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Posts posted by (PSN)JohnnyPersia

  1. I rarely spend money on F2P games. Most of them don't seem to catch my interest for a sustained period of time. I think the only other F2P game I've spent money on is Rocket League, which I spent $8 on. So far, with my purchase of the unvaulted pack yesterday, I've spent $80 on Warframe. I've been playing for almost 3 months now, and I have about 100-105 hours in the game, and I expect to be playing it for quite a bit longer, so I wanted to support the game. Whether or not I spend anymore in the future, I'll just have to see out things go.

  2. Hey everyone,

    I've been playing for about 2 months now, and recently I've been trying to acquire my first prime warframe - Vauban prime. I have the blueprints for the chassis, and I have radiant relics for several of the other parts (Neo v2 and v3). But my problem is that I can never find a group in game willing to do a run for those relics. I check every single night that I'm on, but I can never get a group together. One night I was able to get a group of 3 together, but nothing more than that.

    I'm in a clan, but it's not particularly too active, and it's very small. I don't want to leave as the leader has helped me learn the ropes of the game quite a bit.

    What advice would you have for someone in my position to acquire these relics. Should I just keep checking the recruiting channel in game and hope eventually to find a group?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. 2 minutes ago, ravend said:

    Is it me or is less coming out of the devs? I mean in the past we had a lot to chew thru. Now it's a new warframe, a rework, quest. The list gets smaller reach stream.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's that way until tennocon. I'm not sure if they have anything really big they would tell us before, but we'll see.

  4. I'm a noob, so I have only 4 frames: Oberon, Frost, Rhino, and Excalibur. Out of these 4, my favorite is by far Frost (is there anyway that I can move his bubble? I read somewhere that it is possible to do it). My least favorite, by far, is Oberon. I feel like his smite is just too finnicky for me; the hollow ground I find to be pretty worthless; and I don't find the healing that important most of the time.

    My next frame to try is Vauban and after that Wukong.

  5. I don't mean the derail the thread, as my question is tangentially relevant.

    I've been playing for about a month and a half. Is the Nidus bundle worth the buy? Is it still a pain to farm for his parts? Even with the 55% off, the price seems a bit steep to me, so I'm trying to decide if I should buy it. Thanks!

  6. I enjoyed Destiny, but I do prefer 3rd-person games.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to buy Destiny 2. I have to say that Destiny 1 had the most anti-consumer/gamer DLC model I've ever seen in a game. I understand they likely did it because it would have splintered the matchmaking too much, but it was an extremely poor model nonetheless.

    (1) The fact that a dlc locked you out of current content, and forced you to buy the dlc just to play previous content was an absolute joke. It made me laugh how many of the fanboy's justified it because of the "story." Yeah, right.

    (2) Let's say I wanted to pick up Destiny and play Rise of Iron again after stopping with the Crota DLC. That would mean that I would have  to buy The Taken King, which would mean that I would have to buy House of Wolves! Before their recent update with the raids, this basically would have meant that I am forced to buy old DLC, which no one really plays the content, just to play the most recent content. This is far worse than a subscription service because with such a service at least when I renew my subscription I'm not forced to back pay for all the time that I didn't play, which is what Destiny's DLC model essentially forces the consumer to do.

    I'll have a hard time supporting the game if it's the same sort of model. I prefer to be able to pick and choose what dlc's I want to buy.

  7. 20 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

    Underneath his clickbait Pokémon title, the OP is basically saying that the pace of new content is too fast  because there is plenty of old content to rework and the new content doesn't contribute much to the core gameplay.  

    Even if you accept the point that new content doesn't contribute much, it's better to come up with new stuff, even if it means power creep, than to go back and rebalancing old stuff.  Players keep coming back to try new frames and weapons.  No one ever thinks: "Hey, a Hydroid rework! Maybe I'll log on for the first time in months."  In fact, rebalancing old favorites is more likely to cause players to quit.  I know players for whom the Valkyr or Ash rework was the last straw.  

    Yeah, I understand what you mean, and I would probably agree with you.

    I was just suggesting that typically, when I play games like this (I just recently started WF so there's a ton of stuff for me to do!), like Defiance, Destiny, and the Division, I do not think of new weapons and new frames as necessarily new content. I think it's good to add things like that, but when I think of new content in the context of WF and these other games, I'm thinking of new stuff to do, i.e., new quests, new missions, new raids, new places to explore, etc. Again, in my opinion, the ideal is to add more of both at a constant rate; however, that's not really feasible.

  8. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

    New content should always take precedence over old stuff.  It's how the game survives and thrives.

    I guess the question is whether this counts as new content.

    New content: new stuff that allows you to do the same stuff in different ways.

    New content: new stuff to do.

    Or both?

  9. This seems to just be an issue with most forms of entertainment in general. How long does it take to make a movie versus watch it? How long does it take to write a book compared to reading it? Consumption is just must faster than production. I think the situation is exacerbated in the case of online games because we expect to play the same video game much longer than we expect to watch a the same movie over and mover or read the same book over and over.

  10. I don't think the issue is really whether people want new content or not.

    In your guys' eyes, does new frames or new weapons count as new content or is new content new stuff to do with frames and weapons? Ideally both, right?

  11. I realize this post is mostly just in humor and discussion, but I thought I'd makes some comments.

    1) It's debatable whether trading in Warframe does count as black market trading in the first place. There are some minimal regulations: you can't trade until your MR2 for example, there are taxes for trades (but I'm not sure who the taxes go to??). I'm also not sure that, even if DE has logs of all transactions, whether they would ever overturn a transaction, given that, as far as I know (I'm a new player), everything in the game is tradeable (I'm not sure about cosmetics). At the very least, the most important things seem to be traded.

    Information asymmetries are irrelevant to determining whether a market counts as a black market. Full information is assumed only under conditions of perfect competition, which as any person knows, the actual market economy does not operate under conditions of perfect competition. People conduct transactions without full information and informational asymmetries all the time in our economy. So the lack of full information and the existence of informational asymmetries can't be a distinguishing characteristic between black market and non-black market economies.

    2) Black markets are typically problematic for moral reasons, among others. We either typically think that people shouldn't be trading certain goods at all or without regulation (nuclear weapons, bodily organs) either because of the good it is, or people who are willing to trade such goods do so for morally problematic reasons. For example, people might sell their organs on the black market because they're in dire circumstances.

    And actually, this last point may be used as an argument by some for de-regulating market transactions. The idea is that with more regulations on market transactions, you actually create a black market and force people to trade on it. Whereas if you allow these trades on the normal market, it makes it more aboveboard and easier to deal with the consequences of, etc.

  12. Hey everyone,

    I started playing Warframe about a week ago, and I've been doing a pretty good amount of reading and watching videos in order to understand how the game works. I have a decent handle on some of the more basic mechanics of the game, such as modding, but I still have some questions that I was hoping I could get an answer to.

    1) How does progression work? I understand that we level up our frame and weapons to a max of 30. I currently have Excalibur and my weapons in the low 20s. I don't think I've unlocked any of the boss missions for either Earth or Venus yet to unlock any of the frames, which seems to take a while just to open up those missions. This process seems a bit complicated to me, as unlocking new missions requires certain quests, which requires having access to other planets, and so on. But, anyhow, what about weapons? When do I start getting new weapons? They don't seem to just drop as loot.

    2) Are attachments for character customization only purchasable through the market or acquired through training? I'm in my low 20s level wise, but I still have the same default, noob look with no changes whatsoever.

    3) What is considered typical etiquette for missions that don't seem to ever end? I get rewards such as relics, which I'm not sure what they do yet. But generally, I try to compromise with people, and I stick around for 10 or so waves, but generally I want to finish the missions to progress so I can unlock new frames, and at the moment, I don't want to spend 45 minutes to an hour or more on a single mission just increasing the waves. So what is the etiquette here when I seem to get grouped with more experienced players?

    I just wanted to mention that I have played games like Defiance, Destiny, and the Division (especially a lot of this). Some things seem similar, other things really different.

    Thanks for taking the time to answer these!

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