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Posts posted by PixelJaeger01

  1. That sounds almost as if you would run around with dragon keys equipped. Make sure that that isn't the case by checking your gear in the arsenal.

    Dragon Keys Wiki: Hobbled Dragonkey: -50% Speed, Decaying Dragonkey: -75% Shield, Bleeding Key: -75% Health, Extinguished Key: -75% Damage

  2. Thank you for finally giving us infos on droprates like that.

    However, in regard on how you've handled recent things with a fellow dataminer, i will still rely on my own data instead.

    One more reason for me doing this is:

    1 hour ago, MrBubbleSS said:

    The current table needs to be updated, and if this is going to only happen with Major updates (e.g. U21, U22, etc.) then it needs to be more often, like with sub-updates (21.1, 21.2, etc. more along the release times of the Tenno Reinforcements) so people can reliably find things they need instead of looking at old drop table data that may or may not be accurate on many levels. Much like myself with 2 parkour bugs I've been following (one coming out with Octavia, another arriving with Harrow on PC), it lends to an unreliability in the entire system, which casts this effort to show transparency in a bad light.

    One major reason they need to be updated is that the list has items in it that no longer drop (Vaulted relics, particularly), and they're making a lot of the tables appear inaccurate and not able to be wholly trusted. On top of that, if there's ever been a change to a drop rate for anything, people wouldn't find out until long after the change because major updates happen a few times a year instead of every week or two. This is especially a problem if there's another one of those "whoops" cases where a new item (like that new Machete stance) wasn't correctly put into the mission reward table it was supposedly added to, so people waste hours upon hours farming for something they literally cannot acquire.

    If this is just a script to run, I presume it can be run relatively quickly, and that it reasonably only needs to be run every time there's a content drop (new weapons, vaultings/unvaultings, major feature additions, and so on), so it would take very little effort keeping the table up to date and maintaining a good image of transparency, while only needing to run it, realistically, once every week or two.


    And as a side note, adding resource drop chances for both planetary resources (like Argon Crystals and Ferrite in the Void, for example) and crates/lockers (which also drop Nav Coordinates and Ayatan stars, for example) would be a welcome addition to the table, if such things are still being considered.


    On 1.8.2017 at 10:59 PM, redeyedtreefrog said:

    @[DE]Rebecca The drop chance resource appears to still contain the relics for the now-vaulted rhino and mag relics; will it be updated and if so, when?


    You've stated:

    On 28.6.2017 at 11:34 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Hello Tenno!



    This list will be maintained by an automated process combined with manual publishing with Updates (not all Hotfixes).


    Why not run a simple cronjob or run a script everytime you ship out an update/a hotfix?


    Again: Don't get me wrong! Thank you for finally giving us this resource! It is really appreciated.

  3. Can confirm. A friend of mine and i can't log in. (german players, playing on english and german region)


    edit: wow... now it seems to work again... in just 5 minutes it wored again. DE is getting faster ;)

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