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Posts posted by RevanZim

  1. I came here from a comment you left on my YouTube video asking my thoughts on this post, so here I am :)

    There's a lot of interesting ideas in your post, but a lot of it also seems outdated (like the Focus 2.0 section). Your vision and DE's vision of what operators are supposed to be also differ quite starkly. What you seem to want is for operators to not only be technically viable and able to solo a mission, but to have this be an integral part of the regular gameplay loop. Remember that the game is still called "Warframe" and not "Operatorframe", and as long as that's the case operators will always be secondary to the warframes themselves. Operators at the most will be complementary, and at the least supplementary, to the warframes. When operators are strong, a symbiosis, completing the warframe. When operators are weak, a mere add-on that can almost be forgotten. This is also why it's silly to suggest operator raids, when we don't even have warframe raids right now.

    Part of me thinks this is actually why DE is making Soulframe now, as they realized they can't really expand on their ideas for the operator inside the game of Warframe. DE wants operators to feel a bit slow, feel more "human" outside of void sling compared to warframes, but this doesn't work in this fast paced game. So soulframe will have slower movement, slower gameplay, as they said. In my opinion this is to expand on those operator ideas more, that can't actually be realized in the game of Warframe.

    For me, after Focus 3.0, I actually really like the place of operators. I switched to Unairu and I often use my operator in mission now. Whether it's just popping out to refresh poise, popping out to strip some armor or shields, or to use Last Gasp. I also have Madurai and Zenurik maxed and those also feel good to use with operators coming in either to slow things with Zenurik or buff me with Void Strike, though Unairu is still my favorite. Even for operator solo stuff they are the strongest they've ever been. Steel path enemies drop like flies, even steel path eximus aren't really a challenge.

    There is some QoL stuff I would like to see still though, and I do mostly agree with your list. Especially amp and operator arcane loadouts with the ability to match them to a warframe loadout are needed now. Things got more complex and a lot of content actually requires multiple different "amp"/"amp arcane"/"operator arcane" loadouts now, so having to manually switch every time is very frustrating. I just want to have a different operator loadout for each warframe loadout, like I can with focus schools and just about everything else.

  2. noooo steeeve 😭😭😭

    I understand tho, thanks for everything and good luck with Soulframe. With a man like you at the helm I have high hopes :)

    And when your twitch channel goes live again (hopefully in not too many years) I will know you will have succeeded in your new endeavor!

    • Like 16
  3. Ok so I messed around with brightness/contrast for about 20 minutes now and it's still bad. The settings you have don't really matter because the game decides with auto-exposure what brightness things should be.

    When I make the orbiter look OK, the star chart is too dark and the meus too bright. When the meus look OK, everything else is too dark, etc.

    There are also plenty of spots where the auto-exposure is bad, even just in the orbiter! Standing right in the middle spot between orbiter and liset at the bottom of the ramp and looking into the orbiter makes everything look extremely blown out (here everything also looks normal with the old settings instead of too dark). Similar thing when standing in front of the personal quarters. Looking down the ramp towards the helminth infirmary from the left of the arsenal makes the corridor almost look black!

    When the Vallis looks balanced, Fortuna looks extremely whitewashed with no contrast. I haven't tested other tiles yet but I imagine similar discrepancies. If the auto-exposure of this game was good there would be no problems, but simply changing this without a pass on ALL the exposure levels across the entire game just leaves players like me in pain.

    I don't know how easy or even feasible this may be, but maybe allow a "legacy" option for this change so people can go back to the way it used to be?

    • Like 19
  4. Wow, amazing!

    But let me take this moment to commemorate the epic highlander battle that took place in Scarlet Spear 4. For many days, a ragtag group of noble strangers fought valiantly to keep the Flotilla instance alive. Even after the ability to trade with Little Duck vanished, we persevered. In the end, it was only myself and __jag__ who stood left fighting until the bitter end, forced to log out from this update. Strange things started taking place as Warframe's spaghetti code unraveld before our very eyes. The countdown timer of one year just suddenly stopped counting, at different points for each of us even. Somehow __jag__ got half-logged out, losing his ability to check profiles and rendered unable to spend his last few Nightwave Intermission creds, as the store just mentioned it's inability to load the vendor's wares. Only __jag__ was listed as a squad in the instance for some reason, we reasoned that maybe that led to his issues. Animations for me started to feel stuck, until we discovered that they just played very, very slowly. Performing a handshake left me stuck in place unable to move or press ESC for half an hour, entering Shawzin took almost 50 minutes.

    In the end, the outcome of this battle was not to be determined today. There can be only one, but at least for today, there still may be two as this battle ends in a draw.

    But let us not forget the other valiant warriors that we saw fall by our side: (apologies if I don't get all the details or names quite right here)

    DDarac, who came in sixth place, one of the only two others we could interact with.

    SiL3nC3., who like Bug_Eyes was listed in the Flotilla, but could never actually be seen by the rest of us, and was also silent in chat. Possibly stuck in Railjack loading, who knows. He came in fifth place.

    AR45H, who dropped out as fourth place in the morning of day two, I suppose he had other things to take care of.

    Bug_Eyes_19??, whose name I couldn't write down in time before he dropped without a word. Stuck in the same realm as SiL3NC3. and never actually seen in person in the Flotilla. Nevertheless, he placed third.

    And finally of course __jag__, who refused to quit day in day out, putting up a truly noble AFK fight and causing the draw today. Maybe next time there shall be a winner.

    Screenshots for proof below. Enjoy the update you guys! 😄











    • Like 26
  5. 1 hour ago, --Q--Phoenix6840 said:

    Any chance chroma's vex armor could be fixed soon? it seems to have adverse effects on elemental damage and status effects, it's making my simulor heal enemies.


    This please. I have the same problem with the Staticor. Before hitting max damage multiplier (which is 448% for me) it increases the damage just fine, but close to or at the cap it starts to massively reduce damage instead.

  6. I really only have one problem with these changes: the fact that they added self-damage. I'm not mad that they nerfed the Tonkor. I'm mad at how they nerfed it.

    Whether you loved or hated the Tonkor, it showed how fun explosive weapons can be without extremely high self-damage attached to them. This move basically means that DE has no intention of removing (or at least reducing or capping) self-damage any time soon. This is bad, because self-damage is just as outdated a mechanic as the Tonkor rocket jump was. The only point it serves is to reduce fun. It's also very counter-intuitive: In a game without friendly fire (excluding radiation procs), why can I kill myself with these certain weapons, but not my team? Why does the Simulor not do self-damage? Why not the Zarr bomblets? No wait, the Zarr bomblets actually DID self-damage, but it was removed. You can easily guess why: it was unfun and unnecessary. Just like all self-damage in this game. Now if we had shield gating (and maybe even health gating as well), this would probably be much less of a problem. Annoying, still, but perhaps manageable. But we don't have that (yet?). Even though it was promised, it's taking an extremely long time to arrive. And even if we had it, it would not fix the core problem with self-damage, just make it more bearable.

    Instead of adding self-damage to the Tonkor, it should have been nerfed in it's raw stats more, and all the other self-damage weapons should have been on the list of buffs to cap their self-damage at a flat 100 damage, or maybe 5% of the total weapon damage. Or have it removed entirely.

    But not this. Not adding more. This is a step back, not forward. In the small chance someone from DE is actually reading this: please reconsider or tell the people with the power to change this to reconsider.

  7. 30 minutes ago, voltocitygel said:

    Worked for the stalker for me, once I had eliminated most of his health with my dread. His slash resistance didn't save him then. 

    In the case of Sentients and the Shadow Stalker, the beam actually resets their resistances as well. So if you have a very one-sided damage loadout you can just hit them with the beam once and then keep doing damage with your weapons until their resistances are charged too much again, and then repeat.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Xardis said:

    I would want to see my warframe become a specter

    That sounds like an awesome idea, I didn't even think of that!

    4 minutes ago, VoidWraith said:

    I actually wouldn't be surprised if our operators can do this

    True, especially after finishing The War Within I felt like there was so much more to the Tenno than we previoulsy assumed, that Teshin only gave us the knowlegde we needed right now, but that there's much more left.

    16 minutes ago, Xardis said:

    As to gameplay - you leave your frame in one place unprotected, without qt, it will be dead very fast.

    Pretty much, which is why I really like the Vazarin dash. I thought about more ways to move your frame, but anything other than the dash seemed somewhat clunky, and most of the slots were filled with just as cool ideas by that point, so I just dropped it.

  9. The recent spoiler dev stream briefly touched upon focus and how "now that the cat is out of the bag" we're gonna probably see more things tieing operators and focus together.
    So I thought "what if the focus school you choose also gives you cool perks for your abilities in operator mode?", and that idea got my creative juices flowing.
    Now since this is a late game system you kind of need some variability in it, some personalization beyond just getting your chosen school's perks on all abilities.
    Thus I thought more into the direction of a slot system, where each ability of the operator has one slot for a focus school themed perk.
    You can mix and match these as you like, but to keep your school choice relevant and meaningful, the perks of your chosen school get a significant bonus.
    So you can either go fully with your school and reap the fat bonuses, or combine a perhaps more synergistic set of perks for your playstyle, at the cost of receiving no bonus for some of them.

    The following concept doesn't deal with the rest of focus, or how to unlock all the perks below.
    It's just conceived as an addon to the current system, to give an idea of what could be, and perhaps it inspires some devs.

    First, lets recap the known operator abilities and introduce a new one: the "passive". Here they are:

    1. Passive: This becomes active upon entering operator mode and disappears when returning to the warframe.
    2. Void Beam: A versatile damage tool with limited range.
    3. Void Blast: A powerful short range knockback that deals very little damage.
    4. Void Dash: A mobility tool that can knock enemies around, also deals very little damage.
    5. Void Mode: You become invisible and immune to all damage and status effects.

    And now let's get into the perks each school offers for the respective abilities. After that I'll go into my thoughts and ideas behind these designs.
    Note that each perk has some text in italics and square brackets. These are the adjusted values and bonuses you gain when aligned with the respective focus school.
    I spent some time to balance this stuff a bit, but without being able to play with it that doesn't mean much. Regardlesss, balance is not the point of this, rather it is inspiration. I was inspired to make this, so I hope you get inspired too :P
    Here we go:

    1. Passive:

    Zenurik: The operator has 30% [60%] more power efficiency.
    Naramon: Every enemy has a weak spot that amplifies damage by 2x [4x] when shot. (Only visible for you and only in operator mode to prevent exploits.)
    Vazarin: No penalties from dying in operator mode and operator resurrects one time [two times] on death with full energy and health, similar to the sentinel mod "Regen". Dying without revives left returns to the warframe as normal. Each revive is also followed up with a 1 second grace period during which you only take 5% damage, so you don't immediately die again.
    Madurai: Void Beam does 35% [70%] more damage, Void Blast and Dash now also do damage equal to holding down the trigger on the modified Void Beam for 1 [2] seconds.
    Unairu: Creates a void shield around the operator that absorbs 1000 [2000] damage. (Similar to Rhino's Iron Skin, the shield does not regenerate but makes you immune to cc and status procs.)

    2. Void Beam:

    Zenurik: Kills with the Void Beam regenerate energy equal to the cost of one [two] normal Void Blast(s).
    Naramon: The Void Beam becomes a high burst sniper with unlimited range and 3 meter punch through that can shoot once every 3 [2] seconds. Damage per shot is equal to holding down the regular Void Beam for 3 seconds, energy cost is that of holding down the regular Void Beam for 2 seconds. The beam also evaporates corpses similar to channeling.
    Vazarin: Void Beam can heal allies, including your own warframe at a rate of 100 [200] health per second [also restores shields and can create overshields at the same rate] (Damage bonuses on the beam also increase healing rate.)
    Madurai: The Void Beam splits like an Atomos beam to a maximum of 3 additional targets within range of 5 [10] meters of the original target.
    Unairu: Void Beam does no damage, but instead stuns enemies and petrifies them after 2 [1] seconds for 10 [20] seconds. Petrified enemies have 50% reduced armor and can be burst by Void Blast, instantly killing them.

    3. Void Blast:

    Zenurik: Void Blast has unlimited range and a 5 [10] meter impact radius.
    Naramon: Void Blast lets out a deafening boom that stuns enemies and opens them up to finishers for 7 [14] seconds in an 8 [16] meter radius. This does not alert affected enemies, allowing stealth kills.
    Vazarin: Void Blast lets out a gust of void energy that protects you and nearby allies from enemy projectiles in a 5 [10] meter radius around the operator for 10 seconds, similar to Zephyr's Turbulence. Buff refreshes on recast and disappears when switching back to the warframe.
    Madurai: Void Blast knocks down enemies in a 15 [30] meter radius around you. (The bonus damage from the Madurai passive only applies to targets hit directly, not the larger aoe.)
    Unairu: Void Blast killing a target refunds it's energy cost and grants a void shield that absorbs 200 [400] damage. (Similar to Rhino's Iron Skin, the shield does not regenerate but makes you immune to cc and status procs. Also stacks with other void shields.)

    4. Void Dash:

    Zenurik: Dash costs 2 [4] times less.
    Naramon: Dash reveals enemies and items around you and allies on the map for 20 [40] seconds in a 20 [40] meter radius. Leaving operator mode does not deactivate this, recasting refreshes the effect.
    Vazarin: Dash also transports your warframe and pet to the target location. [Also grants your warframe and pet 50% damage reduction for 7 seconds]
    Madurai: Dash ends with an explosive force, setting enemies in an 8 [16] meter radius around the impact ablaze for 6 seconds.
    Unairu: Dash has 100% [200%] greater width and instantly petrifies any enemies hit for 6 [12] seconds. Petrified enemies have 50% reduced armor and can be burst by Void Blast, instantly killing them.

    5. Void Mode:

    Zenurik: Standing still in Void Mode drains no energy and instead allows energy to regenerate at half the normal rate [full normal rate]. Moving still drains as normal.
    Naramon: Void Beam and Blast no longer interrupt Void Mode. [Void Mode also drains 3 times less energy]
    Vazarin: Your warframe and pet are cloaked while you are cloaked. [You also move 100% faster in Void Mode]
    Madurai: During Void Mode and until 5 [10] seconds after exiting, you deal 35% [70%] more damage. Buff refreshes on recast and disappers when switching back to the warframe.
    Unairu: During Void Mode and until 5 [10] seconds after exiting, you gain 35% [70%] damage reduction. Buff refreshes on recast and disappears when switching back to the warframe.

    Now to my ideas behind this stuff, why I designed the certain schools this way and some highlight mechanics from this that I think would be really cool to see in the actual game.
    Let's start with Naramon, because it kind of got the whole thing rolling in my head. I like to solo missions, which is also probably why you don't see an awful lot of team interaction in this concept.
    I also really like operator mode and wanted it to be viable in combat. Obviously it's not really right now, but what is possible right now is stealthing missions as the operator.
    One on one the operator can actually be pretty devastating.
    So once I got the idea for this concept one of the first things I really fleshed out was the Naramon perks, the "recon" operator.
    Naramon is all about knowing the enemy (Void Dash perk), their weaknesses (passive), waiting for the right time to strike while being stealthy (Void mode perk), and then striking with force and precision (Void Beam perk).
    With the beam in particular I wanted to make sure it was stealth viable, so I added punch through to deal with clustered enemies, and made it dissolve corpses, since enemies now get alerted by them. I also really like the idea of turning your beam into something completely different with a perk like this. Sadly I couldn't fit a shotgun on one of the other beams, but this kind of design is one of my personal favorites in this concept.
    For the Void Blast perk it was a bit more difficult coming up with something original, but since Naramon is kind of the "recon" school I thought of a kind of "flashbang grenade".
    I thought a blind was a bit too strong with this system though, because of the 8x stealth multiplier on blinded enemies, so I turned it into a simple "concussion grenade". Either way I wanted to provide Naramon with more ways of dealing with clustered enemies stealthily.

    The next one up was Unairu. In the current system Unairu is by far the weakest school, even though it probably should be the strongest, since it's all about being able to take the hits.
    You know, life isn't about how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit, and so on. (You know the Rocky speech. If not, google it.)
    Unairu is actually my personal favorite when judging the schools only by their ingame description. That might be why it's probably a bit too strong in this concept as well.
    But that's also kind of the point. You're supposed to not die. Like ever. Okay maybe after some time ;)
    Then again, as strong as a full Unairu operator might seem in this concept, your warframe is still standing somewhere, unprotected...
    Instant kills are always difficult to balance, but I really like the idea of petrifying an enemy and then shattering them. Or even more general, I like the idea of a weapon that does no damage but instead kills your enemies in some other creative way.
    The refunding energy cost on Unairu Void Blast also creates an interesting choice where you might pick the Madurai passive instead to make Void Blast do relevant damage and ignore petrifying stuff altogether, moving forward with a more agressive build.
    I tried to come up with an interesting way to integrate the concept of armor buffing in Unairu, but since the operator's health pool is so small, that seemed futile after a while.

    Moving on to Vazarin, the first thing that popped into my mind was a healing beam. I think that would just be awesome, I love that idea.
    Other than that, Vazarin is supposed to be about countering the enemy, more of the "monk" style. That means damage evasion (Void Blast and Void Mode perks) and reduction (Void Dash perk).
    I also threw in the operator reviving because "revive" fits the theme but I felt interactions with reviving allies would be either too strong or too awkward for this system. At least all the stuff I came up with was.
    Vazarin was also the first time in this concept I had to come up with more interesting bonuses than just a number increase, since half of the Vazarin mechanics can't simply be multiplied by two. (Although I did it anyway on the operator revive, hehe)
    The idea of moving your warframe around while playing as the operator and also cloaking it alongside you are some of my favourite ideas from this concept, though.

    Madurai is all about damage. A lot of it and applied very fast. I couldn't really incorporate the "speed" aspect very much, since everywhere I added bonus movement speed it just kind of felt out of place and tacked on, so I just left it out.
    The idea of making the Void Beam split like the Atomos was lingering in my mind for some time, since the Atomos with Ruinous Extension is quite possibly the most fun beam weapon in the game, and Madurai was the perfect school for it.
    I also wanted to provide Madurai with some defense, but not in the form of actual defense, but instead with the best defense, which is offense of course :P (Although cc is kind of proper defense, but you're still a glass cannon that dies to any stray bullet, which is the idea here)
    Additionally, I wanted to provide a reason to actually pick Madurai as your school, so the amazing 30 meter knockdown was born. No other cc ability in this concept even gets to 20 meters, creating a lot of incentive there.
    Other than that I mostly wanted to make sure Madurai can't get too much energy, the point kind of being to jump out of your suit, blowing all of your energy really fast and doing tons of damage in the process, before dying or getting back in to let your energy regen back up.
    The Vazarin passive also has good synergy with these kinds of kamikaze runs.

    And lastly Zenurik, which is all about that delicious energy. It's pretty simple, not much to say: power efficiency, cheap dashes and "infinite" cloak.
    The cloak one was inspired by Planetside 2's Stalker Infiltrator build, which is one of the most fun ways to play that game solo. The idea of just stalking about a level permanently undetected until you attack just sounds (and plays!) amazing.
    I initially though to make this one for Naramon, since it technically fits the theme better, but Zenurik was already pretty strong, and Naramon pretty weak outside of solo stealth play. So it felt right to give the probably best cloak by far to Naramon.
    With the Zenurik Void Blast perk I really just wanted to push the idea of a ranged blast. Right now it's basically a melee ability since the range is so short, which severely handicaps the ability and the fun possible with it as the operator is just too fragile normally. (Notice how Unairu has the only Void Blast perk that doesn't protect you immediately.)
    I wanted to give the operator more long ranged tools as well besides just the Naramon Void Beam.
    At first I thought of turning it into less of a blast and more of a "kamehameha", since the hand position fits (and also that just sounds awesome, I mean come on). But since we already have a beam it felt redundant to add another one.
    So it just became a long range "ping" instead. It's also possible to create a sort of "orbital strike" with it using the Madurai passive, which sounds like great fun.

    All in all there is quite a lot of cool combinations possible here, although Vazarin and Unairu are perhaps a little too combination unfriendly.
    Unairu because the synergies are probably too great to overlook and Vazarin because it takes a completely different approach to operator combat than the other schools in this concept, since it focuses on your warframe more than anything.

    Either way, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope some of this gets your creative juices flowing just like mine did when making this.


  10. On 9.9.2016 at 5:52 PM, Raniu said:

    Not to mention Nekros' Desecrate sometimes consuming corpses (and energy) but granting no additional drop.

    • I don't mean it's bugged, I mean it's broken, you could recast pre-rework Desacrate to have another chance for a drop.*

    Ok, let me explain the mechanics of the old and new Desecrate:

    The old Desecrate had a 60% chance to consume the corpse and drop a health orb. If it failed, literally nothing happened. The corpse was not consumed and you could roll again for another chance at a health orb. If it was successful, the corpse was consumed and you got a guaranteed health orb. In that case it also had a 90% chance to roll the loot table of the enemy again. This made for a total chance of 54% at additional loot drops using Desecrate on the first try, since you have to get a health orb first before it rolls the loot table again, meaning 0.6 * 0.9 = 0.54. However, since you could reroll the corpse, the loot chance was closer to 90%, since with enough retries it's almost guaranteed to hit the 60% health orb chance. Then again, corpses disappear after some time, so assuming 3 tries for each corpse the actual loot chance was about 84%.

    Now the new Desecrate guarantees to roll the loot table immediately on the first try. It no longer requires you to get a health orb before you roll the loot table, and it allows no retries. The chance for loot on the first try didn't get changed, it's still 54%. However, because you don't get to reroll, we essentially lost about 30% of additional loot chance. The health orb chance is still there as well, only now it's decoupled from the loot chance.
    So Desecrate now consumes the corpse on the first try every time, and rolls two things when it does so: 54% chance of the loot table again, and some chance (nobody datamined it yet from what I know) for a health orb. That "some chance" is less than the previous "almost" 100% (in actuality about 94%) with retries, because the devs determined the average cost for the new Desecrate is lower than the old, so to make it not OP they reduced the overall chance for health orbs. The new chance is probably about 80%, don't quote me on that though.
    This makes sense, since you never have to recast desecrate now, so you don't pay additional energy/health for no reward, as was possible before. If it still gave a health orb every time we would get way too many health orbs for the amount of health we actually pay (assuming use of Despoil). The cost of Desecrate is also per corpse now, so when desecrating smaller amounts of corpses, the ability is much more efficient than before, although it is slightly less efficient on large amounts of corpses at the same time.

    Overall, it was a nerf to the ability itself, but it freed Nekros from loot slavedom to actually be able to participate in combat, and some price had to be paid for that to keep his power level the same. Personally, I think it was a fair price. Now you might disagree with that, but rest assured the ability is not "broken", as you say. All of this was intended, so if you want it changed, call for a buff, not a fix.

  11. 14 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Oh don't get me wrong, I think shields are in a bit of a bad spot. But a bad mechanic that is only used in single player games where only time can regenerate your shields and sticking it in a multiplayer game where we have pads, mods and abilities that can instantly pop your shields back up is a horrid idea.

    Maybe you should do better research. I recommend reading up on this: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Shield_gate#Players

    This is not only an example of shield gates in a multiplayer game, but also in a very similar one to Warframe. Shield restores, abilities that restore shields, gear that speeds regen up, etc. all exist here, and yet it is far from broken. The ME3 multiplayer even had health gates as well. Still players were far from invulnerable. The biggest reason for that of course was the cooldown on the mechanic. Even though it's "only" 4 seconds, those will be the longest 4 seconds of your life. I know, since I played about 300 hours of ME3 multiplayer back in the day. That was actually the only thing that warranted the purchase for me, since the single player turned out quite disappointing.

    Ever since I discovered Warframe back in July 2013 I've been wanting shield gates in this game. The transition from the ME3 multiplayer to Warframe was very smooth, since they really are very similar, especially in gameplay. So I think it's not only a good idea to introduce shield gates to Warframe, but a better time than ever since nobody cares about shields anymore.

  12. I think I know what you mean, since I have a bug that fits your description.

    I'm using 1280x1024 resolution, which has had UI problems since forever (mostly with scrolling menus in navigation), but nothing like this.

    Here's a screenshot: 




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