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Posts posted by air2ground

  1. So then melee becomes the only thing viable for far into endgame?


    Still wouldn't make infinite scaling less crap, either

    you'd probably die trying to make melee scale that high up as you still take damage while blocking and can get swarmed from all sides cause you can only block in 1 direction. you'd also have to be able to get in range before the buff is up. but when you do pull off the sick balancing act i think it should be rewarding for all the effort you put in. 


    I want melee to be rewarding, 


    i dont really expect melee to out compete guns, i just want them be be equally viable


    but how do you think we should balance melee play with gun play so that they are equally rewarding?

  2.    I've seen alot of complaints of melee not scaling well into endgame content, or that melee is pointless when we have guns but i dont believe that. I want melee to be dynamic and be involved. I feel that a greater reliance on blocking could add alot more awesomeness to the game cause blocking looks so awesome so here is my suggestions to make blocking an important part to making melee scale well.


         Make blocking store damage and convert that stored damage to boost melee damage.

    The conversion rate of damage stored to melee weapon does not have to be 1 to 1 but it should vary depending on the type of weapon. The duration of this buff should also vary based on the weapon type. I think that using the combo bar you see for Atlas’s Landslide move would be the best way to display how much or how long our buff will last


        Weapons that have high blocking damage resistance should have the best conversion from damage blocked to damage boost and be able to maintain this buff the longest. The Silva and Aegis, which has some of the best blocking damage reduction in the game, is generally ignored because of its low damage. But if DE were to implement this change, the more you block the stronger the Silva and Aegis gets which would probably excuse its pitifully low attack power.


        Enemies don’t do much damage compared to the tenno as individual attacks rarely do above 100 damage, so I suggest this stored damage be added to the weapons base damage. That way the stored damage will scale well with the melee mods.


         I also believe that its fine if the damage boost does not have an upper limit or that there is not limit to how much blocked damage can be converted to boosted melee damage because blocking does not negate all damage so its still possible to die while blocking. Being able to close the distance without dying is a risk that I think excuses the infinite scaling of melee weapons.

    Also since tenno have to close the distance I think that the more damage we store into our weapons the faster our tenno should move, allowing us to get into melee range faster and giving melee a more dynamic dancing like feeling to the combat


    As for how long the buff should last, I think the boost should steadily decrease over a time of 10 or 15 seconds (changeable by mods) would be fair.



    So what do you guys think of this idea? Numbers are just guess but how is the Concept?


    TLDR: Make blocking store damage into melee weapons for a limited amount of time and more blocking = faster default movement speed to close gaps

  3. , i know how to move.people are shooting me mid bullet jump, all the time.

    bullet jumping is actually pretty slow, it projects you in a straight line and is easy to track. are you doing the crouch jump combo? its faster and has shorter recovery time.


    stay in the air and zig zag its alot easier to disengage now so do it.


    My aim is really poor but i can still carry teams sometimes, the key is to know the map's health spawns and kite, dont over commit


    if none of that helps then its your lag.


    as for why shotguns suck in pvp, the way pvp is set up you cant get good damage numbers and also other players can stayout of

    effective shotgun range alot easier now, plus shotguns dont have a silencer so you'll be marking yourself on the map for the entire enemy team and since most people run silence you'll be the only person marked on the map the entire match

  4. what is the purpose of the Hush mod in PvP? it does not seem to affect how much noise your weapons make so whats the of having it in pvp?

  5. - Blueprintsn be acquired in the Market for three Void Offerings: Humble Void Offering (1,000 Credits), Faithful Void Offering (10,000 Credits) and Passionate Void Offering (100,000 Credits).

    -each Void Offering increases spawn chance by 50, 75, 90, 100%

    I'm confused there are 3 different void offerings but there are 4 percents listed, is 50% the no void offering spawn chance whole the humble is 75, the faithful is 90 and the passionate is 100% Or are we missing something

  6. How's this idea

    Shot guns are suppose to devistating in close range but instead of just upping the number why not something more different.

    So what about at 0 to 5m all shots have an chance of blast proc and at 6 to 15m all shots have a chance to stagger

    But also give shot guns a large status bonus in close range combat that degrades linearly

    For example if a base status chance of a shotgun is 10% and multipler is 10xbase status and the decay rate it 10 of base% per meter this means(assuming fall off starts at 1m) at 1m the shot gun has 100% status and decreasing 10% each meter until at 10m the status chance is at 10% which is base chance and won't decrease any further at ranges beyond 10m.

    And to make things shotguns more unique make each shot gun have different Stat multiples and different max ranges to give each shotgun a unique feel

    How's this idea?

    Tldr buff shotguns by giving them large status and knockdown/stagger bonus at close range instead of buffing the damage numbers

  7. Who's more scary?

    For me it's the manic, I usually kill stalker as he stands up but nothing makes me check my back as much as the Manic does.

    Part of me wishes I could spawn all assassins in the simulation room and watch them all fight

  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but credit nerf is only to dark sectors, void and star chart are uneffective, anyway void capture is more time efficient than dark sectors for credits and void parts

    On topic: I like chroma and pvp, but pvp needs more balance and bug fixes but I had fun till the Cephalon disappeared

  9. When stolen the Cephalon should mark the carrier for everyone(team and enemy) on the game to make the match more intensive. Also because I spent 5 minutes in the game with no scoring because the teams could not find the Cephalon carriers, we just camped each others base waiting for the other to come over. Was a while before anythingnhappened

  10. When stolen the Cephalon should mark the carrier for everyone(team and enemy) on the game to make the match more intensive. Also because I spent 5 minutes in the game with no scoring because the teams could not find the Cephalon carriers, we just camped each others base waiting for the other to come over. Was a while before anythingnhappened

  11. There is absolutely no logic in what they're doing.

    Recent examples: Kohm nerf, Excalibur nerf, even nerfing Synoid Gammacor too much.

    I think what they did make sense, they added damage fall off to the kohm so it's like every other shotgun in the game no other change than that, I think the issue is that shotguns as a whole just suck and they should raise the bar on shot guns

    The gammacor ammo nerf did not change damage at all I just have to burst fire so I don't see the problem cause we knew it was op for a while,

    The Excalibur nerf I disagree with it should 't be Los and if it stays Los I think we should buff Excalibur cc more

    The deep freeze mod cost increase make sense cause now it's in line with all the other elemental mods and we have been asking for it for A long time.

    Most of what DE is doing is making everything in line with existing stuff, but whether or not this base line should be raised is another issue

  12. I don't know why people keep saying that, because it's really not true.


    It forces you to exit it to harm enemies, and they can just come in and slaughter you anyways, at least at higher levels.


    Frost's Snow Globe doesn't hinder people's ability to kill enemies, and punishes enemies who enter it by slowing them down a lot.

    At higher levels " where enemies could slaughter you as soon as they come into cataclysm" snow globe would melt instantly and the slow effect of snow globe would never come into play at that point but cataclysm utility never changes regardless of enemy level

  13. Doriando77, on 09 Mar 2015 - 09:32 AM, said:

    they introduced the stealth affinity bonus that only two frames can actually achieve. its a waste

    The game rewards stealth with huge bonus affinity and it really shouldn't encourage stealth game play. Getting butt hurt because you don't want to play a stealth frame or actually be sneaky is a personal problem. Not a problem with the game. There are MULTIPLE ways to go about sneaking around. You're just bad at it and then find something to blame because your ego can't handle the fact that you just might not be good.


    This. Seriously, any frame can stealth. Also enemy radar is a thing

  14. True, but 60 chefs can bake 60 cakes in hour. So, if no one works on PvP, PvE will come faster adding people to existing PvE projects, or bigger adding these people to new PvE projects. DE decides to work on PvP and it´s perfect, his game, his bussines and his decisions. But negates that working on PvP don´t affect in ANY way PvE is not true.


    can be true and false

    assuming that DE is already working at max efficiency for all PVE projects adding more people will harm efficiency just like how adding more chefs will ruin a dish(like i stated earlier). 

    the thing is even everyone in DE has different specializations so adding graphic designers to the balance team wont do anything

    If all PVE projects are being worked on and they already have the max number or people in each project for PVE then having the left over man power working on PVP will not affect PVE at all (especially since they stated that they will be balanced differently).


    but if each PVE project is not at max capacity then the statement is true


    but to be honest if DE does make a truly good/balanced PVP then it can only be good for the game in the longrun, even if it slows PVE, since good PVP tends to extend game the games life much longer than PVE content

  15. Wrong? Baseless? Opinionated? It´s a simple logic. 10 people working on A will finish the project before 5 people working on A and 5 people working on B. And if they keep his 10 workers on A and hire 5 for B, they can hire it for A and have 15 working on A so, it´s a simple math.


    by that logic 1 chef can bake a cake in 1 hr so 60 chefs can bake 1 cake in 1 min.

    It does not work like this.

    some projects only require a certain amount of people and adding more to will have diminishing marginal returns, With a fixed number or people working for DE the best use of their time is to have the teams broken up into smaller projects


    if Project A only needs 5 people and 15 people work for DE then have 5 people work on project A and split the rest on separate projects B and C so that the most work gets done in the most cost efficient way possible

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