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Posts posted by Suicidal_Bunny

  1. ahem, you missed all the events so you will not be able to see the story untill they bring them back as a quest or something. the best you can get out of a new account is your starting plat and a tutorial on how to move witch will be useless once parkoor 2.0 hits at the end of this week ( pc players ) so I would just play ont he account you have right now and will till parkoor 2.0 comes out. As for story, thre is nothing you can do other than looking up vids form previous events, having a new account wont bring the events back sorry.

  2. I would trust a crazy guy who wants to save the cure for the infestation over a greedy bastard who will stab me in the back over credits and wants to destroy the cure... i don't know about you but I trust the enemy I know. Alad gave us 2 frames. nef stole peoples money.

  3. I said this in another post but i guess I'll put it here too.


    Makes perfect sense to me. The losing side sees that people really want the shiny new toy to play with that the other side is offering, so they offer enticing rewards throughout the 'battle' to bring people to their side. Business is business. This is the perfect example of choice. Do you take the large amount of tough to obtain and very valuable consumables for the short run? Or do you buckle down, take your licking and sacrifice those riches for a limited time gun the can most likely only ever be obtained this one time? Its all about what you're willing to sacrifice and what you're sacrificing for.


    That being said, one can easily make the argument that DE knows very well that the majority is just gonna pick the "immediate satisfaction" stuff most if not all of the time, regardless of any lore or final reward consequences, and that they are influencing the results via the cycles of battle pay favoring Anyo.


    In the end, the majority will ultimately decide what we get, and there really isn't that much that can be done about it. All we can do is hope that enough people will fight the urge to quickly rake in the cores and large amounts of easy creds so that we can get the weapon that we really want. (I'm for the Karak myself)


    I would gladly give away my right the the weapon as long as my fighting for alad actually mattered. The way this reward systems is set up is that you get NOTHING if your side looses. so everyone at first sight of one side winning automatically jumps to that side. Poor design in my opinion but what do i know. If loosing side would get at something like 50% of the original reward offer fighting for your side would not be a complete waste of time and more people would actually fight for what they believe in and not for the quick loot.


    I honestly am willing to sacrifice all the rewards if what I fight for actually made a difference, sadly it does not. kinda wish DE would let people choose based on what story they want to and not what loot is available.

  4. well thats the thing. it sucks that its about the rewards for most people instead of the story.  I'm still rocking alad even if he gives me 1 cred vs 50r cores just sucks that everyone always jumps on the whoever gives more reward bandwagon.

  5. whats up with this sudden change in rewards with nef getting much better ones ..... its like DE wants nef to win and swaying everyone with better rewards. It's their game and they can do whatever they want, but why give a false sense of choice? If rewards were different from the start it wouldn't be as bad.But seeing how they suddenly changed in favor on nef is leaving a bad taste.  I know many people will disagree and that's fine, just sad seeing how easily community can be swayed with better rewards. what happened to the sense of honor? guess it died with dark sector 0%   XD

  6. I've had this happen in a few games. mostly in defense or survival ( long games ) after a while i would not be able to use my redeemer at all, my character just goes for the animation of taking it off its back ( if i just want to use a quick slash ) and just as the animating goes above the head my character puts it back. No damage is dealt to an enemy ( tested ) and charge attack and coptering with it also seem to not work. I've tried to just equip it but same problem, character goes to about half the animation for an attack, stops and puts the hand back down ... ( as if it was too heavy or something lol ) anyone else had this problem ?

  7. Yeah same with me, it is kind of on and off if you know what I mean.  Sometimes I log in fine then at the end of a mission I get an error, warframe crashes, and it frustrates me to the max.  I love this game, been playing it non-stop for about a week now, and when I want to play this starts happening. So let's just hope they are working on it right now.

    i feel ya bro.

  8. at the end of every mission i get a message saying "could not join mission no longer exist"  then the game screen goes black and game stops responding.  I force quit restart the game and do another run ... same thing ... and it keeps happening after the 14.0.11 i tried doing a "defrag" in the game launcher but that didn't help. so now after every mission i got to ctrl+alt+del and end task the game. game ran perfect till yesterday or so when all the trouble with logging in started. now this game is unplayable for me.

  9. Can we please put in the old "solar system" back in? or at least have it as an option to pick between old or new. it was so much more user friendly,  clear and easier to use.Navigation of nodes didn't require extra steps like "spinning" the planet to see what nodes are on the other side, I could jump from a planet to planet without having to exit the planetary map and they were always in the same spot. All planets made sense ( closer to the sun = easier and further from the sun = harder )


    I could always tell what the planet was by its size and distance from the sun. Now all planets are the same size / distance and its really hard to tell what is what especially if you are partially colorblind. Old solar system actually made me think that I was navigating in space .. now I'm just picking some mission from a ball. And whats up with that triangle line thing? ... it makes no sense and just looks like some random lines  ( I honestly don't know how to describe it, but it goes above your head and to the sides toward the "planets" makes kinda like a pyramid thing or something )


    Old system also showed alerts in form of an image now its just words. So picking what you wanted to do was much faster and If a player does not have a lot of time to play having all the information at a glance was much more useful and sped the process that lead to actual game-play up. Now we got to read all the alerts before we find what we want to do. Not against reading or more information but an ability to know what is happening and where at a glance ( especially for alerts ) would be greatly appreciated.


  10. They care about money.  They are not going to purposely sabotage a cash cow.  That's why you need to make them realize they can make more money by not "ruining" the game.


    Let's be honest here, the game is already P2W, not that I am complaining.

    how is it P2W?  you can get any item in the game except for customization for free. you know what PWE does? it makes all drops into boxes. that you can ONLY open with a key that you need to buy with real money.  Oh and the kicker is. there is a maybe 1% chance to get what you want out of it. not imagine you are farming for a prime part... you get a prime part box, ( you are like wow, much hype, so excite ) you pay $5 to get a key to open it. and inside you get some nano spores ... too bad now to back and get some more boxes and maybe if you're lucky you'll get some rubido. ( not the prime part you wanted )

  11. I have already advised my clanmates and alliance members(around 3000 players) to stop buying platinum until DE's official response about this.

    We are very familiar with PW's capability of turning awesome games into mindless money sinks. So it is better to stop paying for a would be money-sink game sooner than later. We will resume our normal platinum purchase when DE denies PW's investment or when we are made sure PW's involvement will not affect the future development of Warframe(might take a few month).


    totally agree with this post and spreading the word amongst my clanmates ( broframe ) to do the same.

  12. Awesome theories so far. It's also good to see the community connecting like this instead of just throwing mud.


    Someone mentioned that the Lotus is suspected to be an AI. I don't think that's really the case. What if the Lotus was (WAS) at one point just another person, the Doctor Halsey to our Spartans (To use an analogy I'd rather not use), but volunteered to become an AI in a sort of "Always be with all of [Her] Children" in a weird sort of adoptive mother kind of way?


    If that's the case then DE really might be taking ques from Nihei. There was a similar character in Biomega who considered all of the Synthetic Human Agents "Her Children".


    Maybe that's why the Lotus had the Tenno turn on the Orokin? Because she could peer into their collective subconscious and "See" the repressed memories of horrific trauma inflicted upon them? Maybe she drew out those memories, causing the Tenno to go berserk and attack the Orokin out of sheer rage.


    Its an interesting thought so far.

    didn't [DE]Megan slip up during one of the dev-streams and say that lotus was an A.I.? also as for lotus being a sentient. if you look up at the definition of the word, it means the ability to "feel" or have feelings such as anger, happiness, etc.  so what if sentients were originally "machines or robots A.I.s" that became aware and developed the ability to feel. and i would not be happy and grow angry if my whole "race" was forced into labor ( because lets face it that's the only reason to have an A.I. or a robot, is to make them work for you and do the things you don't want / or that have a potential hazard of death.


    And as for the Tenno turning on the orokin, for the longest time I could not understand if we were many "people" with suits or just one person (whithc didn't make much sense because some are male while others are female). but then it hit me,  Steve said, that when Focus system comes out and you get exp on an item or frame that been max leveled, that exp will instead go to you " or the tenno inside"  that you will be able to level up and get perks that will transfer to other frames. ( meaning its one and the same "person" that controls different suits ) but then I thought how is that possible? the answer i came up with is that we are no longer human, but an A.I. and our suits are what hold the power now. and we just transfer from one suit to another as an "operating system"


    Also think about it this way, corpus is hunting us for "parts" for their robotics. A suit would not have much to offer if it was just a protective case. but if we are an A.I. the inside of our suits will hold all the technology and components that gives us the ability to use "powers"  our source of power is called energy not mana or something like that, we "upgrade" our selves with orokin "reactors"  (sounds like something a machine would use to enhance itself.)  


    I might have went off topic a bit, but if lotus was a sentient.  and we were an A.I. I imagine she would feel compassion for us and try to help us out.



    this is all my speculation and ideas that that make sense to me, just posting it for the sake of having a great discussion about lore because i think it got potential to be great. :D

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