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Posts posted by DalaiLlama

  1. True, when I started out I could not finish Terminus without the help of a full party, and we were practically all new.

    What is frustrating now is that the level 30 supercharged latron that would chop down enemies like a chainsaw with a sweettooth at a sugar plantation and the level 30 supercharged fast swinging flaming scindo that would do pretty much the same now feel like a peashooter and a plastic knife. I'm sure that with a great deal of time, the system will settle itself out, but for now, it rests uneasily. The difficulty is definitely back, and it is for certain pushing people away.

  2. Yes, it depends on the weapon I suppose. Stealth kills for me were more difficult to execute than a simple charged melee attack, but I managed to pull one off with the Cronus. Loki half spins and jabs the sword into the enemy's back. Assuming the animation for the Skana and other single blade weapons looks simliar.

  3. Sometimes when I click a planet in the mission overview, the audio will freeze and a random C Major chord will sound. Sometimes this happens, sometimes it doesn't. Background audio halts as well, and I've tried restarting my computer and warframe without steady reproducable results. Bug or some new feature that I overlooked?

  4. This is about the second time today. I was running a Ceres Mission and an Earth mission when suddenly, interim, the screen went black, a window popped up saying updating profile information, and returned to the mission select. A large window then popped up, Mission Failed. There was no host move (which happens very regularly...) and no players claimed responsibility. No players left the game at the time the error happened, so nothing on the leaving of the game host. Any clues?

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