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Posts posted by Genuinetheo

  1. New mission: Take over grineer ship, kill all on board, one player pilots the ship to a warp gate to get away, while the other 3 defend the pilot from Grineer trying to take back control.



    This puts a lot of control and faith in the person piloting the ship. I can see a lot of beginners trying to take the wheel at the thought of being able to pilot the machine, then crashing the team into an asteroid belt--not exactly how I would picture ending an epic mission. 


    If this were to blossom into something more than idea, we might want to branch out in ship-vs-ship combat. The idea of not only fighting off Grineer assault teams, but also Grineer assault fleets....that would be something neat. Unfortunately Warframe is space-ninjas first, space-anything-else second. 

  2. I just checked to make sure, perhaps I missed something but I was under the impression yesterday that the skulls to define Nightmare missions were separate from regular missions. That's going to be rather detrimental to regular players. However I will say that not every single mission will be marked Nightmare mode, so just choose one that doesn't have a skull on it. 

  3. Speak for yourself...


    Never said I would be suffering a loss. I play a Rhino warframe myself and find Roar very useful for the general Warframe damage boost; contagion remains explicitly useful for melee (though only 10% more damage, and has poison elemental damage). The benefit of Rhino's team buff outweigh the benefit of a insignificantly stronger melee one.

  4. Roar boosts all damage by a certain percentage which is amazing for solo, I like playing Rhino more now than I thought I would have. What's iffy about Contagion is that it only adds poison elemental damage to your melee weapons, and I don't always swing my Scindo around unless I feel thirsty. The concept of a team buff is a nice change, but if you can't find the good in it why does your whole team have to suffer? 

  5. The drops are random for everyone, when someone else might get a neurode that doesn't mean when you pick it up it will also be a neurode. If I farm Mercury for Morphics from Captain Vor, my whole team can be lucky and pick up Morphics from the boss resource drop--but that doesn't mean when i pick it up it will be the same thing. Your friend was just very lucky to be able to get so many.

  6. This doesn't really help, and I know the ports are opened correctly because the port checker from portforward tells me they are indeed open. Something with Warframe startup closes them again, for whatever reason. It is not our firewalls or modem firewalls doing the deed, it is the game.

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