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Posts posted by Zarlockk

  1. try pluto survival or outer terminus we have seen it at both places on OT we saw it wave 40 

    LOLO, thats a challenge which needs to accept first and then find a powerful enough squad. But yeah I saw it recently on corpus defense t3

  2. I can take level 70 enemies with a single Vasto in three or four shots.


    Twin Gremlins I only got recently. For now Im thinking in how slow their rate of fire looks like, but bullets are strong than Afuris.


    Since Bronco Prime is going to substitute Vasto in T3 defense for me, I think in selling Twin Gremlins after reaches level 30, but still have doubts, since played very little with it. Its not enough for me to evaluate.

    Add lethal torrent and it will attack like gorgon at max. They start slow but get crazy buy that mod. Also add 1 more v and you can make max damage build if not using corrupted mods.

  3. Ember. Squishier than volt and only good against light infested

    She gets tankier with Overheat. Volt does no damage at all to infested she does some damage to corpus so volt is loosing. But synapse makes him good.

    I never thought of Ash but looking at comments he I can see that he lacks crowd control. But he is solo mission frame so he is fine. For those who said buff range of teleport, rank 2 teleport is like 50 minutes long.

    Loki is also solo but he has disarm which might be good in some scenarios.

    I lately thought of trying out Radial disarm followed by decoy combo on survival to get easy kills if enemys group up around it

  4. Wow supra formad 6 times!!! not bad. Did it worth it? I am not building this weapon because of damage type but Damage2.0 might make it worth getting. This is currently the best build anyways. To be honest I would swap Speed Triger with ammo mutation. Hate running out of ammo. Ad I think you do not need that much on supra.

  5. Hi, there!

    The Assassins is a small clan currently consisting of 7 people. We have 3  spots. Everything is built and researched. Also we have approved clan logo.

    There are no requirements except 1:

    BE DEDICATED PLAYER!!! Play quite often

    If you are new we will help you rise.

    If you want to get recruited add me to friend list and private message me that you want to join.

    Currently available spots:0


  6. I have it on my Loki, the duration being decreased doesn't matter since I can spam invisibility without running out of energy.


    Edit: I should also mention that I have a build with narrow minded on instead. I might try adding both later on.

    You benefit more from increasing duration rather than spammability as you risk to get one shotted in high level between reactivations also why making you invisable for over 30 seconds is just much beeter than use less energy for lower duration. Ok Loki is in between but hope you got my point

  7. It is op..ish but Frost,Banshee,Loki,Ember,Saryn, Trinity, Excalibur(blind),Nyx,Ash,Vauban and Nekros if you summon tough guys or use terrify a lot cant use it as duration is key to their abilities so think again about it being op.

    So we have Mag,Rhino, Volt(he is in both lists) and Nova left in the pool who can use it. So not that op now is it unless you start screaming that no end stomps and mps are coming

  8. Hate is badass to have and use also nice for showing off. But when you need power of course you should take galatine. Both are good. I do not have Orthos Prime but When I am choosing the heavy melee weapon I Choose between Orthos,Hate and Galatine

  9. It is very difficult to start the game now after they buffed mobs. When I started in May I was able to solo with my unpotatoed Excalibur. I did not potato anything and was very happy. Sometimes I even felt like it is too boring slashdashing everything. I changed My skana to Dual Heat Swords, Braton to Paris and Lato to Kunai. Still no potato. Then I built Ash. Was more fun. Then I got my first catalyst. Spent it into Dual Heat. Was ok with Ash. Then I bought some platinum and bought slots. Built Gorgon,Boltor and staff without any problems. However when my cousins started playing warframes they could not do anything in mercury with their Mag, Excalibur and Loki so they stuck on first mission straight away. And they cant find good mods in big amounts for fusion as well. Only with my help (I am rank 8 halfway to 9) they managed to finish Mercury,Venus and Jupiter and get some mods but farming is a giant pain for them as I am not always available and getting mastery is very hard for them as well.

    Conclusion game became very hard for new players

  10. Op, please change the title. It is a bit misleading. You're talking about auras, not ammo mutation mods.

    He is talking about aura, Rifle Scavenger, Shotgun Scavenger,Sniper Scavenger and Pistol Scavenger. Ammo mutation changes type of ammo hilethis ones increase chance of certain ammo type to drop

  11. This would be great actually. But it might make you never finish Defense. I mean you start on Venus with unranked synapse and keep getting ton of XP and keep adding ammo mutation then serration splitchamber point strike and so on making you actually able to max it in 1 run what can lead to grinding being too easy. Still It would be amazing

  12. My highest is around 1100 with Ash and Rhino. Highest defense well I do solo so for me it was wave 20 I think on Pluto Outer Terminus but I used Frost there. This conclave rating is good because you can sort of find out how powerful you are compared to other players but is but because some nasty people can start criticizing that you are bad if you gt low conclave.  

  13. Well V aura is for Heavy damage dealing frames. Explanation:

    Ash- Hi, I like going invis with weapons like Galatine and Orthos. So I benefit a lot from having Steel Charge

    Banshee- I have sonar for dealing more damage. I like Having Rifle Amp for even more damage

    Rhino- I am always in the middle of things with all fire at me so I would like to be able to give pretty good damage back into their faces for shooting at me

    Volt- Synapse+Electric Shield+Rifle amp..enough said

    Excalibur Prime- I am awesome damage frame why not have V

    Ember- Agree here would be better have '-' polarity

    Mag- all around frame any polarity will do

    So only Ember and Mag are kind of why V polarity.

    D polarity is horrible. Only Rejuvenation is ok on it but it is not very useful. Infested Impedance is too situational and not always useful especially if you have crowd control.

  14. This is why we need a female Rhino.


    I shall name her.... Olga.


    And she shall wrestle space bears and crush Grineer with her burly biceps.

    This, To be honest If i need a tank in lvl70 and above missions I would rather take frost and spam snowglobe. Much more efficient way of tanking for the same price.

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