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Posts posted by RedZeroInferno

  1. Greetings! So To start this off, My friends and I sometimes play Hide and Seek in Warframe to pass the time when we don't feel like doing missions, feel like there's not a lot for us to do progression wise, or are just bored and want to play a silly little low effort game.

    The way WE do this, is by all being in a discord call together, Having the squad host pick a medium or large captura map, Then having the Seeker stream their screen and face a wall or out into the end of the map while the others go find hiding spots. We have rules such as "No clipping out of the map or through walls, No parkouring through glitches and into unreachable spots without glitching" etc.
    This works best in captura because the map sizes can vary and we aren't limited to just four players, as well as being able to have smaller maps for when we have fewer players.

    The issues here reside in the construction of many of the Captura maps, where there are MANY incredibly unnecessary invisible walls/ceilings, respawn ceilings/floors/walls and generally not great collision terrain.

    For example most recently as of this post, We played hide and seek on an Earth Khal mission tile map, the one with the bridges and waterfalls where you're looking for Thumper parts etc.
    There are SO many invisible walls and ceilings that are so harshly pointless and kind of ruin the tile, These invisible walls and poor collision terrain actually remove so many potential hiding spots.
    Many of these invisible walls and respawn floors are in locations in the Captura that don't even exist in the actual playable map when you're doing the missions these maps are involved in? it's very odd.

    Myself and the rest of my Hide and seek enjoyer friend group would very much appreciate if the Captura maps could be re-worked and fine tuned to better our experience with this.
    (This is obviously far from anything remotely priority, but would still be greatly appreciated) 

    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

    Yeah i dont know why they havent taken the oppurtunity to make more satisfying parkour things. They nailed bullet jumping, i see that everywhere, but what about sliding down long and short ramps for a masssive speed boost, climbing things and aiming for certain ledges push yourself upward faster with, and then making a level where you can combo all of those things quickly and maybe get ahead of everyone who chose not to try it

    Like its pretty cool and very satisfying as you said. It adds to the whole ninja vibe

    Also im fine with going out of bounds. They are funny sometimes. We can always type "/unstuck" to get back in bounds, just as long as it doesnt interfere to much with the mission, im cool with it

    Speaking of out of bounds, there was a spot on the LUA tileset for a while where there was one room with a bunch of busted moon rocks all over and there was a hole in the wall you could go through, You'd only really notice it if you were looking for it, and you could easily get back if you either jump off the map entirely or /unstuck, or hell you could even just bullet jump right back through the hole in the wall where you entered, but it was fun to mess around outside of the map's boundaries when possible, then Relatively recently they covered the hole up with some impassable rubble and I was like "I mean okay that's FAIR but also damn now I'm sad, I liked being outside of map bounds, it was fun"

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

    fr. I hate the unnecessary invisible and un-climbable walls all over the game, especially in hub areas. Level boundaries are necessary but why are there so many places in the game that have a respawn boundry so low you can bullet jump straight up into it or invisible ceilings blocking you from climbing on top of structures, often times in rooms that have a physical ceiling that just has one of these boundaries arbitrarily placed below it for some reason.

    There's a hidden area in one of the orokin tower rooms that I dont think most people know exists because it's placed so high up you'd assume one of these stupid boundaries would be there if the game had any consistency about this at all.

    The spoiler camp is especially annoying with this. Such a wide open area that's functionally a cramped cave with the amount of pointless and frustrating barriers it has placed everywhere for no reason.

    You can get on top of the building in cetus but it's difficult because there's a weird amorphous blob of an invisible hitbox near the top of it for no reason.

    The dry dock is a fantastic example of an area that just has way too many unnecessary invisible boundaries in it.

    The spot in the hydron defense tileset ceiling you use to be able to jump up into which was supposedly blocked off because the developers didn't want players using it to cheese the mission even tho as a defense, and the fact that enemies have guns, you really can't cheese the mission by being up there at all.

    Gamers like to climb things. Every area in the game that looks fun to climb is needlessly blocked off for some reason.

    #*!%ing word for word exactly what I'm talking about, there's soooooo many pointless walls or respawns for literally no reason, the game desperately needs a full, hard cleanup of these.

    • Like 1
  4. On 2020-04-09 at 11:00 AM, EvilChaosKnight said:

    From me personally. If could be very nice if they got rid of these damn force-respawn ceilings on many maps (Ceres Def/Int being the worst offender).
    I can legit reach some of them by just bullet jumping up.

    Yes exactly, Hell there even was for a time.... (it may have been changed by now but I doubt it) a spot in Ceres where there's a forced respawn space in an area where you should physically be perfectly capable of traversing in the first place, on a specific tile.. it's the one with the flame vents and the semi-busted bridge piece over some of the toxin stuff? if you go too far to the corner where there's no walkable space you get force respawned? why... what if i'm just bullet jumping through? or wall running or whatever?

  5. Found a bug where one of the best caves for fishing (The one right next to transit Depot) Seems to have an issue with baits and dyes not working correctly, phasing through the water and just vanishing, Have tried reloading Vallis several times with no luck to fix, Trying to fish doesn't work and I've lost 15 whole Synathid bait because of this bug.

  6. On 2020-04-03 at 4:51 AM, (NSW)Riophilip said:

    By "clipping", I think he means through invisible walls when there shouldn't be - like near the forge on a railjack. Of course, it may lead to some mapping problems, but it's an interesting idea.

    Yes! Random invisible walls or respawn walls for no reason, like in a pitfall that you can easily climb or bullet jump out of.
    Let us explore and climb it's basically what the game is about anyway.


  7. On 2020-04-02 at 9:45 PM, kapn655321 said:


    Others may find themselves suddenly out of bounds and stuck in the middle of a mission should these points not exist, and rather than having a fun romp outside of the stage, they're having an infuriating time with a broken game.

    Hope I didn't cross your, "DE can do no wrong," boundary to say anything to the contrary.

    No this is true, However a lot of the clipping out of bounds stuff that DOES exist and HAS existed so far has been "Good luck finding this" and unless you actually look for it, it's out of the way.

    Like for example one of the ones that I was a big fan of that they removed was in the Relays (before the big relay update) if you were to spam jump up the outside door from the Hangar you could clip through some walls and end up waaaaay above the top of the Relay.

    This is so far out of the way that there was literally NO point in fixing it, so what if it's out of bounds it's not like anyone who is TRYING to do what the relays are for is going to search that out unless they're really bored, and that's my whole point as far as the clipping and out of bounds part goes.

    • Like 2
  8. I think we should be able to have the use of aim glide and wall latch and other traversal abilities in Cetus and Fortuna and etc.
    And stop putting re-spawn walls/ invisible walls everywhere for no reason both in and out of missions.

    I want to be able to climb all over the map just because, and clipping through areas is more fun for some of us just out of boredom.
    Being able to get a point in say Cetus, like for example the far bridge, and having people in chat be like "Wait how the heck did you get over there?"
    It's fun, it's satisfying and it's an entertaining challenge, but re-spawn walls, invisi-walls and the lack of our traversal abilities makes it such a pain to bother with.

    Also I honestly thing you should just make an Interior for the Cetus tower anyway, like seriously, Big tower in the background.. I'm 99% sure MOST of your players that visit Cetus want to explore it.
    Even if there's nothing in it.

    ((I will literally be completely ignoring any Elitist and or "DE can do no wrong" people, I will not respond, and I will ignore your attempts so just don't bother.))

    • Like 8
  9. 13 hours ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

    I'd prefer an "abandon my current lich" option, but just "switch off Lich stuff for now" would be good too. You can't get another Lich until you finish the one you have, but you can disable the Lich sideline until you feel like getting back to it. 

    Both options seem great to me tbh.

    19 hours ago, Mazrid said:

    I agree.  I'm a casual Warframe player who didn't actually read up on Kuva lich's before face-stabbing one, er, well several times.  Yeah, I'm a noob, who made a noob mistake, and now I've got 5 planets swarmed in red and a Kuva-Lich that I can barely hurt.  

    I get that the veteran's don't have a problem with this; they're not challenged by them at all, but this is a seriously demoralizing problem for me.  I just want out.  I don't want the shiny at the end of this, I just want my Kuva Lich to shut up and stop taking my stuff. So for me at least, there's no "carrot" here, it's just stick, and I'm kinda tired of getting my metal butt kicked.

      Am I lazy?  Maybe.  Maybe I just want to play Warframe casually, the way I was.  

    Same here, Casual as hell, I can't physically afford to spend all my time on warframe considering I also have work and the rest of my life to worry about so being constantly in need of resources that require me to farm, and then having those resources be taxed ontop of that, is #*!%ing garbage when I don't have the time or patience to double up on my ingame time.


    19 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    OP reads like:
    "Mom, I want a dog."

    OP gets a dog. 5 Minutes later

    "Mom, I don't want a dog anymore"

    Listen not all of us have free time all day every day to spend on games, Some of us have work and life. (and REAL pets) to worry about.
    These things do not equate, do not pretend that they do, a Kuva lich stealing your resources in game does not, and can not, equate to owning a dog.
    I'm not asking to remove the lich system entirely, that would be stupid and a waste of everyone's time including my own.
    I'm simply suggesting maybe a "Abandon current lich" or "Ignore Lich controlled areas" or something simple like that, not difficult to achieve, and much more efficient for those of us who have busy lives outside of the game.

  10. Just now, Drasiel said:

    your forum mastery and ingame mastery are different. Forums is for post count and stuff it isn't a reflection of your in game mastery

    Thank you I was unaware of this.
    I don't spend almost any time on the forums mostly due to harsh toxicity but every once in a while something in the game will bother me just enough to want to give feedback.

  11. See that's the thing I am pretty even on both sides of resource mountain, for some #*!% ass reason my Forums account mastery hasn't connected to my ingame Mastery, I'm Mastery 21 ingame, I really don't know why it doesn't show that here but whatever that's not my problem.

    My problem is trying to farm things like Hexanon now is insufferable because of the lich, and there should absolutely be a way to 'opt-out' of the #*!%ing lich taxes on resources and S#&$ when needed.

  12. Just a suggestion here, and yes I know the relatively easy fix to this is just don't #*!% with a hatchling and choose to ignore it when it spawns.. but like, what about if you had the intent to bother with the lich stuff but then after you already got your hatchling you now realize you needed to farm something and your lich is stealing your S#&$ while you try to farm.

    Maybe just make #*!%ing with the lich an optional thing? like make the liches taxes only work when you're DOING a lich based mission: Ie: farming murmurs and etc.
    either that or have a basic 'on\off' switch in your starmap under the lich status screen.

    Otherwise dealing with the bullS#&$ tax from the lich is insufferable when you're trying to farm or even more so help out your friends or clan with farming.

  13. Yo it's the absolute stupidest thing~ I mean sure it's not the biggest issue Warframe has but it's such a random and pointless annoyance.. the RNG of a #*!%ing switch more than half way through the mission, Like literally had you just picked up the capture target and were already on your way to extraction when suddenly lotus is like "HURRDURR LETS JUS MURDER EVERYONE INSTEAD" FOR NO REASON.. QUit. And I dunno I feel like it's more than 1/15 considering the fact that I've had it happen to me multiple times in a row (Like the record as far as I can remember was like four times in a row trying to farm a capture mission.) as well as sometimes having it happen almost every other mission attempt.

    3 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Most of us hate it...and it's a 1/15 chance (iirc) that this happens. I haven't had this for months now...but I'll guess just for saying this I will be doomed the next captures ^^'


  14. This is probably really old news by now and I'm sure plenty of people have already commented on it or complained about it or spoke of it in general but here it is anyway because screw it.
    The fact that out of nowhere, for no particular reason of any sort, just because it can.. the Mission type of a Capture can randomly change to exterminate, AFTER you've picked up the capture target Needs to stop. If I choose Capture as the mission type I intend to play because I'm just trying to run a very quick one for minor affinity or perhaps a resource reward, say a relic or what have you, whatever the mission type may drop, The fact of the matter is I chose Capture for a reason and I don't think it should suddenly change more than half way through the mission. This has been an inconveniencing annoyance for both myself, and almost every one of my friends that I play the game with, arguably we all have the same complaint and that is Lotus needs to stop changing the mission type on us without reason or warning.

    No soliciting.
    Don't be an elitist. And don't try to explain why the objective switch is a good mechanic,I disagree, I don't care, and I don't want to hear it.

  15. I'm not really sure what category this would fall under so I figure this is/ would be the best place for it, Does DE have any intentions to make any other Umbra frames aside from Excalibur at all?

    Out of pure curiosity.

  16. 5 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    The times it is OP is why it is getting axed, because it has become severely abused in meta. If you find areas where enemies spawn in walls or floors, document it and report it so DE can adjust the navmesh and spawn locations. Attacking through walls with melee 100% needs to go. Use a punch through mod on a gun instead, it's great in most builds anyways.


    5 hours ago, BringMeYourAzz said:

    Bring a weapon with punch through


    4 hours ago, Synpai said:

    T3 Scaffold, weapon with punch through, zenurik lightning balls + pull, a number of WF abilities 😄


    3 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Punch through mods are pure damage multiplication when aiming through crowds. It is in no way a limiting factor to a build, if you think that then i question what your idea of a good build is. If I can spray an automatic into a group of enemies and use half to a third of the shots, that is powerful.

    All of you fail to acknowledge the possibility of using ranking weapons or frames with no mods as a problem when enemies are getting stuck in walls and crap, think about that for a second, and Synpai, you completely ignored my statement about using a frame in a mission that doesn't have aoe based abilities or anything that can go through walls.

  17. PLEASE don't change the melee striking through walls and objects, whenever I'm playing a mission and an enemy gets stuck in a wall how am I supposed to get rid of him if I'm not using a frame with an aoe damage ability? Honestly, Enemies get stuck in walls ALL THE TIME, especially on the corpus crashed ship Europa and the infested Eris tileset, PLEASE keep the melee strike through walls thing, Because sure sometimes it's a little op but regardless of it's strength in a mission it's often necessary otherwise the mission could become incomplete-able by an enemy stuck in a wall.

  18. The Companion toys for the lounge room seem a bit useless at the moment, I recommend making an animation for them, something like the companion being able to bat them around on the floor or with the ball shaped toys you perhaps would animate to pick up the toy and toss it, and perhaps have your companion retrieve it for you and play fetch.

    Wouldn't be too difficult, just make it trigger by tapping x on the toy just like pressing e on your companion makes you pet them.

  19. Now a bunch of you are literally just saying no without giving a legitimate reason of why this wouldn't work long term, I get it, Excal prime was supposed to be exclusive to those who supported the game back when it first came out, The founders saved warframe and I thank them for that but why not give the founders that exist now something even better than excal prime? Again, he's a prime frame, don't you think it would be reasonable for the public to have prime frames and not have him locked behind a wall none of us can get to? give the founders something legitimately exclusive, Not an excal, even, Just a completely new frame and weapon set. or something, they deserve more than just excal prime especially because excal umbra is actually supposedly better than excal prime anyway.

  20. 1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

    OP is angry, needing mental help maybe?

    Seriously, reported.

    I'm not even mad, and what exactly would you be reporting me for? the caps was meant as an emphasis, If anything I'm laughing at the people here who are mad at my suggestion, this isn't even me being like "HEY YOU SHOULD TRY THIS" it's me being like "HEY HERE'S AN IDEA AND IF I'M WRONG THAT'S FINE TOO."


  21. 1 minute ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    That moment when OP thinks that Excal Prime = MR 30


    MR 25.3 is as high as anyone can get right now. Having leveled EVERY SINGLE item in the game possible.

    That moment when I didn't know this before I made the original post of the thread, and now that I do I have corrected myself but the person replying hasn't read my replies so PARDON ME I MADE A MISTAKE SORRY.


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