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Posts posted by Tetsmeha

  1. lmao I love these kinds of threads where idiots congregate and make speculations on no basis despite info that is there in the codex. Sure the statements made based on the codex is subject to change, but seriously "hurr i want to believe my tenno is alien" is seriously the dumbest thing I've ever seen. It's borderline fanfiction and makes me cringe to even read a bad arguement and a bad story.

  2. I subscribed waaaay past the due date, and I didn't expect to get anything. But lo and behold, when I checked my email just minutes ago I had gotten a code. Thank you very much for informing me about this <3

    I can confirm this. I got it around 2 weeks after the end date, emailed them a week after and still got the code.

  3. Not only is the blocking mods being warframe mods bad, but the damage return is really bad. You'd expect 96% damage reflect to be really good, but if you think about it enemies do around 20-120 damage per shot to Tenno. This means that you only reflect around 40-60 damage after armor and damage reduction. You're better off just taking the full damage and shooting them in the face for 500 damage per shot.

  4. Extremely poorly worded, but I get what you're saying. With the current amount of mods and the mod system it would make every melee build the same. In other words everyone would build their melee weapons like they build primaries. 3 certain mods or you won't do any damage.

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