe, sometimes the values will carry over to another warframe, which will make the same weapon look odd when holstered. Adjusting or resetting the values on that one, will in turn carry over to other warframes. But not all the time, his is somewhat inconsistent, as sometimes individual warframes will keep their saved weapon holster positions? Either way, I'm not sure what the original intended method is, but it shouldn't be inconsistent.

    I've tested this with longsword default holster, and staff default holster, which are not consistent between warframes. But I also have a distinct custom dual swords dual shoulder holster style that I have not modified in a long while, but it seems to be consistent between all my warframes at this point.

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