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Posts posted by Gripheon

  1. Lanka has an innate puncture through of 5 meters.

    And the model could use a change.


    But I got no complaints with the slower bullet speed and damage since it already blows everything except the Vectis out of the water.

    And the Vectis can't shoot through stuff innately.

    Well yeah, that why i said it should keep the punch through it already has, i was also saying it should have puncture damage aswell like ~ 150Dmg in addition to the electric damage.


    While i have not much of an issue with the current little bolt it has, i think the change to the railgun Moa shot would match the description of the weapon and to what most people expect from it. instead of the little insignificant looking bolt to something a little more appealing and representative to what the gun actually is and is stated in its description on the wiki and ingame IMO.

  2. I made a post of the Lanka+Railgun.MOA too... I agree, it would be nice.

    It would also work as a replcement on the corpuses side aswell making those corpus snipers a little more imposing than they currently are.


    A certain group of people considerers compensating for the Lanka's flight time a 'badge of elitism.


    I wouldn't mind a rail-gun moa's animation either, as it would certainly look more impressive than the current tiny little bolt.

    Well they have the bows for that now lol,


    im aso greatly suprised though that they didnt do the lanka with the "Moa Railgun" traits in the first place, thay have all the resources already made for it :/

  3. I personally would replace the tiny little bolt of whatever, with the Railgun MOA Shot and charge animation, give it some innate puncture damage and also keep the punch through (obviously) and be done with it.


    ..Oh no wait i personally think the gun model's kinda crap too, that could/should be changed aswell.


    Also asking to keep a slow projectile on the one gun that should be close to hitscan is kinda strange too. (unsure why people want that :/ )

  4. The way i see it the trading system was a bit goofed mostly because it's hardly trading it's a another plat market.Trading should be like 1 player got 1 thing but needed another and another player also got 1 thing but needed the other and each player could trade that 1 part each needed for the part the other had like said if someone had a dakra prime blade but needed a fang prime blade and someone was in the opposite situation they could trade bam people are happy they still do missions to get the stuff.While this sometimes happens its usually a rare occasion least from what i've seen people only want plat.


    This is not trading.This is people selling everything for plat for the months its been out I've been able to trade 2 times every other time people are like "you're not buying with plat ? stop wasting my time"


    It's cheap now it's just wellllp time to get my credit card and buy allllll the prime parts/mods i need yep.It may not affect a lot of people but it gives me a dirty feeling when playing knowing that DE just didn't really seem to care.Yes the grindings a pain but instead of problem solving its another bandaid i use to buy plat every update i thought was worth another 10 bucks but i haven't given them a dime in almost 2 months just because it seems like they keep puting patches on the problems instead of fixing them and this just furthers my view on this.I want people to be able to get the primes with reasonable play time not buy it right off the bat then i know the game actually takes time and skill not a bank account.


    This is just the way i see it when i thought they were adding trading i never considered them adding plat into it cause I thought they would know better.Now it may be a good way to get plat but that shouldn't be that way it just makes the game feel like every other free to play now.It really does remind me of going into a new rpg (i know warframe isn't that much of an rpg) and seeing the people spam the SELLING RARE THING 19MIL GOLD PM ME.We have a trading channel which helps but it still gives me that feeling of "wow thats cheap not sure if i wanna give them more money" feeling.


    My suggestion make it mod for mod and prime parts for prime parts for trading.This again is just the way i see it and i see how some may disagree.


    This is the way i see it prime parts for trade sounds great, prime parts in basically a huge market place not so great.


    But hey opinions right ?

    I have to wholeheartidly agree with this, adding plat into trading (paying) for primes and mods has ruined the only thing that keeps a large amount of people around. it makes it sooo damn easy to get these things now and people will have absolutly no reason to go into the void much less get there (aside from plat farming i guess).



    this effectivly acts as an accelerant and with warframe in its current state with no ligitimate form of endgame to work towards (used to be void however apparently not anymore all i need is plat to effectively "win" the game now) it could be the nail in the coffin until they release some new form of engame/lore/story/gameplay that cannot be purchased with F#$%^&$ plat.


    With part for part trading instead of buying, you would actually have to have gone there and at least experienced it one/five times to get what you want. It effectively cuts down grind alone well enough.


    I used to think effort was a thing. Apparently not anymore. enjoy your future diablo 3 auction house.

  5. You'll have to spam corpus mission buddy. But one of the thing is, its ultimately pure rng, there's no guarantee that they'll actually show up. One of my tip is to use low level equips and unmodded warframes, harvester tends to look your way when you're not at your full strength. As for you Zerocs, its not bugged, you're already eligible for a harvester attack, you'll most likely get one when you lose your present deathmark. As for your despair, I've been playing for a long time and i didnt get my hate till last week, so i can only wish you the best of luck. 

    Thanks, good luck to you and you future endeavors aswell!


    I guess there kinda reluctant to go against a max level nova running a dread/paris prime antimatter drop build lol (unless stalkers able to "dispell" it, i havent tried nova against him).

  6. I'm having issues with neither stalker nor harvester showing up at all.


    i haven't even aquired the "Death Mark" yet and i've killed numerous bosses aswell as assisting grineer against corpus for credit battle pay.


    starting to wonder if my accounts bugged or something.


    i started playing last may and still havent obtained dispair aswell. ;(

  7. Signed in just to upvote, this is the single greatest thread to me ive seen in a while.


    to me this is exactly what im having issues with on warframe.


    I cannot describe how dissapointed i feel whem my dread or any other weapons is just serration, split chaimber, crit, and +elements and no utility (currently shedding a tear for thunderbolt) with no focus to anything in particular or unique. Aswell as adding to the fact is to do anything useful i at high level im forced (or was forced) to use soma, galantine, and acrid or despair.


    Or warframes that are just a health and shield build on a low armor warframe and nothing else otherwise id be burning revives or using gimmick warframe abilities on high level content and still with no focus to anything in particular or unique on warframes that i like.


    Grinding the hell out of mods is not anything grand or wonderful and having them cut down to size would be a BIG benifit.


    also the fact that you want to change the melee system regardless of what it turns out to be would be great cause right now it sucks.. nothing but charge attacks.


    i hope these changes could be implemented in the coming future of warframe, otherwise i may stop playing out of lack of diversity it currently has and just get flat out bored of it :/


    i may just be scraping the surface of your post as i only skimmed over it because of lack of time and i may look over it once more but still so far, way to drop the mic. you just summed up my issues with warframe.



  8. This seems like a great idea yo! Lets upvote it so the devs see it.

    Thanks! :) this is built off of the way thay have it now but with an altered way of "proc"ing and damage application and it was actually inspired by thier new damage types


    currently it's like having a sword that can't cut an arm off because it didnt "Proc" lol

  9. I would like to say working as intended but im not that evil.


    his level scailing is the only major problem i see so far (the fact that he dosn't).


    his ability negation needs some work aswell instead of negating all abilities with one spell instead he uses a different abillity


    for example:

    Frost uses snowglobe - stalker mag pulls you out of snowglobe XD

    bursitng his &#! down - either goes invisible or uses nyx absorb

    you go invisible - he goes invisible

    immortal blessing - he goes invisible until it wears off

    running away - ash teleport

    enemies giving him too much trouble - ash bladestorm (dosnt work in you of course, sparta kicks you maybe)



    Lets make Stalktard exiting, not a boring overpowered revive burner. :D

  10. I personally think the new damage is great in all but i have a small issue with how the damage is spread over the base 3 damage types


    Instead of using a proc based system for the 3 base damage types another option could be that it would be based off a scale of intensity of each damage type aswell as be percentage based off of the base damage however it cannot exeed 100% of the base damage


    These all can be focused even onto individual percentages but these examples will be estimated.


    for example:


    a weapon that has a high amount of impact damage should knock over most enemies, as opposed to a weapon that has low impact that could maybe stagger light units

    0%------- no stagger

    15%----- possible stagger

    25%-----stagger on light units

    50%-----knockdown on light/ stagger on medium units

    75%-----knockdown on medium units, stagger on heavies

    100%---- knockdown on everything


    weapons that have a high amount of puncture should generally go through the target, but woth low puncture it stops at the enemies armor or inside them and not pass through

    0% to 25%--- dosn't pass through

    25% to 50%-- passes through one target heavy dropoff afterwards

    50% to 75%-- passes through target little dropoff stops in the enemy behind him

    75% to 100%- completely unhindered puncture


    and weapons that have a high amount of slash damage would make the enemies bleed profusely, as opposed to low slash where they may not bleed at all this damage could be done by the percentage basis

    0% ---- no bleed

    15%--- 15% of base damage is added to bleeding dot

    25%--- 25% of base damage is added to bleeding dot

    44%--- 44% of base damage is added to bleeding dot



    all of these having a 100% chance of going off at the same time however all of the percentages added together cannot exceed 100%




    A bow, lets say dread:


    150 base charge damage

    12.5% Impact

    12.5% Puncture

    75% Slash


    The impact damage would be 18.75 and maybe a possible stagger

    The puncture would be 18.75 and stops inside target (possible negation using mods like shred)

    The slash damage would be 112.5 and would double (maybe triple) over the damage as a bleed dot


    Lets try the brakk:


    150 base damage

    33.3% Impact

    33.3% Puncture

    33.3% Slash


    The impact damage would be 49.95 and stagger on light units

    The puncture would be 49.95 and passes through one target heavy dropoff afterwards (possible negation using mods like shred)

    The slash damage would be 49.95 and would double (maybe triple) over the damage as a bleed dot


    F*** it lets try the bo staff:


    25 Base damage

    100% Impact

    0% Puncture

    0% Slash


    All damage gets applied to Impact damage aswell as it knocks down everything even heavys

    This weapon is dedicated to Impact and it has a heavy effect however it does not do much damage and enemy resistances can still apply


    Mods that add things like puncture and impact increase the percentage of the damage applied however it reduces the pecentage of the other two (new corrupted mods could change that ;) ) since they are hardcapped at 100%


    In conclusion this is what i think could be changed and this could even apply to elemental damage aswell and this could prevent things like a bo staff applying a shred or puncture damage proc (lol) and element could actually have noticable effects.


    What does everybody think? Anybody have any ideas for improvement? Is this even a good strategy at all?


    PS: Much thanks to DE for this update, i pretty much like all the new content and changes though some things still need some fine tuning (im glaring at you stalker..)

  11. Energy Javelin.





    you would never suspect a summonable energy javelin come from a little energy container on the hip.


    get wrekd hevi grenir :P


    tenno seem to use older style weapons like bows, breaktop shotguns, revolvers, bows, throwing weapons, greatswords etc.


    so just... why not?

  12. /sigh


    I personally think as of right now, we need to basically wait till this damage 2.0 thing hits before flipping out and going off on DE about S#&$ty and OP weapons or this 'power creep' thing.


    I know that this upcoming change isnt the end all be all, and some changes dont even correlate to damage like the mastey requirements, BUT i would rather have them do the changes when they get around to reworking the weapons instead of having to go back and rework again, and again, and again. More work than it is worth.


    Yes power creep is a thing in this game as of now, but i think its there to negate the ever increasing exponential armor values of the enemies aswell as their ever increasing health sinks, its all placeholder numbers as of now... every one of them.


    As soon as DE is able to balance out the damage and armor issues whitch is running rampant right now, THEN and only then will i start raging about balance on a weapon by weapon basis. (im glaring at you soma and supra) Which by then would be a perfect opertunity for them to rebalance EVERYTHING (including everyones concerns about specific weapons including placeholder skins or projectiles) given that the solution would come up with a actual "Midgame" to balance the weapons around instead of making stronger and stronger wapons for high level defense and survival, which is commonly derived as "Endgame"


    Currently damage is all over the place, with preferences in armor ignore, serrated blade, and armor piercing, rainbow builds, crit builds counteracted by losing tons of damage in enemy armor and enemy risitstances, witch can directly/indirectly affect issues with health sink enemies, boss pwning, warframe balance, mod imbalance, resource costs, problems with stealth, AI problems and probably more. This change can affect a LOT of things.


    I'm not going to go on some spiel about the soma or galntine and it end up being S#&$ against half the enemies in the game at that point of the change, then all supposed nerfs or buffs would then have to be changed again. Same goes for frames.


    I'm glad this kinda thing is up for discussion, it shows that people (including me) actually care about warframe, but right now im not going to worry about it until the damage rework hits and the storm of "buff this nerf that, this is broken" threads start showering the forums like none other, then i will be right along with everyone on the rage train. but right now the arguing is almost pointless.


    More time on weapon, frame, mod balancing now, means less time on damage or armor 2.0... good luck with that DE! :)


    Edit: spelling errors

  13. it IS a bullet-based weapon. it's in-game description:

    The Lanka fires a high velocity projectile through magnetic induction.


    that makes it either a railgun or a coilgun, the former more likely as the latter needs very very long rails to accelerate anything.


    If that's high velocity I'm Santa Claus, but it's still a railgun shooting bullets.

    ^ This +1


    Regardless of its appearance, currently the "Bullet" and the travel time does not match the description of the weapon.


    To an extent this gun needs a change, railgun MOA shot is an easy fix; it even has a cool charge up effect < (who the hell dosnt want this,

     its unique!) and it matches the actual description of the lanka


    Its overall appearance; however could stay, but that wouldnt be very creative retaining and old model from alpha and early beta days of a gun that shouldn't exist anymore.

    (Would be best to get some creative juices flowing).

  14. I think its the automatic swaying the Syanadas are doing is the problem, half the time its jerking around trying to force itself through my warframe to sway in a direction it wants to.


    it might also be trying to do the same when running through the levels, with it spazzing out alll over the place, trying to do the same movement animations as in the arsenal screen.


    (Im using the Uru Syanada BTW).

  15. I definately wold prefer MORE to be done with the Lanka, but on the basis of this topic, yes i would agree with the projectile color to be changed to energy color. +1


    definately would prefer the projectile to be changed to Railgun MOA shot, aswell as a different model/skin as opposed to reusing the old snipetron model with corpus labels slapped on. (dont get me started on the ugly &amp;#&#33; ogris and torid...)


    debating on starting a vote topic for the lanka to be changed or not... i think it could look a LOT better as opposed to the placeholder now.

  16. "Hitscan" is not entirely the way i would put it.


    I think what he is trying to say is change the projectile to a Railgun MOA shot (Which projecta a "Beam" or "Hitscan" that he is looking for) as compared to the little blue bolt... traveling slower than a bullet... coming out of a weapon that supposedly "fires a high velocity projectile through magnetic induction"... -.-


    Still flashy, still different, uses a cool charge up affect we dont see often, aswell as reuses resources already available in the files.


    The outward appearance; although fair looking could go for an overhaul aswell as opposed to an old skin of a gun that was removed from the game with corpus labels slapped on. (WTF?)


    Overall, i agree with the OP, just not directly in the way he stated it. +1

  17. Same should go with the lanka, it is based off an old model that needs to be redesigned aswell, hell even the projectile on the lanka needs to be switched to the hitscan railgun moa shot.


    but i agree, they all need appearancess that make sense, not boxes with straps or model/s from old removed weapons.

  18. If you want to be taken seriously don't be snappy and don't be so hostile with your provocative comments.


    Grenades are something that have been suggested a lot. But DE said that it's a no no on them.

    They're apparently, as you've been told several times, too similar to some warframe abilities.

    Example Vuban's tesla.

    oh fine, i had a S#&$ty day, and got a little irritated at peoples defense for unorthodox reasoning on DEs part about why grenades shouldnt be in the game.


    They could have said no and explained why instead of giving this "It kills things like warframes" arguement.


    That resoning is a little dull, and it bothers me that de is being kinda vague and uncommunicative at their changes and what they want without consulting anyone else lately.


    sorry for the attitude.

  19. im kinda wondering why people compare grenades to warframe abilities srsly?


    whats wrong with having it as an additional weapon slot with like 4 mod slots on the side for elementals


    its just another weapon type


    make them do like 150 - 200 AoE dmg base


    add grenade ammo type at an increased rarity to sniper ammo


    due to everyones logic the torid should not even exist maybe even the ogris


    the torid a goddamn grenade launcher an i see noone *@##$ing about that thing.


    All im hearing is (this is a weapon that kills things like my warframe abilities DONT WANT!)


    There are grenades in almost all games that have guns in them, why not warframe?

  20. The galatine is boss from what ive seen so far, though it does have that big &amp;#&#33; charge time...


    so far its one of the fiew melee weapons viable lategame at least for a decent period.


    IMO its pretty good where its at... the problem is is that it outclasses all other heavy melees built for charge attacks. (damage wise anyways, you could probably get 2 charge attacks from orthos or orthos prime at the same general amount of damage)


    so its not OP per say, its just that the other melee weapons need some loving stat changes..

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