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Posts posted by OOLuigiOo

  1. 1 Shock= 4-5 peeps dead, loving it!!


    still would buff Speed a little bit so Tenno can move a bit faster when Volt casts Speed as it feels rather slugish now, probably because I'm used to going at HYPERSPEED but yeah, pwease?

    Feels like an anchor weighing you down and the slow speed makes you wanna hurl.

  2. So you nerfed the speed of speed, could you atleast buff his default speed, he really feels slow even with max Rush. And plasma bullets cannot pass through his shield.


    Doesn't even feel faster than Loki anymore.

  3. open every container and locker in the stages where you are going for these things because they can drop from them.

    If you want to be..."efficient" then run straight to whatever boss you are farming from but know that this is basically the only chance you are giving yourself.

    Yesterday i got 2 neural sensors from random containers and i wasnt even farming for them. I got one from an alert and another from an Io defense.

    The key is not to farm.

  4. While I don't think that DE would put Warframe behind the PS+ paywall (the entire point of F2P games is to get as massive an audience as possible), it would be nice to have a confirmation. 


    Regardless, the PS+ issue won't effect me, since I'm not getting a PS4.  (What's that?  Pay an extra fee for internet?  Hahaha!!!  No.)

    Well, I suppose someone can look at al the free games they get and justify paying for PS+ for those "Free" games and get multiplayer on the side as opposed to seeing it the opposite way like yourself whom also loves free games because you are here.


    But that is quite a lot of "free" games you CAN get for starters.


    Same goes for xbox live for the months ahead(Took them long enough to justify paying).

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