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Posts posted by lulialmir

  1. There was no mention in removing the Ammo from her 2nd ability... Seriously, remove that, It is completely pointless as if it fires constantly, the Blaze artillery will run out of ammo and dissapear because of duration at the same time.

    -- A second suggestion: Remove the duration instead (Or make it really long, like 60 seconds and not affected by duration), and make ammo scale with ability duration, and give it a little bit more ammo. This way, the ability would shift into a pure damage ability, which... I mean, I could just use my weapon, to a Damage support ability, great to put near objectives/choke points. AND, if you need to use it the old way, you can still do it!

    Increasing her shield grenade count from 3 to 4 also doesn't help much, since pets AND sentrys can pick up them. We will need to recast the ability, regardless of this change...

    -- I would suggest making so protea drops only one shield grenade, that each ally can grab one time. That dropped grenade will dissapear after It's duration ran out, or every ally on the team grabbed it.

    Although many youtubers (I don't know why) are ok with her 3rd ability, I think it is also weak... Mainly because that If in a group, the fact that it can only drop 1 of each resources really makes the ability really weak, since the speed at which it dropps resources is pretty slow.

    -- I think that making the Dispenser function similar to Health/Ammo/Energy pads that we have as gear would be really good, periodically sending pulses that replenish those resources to all players within range. Something like a pulse every 5 seconds, that replenish 25 energy, health and ammo (Amount of ammo should vary with weapon type). It would be a good solo ability, since It makes it a little bit more efficient in It's job, and It also removes the problem of needing to fight your teammates for the drops (Poor harrow).

    Now her 4th ability... In my opinion, It is a very fun ability, compared to her other abilities, but It is still quite weak since It's damage burst is not that great, and you need to anchor it before using.

    -- Making it Instantaneous could help a lot with that problem, not only that, but giving the player the option to stop reversing at any moment while he is going back in time would be cool too, since, ya know, It wouldn't be good if I reversed time exactly in a moment where I have 10 energy lol.


    Now, I say this as a bonus sugestion, since I don't know if this would be OP or not, my opinion is that It could be a double-edged knife. Make her 4th ability also reverse buffs/debuffs/ abilities duration, and remove the AoE damage altogether... It's quite unecessary and doesn't make much sence IMO.




  2. 2 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    This wasnt done by [DE], there are a group of players who sorta committed to keeping the 69 instance of both Cetus and Fortuna active as a meme. You can always find them in some corner dancing in their fashion frame.

    I shall join them then.

  3. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    Hack n slash game -> Rage -> [...] That's odd, the power bonus description aside, this seems a lot like the Combo Counter on Melee that is being removed for being extremely unbalanced.
    I wonder why...

    That aside, there's kind of a huge flaw with that system by itself considering that Warframe powers are already over-abused because of how destructive they are.
    Giving powers another stat bonus over simply "Hitting" enemies or "Soaking" damage only means that a new Meta with Fire-rate or Aggro is gonna be made in order to go above and beyond the limit of what we're already breaking.

    Put simply -> Equip Nuker -> Get Ignis with max range and punchthrough -> Bonus 60% str/ran/eff/dur in less than 3 seconds -> 60% more nuke than before + survivability -> Spam.

    Please leave us with enemies to "Hack N Slash" before giving more power to our already God-like warframes.

    this Rage meter, would need a whole lot of hits taken and hit done, to charge it up, and, if it still not sufficient, make it cooldown based, just like the old focus 1.0 (the only difference is that this one would actually worth the wait.)

  4. 8 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Here's the problem: You would eventually have an Equinox that could instantly kill every enemy spawned on the Plains, as they spawn.

    No amount of 'tweaking' could prevent that short of putting a hard cap on it, and putting a hard cap on it would prevent it from actually helping frames that would need it. (Tanks/Melee DPS)

    Equinox would still in need to ramp up It damage,but as its range would be incredible that it would increase in no time, as a trade off, rage would decrease the amount of damage the equinox can absorb to use his 4 (by a considerable amount) or even preventing from some abilites that might use this system to break the game, from benefiting from it (I would rather have it tweaked) when i said, tweak it a little, i didn't mean all the system, I meant it for some warframes

  5. Just now, NPC said:

    No thank you. 

    It would just enforce the dps warframe meta leaving CC based frames even more awkward position. 

    That "overcharge" system, would serve to all Warframe types, for ex: having an oberon using it in battle, would increase its healing done, change to proc rad, increase its armor corroding and etc. Another ex would be trinity: with it, link would have much more duration and reach much longer, blessing would have more duration too, EV would give more energy (you would need to know how to use it in this case, since it can "nerf" EV with de duration, making it take some time to make the pulses)

    And i didn't count that it would even reduce the cost of everything

  6. Just now, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    I could see this being a part of a single frame, or maybe a couple of augments, but not as an overall system. Some frames could exploit this to ludicrous levels.

    I know, but a good solution for this would be just tweaking it a little, to prevent players to exploit it.

  7. After some time I came up with an idea, that might suit a game like Warframe.

    But this "thing", it's not an item or anything, Its a mechanic, that a lot of Hack' n slash games has... A "rage" system.


    Something that doesn't require your Warframe's energy, but requires you to hit, or be hit by enemies to start charging up. Once It's complete, you can use it to overcharge you Warframe, increasing It's overall stats, like velocity, armor, life, shields and etc, and increasing all its abilities powers for, let's say...60% (160% STR, 160% EFF, 160% RAG and so on). Maybe even changing some of their abilities

    And, depending on the Warframe abilities, it would also increment your weapons, for Example, You use this overcharge ability with Ember, and you get as a bonus, 100% bonus fire damage to your weapons.


    As Warframe is a horde, hack' n slash game, I think it would suit pretty well, and be a great increase to player's "arsenal"


  8. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)BigLithuanian said:

    Let's make Operators great again!!! I genuinely hope DE sees this idea or already has this on their minds.

    Actually... Let's make operator great... they were never great, so it's not great "again" XD

  9. like, having more explosion range for granmu, with more damage, crit chance, crit damage, fire rate, putting some elemental mods and boom, you have yourself a faking cool triple infinite ammo grenade launcher, launched from a tiny kiddo's hand


    I was highly thinking about suggesting DE to improve the amps, but, i just thought of another thing that might be cooler, and add a lot more possibilities to the operator AMP: Mods. Just like the ones we have on our weapons, but logically, for the amps, mods that would for example: increase damage, recharge speed, reduce recharge timer and etc. And add more possibilities os amps, because right now we have 27 possible combinations, and which only like 4 of them are good for something, since they are weak af.

  11. I really like the savior decoy augment for Loki, it makes me able to basically stay infinitely in any mission (as long as I don't brain fart while doing so) and that is very awesome, since I always get on the way of a #*!%ing rocket, or just blindly runs toward a butcher that is about to #*!%ing punch someone in the guts due to the radiation proc, from the irradiated disarm augment (yes, I use both)


    BUT now the thing, when I throw the decoy, I normally want to throw it at a place where enemies don't see it, so in case i "die" I would teleport to a safe place, but there is one thing that the decoy does that doesn't help...

    HE SHOOTS LIKE A FUKING BASTARD WHILE SHINNING BRIGHTER THEN THE SUN! this attracts a LOT of #*!%ing attention! and I don't want this since I want to change places with the decoy when I die, and I want it to survive, not die to the enemies that run towards him, so there is one thing I would love to see in this augment:

    It would actually make Loki just throw a plate, that works exactly the same way savior decoy works now, but without the decoy itself and the shoot sound it does, this would make the savior decoy augment a lot cooler to play with...


    Oh yeah, and just a general suggestion to Loki's 1st ability (decoy), when I hold down 1, instead of throwing another decoy, i would change places with it, without needing to have direct eye contact with It, with the same range I can throw it, I would love to see this in his ability.

  12. 7 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    what weapon di you want to build? Polearm? Dagger? Crit? Status?

    you can use this to theorycraft your Zaw and look what you get




    actually, this site has some wrong info, for ex, i tried some random zaw pieces, and it said i would get 32% status and 14% crit chance, but in fact i got:

    22% status and 4% crit chance

  13. Just now, Skindown said:

    Heavy Caliber + Split Chamber + Serration are a must


    Point Strike & Vital Sense since it's got decent crit


    Last 3 mod slots I have 1 riven  and 90% Toxin + Electric elemental mods for corrosive damage, you can put Fast Hands instead of the riven though, until you get one


    I don't know how to measure its real status chance, if it works like shotguns or not when the cannon ball spreads out, but anyway, it rekts enemies quickly enough with a halfassed comp until ~110ish levels

    when i said, build, i was meaning the actual weapon, not the "mod build"

  14. 29 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    whipclaw needs either to need a target to activate or be more like shattered lash in that it hits all the targets in its path.

    ensnare needs to be an AOE or have its snare range increased with also snaring more targets at a time.

    people should really to stop focusing so hard on venari. nothing will be fixed here till they update companion AI (good luck with that)

    strangledome needs to be a targeted AOE being able to drop it on top of about you are about to descend upon makes more sense than being in the middle of said group.

    if people are unfamiliar with what BDSM is i suggest you go look it up.

    Actually, the range we have for ensnare is good (my opinion) and venari, even with a new AI, the only usefull stance we have rn is the healing stance, the others are like, meh, and actually, after thinking again, i think strangledome should be turned into something else, esnare do everything strangledomes do, but without that annoying ragdoll


    ... and wtf is BDSM?

  15. 3 minutes ago, kyori said:

    Ya all in all it's a bit disappointing that after delaying her for 4 months and the end result is like this. DE needs to change their mentality, culture and style when creating frames' power. 

    they [DE]layed her due to the damage 2.5 being canceled, and actually her 4th ability, even though is not as amazing as the exalted whip, they decided to change it, what will we do about it? we can just suggest. plus, they don't actually have a sense of what is going to be good or bad, they will only discover this, and some bugs only after releasing to the public, where youtubers and players will be able to criticize it

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