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Posts posted by Arbither

  1. Detch put back his helmet, stood up from the bar and went towards the wave of people, towards the observation deck.

    When he arrives he speaks out loudly.

    "So a tenno, and a grineer walk into a bar... Now that's a good promise for a joke if I ever heard one."

    He turns towards the Brunhilde.

    "Name's Detch by the way."

    He sizes her up slowly.

    "I swear I feel more and more insignificant every second. If the next contender to enter will be an infested, then I'll officially quit."

  2. After killing the 2 heads of the Boss the 3rd simply refuses to appear. I've been stuck here for about 15 minutes and counting. I can't leave because the fight is still "going". I refuse to leave because I've been farming the god damn stance mod and FINALLY after the 2nd head dropped it I'm stuck here. So yeah, pretty big issue

  3. Dear DE, I would like to inform you that I have officially reached the point where I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this monument to human incompetence. I don't even know where to start, because I could start anywhere.

    First you failed to meet your own deadline, which is made even worse with your cute little teaser page which seems to be a little pointless given the fact that the freaking thing it advertises doesn't work.

    Second, "most ambitious update" my &#!, more like biggest mess you made yet, it is impossible to log in half the time, and when it does let you in it kicks you off after a whopping 15 @(*()$ SECONDS!

    And last but not least, even IF it let you in, even IF it decided NOT to kick your &#! off, it is an unplayable MESS. The new UI is buggy as hell, the player ship becomes a deathtrap because you can't do ANYTHING when it wants you to install a new component. After you re-log and it realises you installed the @(*()$ module it REFUSES to work and after you struggle with it for more than 1 minute GUESS WHAT?! IT KICKS YOU OFF AGAIN!!


    All I can do is clap my hands in astonishment, I was a faithful fan from the very beginning. I was defending you guys, but now I am the one who feels like a fool for doing so, because it's clear that you people were apparently more excited about making your fun little streams and what-not, and making merchandising, HELL ANYTHING BUT WORKING ON THE @(*()$ GAME! Because correct me if I'm wrong if you have a deadline then perhaps YOU SHOULDN'T LEAVE HALF THE WORK FOR THE LAST @(*()$ DAY, SINCE APPARENTLY THAT IS WHAT WAS GOING ON HERE!!

  4. (Phargest is a Djinn sentinel, shoulda noted that earlier)

    "Well don't worry I doubt that you'd face anything too terrible, also the fact that in the two times I've been in the arena, I've come out more or less alive. I don't think the general would simply let you die without making every attempt to revive you afterwards." Van received the juice and started to sip at it.

    (I was fully aware it's a sentinel, I just wanted to use general corpus mockery.)


    "Well it brings me little comfort you know. Fully knowing that one of my potential enemies is basically the personification of death or something similar, But rest assured I'm not planning on keeling over. If anyhing I'll make sure that they will sweat blood by the time I go down."

  5. Van quirked an eyebrow though it was hidden by his own helmet, reaching up with his good arm he cracked the seal on the back and lifted it setting it on the counter. Revealing his pale face and shoulder length teal hair. "No need to get nervous, Phargest is all bark. And I'm in no mood nor condition for a fight." Van motioned for a drink, "Some juice please."

    Detch smiles uncomfortably.

    "Hah that is cute betrayer, but I've dealt with malfunctioning MOA's before. I'm more conserned about the mythical monsters that escaped from peoples nightmares and apparently beat a tenno in the ground. Ykip and I thought that I would come here grab a little extra credit to add to my paycheck. Well, no matter at least it will be an intresting death."

    Waves at the bartender.


  6. Phargest glared at Detch almost taking his slamming the table as violent, "Easy Pharg, Yeah all of it happened don't believe me go ask some of the patrons or hek ask the general himself." Van had nearly finished the small meal that he ordered so he turned to look at Detch, "I'm gonna be sore for a long time, and not going to be able to participate in the arena any time soon." he let out a slight sigh once he remembered the truth in his own statement.


    "Do you plan on entering the Arena?"

    "What?! NO! Don't be silly tenno. Why would I do...    I already did..."

    He turns to the bar owner.

    "Hey bartender! Scratch the juice! I need something strong, and fast!"

    After getting his drink he removes his helmet, underneath is just the face of a simple man with dark-blond hair. He is sweating, and clearly scared.

    He chugs it down and his emotions quickly change to that of a man in pain.

    "YKIP! I'm not used to this."

  7. Detch is not moving, in fact he is standing still like a statue.

    He starts scratching the back of his neck and starts to talk nervously, his posture also became quite tense. Then he starts to laugh.

    "Hahaha tenno, that was a good one!  Man, I didn't know tenno were so humorous. But seriously that boulder must have hit some important bits. The Mother of Stalkers, hah, next thing you know the old ones are reborn and all."

    There is an awkward pause after the last sentence and Detch becomes even more tense.

    "You are not joking are you? YKIP!" He slams the table.

  8. Van slowly stabbed at the meal with the provided fork, "Well I'm sure you don't often see demigods injured as I am. Still you don't have to pay for anything, just don't try to kill me and we won't have any problems." He managed a chuckle and a cough, "I suppose since you have already offered to pay, name's Van."

    "Suit yourself then, name's Detch by the way."

    Detch measures the tenno carefully.

    "Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware you betrayers are pretty tough to take down. How did you get so wrecked. Call it just a hunch but I guess you didn't just trip on your way up the stairs."

  9. Van sat at the bar and manuvered his leg so that it sat at least slightly comfortably, "Odd someone buying a meal for someone you don't know." his Zephyr visor split at the chin as the meal arrived. "Phargest I'll be fine go enjoy the show please." Phargest hummed annoyed and stayed.

    Detch finishes his drink, gets up and moves to the tenno, trying to conceal his nervousness.

    "Where I come from people with demigod like powers are considered odd, and not general courtesy."


    With that said he sits down next to the tenno.

  10. Detch looked up at the noise of the sentinel. He was quite surprised, after all it's not common for him to see a betrayer and not having to fear for his life. He stood up with glass in one hand, and the other tugging his prova. He walked to the bar and pointed at his glass.


    "Another one of these. Also whatever that man (points at the zephyr) asks is on me too."


    After getting his refill he went back to his table kicked back and watched.

  11. After recieving his drink Detch found himself a table to sit to. He put the drink on the table and put the straw in it.

    As he was drinking he imagined how silly he must look, a straw coming out of his drink into the inlet on his helmet. But he got used to people laughing behind his back long ago, so he didn't mind their snickering.

    Waiting for something intresting to happen, he boots up his handheld computer and starts filtering through the stream of information he's recieving.

    "Another months worth of junk, great. I really should start filling out my stuff on a more regular basis"

  12. Shots being fired at me I see, with regards to the Mag Prime anyway. Who was that uber invincible guy you were talking about?

    As I said the only problem I had is the mag prime getting a whole space station rekt, otherwise it was fun to watch. As for the other guy I don't think he participated at all. Don't even remember his name, just showed up once like: "I'm a fuukin badass, gimme stuff to kill" and when the grineer told him to wait because others are fighting he was like:"Fine imma call mah badass friend and we are gonna fuckin' kill everybody, because I'm so badass". After that I don't think he showed up at all O.o

  13. You wouldn't happen to be talking about a certain Nyx now would you?

    *Shudders* Don't even mention it. The Mag prime going apeS#&$ just kinda had me confused, the dude who didn't speak english and thought he was Boba Fet on cocaine was the first real shocker, but MY GOD THAT NYX S#&$ WAS $&*&*#(%&. Then came the Uber-Badass/Invincible guy on steroids but thank god he didn't get any screentime

  14. ...Don't expect him to be welcome in many RPs. There's a diffrence between comic-relief and just silly. I don't know where you have been on the forums, but I've seen far to many Mary Sues and Characters so dumb and silly that it's hard to believe.


    My idea came from one of the open roleplays that I read through (namely: The Crucible), it started out nicely with a mixture of characters, and then a Tenno completely broke the immersion, afterwards it started again with one of the older ones and a bunch of new ones. And THAT was the point when I lost it, because it was the biggest eyesore I have witnessed yet. Basically every other person had their typical "Protagonist" characters (i.e. Ultimate badasses who are perfect and flawless every way you look at them), it made me want to hurl. I never intended him to get into Private ones, because those are self contained little communities with nothing BUT this fanfic jerk-off stuff. I want this guy to just waltz in any open RP and basically break the out of combat scenario in half, while being reasonably good in fights.

  15. Dang it, looks like I'll have to clarify somehtings. It seems it wasn't clear that the point behind the caracter was, to be as surreal as possible.

    I was looking at other characters and noticed the incredible lack of goofball/comic-relief kind of guys.

    I'd also like to say that all details like his age, and his status as Major were made on purpose to add to the weirdness, because I wanted him to be able to do pretty much what he wants without his higher-ups stopping him.

    However I'm also glad because I noticed some stuff that I forgot to write down, since I was making it during a late-night brainstorming session of mine and left out some details, like the reasons for his rank was his father and that his commanding officers always seemed to get killed by accident (by that I mean him ).


    So as a last word I would be very glad if others would give some suggestions as to how to polish this guy. Feel free to join in the creation of Warframes own Michael J. Caboose.

  16. The Wyrm nymphs were blissfully unaware of their future, and were content with wriggling about the sand in their terrarium and splashing water at each other. Shade pups practiced their cloaking abilities by attaching themselves to rocks and turning them invisible, while Carrier seeds sat lazily around lamps to sunbathe. Their childhood would not last long for they had to be injected with growth hormones, then artificial selection would run its course.


    A crewman was there to receive the disembarking Tech.


    "Welcome to the Arcadia Night Market. Need any help with uh, cleaning up that ship of yours?"

    "Ah Hello! My ship crashed here I hope you don't mind. Please don't be angry, my friends will fix it. They are very good at fixing what I, erm, un-fix.

    But if it wasn't too much trouble could you people fill it up with fuel? I ran out about 5 days ago, also some food because I ran out of that 3 days ago.

    Don't worry I can pay for it, and my men are probably on their way, since they all were so fast to go get help with the escape pods, after the fire started."


    The corpus starts to search his pockets and takes out a holografic star map.


    "Also could you tell me what this place is and where is it? I have an assigment on Pluto  and I have to report back to my superiors at Olympus when I get there."

  17. A while after the distress signal was sent out the ship enters the stations hangar slowly. After the ship enters and the artificial gravity starts affecting it the shipe falls down like a slab of stone. It's engines drier than the deserts of Phobos, it was drifting through the vacuum of space rather than actually flying. Surprisingly no serious damage was done to anything besides the ship itself.

    The ship doors slowly open as fire extinguishing foam starts to pour out.

    Tumbling down the ramp is a single corpus tech, his orange jumpsuit covered in the white foam. Standing up the technician calls his 2 ospreys that start cleaning him with pressurised water. All the while he is looking at his ship pondering to himself.


    "Welp, at least this time no explosions happened. That's a plus right? Bob, Steve start repairing Ship. I'm off finding someplace to eat."

  18. Corpus light cruiser en route to Arcadia Night Market, the radio quickly transmitting the desperate vioce of the pilot.


    "Erm hello? Big space thingy over there. This is Corpus military ship called "Ship" requesting landing permissions. Also I may have a rough landing, erm... because no matter which button I press Ship doesn't want to slow down."

  19. Name: Julius Revelie "Jimmy" Seron (self entitled)

    Age: 19

    Affiliation: Corpus

    Titles: Major and commanding officer of the Corpus 35th batallion

    Equipment: Standard issue Technician suit including Guardian class Eximus upgrades and 2 shield ospreys (codename: "Steve" and "Bob")

    Weapon of choice: Dera assault rifle, improvised makeshift weapons

    Current assignment: Defense of Corpus territory borders

    Skills and accomplishments: Somewhat competent marksman, uncanny improvisation skills, can't driva a vehicle for more than 5 minutes without crashing

    Violations of military rules: Uncountable, discharges include: disobeying orders, several cases of friendly fire and constantly riding MOA's


    Biography: Born to a loving mother a Never-at-home-militaristic father, and an older brother who hated his very existence, Julius was always a bit of an "oddball" compared to pretty much anyone. He was always his fathers favourite because "He never disobeys orders", in reality he simply didn't know that the word "no" exists.

    Even in his early years it was obvious to anyone that the poor young child had less IQ than teeth. That however didn't stop him from enjoying himself. He was always largely detached from reality, unable to comprehend anything and misinterpreting everything else he was always filled with glee. By the time he was old enough to join the military at the request of his father, he was more than a feet taller than his elder brother, and stronger than the avarage. Unable to comprehending such words as "bribe", "lie" and "nepotism" he quickly rose to the rank of Major, despite never finishing basic training or ever filling out a paper correctly (he claims the first question:"Date:" always catches him off guard).

    Thanks to his father bribing everyone off to get him into this position, and his superiors for some reason constantly getting into accidents, after his promotion little could stand in the way of the gentle giant.

    Armed with the shiny weapons and armor he got as "presents" from his friends, he and his subordinates valiantly defend Corpus space.

    Julius has no enemies, and quick to make friends, literally with anything (living, inteligent or not). However because of his attitude he usually harms them unwillingly (For example after befriending a large group of Infested by playing Tag he quickly invited them for a barbeque and the next day wondering where they went, and where did all the 'snow' came from).

    Julius has a mixed reputation amongst his fellow Corpus, those who never met him revere him for his heroism, and those who do know him wish they didn't.

  20. Detch makes his way to the bar, carefully taking a good look before going to the bartender.


    "I want some refreshments, no alcohol, and NOT grineer made. Also a straw."


    While waiting he examins the other spectators.

  21. Turns back to the Grineer


    "Yes, we had frequent attacks, mostly raiders looking for some easy cash, on occasion the random infested, rarely the Tenno. The Board had enough of disrupting the shipments so they sent the clean up crew to get rid of all the trash. That was 4 months ago, there were no late shipments since then. Though I indeed did cleanup duty more than I liked."

  22. "Detch, 34th clean-up brigade private, Corpus mining colony #12, Corpus. Also it doesn't matter, I wanted to spectate a few fights before I start. I'll come back once the matches end. Thank you for your assistance."


    With this the crewman turns around and heads for the bar.

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