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Posts posted by jaybayblay

  1. If you have 5 potatoes in total whether 3 in different weapons and 2 in inventory, you're not necessarily 'attaining' potatoes; simply switching them around to associate your play style.. assuming this would be allowed, you'll still have your 5 potatoes to move around not 6. There's never really alerts for potatoes anyway so actually attaining them is a totally different story that shouldn't be associated with this topic.

  2. If they were gonna do this then the resource prices for rebuilding a potato, due to the nature of the mod, would be fairly freakin' high. Like Kunai high. Probably higher.

    I'm confused when you said nature of the mod? Rebuilding a potato is bearable, anyone can work for it if they have the patience but obviously it'd be nice to obtain the actual potato rather than the potato BP. Otherwise, a blueprint that you can buy through credits with demanding materials may help people out who have made bad mistakes, to create new ones through some forfeit of materials. I mean who hasn't potato'd a gun that they regret it a little bit.

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