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Posts posted by dragonslayer667

  1. thx for ruining this frame all the powers are the same. all the powers being damage is useless.

    still only going to use world on fire and fireblast. fireblast might be usefull now but world on fire is still S#&$.

    now ember being a caster frame is fine but she is slow has no shields no armor and middle line health. so why are all her abilities requiring her to get so damned close.

    overheat was the only thing that made this frame any good. who cares if her being a tank frame was intended or not. if its the only thing that makes her playable then leave it as it was.



    and i just love how this thread gives no numbers. we just supposed to guess? guess you dont want to tell us how @(*()$ useless she really is now.

  2. Without Overheat, the fact that she's got the worst armor stat around, fairly low shields, low health, and unimpressive speed....




    She's dead meat.


    Even the 70% reduction without Focus (330 hours in, no Focus for me), she's squishy as all heck in later levels. That's with 70%.


    I have my sincere doubts that Focus'd Overheat after the changes will be anywhere near 70%.



    Basically, if you're an Ember, you will......what? Die a lot? lol. Who wants to spend most of their time laying on the ground? I sure don't. Nova is squishy enough, but at least she can actually kill crap before it touches her.


    But oh well. After a lot of the ridiculous challenge ramp-ups, I can't really see any reason to be anything other than Rhino or Nova, because everybody else is just too squishy and doesn't bring anything to the table, except Maybe Trinity... oh wait, Trinity is going to get mashed with the Nerf Hammer too.


    And with the people whining about Molecular Prime, Nova is probably going on the table at some point down the road which will leave us with......




    And/or maybe Loki.


    Everybody else will be just too darn squishy.

     exactly they cant say this skill makes her to tough seing as how all her stats are horrible

  3. Once upon a time, overheat only provided 50% DR. and it was still an awesome skill. if they shift it back to that, it opens up the possibility of some dual-stat power strength mods without having to worry about ember being permainvincible.


    so, kind of indifferent. largely depends on how big the shifts are.

    with how close ember has to get for her skills to be effective im surprised your indifferent. if it drops  to 50% dr good buy high level missions

  4. Which is a second or two longer than most frames, which can make quite a difference in certain situations.

    Link has no real business being full immunity and they are going to give it more teeth by description, not to mention bless grants invulnerability anyways so you can link, get into fire, start bless, kill tons of crap.


    Ember had skills like offense, defense, offense, offense and always lauded as an offensive frame so making her full offense instead of defensive makes sense.

    The thing you're really ignoring is; tanks aren't just about taking damage but they are about control as well... Currently I wouldn't really classify any frame as being "the tank" just defensive, offensive, utility and stealth frames.

    This is why I dislike people trying to insert metrics from other genres that don't really fit.

     doesnt make since at all for ember to have nothing but offense skill. why would i bother using different skill if they all accomplish the same thing. overheat needs to stay the same and i honestly think another of her abilities should become crowdcontrol. fireblast as some kind fo crowd control which is mention in her description would be amazing

  5. I am not a big fan of the nerf but if they dare relate it to frosts snow globe and get the idea to nerf frost then the gloves are coming off -.-

    oh ya i see a damage absorb cap on snow globe coming. at this point thats the "only" way it could be balanced seeing as how overheat and bastille getting nerfed and iron skin long since made crappy.

  6. I'd be perfectly happy if they were to take away Overheat's damage, in exchange for a faster casting time or longer Duration. Overheat is a defensive ability...It doesnt need damage.

     exactly skill covers a severe weakness in this frame seeing as how the good damage abilities require us to be in the center of all the bad crap

  7. Fireblast was fixed, fireball had a damage increase, but no words on how to actually HIT it what with the slow projectile, and NO WORD on World on Fire which is currently useless due to bugs and damage resistances.


    All in all, they slightly buffed an useless power without fixing the "useless" part of it, made it so mods properly interact with one of the powers, and nerfed her only useful power against high-end content.

     exactly the way i see it

  8. only buff that matters is fireblast not gonna spam the other damage sources only have so much energy.

    if they make this change all 4 abilities will be variations on the same thing.(ways to do damage).

    now i have no idea how much they are nerfing it but its embers only skill that does something other than try to kill crap ineffectively.

  9. Yes there is a performance issue with Warframe which appears to have started from update 9.

    I have only noticed it since 9.5 when the void was given new textures.


    Latest AMD beta drivers are causing a slowdown for me in all games.



    Warframe's always suffered from optimization issues. Never in my entire history of playing Warframe have I witnessed my CPU usage go past 30% and my GPU go to 100%, and I'm on a pretty low-spec laptop.

    glad to see its not just me

  10. good to know its not just me


    Did you recently update your drivers, possibly to beta drivers?

    I heard some drivers cause issues, or maybe your bottleneck is somewhere else?

    I once had an issue with a sound card causing hardware lag, updating drivers/setting down sound quality has helped there.

    Try running in windowed mode, or turn off Vsync, anything that could be messing with your Frames/Second


    havent changed my drivers in months and all of my componets check out fine

  11. so i have a phenom2 x 4 3.4ghz cpu and a radeon 6950 gpu and i've been getting some horrible fps issues.

    seems to have started when update 9 came out and has just been getting worse.

    used to run 60+ at maxed settings now i get 20- on minimum.

    decided to monitor my system while its running the game and i have noticed that my cpu usage never goes above 40% and that my gpu usage doesnt go above 25%.

    is the game just screwed or is there a new setting i need to turn off?


    edit: another hour of monitoring resource usage while playing  and it seems my gpu doesnt go over 10% while actually in a mission but can sit at 25% in the menu screens giving me 100+ fps

  12. ive noticed a serious fps hit since this update aswell had to turn off all extras and drop from high to low settings in order to get playable frames

    where b4 i could have everything maxed and still not drop under 60 most of the time


    and im not even going to get into the new lag and connectivity issues im having


    amd phenom2 x4 3.4ghz

    24gb 1600mhz

    radeon 6950

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