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Posts posted by 8r8kSpider

  1. Alright, so let me ask a question before I lay out how I feel about this. Does anyone in the game actually like the current situation with pole-arms? Anyone who actually uses them with any frequency? 


    If you said yes, I guess you don't want it to change? My assumption is that you said no; so I'm going to list what's wrong and how I'd go about fixing it. First though, a bit of irritation.


    We have a whipsword, two of them, three greatsword stances, two glaive stances (even though there are only four of them in the game) and it feels like any time a new, fancy weapon gets released, it has a new stance. I'm gonna be honest here. That rapier coming out today? I logged in to see if it was a regular sword. No. It has its whole own stance. Why then, did anyone think it was cool to add a trident, a weapon which, by its own statistics deals puncture damage, and then slap it into the "polearm" category!? 


    This brings me to my next point: Pole arms are woefully uncared for, Staffs too, but Pole Arms have a total of Two stances, and I'm loathe to even call them that. Each stance has a single combo, and both function the exact same way excluding that combo. I'm not happy with this, especially considering the animators at DE are clearly very talented, and managed to come up with animations for whips, and whip-swords, and glaives, and all manner of other completely off-the-wall weapons, it's really hard to believe they haven't come up with at least two or three other animation sets for Pole Arm combos. 


    Let's talk about staffs and pole arms themselves, Pole Arms seem to be about sticking a large blade on the end of a rod and hefting it around as fluidly as possible, staves are more balanced in their use, being that each end is (supposed to be anyway), balanced. So what's up with the Tipedo? It looks more like a pole arm to me, but I guess it's a staff? Sure okay, no big right? Right. Now, to me, the Orthos Prime looks more like a staff then a polearm, with the tiny blades on it... but there's no way to convince me that a Trident is a freaking "polearm".


    I'm well aware, that by all technical and conventional definitions that it is in fact, a type of pole arm. Because a pole arm is that, it's an arm, a weapon, on a pole. So that's fair. But remember what I said about the Tipedo? It too could be considered a pole arm and it isn't, so consider this me shutting down that line of conversation right now. I'm not going to nitpick what "should" and "should not" count as a Polearm/Spear/Staff with people and make this topic what it's about; Why are Polearms so completely ignored, apparently? 


    Now there's that word again, it was in the title so you knew this was coming; Spears. How could one of the most broadly used classes of weapon in the world go so completely ignored for so long? We have whipswords people, Whip-Swords! Now don't get me wrong, I love whipswords, but as far as real weapons go, they don't have much of a place in the history books, unless you think anime counts as a history book. Spears however, belong in this game, thrusting pole arm weapons belong in their whole own class, a class that, when I was made aware of its existence, the Trident, Sydon, made me believe was finally being added to the game! Think about it, adding a class of thrown weapon that isn't the glaive, perhaps could have innate thrown punch-through, throw in a straight line with "punch-through" instead of number of bounces. You can't tell me it wouldn't be amazing to watch rhino chuck a javelin at a line of guys, watch them all get pinned to the ground, and have the spear simply fly back into his hands in reverse.


    Again I'm going to have to shut down "but how would a spear magically return to the tenno" arguments. Again, feel free to make them, but I'm not going to respond; they're tenno. They can float at will. All of them. It's literal Spacemagic. The glaives manage to magically find their way back to the tenno every single time, why can't a thrown spear? 


    Here's what I'm going to finish this off with; my suggestions for fixing the current situation.


    Stances: Add at least one combo to both Shimmering Blight and Bleeding Willow, then add a third pole arm stance focusing more on using the balanced double-ended nature of the Pole-Arm type weapons (Orthos, Tonbo).


    Spears: Make a new weapon category with at least one really solid stance mod, and move the Sydon over to that category, whether they're thrown or not, this should be a class of weapons focused on thrusting and single target damage, with a sweeping knockdown combo, possibly. Having this class of weapon allows for a whole host of weapons that don't make sense to slip into either Pole Arms, or Staves. 


    That's it, that's my post; TL:DR? There's no functional excuse for considering the Sydon a Polearm, Spears belong in this game, add more combos to Polearm stances because they're very sadly lacking. 

  2. Any news on a fix for Valkyr's new tail not counting as an "auxiliary" cosmetic item? It's obvious it's not part of the default model and having it superglued on is really buggin' me. Also is it intentional that Valkyr's bonds are still wearable for the new skin? They look rather silly being attached to the open air next to Valkyr's elbows.

  3. Would it be too much to ask for you to post the actual scoring mechanics? It's a bit obvious that nobody really understands, and, frankly, I'm not doing another run in this event until I know exactly what to expect. I've run well over a dozen missions, with a variety of players, I have over 500 points total, and I keep brushing just under the 48 point top goal. It's maddening and just like every grindtastic event before it, It's more than likely to make me stop playing the game for a few days than it is to encourage additional runs. Please post the actual scoring mechanics, DE, please. Otherwise count me as someone who has begun dreading events instead of getting excited for them because all I have to look forward to are more- seemingly arbitrary, and therefor pointless- runs.

  4. Then you have a problem with the RNG, not the OP items and abilities that make it easier to farm said RNG. 

    We should not allow Op items, a flaw in design, to stay because they are covering up for another flaw. Two wrongs don't make a right. 




    That is the entire point of this post. I do not want Warframe to devolve into optimal farming strategies.

  5. The point is that the task cannot be too challenging when you're not actually going to get a reward you want. The challenge should only come when you're actually going to earn a reward you want, not when you're going to get something absolutely useless to you. RNG is an industry staple because people only see trees and get lost in the forest. I'm not that kind of person and never will be, if I'm getting nothing but random rewards, there needs to be as little effort as possible put into obtaining them, if I'm getting rewards I want, I'm fine with the experience being challenging. What I'm arguing is that you can't have both, you cannot make obtaining a reward a struggle, and then make the reward potentially utterly useless. People get as tired of that as they do of simply never getting anything for their effort at all.


    Take for example, Mass Effect 3's multiplayer mode. It did not matter how well you played, you could only unlock things entirely randomly. I got sick of the game very quickly because no matter how well I did, I would wind up with absolutely useless, unwanted rewards. I'm not saying a game shouldn't be hard. I'm not saying a game shouldn't ever employ RNG. I'm saying it can't make it hard to get RNG rewards, it's not fun, it's not entertaining, there will come a day when I just stop playing this game because I'm sick of literally wasting my time and getting nothing that makes the game more entertaining out of it. That day is going to come very, very soon, unless something changes in this game. I like the trees in this forest, sure, I love the gameplay mechanics, but I want to get the warframes/weapons I want to play with, in what is essentially a sandbox. When I can run literally a hundred missions without getting a single reward I wanted, I cease having a desire to even try, I become so tired of the game, with no new content, I might as well just be playing a solt machine, and I am not a gambling woman, I'd rather play a game where I can work towards a reward I want, however, difficult it is to obtain that reward, or a game that's so easy to play running a hundred missions pointlessly is just as tiring as hitting a button a hundred times without ever once hitting the jackpot.

  6. So, this is something I feel really is at the root of a lot of problems I have with this game as it is, and I'm not trying to be a troll here.


    How is it that anything in the game, frames, guns, whatever, can actually be overpowered, when it's a PVE game with rewards based entirely on random number generation? I mean, really, when you play this game, you are submitting time as a currency to gamble, and, hopefully, get rewards that make the time you spend in the game more fun, right? So how is it that with mission modes which are "endless" anything can truly be overpowered? Should you have to restart a survival every fifty minutes, every hour, just to get the exact same spins on the loot table? There's no time limit to unlock certain rewards, you could literally play survivals to five minutes over and over and over, and you get exactly the same loot as someone who lasted an hour would, if you play the mission twelve times to five minutes each, without putting in nearly as much effort. The only inconvenience is starting the mission and watching the cutscene intro over and over.


    If they're going to "balance" frames because they're too useful, or make the game "too" easy, aren't they really saying you should have to try harder for those spins on a completely random loot roulette? Is that fair? I don't think it is, frankly. Really what I'm getting at here is that this game needs to either have nothing nerfed, ever, because it literally does not matter how easy or hard the game is, since everyone gets the same randomized rewards, or, they need to remove randomly generated rewards altogether. I just don't see how both can stay in effect without this game becomming well, Farming Simulator 2014, and really, this game could be so, so much better than that.

  7. That's beyond not even the point I was trying to make. The point is that she's in the same exact role as Nova now, with less damage potential, not a single point you made touches on that, you're just saying "she's still useful/good" whatever, sure, I never argued that. If you put the right guns on any frame it can be more useful, but you do not have to do that with Nova, you can take weapons you're leveling on Nova and she will level them for you, and, for that matter, everyone else in the room too. My problem isn't that Ember's unusable or anything like that, just that if I want to play a glass cannon, Nova's a flatly better option. I could not care less what Ember was "intended" to be, she was replaced in that role with Nova, because she became something else altogether, then they slapped her back into the same slot as Nova, and oh well! She has absolutely no stand out abilities that make me want to play her, there is no interesting mechanic to her play, she is nothing but damage, and if I want nothing but damage, Nova is a better choice, every time, and I don't even have to use "good" guns to make her that way. That is my entire point. Ember was Ember when she was something that wasn't "Nova Light", regardless of what she was "intended" to be. Or are you suggesting that the intent of developers on how the players "should" play the game is the final word? Wasn't the whole point of Damage 2.0 to make it so there were no longer "one true builds" in this game? If the best Ember has to offer is "Like Nova but not as good", I'd say regardless of how much you enjoy playing her. (Thanks for that needless description by the way, that really helped make your argument.) She remains a less effective version of another frame. I would rather play her "like rhino but faster" than "like nova but not as good" any day of the week.

  8. In my experience it's not even 100% chance, I think the problem may be that an enemy who has been affected by accelerant cannot then be stunned a second time. I'm not sure, though I believe certain enemies are immune to the stun effect? Honestly regardless of the reason I've never experienced it being reliable, and more to the point, even when it is working "as intended" and stuns everything around me, they stay stunned for a very brief period, and usually are shooting me again before I can finish casting WoF.

  9. Alright so this has been irritating me for a long time, and I guess this post has been a long time coming. I've seen a few threads up about Warframe balance and Nova and I just want to get a few things out of my head and onto these boards since I've talked them to death with my friends.


    I want to see Ember's overheat back, I don't know why it was removed in the first place. Accelerant is a joke of a replacement ability, it's supposed to make people more vulnerable to fire, and it does that, it does what it's supposed to do, fine, but it doesn't do enough. Nova is maddeningly OP, but when you compare Ember to frames like Valkyr, Saryn, or Volt, she's laughably weak. Volt can shieldtank, Saryn has tons of health and does staggering damage, literally, Valkyr is well... terrifying. What does Ember have? She's supposed to be best suited to fighting the Infested, who do what? Rush you. She has no health, no armor, no shields, and the stagger of Accelerant doesn't even give you enough time to get off her Ult, more to the point, how sad is it that you have to use two of her powers, or more, to accomplish the same thing most frames get with a single button press?


    Overheat could be retooled, I'm not asking for it to return exactly as it was (besides it was worked on so many times I'm not even sure what you would call "as it was"). But consider this, what if, instead of causing more radial fire damage, it acted as damage resistance with a 100% chance to fire proc people around her, for minimal levels of damage. It could have a reduced duration, even. Just something to make Ember not so frighteningly weak if she gets caught by infested. The stagger of Accelerant lasts just long enough for you to maybe get off a fireblast and try to run, that's not going to do anything to help you escape a situation where you're separated from your team and want to get back to them.


    It could potentially make her run faster, be more tooled around utility instead of damage or defense, make her evasive. Hell, it doesn't even have to be overheat, but Ember needs some ability to give her some degree of surviveability. She use to fit this nice niche of being able to deal high damage while taking some fair damage before falling over, now, she's a glass canon like Nova, without even half of Nova's damage potential, and that's just not fair. If Accellerant must stay, it needs to slow enemies like Molecular Prime, it needs to do more, right now it's a frustrating ability I feel I should not need in order to do damage.


    My biggest problem here isn't even that Ember's so weak, she does enough damage to get away with killing things before they hurt her at lower levels, but there comes a point when she just stops being as effective. She used to have her own niche in this game, she was well-rounded, she had defensive abilities, mobility, and offensive abilities, now she's just mobile and offensive, a glass cannon like Nova, the problem is she's nowhere NEAR as powerful as Nova is, and that's simply not fair. Her Prime got only two polarities, compared to every other frame's three, and yes, I know they're different, making that point, at best, is distracting the argument away from the fact that you can have only two mods at half cost compared to three, which is a loss overall compared to other primes.


    I understand the reasoning behind giving her an ability to allow her to make more health types vulnerable to fire in Damage 2.0, but the simple fact is it's just not enough, they took away her Niche, locked her in the same slot as Nova, without giving her anywhere near as much power. Granted Nova makes almost every other frame look weak, but at least other frames have other options than just raw damage output, poor little Ember doesn't. It frankly makes me feel a little like someone at DE has a problem with Ember, or that she's just so low on the priorities that sticking her in a corner for a while was never intent so much as neglect. Either way, I feel she should be addressed, and that if anything, if ANY frame should be examined for retooling, the next frame that needs retooled is Nova, it just is, if DE doesn't want to make literally every other frame as powerful? She needs to be brought down to the same level as the other frames. I feel that Ember, and then Frost's retooling, especially given the whole argument that "we changed the abilities because people were tired of only using one ability" just feels so hollow when Nova only needs one power, and has been left that way. Please, DE, strongly consider that if you're going to start rebalancing frames at all, you're going to have to address all of them, and some need the attention more badly than others.


    Ultimately, I want every frame in this game to be viable in their own way for play even on higher levels, and that Ember is just not as viable as she used to be. Please figure out a way to do this, make her more agile, give her a better stun, give her a way to reduce incoming damage, give her something to alter her away from being a "pure damage" frame that sits in the shadow of Nova and put her back into her own little niche of "well balanced primarily offensive frame".

  10. I think what we need is a "smart" RNG that simply removes drops already obtained in that mission. For example, if you get a mag prime part in a survival, that same part can not drop again, having the credit bundles and rare mats as a possible reward at all needs to be axed, badly. This would promote the feeling that by lasting longer you're actually narrowing down the probability that the part you're after is going to drop. I don't mind more keys dropping on defense and survival missions, they're endless, so you can just keep surviving. What I do mind is getting to the end of say, an exterminate, and finding a mobile defense key, it's like a slap in the face if you, like me, have already farmed everything you could possibly want from that mission type. At the very least for single-reward-type missions the keys need to be the same as the kind of mission you're running, or be removed entirely. It's as simple as that. Doing anything else is just going to dump more useless mats, credits, and blueprints into my inventory. If I needed materials I'd be farming them from enemies, not playing an orokin void mission. Like I said, a "Smart" RNG is the way to go, remove things from drop tables that already came up. No more "Mag Prime Blueprints" dropping four of the five or six rewards for a survival, that's just insulting.

  11. As someone who's favorite frame is Ember, I can safely say the debuffs to her are becomming asinine. It's one thing to say "this is too good" and another to let things which are stupidly OP just fly under the radar while other, not even potentially as OP things, get slammed and broken. I can't believe DE implemented damage 2.0 without thuroughly thinking about how the elemental damage types would suddenly nerf half the frames but leave others untouched. Personally I feel this whole update was rushed for PS4, but that's just me. I don't think the problem lays with "nerfing" or buffing anything, they have to rework all the damage in the game around 2.0, not just how weapons work, how powers and elements work as well. Don't even get me started on the armor nerf, or the fact that they apparently made Ember Prime even more of a joke. I'd almost swear someone at DE has it out for her.

  12. Hi, has there been any word from DE on whether or not this was intentional and why? It seems especially unfair they'd do this to the one frame you can pay actual money to obtain without the design council admission tacked on. I know her polarities are changed, but, still, two changed polarities doesn't add up to one extra polarity in my eyes, especially as the two tactical polarities already on her were very useful for a caster frame. I'd file this as a bug as I don't know if it's intended or not, but if it is, it ought to be changed. If it isn't, it still ought to be changed. Even if it won't be changed, I'd still like to know why this change was implemented, and why it hasn't been talked about. It's almost like they don't want to acknowledge there was a change at all, which is disconcerting to say the least, as this is an open beta. I like giving feedback and submitting bug reports to help make the game better, I can't do this, none of the players can, effectively, if full changelogs or changes in expected patterns aren't at least mentioned. I'm not trying to sound entitled, but it seems like in this environment, in an open beta, giving the players as much information on why certain changes are made or if they are even intentional changes would really speed up the number of proper "bug" reports being filed, as opposed to people listing things which are working as intended as bugs.

  13. I have a flux rifle, ignis, spectra, and synapse, and I can safely say none of them are netting me the damage numbers they ought to be doing according to the stats in the arsenal. So either the arsenal is bugged, or the continuous weapons are. I really wish DE would post more "known issues" threads, we still have no idea of they're even going to "fix" the lack of Ember Prime's polarity slot.

  14. I have to agree. I mean, all the Corpus guns now do some kind of bullet damage, mostly puncture, so they take the one corpus weapon that actually fires slugs, and make it Electric, which is only good against Corpus, and only then when their shields are down!? I worked hard for my Lanka, got my MR7 just to unlock the Lanka, only for it to instantly become useless in the face of the Vectis. I have both, both maxed out, and there's no question. The Lanka is just incomprable to the Vectis, and unmodded the reload of the Vectis is comprable to the charge of the Lanka, so there isn't a single point to be made. Lanka has been turned into a joke, can I have my Fieldrons and Forma back please? No? Then kindly un-nerf what ought to be the best sniper in the game, please.

  15. I don't know if it's a bug or what, but I just ran ten T3 Captures and got forma blueprints for every single one, not a single Ember Prime Chassis or Systems, what gives? Has she been implemented properly or are the drop tables broken? I know she drops on Captures, I already have one System and one Helmet, but still. I've also played numerous T1's and T2's and gotten not one part of her, the helmet and systems both came from T3's.

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