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Posts posted by MasterKT

  1. Kappa on Sedna, and Kiste on Ceres are 'the best' missions for gaining XP. 

    however, aside from those two missions, any Grineer Mobile Defense or Defense (also Survival) will award high amounts of XP. Grineer have great XP for their units, so all you need is as many enemies as possible.


    in my experience, on average:

    Kappa - 20-23,000XP

    Kiste - 25-35,000XP


    these are numbers from having 4 players before starting any of the objectives, and all players staying in a reasonable range of the objective so that everyone shares XP correctly, and to limit enemy spawn reductions. 




    unfortunately, Infested only award mediocre XP for their units, but still a decent amount.

    however, Corpus is 100% useless for XP. their heavy units are worth the same as the general purpose units, and the only units worth even decent XP are Fusion & Shockwave MOA's, and they're rare as hell. S#&$, Shield Drones are worth almost the same as Corpus Crewman. it's pitiful.

    thanks, this is quite useful info

  2. Always Xini, forever Xini.


    But keep in mind, that certain mods got certain chance of dropping from certain enemy now. Check on Wiki, to see what will you get from Infested/Grineer/Corpus.


    Also, I've noticed, that fusion cores are very often dropping at Io, especially Uncommon V

    Where should I farm fusion cores? I need lot for my serration =\

  3. Offtopic: holy shet you could share mods to other weapons now? man, I wasted so many fusion mods q.q



    Anyways, I just came back to Warframe yesterday (left around Nova patch). I was wondering is farming for mod (xini) still the same or there better place to farm currently? 

  4. Just came back to Warframe (left around Nova patch). See lots of changes. I tho why not try to upgrade my primary weapon. Right now, I'm currently using potato'd Boltor with 2 forma used. I'm pretty interesting in Soma and Synapse. Which one would be better for end game for now or stick with my current boltor? 

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