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Posts posted by Dreamforger

  1. 6 minutes ago, holyicon said:

    Oh this is in no way meant to replace the endless Kuva runs.

    Just more towards making the Fortress an inviting place to play.

    Of which Endless Kuva has made a good start.

    Well I guess any addition would be nice toward the endless pool of kuva consumed by RNG.

  2. I think I am one of the few people who find the new endless Kuva mission fun to play. I mean yeah take maybe 20+ min to get over 10k. But it feels so much easier to grind it that way.

    and more fun somwhow.

    I like the endless kuva run, even though it might not be effecient :)

  3. On 3/4/2018 at 5:08 PM, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    Many Zaws you can craft are actually among top tier for their weapon type, and I'm not exclusively referring to the plague zaws. On that note, however, my Plague Zaw replaced Nikanas as my primary melee preference for the first time in years. Lol

    Now I kinda wish there was a Nikana Zaw...

    I can see why Exodia themself may be exclusive to Zaws, but it would be nice to have a normal melee alternative option though.

    Or that Zaw could use skins :0

  4. 12 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

    oh so an augment that gives a 9m proc blast or puncture aoe that activates each time chroma receives 150 damage to his shields and health is just fine? so having mechanic for an augment for elemental ward that elemental ward should of had in the first place is fine? so having the ability to guide the effigy is just a fine augment for an 4th ability  that has the worse case of energy guzzling habbit? 

    don't forget other frames excellent augments like  hydroids "i need to have my tentacles to make the kills for extra drop rate" which effectively wastes other players time. or how about limbos haven augment that heals a frames health by 25% which if you forgotten even though you can roll out of it is annoying as hek because you have to roll out of it to continue playing the game. or how about the creativeness of having volt, ember, frost, and saryn all 4 having the same 1st ability augment in their respective flavors. 

    edit: do i need to find any more augments to nick pick? or should i continue to other mods and nick pick them to find some of the less sense able mods out there to prove a point?

    Yep, just fine :)

  5. After the hotfixes my bullet jumping are failing over 70% of the times.. resulting in my frame just making a small normal jump.

    It doesn't seem to have anything to do with how long I hold down jump or crouch.. it seems really random.

  6. Add a better build mod!


    Let us see grids and scroll between levels. Then have an bare at the bottom with the different rooms.

    We should be able to place them as we want (no need for power or connection), but if they are missing power etc. The doors leading to them will be red and closed. Missing connection then they will be unusable.

    Let us be able to move rooms around to fit and match a clan dojo layout. 

    Remove the Forma cost and timegate, it really isnt and RTS.


    Add new functions to duelling and parkour room. You should be able to use the consol to change layout. Aka change the settings and look.

    The parkour room would have different leaderboards for the different layouts and rules.


    Make it happen. Dojos seems to be “easy” to improve from its current state.


    Here is something from an old post of mine:

    “So as it is right now, it is frustrating and clumsy to build your dojo.. this is due to cost of Forma, high building timer, and absure room deletion timer... But also the way you build.

    It is very hard to get an idea of the finished product, and again due to the high timers, making a mistake is painful and waste of rl-time. This take the fun out of it imo.

    I tried, with my poor drawing and copy-past skills, to come up with and idea on how it could look like.. I cannot believe how they ever thought that the current timer, resources and builder mode was great... Seems more like a quick solution, just to have it in game.”

    Picture for a visual example 


  7. I got a few suggestions for this, I am really not trying to make it OP, but might fail miserable.

    Mag size, bring it up with the ogrgon, tenora and soma.. between 80-160.

    Auto-fire is a bit underwhelming, a 20% crit and 2.0 multiplier along with 30% status would up this, and still have it beneath the Soma P, since it got better fire rate and hight multiplier. (Reason for this is to be able to score higher slash prox, but still be lower dmg-wish than the semi, and really can we kill every <2.0 crit multiplier alrdy ;))

    The semi-fire is fine, could consider 30% crit, 3.0 multiplier and 15% status, I do not know why you love odd number atm (balance?) (Bursty alternative focusing on crit, but not status, and not being better than Tenoras charge up shot)

    Finally I would add the passive for up to 200-300m.


    On a totally different side-note... Can we change "Abort Mission" to "Extract to Cetus" or "Extract from Plains". Cause this would leave out the confusion for player who do not want to be trapped, and keep their items.. Also a friend of mine claims that he lose all stuff when aborting from Plains.

  8. When fishing from Ivaras zipline the spear is delayed and it fires at randoms direction (sometimes backward).

    Also bounties still bug from time to time, make you unable to follow up after completing firat objective. (And sometimes the text is in french and the objective marker is way of)

    So not a huge amount of bug encounter after the later hotfixes.

  9. Just now, Stanelis said:

    You perfectly have the right to like fishing, but why force it down the throat of all the player base ? 

    It is not forced upon you. It is but another option.

    like conclave. Yep skins are locked behind pvp. Like clans. Yep weapon and frames locked behind clan tech.

    You can look at it several ways. But as I see it PoE gave me a new side activity, it would not replace the main game, the weapon and frames are far from meta and so on and so far.

    All in all a playground where one can look at is like a forced and boring grind, or a nice change to the other more closed missions.

    There are room for improvement, but with DEs staff and less than a year in development I didn't expect much, and was pleasant surprised.

  10. Just now, Yargami said:

       I think a lot of this could be fixed if we could trade fish (actually, I haven't checked, can we?). Those of us that don't mind fishing could start a fish market and trade for other materials or mods. Those who don't like fishing could just trade for the fish (or perhaps the individual materials needed) and not have to spend hours fishing. And just to be specific, I'm not saying trading fish for just plat, although I'm sure some people would be willing to do that. Other, more common (and not money related) materials like mining, mods, or maybe even sentient cores would be more accessible.

    To the fish trade. Yes you can.


    a lot of this is ppl thinking that the thread creaters, youtubers and salty people are the only truth to it (Looking at you brozime).

    but I am having fun.. and last I checked it was Warframe I played and in Plains of Eidolon. Judge by yourself.

  11. Burned out already? 

    I still find it fun and rewarding. Then again I do not have endless time to game, so just do what is fun (that's why I haven't done a lot of bounties).

    yeah I might not be able to craft in a long time.. but well used to it from other games.

    I think people fooled themselves by high hopes and hyoes into the unrealistic dream world. Take breath and a break from the game, see the real world and vome back if you feel like it. I mean paople are still playing BDO xD


    also DE alrdy said they are working to improve. Honestly I do not care for a bugger playerbase, it ruined smite (along with some bad dev choices :b)

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