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Posts posted by --Q--Neffy

  1. This game might not be dead in 5 years, but I don't think it's gonna be a incredible game with it's current dev team. (My opinion) The art team has it down perfectly. I'm wondering where the creativity went, this game was going somewhere a year ago and now it just feels like it's stuck. Lack of story with not much signs of that improving. Even if they say they're working on it, how long has it been since they first brought up Vor's prize? That's just one example. Each patch just feels so empty now. Just a new warframe with a new horrible way to grind for it. (T4 in this case) and you can't really call a prime frame new either I guess. It just looks nicer (that depends on the person) but it's still pretty much the same frame. The forma slots don't mean much cause you can just get those same slots regardless, thanks to forma. Then you have your new prime weapons to grind for as well. Then that's pretty much the update. Couple small fixes and more crap that they're gonna have to fix, DE doesn't go back and look over major problems, they add and keep adding. This is a beta where fixing is suppose to be a priority yet, they don't fix much of anything that's really worth mentioning. They make horrible mistakes (credits in the void) and it took quite a bit of rage threads to get them to do something as small as that. Why would you think to put that in there in the first place? There's just very little thinking and I've had my doubts about this group for quite some time now. Hoping they either change gears or get some people who can bring more to the game than just grind walls and space ships that you can't fly. Yes, I'm salty cause it's been too long and no real concrete progress has been made on the story of the game but the little pieces of paragraphs we get every blue moon. Label this a beta, then you need to start treating it like one. They've done a "fine" job adding a bunch of crap to buy from the marketplace, time to start adding some content that really brings the game to life. The bosses aren't really exciting either. Just mobs with a ton of health and fake difficulty by adding frames where the boss is invincible. There is nothing complex about this game. Wondering when DE is gonna make Tenno something more than just treasure hunters with high tech armor and weapons.


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