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Posts posted by Ornothopter

  1. Things I learned in today's sortie:

    Apparently a Drone can get stuck in the tent southwest of hillside ruin.

    Apparently the Grineer will really struggle to even make their way into the tent even if given ample time.

    Apparently you can also start a bounty while in a Hills sortie. Not that it seemed to do anything other than show the start timer, play Konzu's voiceline and stop me from starting a new one.


    In the given picture me and the drone had started from the south end of Gara Toht and made our way here. Sorry for the tongue in cheeck. Peace out.




  2. Was running Kuva siphon on Exta - Ceres. Even after his second (or third?) tube had been broken for several minutes Lt. refused to freeze over even when using ice attacks.

    Some non-default factors that could contribute to this:

        -I was running Octavia and Mallet often had his aggro

        -I had Smeeta around and Michef sometimes took aggro

        -I was using Arca Plasmor to pop the tubes, and due to rad procs he was aggroing other Grineer at times

        -Tubes might have also been popped by the mallet. Not sure on whether or not each was handled by that or AP.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Ok, so other than possibly getting downed by stalker... What's the issue? 


    I fail to see why a player stalker is so feared.

    I don't enjoy the PvP experience. I do not want to be forced to experience something I don't enjoy. I do not like playing PvP shooters and the only reason I'm still here (and loving it) is that this is not a PvP shooter game. I wouldn't care about a Stalker mode if not for the fact that it might not include the opt out method and force me to experience gameplay I do not enjoy and it might have rewards locked behind it, essentially blackmailing me to dive into an experience I don't enjoy with those rewards.

    I don't even care if I'd stomp the player Stalker every time. I don't want to play PvP. I want to be allowed to go about my merry way playing PvE without being forced to play content I don't like or being denied some (gameplay relevant) rewards by hiding them behind that content.

  4. Wisps might not be hard to get, but they sure are a pain. Pretty much everything else in the game can be farmed while also getting something else done (apart from... mining and fishing to an extent?) so it feels really inefficient, especially without a booster. And while it's subjective, it's also quite boring. You're literally running around in circles. Hands up everybody that plays WF to run around in circles! Being restricted by night cycles doesn't help much either, and all you'll be getting from doing bounties is bound to be a trickle compared to the few hundred wisps that are required to build amps and arcanes.

    It's surely not hard to get wisps, but it's a ton of busywork, that pales in comparison to the actual content this game has spades of. I've spent my fair share of hours running for wisps, and I can't say there are many things in this game I enjoy less than that. Since even mining has gotten better after Fortuna release only Kavat codes and Broken War parts are worse.

    I can't agree with taking boosters into account either. If something feels horrible to farm for without things reliably acquirable only with premium currency then something is wrong.

  5. 3 hours ago, -STR-Lotus said:

    1 turn takes 25 minutes ...



    20 runs is nothing as far as statistics are concerned. The odds of running the mission 20 times and not getting a single drop of the systems is around 0.6%. While that might sound tiny, it also means that on average, one out of ~160 people farming the mission until they find a full set will not find the systems in their first 20 runs. It sucks, we all get it, but as stated earlier RNG is RNG.

  6. 36 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

    Can someone elaborate what they mean by "the cues are invisible to solo players?"

    Unless a player already knows to get close to Kril (which the game doesn't really make look like a good idea based on the information it gives) he'll just pelt them with bullets and cast an occasional ice spell, never really showing his back.

  7. On 4/18/2018 at 4:48 AM, RealPandemonium said:

    In the OP you say that with some experience, you figured out what to do.  So what's the problem?  Bring a stronger gun, and use the wiki.  At least some wiki reading is required for this game, like it or not.  

    Be glad that the bosses are still challenging, since that's not gonna last long after you get core mods.  

    The problem is that the visual cues for figuring out how do deal with Kril never show up when playing on solo unless you already know what you're doing and the information the game gives you implicates that staying far away from him is the best course of action - which only works out in a party. While MK1 and Boltor might not be too good, they got me to Europa well enough, so don't think they were the problem on Mars. As said earlier, he's a fine fight for a party, but for a solo player he's got one glaring flaw - almost mandatory wiki prowling to not bang your head against a wall.

    Compare this to the Jackal - you can simply hover over him and see which parts have yellow health bars. Compare this to the Raptor - you've got waypoints showing at least what you should be interacting with. Compare this even to the forementioned Lephantis, who only shows up way later, who parades their blatantly obvious weakspots every couple seconds. Even Vay Kek has the courtesy to display Glowing Eyes of Doom, while Kril just stands there pinning you down with a machine gun unless you have the idea of dancing around his navel. (Or have someone else take the aggro so the orange glow gives the whole deal away, but who's gonna show up to a public game just expecting others to do the mission for them when they're stuck?)

    Don't get me wrong, I started the game by prowling starter guides, weapon reviews and modding builds before even loading the client, but only because that's how I am. Whether or not wiki browsing is required has no bearing on whether or not it should be required. 

    Edit: grammar

  8. 3 hours ago, _Ruby_Rose_ said:

    You haven't met Lephantis yet


    Currently at 3 or 4 digit amount of hours to the game. This was several months ago, I just took a while to get over the salt this made me feel and didn't want to just rant about it. While Lephy can be a pain, he doesn't share the main issue (telegraphed weakspots never showing up to solo players unless they already know what they're doing) and appears much later than Kril, unless the player knows to go out of their way to look for him.

  9. This has been a while coming, but I figure enough time has passed that I'd be able to say what I've got to say without just pouring out salt. Back when I started this game carried with me the mentality gotten from moba games - stay out of public games until you've gotten good enough to carry your own weight. This, and wanting to explore at my own pace, resulted in me going trough the early parts of the game almost completely solo. While I enjoyed my time fighting trough the early planets, getting trough Lt. Kril was a major progression stopper I called a friend to help me out with.

    The thing is, if you're playing solo Kril will constantly be facing you, and that juicy orange glow of *shoot here* doesn't show up on your screen. As I've learned later, a very effective way of combating that is to juke around in melee range and get some shots on the backpack when he swings, but when I was new this thought didn't even cross my mind. Come on, when you're making your way to the arena, the boss and Lotus both make sure you know he's got a huge hammer and isn't afraid to use it. The intro cinematic even showcases this! And when you stay back (because a new and careful player likely doesn't like the idea of hugging someone with a huge hammer) he whips out a machine gun. Since machine guns are usually inaccurate and powerful, what's the natural reaction? Keeping your distance, taking cover and using your more accurate armaments to your advantage.

    After a quick search I gathered that I'd need to break the tubes connecting to the backpack. This resulted in me trying to shoot the tubes until running out of ammo on the MK1-Braton. Since I didn't have faith in being able to handle the boss with just a Lato and melee I aborted the mission and tried again with a Boltor and ran out of ammo again. As each of these had taken quite some time - I was carefully shooting at the cables from behind cover, and wasn't really aware of how the invulnerability actually worked - I just threw in the tower and asked a friend to carry me trough the mission.

    While Kril seems like an acceptable boss fight for where he's encountered for a group of players as none of this would be an issue as you could just take potshots at his back when he's aggroing someone else, I can't say I agree with the game giving you a clear message of "stay back, he's got a huge hammer" when you're never as safe against Kril as you are when hugging him tightly. His weakspot not showing up unless you do doesn't really help either.

  10. This is prolly players helping players thread. That being said, since Steel Charge stacks additively with Pressure Point (and similar damage boosts) and Corrosive Projection works against armor, which is a negative multiplier for your whole damage output CP gets better compared to SC the higher the armor levels are. Even for solo play, if SC gives you more damage, it's likely on lower levels - where you're bound to need it less.

  11. 14 minutes ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

    At this point, I think they are as big a spoiler as Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.

    So, it probably wouldn't warrant going to great lengths to hide it but maybe just make those who haven't clear Second Dream see the operators as their frames or something instead of removing the feature for others.

    Started the game about half a year ago. Would've been more impressed with the Second Dream if it wasn't for people flashing their chest lasers in public games from Ceres onwards. Shrug.

    That being said, making operators invisible for those that haven't completed the quest yet sounds like an ideal solution. I'd say please do that for missions too. Pretty please.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Towik said:

    If you don't understand what i meant ,here - its a simple message that if a person that is horrible with a keyboard should reques a transfer to a console ,were she or he can be happy .

    It's perfectly understandable that having your words be misinterpreted is frustrating, even more so if the response you get is disproportionate to your original meaning. However, the responsibility of the correct interpretation does not lie solely on the receiving end. I opened your link without noticing this part of your message. How should I have known the word universe was referring to the platform someone plays the game on? To me it looked more like someone telling that those unable to properly operate a keyboard have no place here - which has a wildly different tone than saying they might be better off on consoles. I'd hazard a guess the moderator was under similar expression.

    You know, to some extent I get the feeling. It's not uncommon for me to literally translate expressions of my native language to English, which often results in confused silence or hilarious moments. I can't pin either of those on my friends who don't speak my language - how could they had known? I've had my words crossly misinterpreted when I've been ambiguous and that's been on me just as well as on them.

    For the record, personally I'd have been more in favour of a stern warning instead of a kick, but I'm not really too surprised that the situation is as is.

    EDIT: Spelling. Derp.

  13. I've learned to like spy missions only after getting Loki. It was much smoother to learn how to do the vaults when you can turn on easymode. I used to avoid them like plague before that due to being soured by early experiences (that one vault on Earth and the final mission of Stolen Dreams to name a few).

    When you don't have a stealth frame (or necessarily even silenced weapon apart from a melee one or silencer mods) in the beginning learning how to spy revolves a lot either on trial-and-error gameplay or just looking up the solution from the internet. While just being patient helps a lot, there's not much you can do to remedy crossing a corner and walking headfirst to an enemy or finding a camera looking at your face once you open a door other than to race against the clock or abandon the mission. The longer countdowns on early missions help a lot, but they're way more helpful once you already know what you're doing. Someone who already is familiar with the vault can often save the situation in the 30 seconds, while someone who doesn't is much more prone to panic and sure isn't going to go explore when summers are blaring and red lights flashing.

    Now I feel like spy missions are a fresh breath of something different and even run then just for the fun of it, but like many other aspects of this game, the learning experience left a lot to be desired.

  14. I'd like to see Spoiler mode be completely invisible to all players that have not yet completed the Second Dream.

    There's plenty incentives like Fissures and Alerts that keep pulling late game players to low level missions, not to mention occasionally some join just to help budding players out or hang out with friends. I've lost the count of how many times I've gone 5-ctrl-space-5 for Energizing Dash just out of muscle memory only to curse at myself since there's a MR 3 on their merry relic run. I've also seen plenty of players flaunt their operators with little regard to players like these: you wouldn't believe the amount of chest lasers I saw when I was new.

    I know not everybody cares about it, but for those who do, it feels quite horrible to have themselves spoiled on the number one plot twist of the game against their will. It'd warm my heart to see something being done to prevent this, and I know I'm not alone.

  15. I feel like this thread is heading in the wrong direction with all the "what would you feel like":s, "they haven't earn it":s and "logging in is not hard work":s.

    The real question is, would implementing the tracks make Warframe a better game - and I have a hard time seeing how weakening the relationship between functionally relevant items and huge time gates would not make it better.

    Some people want their mementos and bragging rights. Sure. But please, why would they have be things like weapons and mods that have a practical ingame use? A syandana is going to be just as capable of showing off that dedication than a weapon, but not having one won't lock anyone out of gameplay. If you really need a compromise, have those cosmetics locked behind certain numbers and let people choose the weapon tracks.

  16. Would not be too worried about the change if it wasn't for the fact that bringing four Ivaras is the most widely recommended way of farming War parts. Even as it were they were hard enough to consider not even bothering, and this just pushes me over that edge. On top of that Lua sentients seem like a woefully ineffective way to gain sentient cores - just compare how hard they are to find in relation to simple Vomvalysts.

    All in all, multiple Ivaras seems like something you'd want only for drops from very specific enemies that can not be killed in large numbers (rendering Nekros less effective, while enabling Ivara to pickpocket them before they get stomped down) which would be something that I could see being fixed by looking at the corner cases. Unless that happens I'm not seeing myself spend any more time farming Lua sentients, cores or not.

  17. 4 hours ago, Crystalshadow98 said:

    This prevents players like me from hoarding 999x of a relic during this 2 month unvaulting period. Yes, during 2016's unvaulting my friends and I hoarded nearly 200x (per player) Axi E1 (the ember prime bp relic), and we all waited for the vault to close and sell those for sweet platinum. 

    This is a cheap way of earning platinums, you may not like players like me for oppressing you on a high price for vaulted relic, the Devs "might" not like that either. 

    As a quite new player, I'm not annoyed in any shape or form by veterans and/or active players having things I don't. They farmed the relics, they sat in the void and they spent their hours on Draco or whatever.

    What I'm bit miffed about is prime set prices of several hundred plat. It's going to take a while for stuff like Nova Prime to come back, and even if the differences between that and the normal version are only slight, it's a strong feelsbadman-moment to invest limited resources into an inferior version.

    This game has some stuff of limited availability, and I dare not even hope that would change, so there's always going to be haves and have-nots. Making the limited availability stuff even more difficult to aquire does naught but push the prices up. To a new player it makes no difference if you're sitting on ten, hundred or a thousand Ember Prime sets. It does make a world of difference whether you sell them for 1000, 500 or 100 plat.

    EDIT: Not to mention, if the veterans actually have piles of spare vaulted relics they might be more inclined to actually run them, instead of sitting on top of their last three relics, bringing the vaulted stuff back into circulation.

    From the perspective of someone who has missed a lot of stuff because they got into the game recently there's nothing positive about the previous limited availability goods being rare.

  18. When fighting against Mutalist Alad V in today's sortie as Rhino, after I got controlled by him my Iron Skin was instantly taken down (this might be as intended, I have no idea). When I got downed the first time everything worked as usual. Second time my only teammate as Nidus also went down, but when I was reaching for X to revive, I was taken out of bleedout, but could not revive. The normal revive prompt did not show up, and the edges of my screen had a red glow.

  19. So I've helped a couple new players find the fragments so they could get on with the game during the past week or so.

    I know this has been suggested earlier, but could the Thief's Wit reward be moved from the Phobos junction to Mars or another earlier one. While not a grave issue by any stretch, the fragments tend to be a bit of a progression stopper for new players, so giving them the tools to get the job done easier would improve the experience as far as I'm concerned. Giving the bundle of free scanners already helps, that I have to admit, but with Somachord tones taking up spawn slots (or does it just seem so?) a bit of additional help would be welcome. Somachords getting their own minimap icon might also be a nice touch to prevent the moments of scurrying over when you've finally found something only to have it be the thing you're not looking for.

    As someone who's positively delighted for the inclusion of the tones, it's been a bit disheartening to have a new player swear, because this was the second 'chord in a row while all they're interested in is getting the junction requirements fulfilled. While introducing them to fragments as a byproduct of this hunt is a nice quirk, it might severely backfire, if the first experience with this shiny new thing is mainly negative.

    It ain't a big thing, but I wanted to get this out there.

  20. As someone who likes and enjoys archwing, I've got to echo the sentiment expressed earlier: stopping and slowing down is leagues too hard for a smooth experience. I've spent more time than I'd like to admit bumping face first to the outer shell of the Fomorian.

    And that's what I remember that event for. Not Vay Hek's over-the-top speeches, not the Mass Effect -esque massive threat nor the actually satisfying destruction of the core and the scurrying away after. I remember kissing the rotten ship with my forehead.

  21. 15 hours ago, NightBlitz said:

    did you know? Jupiter is probably the 2nd most unique planet in our system, second only to our own, the Earth (and that's only due to being the only known planet with life).

    there are actually theories (made by the people that study these things for a living, btw) that Jupiter might have originally supposed to have become a star, but it didn't. Jupiter does in fact share quite a few similarities to stars, so i wouldn't say the data fragment is entirely wrong with its first line. it would actually make sense if Jupiter was originally on the path to becoming a star, but something stopped it. for those that don't know, singular star systems are actually quite rare, binary systems (those with two stars) are far more common (tho three star systems aren't unheard of either).

    Interesting to hear to be honest. Fits reasonably well within what I've been reading on brown dwarf formation recently. The bottom line is, stars are defined and told apart from gas planets by one thing and one thing only - nuclear fusion. As mentioned earlier, Jupiter is only missing some mass (deuterium burning limit being ~10 times mass of Jupiter) from being massive enough for the gravitational force necessary to produce the temperatures to support fusion. And well, if it was, those extreme temperatures mentioned would be on a different range as even those brown dwarves are several hundred kelvin hotter than Jupiter. There's no discussion whether or not Jupiter ended up being a star.

    As far as I know there is some discussion on the difficulty of differentiating between brown dwarfs and giant gas planets, but that's because the mass limit to burning deuterium depends on other factors like the metallicity of the star and as such is not a defined constant, rather than nuclear fusion being somehow unfit to notate the difference between planets and stars.

  22. Spoiler

    It is not impossible to mine a star. Rich with liquid metallic resources, the gas-giant Jupiter challenges harvesters with increased gravity, intense magnetic fields and extreme temperatures. Only the most tenacious profiteers would dare operate here. Prevailing science if Corpus industry thrives in the clouds of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.

    The text within the data fragment included in the spoiler.

    While this may be quite nitpicky and there's nothing claiming that the setting of the game is our solar system to the letter I would like to address something here. As written the text includes a noticeable implication that Jupiter is a star. As it is also correctly labeled as a gas-giant (which are mutually exclusive) and what we see in game does not reflect it being a star I assume this to be accidental.

    All in all, the slight is quite harmless, but it has the potential to severely damage willing suspension of disbelief and I assume correcting it would not be too much of a task. Thank you for your attention. Have a lovely day.

    P.S. I apologize if this is the wrong feedback category

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