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Posts posted by Oranji

  1. 5 minutes ago, ZiiiiViiii said:

    It's actually quite difficult to find and KEEP an active clan of people that will not only respond to you in chat, but also join you in missions.  I spent a long time in a clan that was completely dead on the off chance that some of the people would come back and I would wait because they are/were my friends.  So I ended up solo'ing and using the recruitment tab for the better part of a couple months.  Thanks for your input though... I'm sure nobody ever thought of that before.


    So are we talking about a personal problem here? Sounds like we are.

  2. 1. Oberon is a pretty hot topic right now along with Limbo but mostly Oberon. With the upcoming deluxe skin for him, are there any plans of rework or any changes to his skill set? I know that a few people may argue that he is fine as it is but the majority find him lacking with some skills that are somewhat impractical namely hallowed ground.

    2. Focus System just came a little bit more than 3 months ago. What are your thoughts about it? From what I can see, almost everyone just put points on the "Passive" branches leaving the "Active" ones alone. I'm sure that wasn't the intention of this system so I would like hear your input on it.

  3. 6 hours ago, OvAeons said:

    Inaros is not a god, and most other frames are not based on gods :p and most if not all stories of gods are based on a significant happening that someone had witnessed a persons actions and coincidences. Human mind is a pretty bold thing.

    I'm not saying he is. I'm just saying that we have enough god/deity references like Loki, Nyx, Atlas, Wukong, Nezha, Zephyr & possibly Valkyr.
    Inaros was a good choice instead of Osiris/Horus/Anubis or any major egyptian deity.


  4. I'm trying to create a quiz of some sort as a part of our clan rank promotion. I've ran out of questions in my head and would appreciate if you guys can help me out.

    It will be divided into 3 with 10 questions each:

    A. Questions are kinda easy, for the new ones, the very basic stuff.
    B. Normal - contains questions that a decent player should know at this point. ie. basic elemental combinations etc.
    C. Hard, tricky and mind f-king. Questions that only those that played long enough will probably know.

    They won't be able to google since the test is very time limited.
    Pls. do not include the answers. I should probably be able to answer most of them but if not then I'll pm u.


    Also, anybody knows why the format here on forums seem like double spaced?

    Like I need to copy paste it to notepad just so that it won't have these ugly spaces in between.

  5. 17 minutes ago, ClinkzEastwood said:

    Nikana has enough stances already.

    Dualsword desperately need better stances tho.

    I Agree. To hell with Nikanas! We need to triple wield some Triple Zorens or Triple Ichors Santoryu Style!!

    53 minutes ago, TheWanderingRonin said:

    lol this would be pretty difficult seeing how tenno's don't have mouths.

    Saw one of Liger's work just now. I think it's possible.




  6. 46 minutes ago, Stardrinker said:

    Because the numbers can be misleading. Going in with a maxed out weapon or warframe when your other teammates are relatively new means you can out damage and out kill them with even a MK-1 Braton or Oberon.

    And your point being?

  7. So like... If we are able to pull of these numbers then I don't understand where all the hate for Saryn 2.0 is coming from.

    Are they still trying to build her around spamming Miasma then failing terribly?

    I just saw a very toxic discussion with some people trying to call her trash and I must say that I'm quite bewildered....

  8. Staticor has been my main secondary weapon now hell I don't even bring primary weapons that much ever since it came out.

    Saryn paired with Staticor is super devastating. I even forgot that I have a Tonkor on until we reached the mission screen.

    In case you're curious, it's mostly popping spores & regenerative molt. Oh and Miasma yes, I believe I used that skill less than 5 times on this run.

    The Excal still outdamaged me tho.


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