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Posts posted by Tetsmeha

  1. No, you still had to buy it because I was playing during the transition from closed to open beta and I don't have it; I do have the Lato Vandal though.


    I sent in a ticket about it and they pretty much said "You're outa luck"


    Sucks that they give us Lato Vandal and not just throw in the Braton too.

  2. Really?

    Isn't is more supposed to be like:

    - Normal weapons

    - Vandal weapons (and other special editions, eg: stalker set)

    - Prime weapons

    At least it seems obvious to me to be this way.

    And tiers are not just about doing more damage.

    ^ That in it self is "power creep".


    This is exactly why it made sense for most of the primaries and secondaries available to buy for credits (pre U8 i think). A lot of those weapons were buyable and were decent, but needed some heavy modding for the high level maps.

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