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Posts posted by Shabach

  1. I was playing with some new friends, and one of them acquired the Heat Sword from one of the early introductory quests. The inbox message said something to the effect of "Fire is especially effective against the infested" and the gave them the blueprint for the heat sword.

    Something we noticed though, is that the Heat Sword doesn't have innate heat damage like the heat dagger does. It's been such a long time since I've even thought about that particular weapon, it never would've crossed my mind.

    I guess the end result I'm asking for is to add some small amount of heat damage to the heat sword to bring it in line with the 'lore' implication from the inbox message.

    • Like 2
  2. I just purchased the new Citadel Deluxe skin for Vauban, and noticed that the pistons on his chest and legs slightly squish and distort when they move downward. I'm curious if that's an intentional design choice, or a limitation of how the game handles skins. The skin is gorgeous, and handles the metal shading wonderfully, but that squishiness gives off the distinct impression of not being very piston-like behavior.

    Here's some pictures showing it in process, in the right-most piston:




    Video of the effect:


  3. tl;dr A specific set of missions that give rare/useful resources that are Operator only. possibly include Umbra specters


    I'm here on vacation, reading a couple posts about why people started playing, why they've stopped playing, problems with farming, focus, and relics, and one thing in particular jumped out at me. The base reason we level up weapons, or build new Warframes, is so our grind can be more interesting, less difficult, or more rewarding. Sometimes a new frame is enough for us to want to stretch our legs (or fingers) in a survival mission, maybe that level 30 Tigris will get you further in a defense mission, or make farming a boss 3x faster than before. Now that you finally have Nekros, you don't have to spend as much time farming for Oxium/Plastids/Ocells. The common factor here is that all the progression we are working towards, bolsters the core gameplay loop, which is great!

    Then there's the focus system. It's the "end game" of Warframe. For me however, it feels like a mostly separate system with little useful interaction in other content. It's separated from the loop. The Zenurik energy boost is nice, EZ revives for teammates, and obviously in Eidolon hunting it's nice to have an Operator that's more useful in battle than an actual adolescent, but I haven't found a place that the Operator exists in more than just an ancillary role (again outside of Eidolon shield breaking). So the idea that I had while thinking of the new Fortuna area, and a specific mentioning of the Quills faction being present there, as well as the quills role in providing Amps and Fashion items; What if the Quills had a special set of missions that were highly lucrative, but were Operator only? Or possibly Umbra inclusive, but as a specter role only? The missions could vary between quick one-off types like assassination or exterminate, but could also feature survival and defense missions akin to the old Void Tower style of farming. Staying for a longer diration in these Operator-only missions would be rewarded with rare resources or larger quantities of difficult/time-consuming resources. Direct access to vaulted prime parts? Non-vaulted prime parts? Ducats? Oxium/Cryotic (I can't be the only one that is always almost out of these)? It's tough, because I'm really not sure what veteran players really want, aside from a trainer tool that lets them set every game resource to 9999. Some suggestions would be great, because all the examples I try to think of either already exist in other areas, or are impractical (direct ducat farming is probably super dumb).

    I like my Operator. I keep his voice lines on, because it was an enjoyable process to discover him and pick what he looks like and kit him out, but he feels pretty useless to me most of the time. A place where I'm forced to use him, to get something valuable to me would be nice. The key thing here is this: Warframes base progression of building weapons/frames leads back to the grind, whereas the focus system mostly just feeds back into the focus system. Finding a way to lead the focus system back into the grind would be nice. I'm getting really tired now, so I'm starting to trail off. Maybe someone can flesh out this idea a little better in the comments. 'night!

  4. I disagree. On a strictly Free to Play game, where majority of revenue is from prime access and platinum sales, it would be damaging to their bottom line to provide greater or more frequent discounts on the only thing they sell.

    I'm grateful for the 75% discount when it comes, but I've bought plat on 20% and 50% before too. I am happy to pay whatever it costs at the time I need it, because I've never racked up 2500 hours in a game, let alone one I was never forced to spend a single dime on. Warframe is one of the best games out there, in terms of player economy and content development. It's player base is incredibly spoiled because of this.


    So as a personal favor to me, quit your whining* and enjoy your (free) game.


    *Edit: I used a stronger word the first time. Lets be nice here I guess.




    This is where my operator was on the ship. A second after that screenshot, I tried moving to get a closer look at his face, and accidentally went through him. When I turned around, he was gone. That seriously creeped me the F*** out. I just couldn't move or look away for the longest time.

    At first I thought maybe this was something new, that the operator would roam around kinda, like Kavats/Kubrows. But then it spoke "Hey Kiddo" *shudders*

  6. This is just a small issue with my account. I have received the Brawler Mastery III Achievement (Rank 30 w/ any three), but my account on Steam is missing the Brawler Proficiency (Rank 30 w/ any one) set of achievements. Obviously to have ranked up 3 of them, I had to rank up one fist/gauntlet weapon. I'm not sure how this happened, but it's driving me crazy. I confirmed I can't fix it myself recently with the Ankyros and the Furax Wraith fist weapons. After ranking those up, I did not earn the Brawler Proficiency achievement.

    I've submitted a support ticket with Steam, and they told me it was an issue that would have to be resolved by someone at DE, that they couldn't do it.

    It's a silly issue, and if it never gets resolved, that's okay, I love playing the game anyway. I'm just dreading the day I reach Mastery Rank 30, I have every weapon and achievement, and there's still Brawler Proficiency I, II, and III sitting there taunting me.

    Pics or it didn't happen:


  7. I know people have had issues with Hyekka Masters. I know there have been threads about it. But it's really getting ridiculous.

    The Problems:

    1. Hyekka Masters throw lobbed napalm grenades that do friendly damage
    2. Hyekka Masters have poor aim
    3. Hyekka Masters are not fire-proof
    4. Hyekka Masters have relatively high armor and health, compared to other enemies at-level

    Usually if I'm on a Grineer offensive, and some spawn in with me, I'll hang back and try to let them die. Just now, however, I was in a mission where three spawned in at the same time in an infestation exterminate invasion. They spent the entire mission in one of two states: Either they were on fire, or they were literally on fire

    Most of the problems listed above aren't really that bad. Hyekka Masters are supposed to be a high tier enemy, they're not meant to be cannon fodder. And the fire bombs that act like actual fire would make sense. I can't think of a reason why fire wouldn't burn this other guy just because he's on the same team. Even their aim is fine, because if Hyekka Masters started lobbing those grenades with pin-point, sniper accuracy, I can only imagine how fun Grineer missions would be.

    I don't know how to fix it. But there's the issue. Maybe the Grineer weapons Research & Development teams need to unveil the latest in not-burning-your-friends technology: SaFire™ Napalm Grenades

    Exhibit A




    Exhibit B




    Exhibit C




    Exhibit D




    Exhibit E




    Exhibit F




    Exhibit G




    Exhibit H




    Yeah yeah, we get it. Just keep in mind this was all one mission. And if I tried to get in front and blow past them, they would catch up and set me on fire too. I ain't havin' that.

  8. I've encountered a bug where my player is constantly aiming. I am unable to stop aiming, and am unable to fire my weapon as well. Jumping will temporarily cancel it out, but only until I hit any other button. Kinda unplayable at the moment. :/ sorry DE

    P.S. I tried changing the bound button for aiming, as well as the option to toggle aiming. Neither fixed the problem.


    I've had a controller plugged into my computer for about three months, the most recent update did something wonky with controller input, and it was overriding all mouse input. After unplugging the controller, everything went back to normal.

  9. I'd like to see the higher-up enemies in the various armies have some more variety and utility. The Grineer commander has his teleport ability, but I'd like to see enemies have a higher sense of combat awareness. Maybe commanders could carry multiple weapons, and switch between them at different ranges. Or maybe they can assume command of a group of grineer soldiers nearby, and they'll form up into some sort of squadron and advance as a group. 

    Something similar in the Corpus would be interesting. Have a Corpus tech rally with two crewman and two Moas, and form an advancing party that stays in formation as it moves along.


    That's something I would like to see in the game, is a better sense of combat awareness from the enemy AI. More tactical approaches, not just crouching behind cover, peeking their heads out every now and again. Although I will say that is a valid move as well, and is definitely an improvement over an enemy that just marches forward into your bullets.

  10. Short and sweet.

    4 players in t4 survival.

    Vor has been killed

    3 of us get downed, forced to revive via expendables.

    All weapons and frames Level 0
    Still have mods and mod effects (unranked soma p 200-1000 per shot)


    All warframe abilities except the first one were level locked. I could no longer place vortices, but as I continued fighting and trying to reach extration, I managed to level up enough to unlock bounce :P which was utterly useless as I fled, haha!

    Not reallyt sure what happened there, the only guy who wasn't affected was the last guy who held out and didn't get downed. Though the strange thing is, I'm fairly certain that was not the first time I'd been downed since killing Vor.


  11. Alright, so how about some inclusion into the SOLAR RAILS. It has been said the corpus control most of them in certain sectors, how about those become the host location for the 'train' missions. And don't let your pre-conceptions of a train fool you into thinking they are small, this is Warframe! Our space-trains can be as big as you like! Huge, massive structures zooming along futuristic paths through space.
    Corpus ones look like massive horizontal buildings levitating via magnetism.
    Grineer could be closer styled to actual trains, where they are in direct or nearly direct contact with the rails, over swaying and buckling. Grinding a bit even.
    Infested 'trains' could look organic, using rapid moving legs appendages to propel itself down the twisting pathway.

    The mention of stations above would be a excellent way to transition from one enemy type to another, or even give a natural pause for the mission, if it were wave-styled. You could protect your train until you arrive at the station, then maybe sneak through something and reroute your train (spy/deception), or kill everyone on the platform (exterminate) and then either leave and claim your reward, or hop back on and continue, rng deciding who you face next.

    This is excellent. I want this very badly.

  12. The game freezes for a moment, becomes unresponsive, then all visuals are gone, and the game appears to have crashed. However, I can still hear game sounds, listen to menu navigation in response to key presses and mouse movement, but I'll be staring at my desktop, or any other window open. I cannot bring the game back up, even after trying to disable and re-enable my graphics drivers.

    The crash seems to be Void related, as it most often happens while in running void missions. Not a huge problem when running solo, but very frustrating when it happens after wave 38 on a T3 Defense. It's not frequent enough to stop me playing Void missions, but common enough to warrant a complaint.


    It is important to note the game does not actually register a crash, it simply stops working for a moment, then catches up, then disappears (everything. UI, HUD, the actual engine window, everything). But then sounds continue as normal, and my player will not disconnect from the mission. I have to close or force quit the Evolution Engine manually either by the icon on the taskbar, or via Task Manager.

    edit: Due to the nature of this issue, screenshots are essentially useless. There's nothing to see here, move along.

    tl:dr; plz fix void

  13. Lately when playing warframe, I'll be in the middle of a mission and the game will lock up and become completely unresponsive. I just recently noticed this usually coincides with a suddenly poor connection, which might be a problem with my service provider, or the router/modem. 

    I just recently did some registry repair via CCleaner, and didn't experience any more issues the rest of the night, though the problem is infrequent enough, that might just be coincidence.

    I just wanted to post this here, if anyone else is having similar issues, and can also correlate network connectivity to the crashes.

    P.S. The game doesn't actually crash, the display just freezes. I can still hear game sounds playing, and controls also work (I can hear the menu open and close, and can hear the selection of menu options). It just occurs to me I might be experiencing graphics card issues, as in a faulty card. I'll explore that on my own tonight.

  14. I'm not sure if this is intended, but I've noticed and issue with Argon crystals. I'll do a particularly long run on a T4 Defense, get about 6 or so, but I won't be able to use them all that day, due to not having the credits or perhaps some other material. I'll get on the next day, still have all 6 from that mission, work on getting other materials for my build, and then get off and go to bed. The point here, is that 24 hours have now gone completely by. What I notice when I come back the second day, is that all 6 are gone. I thought they worked more on a half-life radiation method, where you can get as many at once as you want, but then they decompose at a rate of 1 crystal every 24 hours, not all at once 24 hours after you get them.

    Now, I might be simply mistaken, and this is not a bug. But it certainly makes Argon a frustrating resource to prepare.

  15. Something that I would like to see fixed eventually, is the error where your Warframe's abilities are negated when travelling through the portal (Rhino skin, volt's Speed, etc). It never directly led to me being downed and needing revival, but I could easily see how, especially in the upper exp levels, it could become a severe nuisance.

  16. I would love to hear some more variety from the radio transmissions. I love the fact that they released another one for the Operation: Gate Crash. I think it would be great to hear some more references to the outcomes of some of the older missions we've done, things like Breeding Grounds and Cicero, maybe that one big Corpus Vs. Grineer one that we had (can't recall the name).

    I know that in the ship, another radio interceptor could be placed directly opposite of the Grineer one, with a blue coloration, to distinguish itself. It would be a good idea, ahead of time, to make sure the frequency of these intercepted transmissions would be lowered, and maybe the frequency of each faction could be dependent on where in the solar system you were, and what ships were flying overhead.

    I guess my main thing is getting to hear some corpus transmissions, some business transactions, cargo manifests, things they'd be likely to say. Especially their general motto, just like the Grineer with "Glory to the Queens".



  17. I do know that I recently played a T4 Survival, and at around 35 minutes, there was a Leech Eximus Heavy Gunner (I think that's what it was), and good lord I was pouring clip after clip into it's ugly face and I swear it felt just as effective as if I had been glaring particularly hard at him. At the time I was using a Boltor Prime, with a decent mod loud-out, given it was only rank 15 at the time. So something like that would be useful here, something just ridiculously hard to take down, due to armor and health, and then add some ability negations (deactivated stealth, can't be bastille'd, etc.) and set it loose a room or two before the Armory. 


    Another thing though, you couldn't choose the weapon you get, it's just a mission type for blueprints specifically. You won't get Formas or parts there.

  18. There's been suggestions of adding Void Mini-bosses. New enemies that are significantly harder to beat, and require special equipment load-outs or strategy. Similar to the prosecutors. I think those would fit well here, in this mission type. Have some sort of Armory Guard designed to protect the weapon vaults, and there would be one in a small anteroom before you can get to the armory itself.


    I wonder how Stealth frames would do in this mission? If they could sneak right by everyone...I would suggest the Armory Guards have some effect similar to when the stalker is pegged on you, your invisibility is negated.

  19. tl;dr Found at bottom


    If you play warframe a lot, and have several hundred hours logged in to trying to get prime weapons and pieces, you know how frustrating it is to spend 32 Tower keys trying to get a specific piece, and only managing to get 16 of a certain blueprint or piece instead of the one you were looking for.


    What if there were a new gamemode, similar to the spy mode, where you travel across the map to different Armory rooms in which you have to hack into the room and collect certain artifacts to take back and do some sort of reverse engineering to get the blueprint for the weapon. Higher Tier keys would carry the respective higher tier blueprints from other mission types (hopefully concentrating the rewards a bit more, lessening dilution).


    The levels could have more locations to hit, and as each room is hacked, the enemies become higher level or more difficult enemy types become more frequent. This would also be a chance to incorporate more difficult hacking situations to the game, to make cyphers more useful in general.


    As always, if you think this is a good idea, upvote, comment, and make some noise. Let's get DE's attention.


    (side note: I briefly wanted there to be a timer based hack where you had to wait, but that felt too reminiscent of Mobile defense)


    tl;dr: A new Void Tower type for getting blueprints specifically.

  20. I'm not sure if this is exactly the right area, but I figure it's close enough. They're more of a warframe/gear though. Meh.


    tl;dr found at bottom


    I was playing one of the interception missions the other day, one of the harder ones, and decided to spawn a low-level specter for that little extra assistance it can provide, and also to get more comfortable using it as a gear/teammate. I got the opportunity to revive it, which gave some good intel on health, how they hold up under fire, etc.


    Something I noticed that bothered me though, is that they don't offer any boost (that I noticed) to the capturing speed on points in the interception missions. And they absolutely should. You can't spam them, as you can only launch one per mission (I'm not sure if it's just one, or one of each kind), but it's not something that'll be a massive game changer if fixed.


    With any luck, this is already in the works. Let me know if you have any feedback on this. Criticism is good.


    tl;dr: Specters should decrease capture time.


    If you like the idea, make it happen. Comment, upvote, follow, do whatever you can to get attention from DE.

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