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Posts posted by nickstergames

  1. A large legitimate issue many players are facing (including myself) are the odd numbers of leftover Wolf Credits we have earned and can't spend (ex. I think I have like 10 or something). I would like to propose something that would benefit your more "Devoted Players" and keep people logging in for rewards and progression. The other "downside" in this time that I can see is that since Alerts are gone, this downtime would mean a deficit of content and no longer an "Epic Win" for players if you will. 

    My Proposal: 

    I think an added reoccurring Tier to the ticket would be an outstanding solution. If a "31st" or "prestige" Tier would earnable after 30 one time for every 10,000 standing that granted players another stack of Wolf creds, idk 75? Too much? 50? (Idk I dont work here, just be enough to feel worth it). This way people can use up there credits or grab that helmet or Aura mod they never got as well as feel like they are not being punished for "playing too much". I pretty much just want to feel like I will still be able to earn Nitain semi regularly or maybe grab another potato or two if I no life it some more.

    I understand that I have my own playstyle and my opinions might not reflect the community as a whole. Just something I have been thinking about and have been wanting to share. Thank you for taking the time to read this! 

    Full thread here ---> 


  2. I have no idea if this kind of idea has been touted in this forum already but hey if someone reads it then maybe it'll have a chance. So unlike a lot of the community I have really been enjoying the Nightwave challenges.

    Let me start off by saying that it is amazing to see something near the quality of a paid "Battle Pass" type of thing in Warframe COMPLETELY FREE. So on behalf of Warframes reasonable players, Thank You DE! it has really been a treat. 

    So maybe I am in the minority here but I love Nightwave and it gives me that little extra bit of something to when I'm feeling unsure of what to work on however as of today I am done with it. I have reached Tier 30 and I find myself being very bummed to know that I have to wait three to four more weeks to start having those things to work on again. I really don't think the answer would be to mess with the standing values and I am certainly NOT advocating for that (I think progress is right near where it needs to be).

    A large legitimate issue many players are facing (including myself) are the odd numbers of leftover Wolf Credits we have earned and can't spend (ex. I think I have like 10 or something). I would like to propose something that would benefit your more "Devoted Players" and keep people logging in for rewards and progression. The other "downside" in this time that I can see is that since Alerts are gone, this downtime would mean a deficit of content and no longer an "Epic Win" for players if you will. 

    My Proposal: 

    I think an added reoccurring Tier to the ticket would be an outstanding solution. If a "31st" or "prestige" Tier would earnable after 30 one time for every 10,000 standing that granted players another stack of Wolf creds, idk 75? Too much? 50? (Idk I dont work here, just be enough to feel worth it). This way people can use up there credits or grab that helmet or Aura mod they never got as well as feel like they are not being punished for "playing too much". I pretty much just want to feel like I will still be able to earn Nitain semi regularly or maybe grab another potato or two if I no life it some more.

    I understand that I have my own playstyle and my opinions might not reflect the community as a whole. Just something I have been thinking about and have been wanting to share. Thank you for taking the time to read this! 




    On 2019-03-27 at 10:12 AM, DroopingPuppy said:

    Just after encountered a 70+ level Wolf of Saturn Six, and I think that it is not meant to be killed. I don't understand why such an abomination is on the game.

    Well, I have faced him with around 30s and 40s level, and I can beat him with my random party member although it was not so easy. But, with 70 level it is impossible.

    The problem is, he has both armor value as well as immunity to every procs and abilities. If the enemy has armor and has high level, we can deal with it by procs and abilities. If the enemy is immune to the effects, without armor we can kill it when we shoot enough bullets. But, having both of them is simply out of sense.

    In Warframe, armored enemies with around 80+ levels(for typical enemies, not the 'boss' enemies) are have to be deal with anti armor solutions or bust, because damage reduction by armor is ridiculously high. But why he need to immune to both abilities and status effects? I don't get it.

    Dark Split sword, standard Blood Rush, Berserker, Condition Overload Build can shred max level Wolf in under 20 seconds. Don't doubt it until you try. 

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