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Posts posted by PioZon

  1. While it is far less frequent then before the Hotfix, I have noticed that the bug has been reoccurring in situations where the target I set to Bladestorm first was killed between the time I hit the button and before I started bladestorm.  This results in the same bug the skill previously experienced and while it seems infrequent, bad pings make it must harder to keep this from happening.

  2. dreaming of a fix for this pronto. Really kills the game for me when I can't complete the mission because of a door downstairs


    EDIT: I'm not sure if this is just a coincidence but after removing my +percent electrical damage mod from my melee weapon this issue has stopped.

  3. Did not have any problems but the manner in which you handled this was great.  I have played so many games in the past where we were literally told nothing about updates and crashes so its refreshing to see a company who is willing to keep us all informed.

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