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Posts posted by Flameend11

  1. 12 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    They appear to have been isolated and sheltered, with a connection to the Unum. This erases most known Cephalons.

    Most likely - this was some kind of AI 'brought up' by the Unum. Either an offshoot of her, or perhaps a Sentient child, separated from the network, after the parent was made fertile again by the Unum's Temple Kuva?

    Well, this got me thinking.

    What if the tower of unum is something like prison... Well long time ago i had theory that Unum may be the cefalon or some semi organic brain, but what if it in fact is per say hivemind cefalons with such calculative power that they can simulate future?

    Glassmaker is new to us cefalon, one which was used by the seven for lower prioryty cases.

    At least this is how i see it.

  2. So Nightwave series 3 begone, and we had oportunity to see the first murder of the Glassmaker.

    And with this came redox on my prerelesed analize.

    I knew that wictim had some contact with the Corpus, and was smugling stuff from the Unum Tower.

    But then after all of the findings on the place of murder, we get to met glassmaker in his netscape/labirynt.

    And here all of my earlier analize came to close, as I owerlooked the very main faction this series is focusing on.

    First thing i noticed is that killer knew how the Orokin ayatan system worked, which ment that Glassmaker knew Orokin, as now no one knows how to acces the data stored in them. Even we who killed orokins don't know the true meaning of those sculptures.

    Second think is that we knew the first leters of Name and Surename of the man who hired the victim- BV. But I know that it is not who we are looking for.


    Well, If we got ten of cefalits bits we can go to Glassmaker Labirynt... And meet him.

    Before we deep dive into this netscape I want to point out How we get Cephalites Resonance.

    They are common drop from Cephalites, which are transformed enemies that were already spawned in the mission, simular to void fisures and corrupted enemies. And to support this, we hear Nora saying that they are" comming" from the void. Only we Orokins and faction we overlooked can acces void without damage or even control it.

    So now we meet our enemie. Glassmaker.

    When we enter he don't want to kill us, but rather sak us about how well we knew the victim. Like he was the one who actualy is working on case.

    Other interesting thing is his voice. It is slightly electronical at the ends of sentences. It is rather easy to overlook, but still notacible.

    Also, he has full and smooth control over the data in that space, such as no living man can have...

    Then when we answears some questions he says that victim to parafraze filthy necrocapitalist, and he broke the legem 401 and 623 over and over again.

    Legem means Law in orokin language, but more important, Glassmaker said thing that no corpus would even thing about- That profit was wrong.

    And then we get after his entire labirynt just to hear from him that line:"To your association I am now witness.".

    And the final Clue, Which is Poem fragment called" A demon, self made"

    And then it struck me.

    Glassmaker is old orokin Cephalon. One which main objective was to serve the law, main halp for the seven.

    This makes not only sense in why he killed the man, who aparently by accident relesed him. The victim broke Orokin law, by wandalizing the orokin tower for his own profit, while he was not orokin himself, so he shouldn't even touch some of it. But also this makes sense How- He would knew the whole cephalon-making procedure, and Why he was friendly towards us- we didn't broke his laws, at least for now.

    So he is our new enemie, the one that does not need body to be deadly.

    Glassmaker is Cephalon who transforms other beings into His kind, for braking the law.

    I can sense new player in the lore of the game.

    Prerelese analize:


    • Like 2
  3. On 2020-04-29 at 11:25 PM, Bryuf said:

    If I recall correctly, the process of creating a Cephalon is hinted to be quite gruesome (It pretty much involves the process of splitting a soul and pseudo-digitalise it). Maybe it  can somehow be compared to the making of a horcrux in the Harry Potter series, where one has split ones soul (AKA commit horrible murder). I don't know if this is the direction they're going with Glassmaker, but I think it could be interesting

    I literly told it as motive number 3...

  4. 21 hours ago, moostar95 said:

    I know I know! It was gara!

    It couldn't be her.

    Her operator is long time dead by the time we wake from the long dream( start the game for the first time)...

    2 hours ago, carrymaker said:

    The assasin is stalker operator and he is working for corpus 😛

    The whole deal of stalker is that A) he DON'T have operator, and B) don't follow orders from other factions.

    Also if it was either Gara or Stalker, body would be shatered to f-ton of peaces.

    Stalker rather slice enemies to peaces, while Gara only covers enemies in glass, while body is crystalized from within( that is why we can see beutifull quartz-main compound of glass, crystals, so it most likely occured from inside out).

  5. 47 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    I am so on board for this episode of CSI


    44 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

    So long s there is no horatio cain to basically hog all the everything or lab techs in designer outfits while 'working' 


    awesome. can't wait.


    1 hour ago, HoustonDragon said:

    CSI: Cetus :P

    So do you guys want me to analize it afther it will come out?

    • Like 1
  6. So, Nightwave series 3, Glassmaker is starting in less then two weeks, and on a last devstram we were shown new murder scene, first murder to be specific.

    This litle bit shown is enought to make some assumptions( already) about whole glassmaker case.

    First location.

    Do to architecture, and victim we know it is cetus, and we can look for simular place in game.

    The closest thing we can find is the path between our landing platform... and Quils headcuaters. Keep that in mind.

    Now victim. First of all, he doesn't seem to be one of quils, but was probably on the way to them. From fact that there was blade neer him, we may asume that he knew that someone was going for his life. The blade was one his left side, but i don't think he was lefthanded. This is do to distance between him and blade( rather far, like he throw it to the side) and fact that sword blade itself was pointing difrent direction then the suposed owner of the sword. If he Hadn't thrown it away, blade either would be on his belt, in his heand, or in close range to him facing the simular direction to the victim.

    While we are on  a sword subject, it don't look like something made by Hok, or in fact any proper blade used by Ostrons. Blades used by them( well, most of them about which i will be talking in a moment) are made out of the tower shell material, which are either white or grey-blue collor, and have more smooth texture. The sword we see is made of golden metal, and is rather brutal. We see this type of material, but used for the kitchen knifes. This golden alloy is presumablu parts of golden orokin ornaments harvested from the tower. I may say that victim didn't want anyone to know that he was getting the blade. I may even take it and say, it was made either by himself, or kitchen utensilia maker.

    So our victim knew that A) someone was going afther him, and B) knew that this someone was dangerous. That is probably knew the murderer. From fact that he had this blade it wasn't friendship.

    We can predicted that Glassmaker had got the victim on the way to Quils, and probably poked his back with wepon( sword/ pistol) and blackmailed him so to speak to trow this blade to the side, and turn around, to... Well, turn him to glass.

    And here goes motive for this kill.

    From info that Nora given to us, the process of making Cefalon( the one that was used to kill ostron) was one of Orokin secrets. And guess what? The main thing about Cetus is giant, well preserwed Orokin tower- The Tower of Unum. From shear amount of knowledge extracted from it by Quils( and they knew way more then even we does, as they knew not only about our operator secret, but also some things, like sentient technology and some orokin proceses to refine it) may indicate that in this tower, were informations needed to make the Glassmaking proces happen.

    So if it was on a tower, how outsider could get there?

    There are only two solutions. One is to go to Quils, which will get you straight to Unum if at all, and it would take years. Or you could pay one of the tower flesh harvesters, to smugle you neer it, and from there work yourself into the tower.

    And i think our victim is one of those workers, or in fact one who smugled Glassmaker into the tower. We can deduce it becose he was going to the Quils( so he knew that it was involwing some Tower shenenigans) from the landing platform, which we know is used by outworlders, AND tower workers/harvesters. Also his outfit make it aparent he was rich, and taking stuff from the tower, or even being high in comand in the tower flesh harvesting operation makes quite a bit of money( for those orokin artifacts).

    So Glassmaker paid him to get him into the tower or perhaps, smugle from towers some artifacts.

    Now why Cefalon making Proces?

    If it was plain terrorist, it would be way easier to get Jade Light, which is so widly referenced, then for the unknown even to ones that worked for orokins( neither Daxes or Tenno knew anything about cefalon making, but had plenty of knoledge about Jade Light). Or if he simply wanted to spread fear, he would simply need to get some orokin artifact wepons, like any prime, and it would be as easy as asking Tenno for asistance with them( for milion credits perhaps, but stil easier). It is not imposible but realy unlikely for masive fear producor.

    So killing is rather biproduct, and real goal of glass maker is to make Cefalons.

    Now there are two factions that still uses cefalons, that are Tennos, and Corpus. And we know that bouth of them are going into Cetus, but there is small difrence. As Tennos are mercenaries, they directly don't kill civilians( even if we sometimes help with rather terroristic acts). And it would match the factional theam of nightwave series( 1- Grineer, 2- Infested, 3- Corpus/Orokin).

    So for Corpus i see 3 main reasons for making cefalons.

    First- To make bether ship comand cefalons and maybe sell. It is posible and Corpus would do this thing, but i don't see it as the main goal of our murderer. It would bring to much suspicion for to low of possible profit.

    Second- To make one or few simular to Cefalon Samodeus. Who? You know THE FREAKIN RIVEN CREATOR. Corpus would definitly kill for the possibility of such power weponry and market would demand it.

    And Third( my faworite)- To turn it such that he would efectiwly turn him/herself into cefalon, and efectively become immortal. We all know that cefalons are technicly immortal, and even tho they can be datascaped, this( at least from my knowledge) doesn't mean death but amnesia. And specialy if this person is dieing form desise or something simular, he would definitly kill for immortality.

    But those are claerly just my take on small slither of informations we got from devstram. We will see more thing when it drops.

    I would be more then happy to hear your takes on this topic, and can only say one thing- I watch to much Sherlock Holmes movies and tv series.

    Sorry for bad orto, english is not my main language.


    After some time doing other stuff I came back and started sorting out who would make fine glassmaker.

    If he/she was corpus, they would be rather high yet not recognizable, as we would realy quickly get to know who they are.

    If he/she wasOstron/ Tenno/ Quil, they wouldn't realy have reason to kill, and specificly to Oro-suck guy and make him a cefalon.

    If he/she/it was either grineer or infested they wouldn't have ability to get into the cetus, and wouldn't have motive.

    And if they were Solaris, they would do something simular to brainshelfing so no one from this grup, from shear culture would do so.

    So i think we are left with the corpus. There is one high rank corpus neer, which is rather indestingushible from the others, so he could sneek in for information... At least from ones we meet, becose there are a lot of other corpus known do to codex and simaris data.

    This one corpus is old friend of ours- Sergant.

    He is last Boss without overhall, so he looks like simple corpus man, with some paint on a helmet, he resides on orbit of Fobos, which is moon of Mars( on which he also probably have some teritory, at least it sims that it is him), and Mars is simplest planet to get from Earth.

    And besides it could bring his long time awaited overhaul, and we all know how much he needs it.

    So DE doing it with nightwave series 3 would make a fine way to put it out into the game.

    But this is my wild guess.

    Next analize:


    • Like 3
  7. 14 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    The legs on the vanguard carapace bend forward like a humanoids'. Visually it's supposed to be very similar to existing Sentients' bodies, so you can check out Battalysts' legs for reference, kinda. The only carapace that has a non-human leg-like appearance is the Artillery Carapace.

    Well, thanks. I simply though that this leg build feels sentient, and difreantiate it from normal. So for model now I'm kinda splited between acuracy to concept art and my own interpretation of it.

    Either way, i'll post smal animation test when i'll finish( becose i didn't started yet).

    I have actualy feeling that DE will take a closer look on this project, and maybe put out something simular.

    If there is petition to make it part of a game, Sign me in.

    Edit: Afther some though, I will run humanoid bipedal version. This makes bone construction much simpler, and helps possible translation to gmod, or other games of this type.

  8. 13 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    Also, how'd you generate that name? The name generator for Sentient Knights uses only real words in order to generate a title as opposed to a "birth name".

    Well, i used one lich name generator, and combined two first results :P.

    Afther this post i also wanted to ask how are this body legs bended. Is it kinda like front bugs legs( first part going back and angle down, second part straight down, third to front and down, and last one straight down)? I wanted to try making 3d model of it, and it would be realy helpfull.

  9. So i was manualy generating my Sentient nemesis( random number generator, manualy input, output translation):

    Head: 2-Mandible skull

    Body: 5-Vanguard Carpache

    Left arm: 4-Harvester

    Right arm: 4-Harvester( again)

    Directive: 15-Centurion protocol

    Name: Droqid Choukr'vir


    If this was already in game, i would be f*cked( more freaquent ability usage, ability to atack quicker, and two scythes, that can be duper fast on closest range... AND to back it up, More other Sentients to join the party).

    Also, quick question- How does the Harvester fould out/In from reference pickture?


  10. Today while i was doing last weak night wave task on disruption game play i noticed strange exploit.

    When you are running this mision on solo, and you are gonna run from conduits, on distance of somthing about 300m( over 3 rooms distance) demolist will not explode and destroy conduit, so you can simply wait till timer runs out.

    I think this exploit is caused by how optimalization works( not rendering room that player is not in/see directly), and demolists cannot do self destruction.

    I am reporting as fast as it is posible, cose this may result in glich-farming resorces thru using exploit.

    Glory to the void!

  11. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    I like paradoxes. I hope this open paradox world has some truly whacky stuff that makes you scratch your head and some really big "oof" reveals. Seems like a great opportunity for some juicy content, bigger than the 2 previous open areas and like the major quests.

    Like other being simular to man in the wall?

    Margulus said about not one voice in head, but voices, so maybe, just maybe void is realy not as empty, as we though...

  12. 1 hour ago, Amazerath said:

    The original name was "Planes of Duviri", not plains. I think that word alone indicates where they are going with this. Especially since Steve and other people inside DE are into Dungeons and Dragons.

    I think the trailer already showed us what's going to happen. In the trailer you see an operator getting hit by a Void storm and then getting sucked into the Void. So that's one very easy way to start the Duviri story. Another possibility is that you'll get sucked into the Void when warping around with your railjack ship. Because the railjack travels through the Void when it warps from one place to another. The same giant orokin worm that shows up in the Duviri trailer also showed up during the Empyrean demo when Rebecca's ship was warping. So  there's already at least to simple ways to get sucked into the Void and start the quest.

    Another important thing to keep in mind is that Duviri planes aren't going to be a place you visit once and never return to. There's no way DE would spend months making an entire new area with new gameplay, weapons and enemies that you only see once. You're absolutely going back there. So you probably won't need to kill yourself every time you want to visit the planes. Maybe you'll just need to find another Void storm or maybe your railjack will eventually be able to take you there.

    That's not to say the assassination idea is bad or makes no sense. It's just not very practical for a game like Warframe. But I agree that the planes are probably going to be a very weird place where time doesn't exist or doesn't matter. You'll probably see the Man in the Wall again and he will very likely be the reason why you're stuck and powerless.

    The only thing I'm still kind of wondering about is why DE showed us an aged operator. Some people say it was a reference to Dark Sectors but maybe it's an indication that you will play "old operator" when you're inside the Void and "young operator" when you're outside. So it could be a new game mode separate from the rest of the game. Then again, Steve clearly said during the Tennocon stream that they don't really want to make a new area that is disconnected from the rest of the game.po

    Welp, i adresed this thing of going back, for saing that we will left becon, or take coordinates of this supposed by me underworld...

    It simply seems for me cool, and fitting idea, of are that is literly underworld, in a uniwerse, where most people refer for void as this hevens of the land, while we are simply going there from time to time...

    Well, some people were praing to certan warframes( for egzample Inaros), so we may be this god like beings after all...

  13. 2 hours ago, OneYenShort said:

    Free thoughts....  Ok, so what is in that name?  What is the background, entomology of "Duviri"?

    Best I could find that it is Sicilian for "to have to".

    Tenno has to do something, but really doesn't?
    Tenno will age but not really?

    I already said that probably in Dante like maneer, face their inner demons in those abstract space that i presume to be sort of underworld, and by this regain their lifes and powers...

  14. Hello felow tennos!

    Today i like to share my thoughs about duviri paradox upcoming updeat. Thanks to one of other tenno operatives, out there in youtube field( TakenCoder43521 aka) i started thinking about what plains of duviri will be, and why we will be in there.

    So, to start this all up, let's talk about his idea. He though that plains are some sort of limbo, where we will powerless dwelwing... I think that there is even more.

    I think that at introduction quest for plains of duviri, at begining... We will die.

    I will bring up argument that he done:" orokins though of void as soul dimention", and we all can clearly see that duviri land is part of the void( sky is like in void tilesets, and there are those void dweling orokin dragon things, that we also saw in second void jump in gameplay of emphyrion). For the limbo side, limbo is place in christianic culture, whe soul of people are going to face their bad dids, to ultimatly go to heven. For this aspect, let me say that thing older operator fought was looking like vengfull, orokinlike, twisted dax spirit, which as we all know were almost entirerly killed by us tenno. And here goes where i think our moral compas will come. I predict that whether it is gonna be more on black side, or white side, we will encounter difrent enemies. Like darker gonna have fight more of parrents from zariman 10-0, while lighter more of dax spirits.

    And why i egzacly thinks that we are dead? Well, i have two points. One, we are powerless, and full grown, which may represent our soul state, while second is mask that we are gonna were. This think resembles death/grave masks, which were used in many culture, to keep face of belowed dead, while all of his body was rotting. This seems to fit orokin/tenno culture.

    So whit that how i think it is gonna play out? Well, we are gonna be assasinated by someone( maybe one of sentient agents), than we go to duviri plains, where we neither can die,  or live, so we are stuck in this state simular to Shrodinger cat dilema/PARADOX( i think that this is where name came from), and we need to fight our way to zamarian 10-0, to regain our live, powers, or maybe even enhance them. Upon that, we will be able to mark this place at navigation, and our friend ordis will bring our warframe and stuff. In this dead land we will be able to get some forgot orokin equipment, and maybe enhance our void stuff( void dash, mode, punch and so on)...

    But those are simply my speculations, done with help of oreo-flawored icecreams( and some licore cooling in hole scuped out in those icecreems... Jokin, i don't drink alkohol).

    Void is calm, and so do i. Sun is seting on the ecliptic, and i lisnen to noras radio.

    It was me, your fellow tenno.

  15. Rozdział 1: Incydent

    - Identyfikator?

    - Sierżant stopnia trzeciego numer 172367-b!

    - Imie?

    - Przepraszam... Co?

    Człowiek przedemną stawał się coraz bardziej niecierpliwy. Prosty metalowy stolik dzielący nas pokryty był cały dokumentami napisanymi w równych literach corpus.

    Tak, było to przesłuchanie. A przesłuchujący mnie człowiek to bezpośredni podkomędny Nefa Anyo... Mojego właściciela.

    - Jak nazywali cię rodzice?- Ciągnął powoli zaciągając akcentem typowym dla ludzi z plutona.

    Zaczerwieniłem się lekko ze wstydu...

    - Nie wiem... Nigdy ich nie poznałem.

    Spojżał na mnie z nad pisanego dokumentu tym przeciągłym i łączącym zdenerwowanie i znudzenie wzrokiem. Czarne tatuaże identyfikacyjne wskazywały na pełne spłacenie długu.

    Mnie zostało 5%...

    - Nazwiemy cię w takim razie... Tomson.

    - Tomson...- próbowałem na języku ten dziwny nie znaczący dla mnie wcześniej nic wyraz.

    - Skoro to mamy z głowy zajmijmy się tym co zdarzyło się na pokładzie frachtowca g 377- tg

    * * *


  16. On 2019-03-31 at 11:46 AM, novalery said:

    The double anniversary reward is explained by rebb already. They have to resend the gift

    Oh... I didn't know about thiss. Still tho many strange things go with my account, so when i will be back, i'll do some screanshots.

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