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Posts posted by AbathurX

  1. I just spam tap sprint throughout the entire mission.


    I try to roll dodge and wall run as much as possible in combat these days to make it more interesting.  I'd love to see more moves added and combat that requires it. 


    There are  2 kind of people. 



    But seriously I make combat interesting rolling everywhere, theres nothing better than dodging a meele attack doing a backflip, There should be a buff when you dodge an attack. Like increased speed or a 100% critical chance on your next attack.

  2. From what I read League requires teamwork to win while Dota is basically every men for himself.



    Thanks for the laugh! 



    OT: I am going only going to watch [A] games on TI, so its okay, i can also play WF , u should do the same, just watch your favorite teams

  3. No but seriously, there has been many recommendations about this :

    1) Change the size of the handle.

    2) Make it look less like an anchor

    3) FIX THE BLOCKING ANIMATION ( Take a wild guess, How does  a scythe blocks bullets? Spinning it around? LOL NO JUST SWING IT LIKE A PENDULUM)

    4) Fix the stealth attack, its a weapon which cutting the enemy in half is reasonable.


    I dont know why people even post here if DEs dont reply.. Thats why I am taking a break from WF after spending money here .-.

  4. PvP? LOL NO, i ran away from ego players full of themselves with their OMFGZARMOR+999 ..PVPONLYLOLHAHALOLISUXADIK


    Srsly, Dojo is enough, someone should build a clan called : The douches we hate being tenno welcome grineer or something like that and you all PvPers join it and stay there killing each other.

    Warframe is an AWESOME game for that PvE feeling, I love it.

  5. Ah.. So many people hating on Bladestorm.. My fav ult, But I see you have your reasons, to be honest i havent seen any downside since I play solo most of the times and I dont use it when I dont have to use it (Defense missions maybe?) 

    However I can see your point when you complain about the AOE and that it hits less enemies than it should, but Ive always thought of Ash as a Ninja, Trying to go as silent as posible, 

    Good feedback tho guys, I still like BS as it is, however it needs some buffs like the AOE and the dmg.

  6. Yeah, I think Ash's teleport should just make him go anywhere, between a range of course, When you are under fire or trying to escape its useless (which is 90% of the time)

  7.  let the wire go and try to stab you while you're down. :D


    Oh please dont! Its already annoying the fact they pull you towards her as the enemies shot you, lol


    And I gotta admit the hook is funny because if it misses she stays there like saying: Wait wut. I still wonder why she could raple, she moved using the wire as if she was a tenno, of course the animation was broken but..... is this a conspiracy!?

  8. Ah...


    Submit a ticket, attach your EE.log, and see if they can award you the blueprint.


    OH DON'T LAUNCH THE GAME UNTIL YOU DO THIS. You'll override the EE.log file. You want the one from this mission, and launching and exiting again will erase the record of you acquiring the BP.


    I wish I knew this before I opened the game again.. but well I guess I'll continue killing the stalker untill he drops it again


    and its my favorite weapon because I like the name and well, I like all the Stalkers weapons, I was going to buy the stalker set from the market but I think the price is a bit too much, Plus i dont like the colors.


    Yeah, the title was a bit harsh, I didnt mean to QUIT THE GAME, but to take a break because I was a dissapointed because of this bug that killed my dreams of getting my favorite weapon, lol. But its alright, I will continue playing and if something happens next time I will send that EE.log hiryu64 told me about, Thanks my fellow tenno. +rep for you

  9. Cant believe it, I stopped my 2 exp marathon for 1 week because of this, Its really stupid.. Just wow


    I was doing a Mobile defense mission and the stalker appeared, i killed the guy and dropped me my favorite weapon, Despair, I know for someone the other kunais are better but this is my favorite, i love the name and i am collecting Stalkers weapon, i already have Hate (both the weapon and the feeling), When I had to defend the pod , ( you know the one that moves after you defended the two terminals) , I was defending it and a heavy machinegun or whatever the white grineer is got stuck UNDER THE POD......... It was impossible to hit him, he just used his stun and knocked me away, after that he focused the pod and killed it in seconds, i tried to jump attack but it didnt seem to work, Its incredible how this bug didnt let me get my favorite weapon, I was so looking forward to get it and now this... I dont know what to expect from this game i had so many expectations, I even recommended 5 of my friends and they are still playing, I even showed off my warframe helmet and other colors, And now this, I know it sucks and the game is still on beta but at least I want to know what should do in these cases? Suck up my dissapointment? Its not like I hate the game, but I think its time to hear from someone what to do now... something else than : Continue playing untill you get it, cause yeah, no.


    tl;dr : enemy bugged ruined my chances of getting my favorite weapon ever, i am not crying but really dissapointed.

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